Member Reviews

I had a good time reading this book. I really liked the protagonist Kate and her story. The setting and plot are both so cool. Great storyline and writing style. Warm, cozy fantasy

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How dare there be a heat wave while I read this book!

All jokes aside, A Dark and Secret Magic is an absolutely delightful read that made me fully embrace the coziness of autumn even though it’s currently the first week of summer. There is magic, good and evil, present in our world hidden within those who live among us. We are completely unaware of the protection, love, luck, and joy that the coven pours over us mortals; not knowing that their magic is what keeps the world around us shimmering brightly.

There is darkness in these pages as well, but nothing that will induce nightmares or stick with you. Kate and Matthew’s story within these pages is enchanting.

I cannot wait to read this book again this fall!

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It needs to be Halloween right now!

As soon as I saw A Dark and Secret Magic had Hades and Persephone vibe I knew I had to get my hands on it, and let me tell you I am not disappointed.

We start by meeting Hecate Goodwin, Kate, who has perfected her craft as a hedge witch, a craft that was chosen for her by her mother. Now this is not the norm, but Kate has taken to the role very well. Kate's mother has passed and we are getting close to her 31st birthday. The 31st is especially important because it's when a witch confirms their craft and lets go of any other magic. Leading up to this day, Kate experiences many concerning dreams and learns more about why her mother chose her craft for her. We even get to meet Matthew Cypher, who is a necromancer from another coven. Although he shows up seeking sanctuary, Matthew protects Kate more than we could have ever imagined.

Kate and Matthew were adorable! I loved their relationship.

This is an amazing book to pick up especially close to Halloween.

Thank you to Wallis Kinney, Alcove Press and NetGalley for the digital ARC provided through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

A Dark and Secret Magic feels like the best of the fall days: when Halloween is on the cusp, the air smells like baked goods, leaves crunch under your boots while you pick pumpkins from a patch, and you drink hot chocolate to stay warm. I loved the slow burn romance and the complex family relations. This book felt real and true to life.

Hecate Goodwin, or Kate, was decided to be a hedge witch by her mother and her mother taught her everything she knew. This was not the usual way a magic specialty was declared in her coven, but it was Kate's. Her mother and father had both passed and her sisters had moved away. Kate stayed in the coven performing her hedge witch duties: a source of sanctuary and hope, offering shelter, aid and an ear to those who need it. After a series of strange dreams, one of which included a visit from a wraith of her mom's friend, an old friend from a different coven, Matthew Cypher, shows up on her doorstep requesting sanctuary. He practices necromancy, a practice forbidden by Kate's coven. Together they uncover something that puts Kate's coven in extreme danger. Together the two of them are determined to right the wrongs that come from dangerous secrets, but Matthew has some dangerous secrets of his own. With Samhain (which is also Kate's 31st birthday and Containment ceremony) coming up, will Kate and Matthew be able to save the Coven?

I would recommend this book to any witch looking for a cozy read, even if you're only a Halloween witch.

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The beginning was pretty slow but the second half was nicely paced and it was overall very atmospheric! Definitely enjoyed the book although it took some time to get into it.

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I 👏 loved 👏 it 👏.

I have to admit that when I read this description, I was unsure of it. There are a lot of good movies and books that give off the mystical feel of Halloween, with hints of lore and all things pumpkin spice.

As I was reading, I felt immersed in the story. I could hear (and see) the brown leaves rustling on the ground as the wind drives them a little further along. I could smell the crisp autumn air and see pumpkins on the steps of houses leading up to the front door. It was warm and inviting, cozy even. The cover alone seemed enticing.
It is hard to find a book that does this for me.

As the story progressed, there was food being prepared and sounded so delicious. With that said, the recipes in the back of the book tied it all together.

One should read a book and enjoy it. I was enraptured by the entire story. The plot moved along quite nicely.

5/5 🌟

Special thanks to #NetGalley and #AlcovePress for the #ARC to review. Publication date is set for October 8, 2024.

#ADarkandSecretMagic #WallisKinney #Magic #Secrets #Potions #PumpkinSpice #Pumpkins #Halloween

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This story is such a fun little Halloween read! It gives Practical Magic vibes for me. The 3 sisters remind me loosely of the Archeron sisters. Miranda being like Nesta, Hecate like Feyre and Celeste like Elain. There isn’t a deep dive into each character but just the overall dynamic reminds me of them.

This story isn’t spicy but the relationship between Hecate and Matthew is really sweet. I love how proud Matthew is of Hecate’s achievements and his unwavering faith that she is powerful. Hecate is a relatable FMC with her cozy cottage, Merlin her cat familiar and her questioning of her life being stagnant. The quest to learn the secrets of her mother’s life and realizing her full potential is a great way to start the fall season. The FMC is also in her 30’s, another big plus for this story

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"That's the great thing about being a witch, Mom. We get to decide what is true."

How could I not be captivated by the description of this book? A Hades and Persephone retelling mixed with Halloween, and the possibility to enjoy the autumn season in the middle of summer? I had to pick it up. I read the entire book in one sitting, which is a pretty good sign of how much I liked this story. I became invested almost immediately in Hecate's story, and the entire book just felt heartwarming.

I also have a strange passion for books where magic is connected to food and cooking, and the fact that all the recipes are described in detail made me appreciate it even more.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the chance to read this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the perfect cozy story for the fall. The witchy, Halloween vibes mixed with the forbidden romance made for an all around fun read!

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With the world building like Practical Magic, and a love like the Discovery of Witches, I was ready to be immersed from the first page, but found some problems.

Hecate is a cozy character, a witch in a small town getting ready to channel her powers to being purely a hedge witch, until strange dreams and long forgotten loves turn up on her doorstep. Matthew is the man from another coven who once betrayed her trust, but by asking for sanctuary Hecate must let him into her home, good idea or not. To top it off her absent sisters demand she get the house ready for the Samhein celebrations including Hecate's upcoming ritual to bind her powers. But returning to the house her mother called home Hecate finds a connection between her dreams and her recently deceased mother. A bargain and a changed fate leave Hecate facing a ferryman to the dead, the King Below, who's become obsessed with Hecate. She needs to trust in Matthew's knowledge of the dark arts, but may discover something else but trust beneath the surface. As the pair prepare for the night of Halloween more than one secret will be spilt between family, former loves, and a long unclaimed gift.

The story is richly written with many beautiful scenes of cottage core at their best and delightfully warming. These however were a bit heavy handed in the story themselves, leaving Matthew coming across as too much like the Matthew from a Discovery of Witches, lacking a depth that made the romance between the two a little hard to feel. There were also some snap character decisions that made no sense, one page stating Hecate was fine with Matthew's secrets and on the very next she was not. This left me feeling some things were rushed and some of the world building at the end not so clear. I feel as though some of those earlier scenes could be cut back to better build on both Matthew and the ending, including clarity and world building around the sisters and coven itself.

This was still a story richly written and Kinney's ability to make the reader feel as though Hecate was there and serving one of her special magic laden teas was what made this book a lovely witchy read.

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Wowowowowowowow I really enjoyed this book! The story was amazing world building was amazing and the characters were amazing.

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Thanks to the Publisher for the ARC copy of this book.
I found A Dark and Secret Magic a cosy and autumnal vibey reading. If you want to read something witchy and romantic that's the book to read next autumn. I really liked the main character and her journey of discovery tinted with a touch of mystery.
Though it wasn't perfect this book was really entertaining and very difficult to put down, I'm not an English native speaker but I read it like in 2 days.
Very recommended for a rainy autumn afternoon with a cup of tea and a cat to pet to try to feel a witch yourself!

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ARC kindly provided by publisher via NetGally in exchange for an honest review.

a cute witchy fall read. nothing to wild or crazy to rave about on this one. a quick read that could be fun around halloween for some, but was just a bit slow.

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Are you looking for a witchy read? Well, you found one!

As a huge fan of all things witchy, I was not disappointed with A Dark and Secret Magic. It has great world building, amazing autumnal vibes, and is the perfect thing to put you in the mood for spooky season. The romance isn't as spicy as I usually read (the door is slightly ajar and there is maybe a nightlight on) but I still really enjoyed my time with it.

Thanks NetGalley for the ARC :)

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I am almost kind of sad that I didn't read this in October because it's the perfect book for October! If you love all things magic, stories about witching and the perfect October atmosphere, this is the book for you. It has all: coziness, autumnal feel, magic and various magic use, sisterhood, intrigue, romance and mystery.

Kate is very brave and a heroine I really liked. She's extremely resilient and she is definitely not a damsel in distress. She's lovely and kind. I loved reading about her and through her eyes. Matthew is a good contrast to her but what I loved about him is that he's patient and so in love with her, just - hit all the right buttons, even if he did keep things from her for a good reason.

The only reason I am not giving this five stars is that for me personally, something we learn from Ginny very early on spoils the ending, or at least it did for me. But please don't let that stop you from reading, I really did genuinely enjoy reading this - it took me a few days but only because I was constantly waiting for little pockets of peace to read this undisturbed.

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This book was nothing like what I was expecting! Based on the description, I was expecting a cute cozy fantasy, but what I got instead was a high stakes magical adventure. It had a great blend of plot and romance and an interesting cast of characters. This book is overflowing with autumnal vibes and would be perfect to read in October, cuddled up under a blanket, sipping a pumpkin spice latte!

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The vibes in this book are so cozy and unique!

“A Dark And Secret Magic” blends Halloween, magic, mystery, romance, cottagecore, and witchy elements into a delightful read!

I found it very enjoyable during the summer, but I can just imagine it being ABSOLUTELY fantastic to read in late autumn as Halloween approaches!

The magic in the story is really captivating and easy to understand.
The plot is engaging and well-paced, making it a fun read.
The "forbidden" romance aspect was charming, though I wished Kate and Matthew's relationship had a bit more development during the story.

The recipes at the end of the book were a wonderful addition, I'm definitely planning to try some of them out!

To conclude i think that if you are looking for a cozy read about witches, mystery and a bit of romance, this book is waiting for you!
I suggest just to wait until autumn to read it as you will surely enjoy it more deeply!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book!

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A Dark and Secret Magic is witchy, mysterious, magical, and romantic! If you're looking for a new cozy autumn-halloween read, this is it!

Kate is a hedge witch who lives in a secluded cottage with only her black cat Merlin for company. She enjoys her quiet days gardening or preparing tinctures for the apothecary she owns. When Matthew shows up at her doorstep, shortly after finding out she is supposed to host the Halloween celebration for her coven, her solitude is broken. Matthew, in contrast to Kate, practices dark (forbidden) magic. Though as we all know, dark and light cannot exist without one another, which is portrayed on multiple levels.

Kate is probably one of my favourite heroines I've read thus far. She's soft and loving, clever and decisive, and not your usual damsel in distress. She takes her faith in her own hands, and I loved her for it.

Need I talk about Matthew? Swoon worthy! The way their relationship developed was lovely to see, and although there was miscommunication, I didn't hate it - Shocker, I know! They compliment each other so well.

Witchy girlies, this one is definitely for you! 🫶🏻🍂

thank you netgalley and the publisher for the arc!

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A perfect Autumn read for the crystal girlies or anyone looking for cozy, witchy, cottage vibes!

This story was so fun and enjoyable -- witches, shadow magic, secrets, cute romance, yummy recipes, & the coziest autumn aesthetic.
I really enjoyed the magic within this book, and felt it was very digestible and easy to comprehend. The storyline was fun and well paced in my opinion. I loved all of the secrets and the dark magic aspects that we learned as the story progressed. I did, however, wish there was more detail about the coven or even more of an exploration into the other magic specialties outside of our MC's abilities. The Halloween vibes were fun and felt so nostalgic. I absolutely love celebrating Halloween, so I am so excited for everyone to read this in October when it releases.

The "forbidden" romance storyline was cute, but I was definitely wanting a little more from Kate & Matthew. The chemistry felt a little off for me, and then the feelings started to feel a little rushed because I wanted more tension/build up between the two.

The recipes included at the end of the book were such a fun touch! I was drooling over everything that Kate made throughout the story, so having the recipes at the end was a happy surprise!

Many thanks to Alcove Press & NetGalley for this ARC in exchange of my honest review. All thoughts are my own!

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Utterly delightful and absorbing, I love how Matthew marches in and shakes up Hecate’s cottage world. ✨🔮🕯️As the title implies there’s all manner of dark magic afoot and secrets piling up until they crash like dozens of skeletons fallen out of the closet, culminating on Samhain with fate sweeping in. 🍁🎃🍂 Topped off with lots of wholesome witchy aspects that spell one delicious weekend read.

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