Member Reviews

LOVED IT! Magic, drama, and a bit of romance thrown in! This book radiates "Autumn vibes" and the recipes in the back were a fun touch! I'm not a witch like Hecate, but I can already see my future this Fall— I'm snuggled up in a cozy sweater with a hot drink in one hand and this book in the other!

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I cannot wait to pick this up physical copy for the fall. The cover drew me in and the cute Halloween vibes

Hecate was such a strong witch who just needed to be shown how good she can be
But I stayed for the Practical Magic and love.
This was great. I was so thankful to be approved for this arc
It’s so cute there are some predictables but it’s okay with this one.

I also wish there was a working index for the types of witches

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Thank you NetGalley, the publishers, and the author for an early copy in exchange for an honest review 4.75/5⭐️

I absolutely adored this book and will be buying a physical copy to reread every fall from here on out. It was so cozy with the perfect autumn in New England, Halloween nostalgia, and practical magic vibes. The characters were lovable and relatable. The different types of witch craft were well researched and explained and we got to see many witches practicing their chosen type of magic. This novel does a fantastic job of dealing with the grief of loss, and realizing those you lost may not have been who you originally thought they were. As someone currently dealing with this I just want to commend the author for how she had the FMC deal with this.

While certain “twists” were predictable for the type of novel this is, others truly shocked me. Even though some aspects were predictable, I still enjoyed my time reading it and wish I didn’t read it in two sittings. Which leads me into really my only complaint, I wish the apex of the novel was longer and flushed out more. I think if the scenes with the King Below or the clash between “good” and “evil” were longer and/or more thorough the pacing would have been better. I also think this book could benefit from an epilogue showing more of the relationship between everyone after the ending of the story (leaving this pretty vague to avoid spoilers). However, I know many people prefer an open ended ending.

Overall this book made my Halloween loving, New England heart right at home and I highly recommend you get a copy for spooky season when it rolls around!

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3,5 stars. Witchy, cozy and whimsical. I’m always drawn to media about ghosts passing on to the other side for some reason and this book was no exception. I really enjoyed reading about the magic system and the way different witches specialize in different types of magic. The plot was fairly simple and straightforward, but it had enough tension to keep me interested. Despite how cozy the book feels, there was some pretty high stakes action at the end, which I thought was very well done.

The author really commits to the spooky autumnal vibes. Yes, it’s Halloween themed but if you’re thinking dark gothic horror, you’re thinking wrong. There’s plenty of ghosts but this is essentially a pumpkin spice latte in a book lol. But like, a homemade version, since the main character is constantly home cooking delicious sounding food. I loved the inclusion of the recipes at the end, and I’ll definitely try a couple of them out.

The romance was cute. Despite finding Hecate (what a cool name) and Matthew a bit forgettable, I liked their dynamic very much. Maybe it was all a bit rushed, but I was okay with that because they weren’t total strangers. Matthew was always supportive of Kate and consistently encouraged her growth. They just kind of made sense together. The side characters were definitely forgettable as well. I had a moment in the middle where Kate's sisters (two of the most important characters in the book) visited and it really caught me off guard because I completely forgot that she wasn't an only child. My favourites were probably Ginny the book witch and Merlin the cat.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read the book early in exchange for an honest review.

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Title: A Dark and Secret Magic by Wallis Kinney

Release Date: October, 8th, 2024


"A Dark and Secret Magic" by Wallis Kinney is a captivating novel that weaves together elements of witchcraft, romance, and mystery into a tapestry that is as enchanting as it is unsettling.

Set against the backdrop of a secluded cottage in Ipswich forest, the story of Hecate Goodwin, or Kate, as she's known to her friends, unfolds like a spell being cast, drawing readers into a world where magic is as real as the emotions it evokes.

Kate's life as a hedge witch is one of solitude and contentment, until her sister Miranda's request to host the coven's Halloween gathering disrupts her peaceful existence. This event, which coincides with Kate's birthday, is not just a celebration but a reminder of the deeper connections and responsibilities that come with her heritage.

The arrival of Matthew Cypher, a man from Kate's past with a shadowy reputation, adds a layer of complexity to the narrative. His presence forces Kate to confront not only her feelings for him but also the secrets that have been kept from her, including those involving her late mother.

The discovery of a tome filled with dark magic and written in her mother's handwriting is a pivotal moment that sets the stage for a journey of self-discovery and confrontation with the unknown.

The relationship between Kate and Matthew is a highlight of the book, beautifully crafted and filled with tension and tenderness. Their interactions are charged with a sense of inevitability, as if their fates are intertwined by forces beyond their control. The development of their relationship is one of the most satisfying aspects of the story, offering a blend of romance and suspense that is hard to resist.

The novel's exploration of different kinds of witchcraft is both fascinating and immersive, providing a rich backdrop for the unfolding drama. Kinney's world-building is impressive, creating a setting that feels both real and otherworldly, a place where the boundaries between the mundane and the magical are blurred.

The twist in the story is masterfully executed, catching me off guard and propelling the narrative towards a climax of suspense.

"A Dark and Secret Magic" is a perfect read for those who love stories about witches, especially during the fall season. It combines elements of cozy fantasy with the thrill of a Halloween tale, creating a reading experience that is both comforting and exhilarating.

The book explores themes of family, trust, and the power of magic, all while delivering a swoon-worthy romance and a plot filled with mystery and intrigue.

A must-read for fans of witchy stories with a touch of romance. Wallis Kinney has crafted a novel that is both enchanting and thought-provoking, a tale that will linger in the minds of readers long after the last page is turned. For those who love a good witchy story with depth, this book is an absolute gem.

Thank you to The Publisher Alcove Press ,The Author Wallis Kinney & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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What a wonderful story about Hecate and her learning about what it truly means to be a hedge witch. Overall the setting and magick lore was entertaining. Hecate is a relatable character because yes I too stick to the exact same schedule every single day.

I will say that the writing is clunky at times and sometimes the dialogue felt off which led to me having to reread a couple sections to forgive out what was happening. The pacing also seemed off at times. There was so much build up to Halloween night, that I felt like when it did become Halloween, everything felt rushed and skimmed over.

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A Dark and Secret Magic reminds me a little bit of A Discovery of Witches, only a little bit more 'down to earth' and not quite as literary. It's the story of Kate, a 'hedge witch' who is reaching an important milestone in her life as a witch. She lives a fairly solitary life. That all changes with the coming of Halloween and Samhain, when a stranger at her door starts a sequence of events that will change her life. I like stories when witchcraft is connected to real life, without a lot of hocus pocus, and I enjoyed how this book handled that. I am not a huge romance fan and this was probably a bit too romance-y for me, but that's ok. I liked the relationship between Kate and her two sisters. All in all, a good read and I'd read a sequel.

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I absolutely adored this novel. The diverse forms of witchcraft were captivating, and I would definitely opt to be a book witch if given the chance!

The concept and setting of this tale are truly original and meticulously crafted. It strikes the perfect balance between a cozy autumn fantasy and an exciting Halloween narrative! I was completely engrossed in uncovering Kate's past, exploring the potential of her magic, understanding why her mother only taught her half of her abilities, and deciphering Matthew's true motives. I found myself trying to piece it all together before reaching the conclusion.

While the story does involve a battle against a dark witch from the underworld using shadow magic and touches on blood magic, I found it to be more cozy than dark overall. The pacing was consistent, character development was superb, and the plot kept me on my toes until the very end. This book encompassed all the enchanting elements of witchcraft... an intelligent feline companion, magical potions, spells, Halloween festivities, the clash between good and evil magic, and rival covens.

The dynamic between Kate and Matthew was enthralling, and I was taken aback by the unexpected twist! The final section of the book kept me guessing, unsure of how things would ultimately unfold.

Hecate emerged as a clever and resilient hedge witch, and I relished her character development throughout the story. Matthew, a charismatic and powerful witch, was portrayed exceptionally well. The array of supporting characters added depth to the narrative and each played a significant role.

The conclusion was simply exquisite, fulfilling my hopes for a satisfying ending!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc!

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I love a good witchy read and this was just that! Absolutely amazing 10/10! So many fun things rolled up into one with this book! I ate through this book when I had time to read.

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4.5 stars

Thank you, Alcove Press and NetGalley, for allowing me the opportunity to read this book.

I absolutely loved this book and read it in a day! An incredible book to read during the fall or Halloween season. This spooky witchy fantasy is one of the best I’ve read. A dark cottage core fantasy romance.

The romance in this book was spectacular. It had mystery, twists and turns, and sweet moments. Kate and Matthew’s love was so incredible to read and I was cheering for them the entire time. The two of them just fit together so beautifully but their romance didn’t overpower the rest of the story.

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This was a wonderful cozy and spooky read. Perfect to read during the halloween season. I absolutely loved the romance in this book as well. Every page was a delightful edition to the book. I highly recommend if you’re in the mood for a witchy book with all the vibes.

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Thank you, Alcove Press and NetGalley, for allowing me the opportunity to read this book for free in return for an honest review.

This book was fantastic! I had seen it recommended as having Practical Magic vibes, with Hades and Persephone mixed in, and boy were they right!

This book has the same witchy, cottagecore vibe that Practical Magic has, with all the drama of the Hades and Persephone myth. Hecate (Kate) is a hedge witch, living alone on the edge of her coven while still being responsible for their health and wellbeing. When Matthew (shadow hexan from their rival coven) arrives suddenly, he demands Sanctuary, and as a hedge witch she is duty bound to grant it. But it is obvious from the get-go that he is up to something.

As she navigates through her feelings surrounding the death of her mother, and begins to learn the secrets that were kept from her, Kate goes through a fantastic transformation. I think the author did a phenomenal job of displaying the different stages of grief we all experience after the loss of a loved one, and seeing Kate's struggle to reconcile her memories with the new information she learns really has you feeling for her.

The twists and surprises in this book will keep you hooked from the very start, and will leave you wanting so much more of this story!

I will also be posting this review to my social media page on Instagram and on Goodreads within 2 weeks of the publication date (around 9/25). I will update my feedback with those links once it is posted.

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So often, I find myself craving books with an atmosphere that feels like a warm hug. Like a warm cup of tea. Like distilled comfort. And A Dark and Small Magic is a book that perfectly fulfills this need. Every single page of it was delightful. The romance between Hecate and Matthew was adorable, I loved how steady it was. And I loved how well they complimented each other. They felt like a couple that truly fit. But surprisingly, their romance wasn't the star of the show. I loved it, don't get me wrong, but I loved the witchy aspects and overall plot of this one even more. The entire book was delightful, and I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for Kinney's next works!

Thanks to Netgalley for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I really enjoyed this book. The author did a great job creating a cozy but spooky setting for this magical book. I love the charming town full of witches and magic. The story was both unique as well an exciting, with complex and likable characters. There is just enough conflict, intrigue and romance to keep the story interesting. As a foodie, myself, I loved all of the descriptions of food. The recipes at the end were also a nice touch. This book seems like the perfect fall read. I am definitely interested to see what other stories this author writes in the future.

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This is 100% the perfect book to read in October while drinking hot spiced cider. Like that’s what I want. This book is AMAZING

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!

I had a really fun time reading this, I loved the Halloween vibes of this story so much!

While I did enjoy this story, and atmosphere of this world, I did struggle a little bit with the love story, it felt a little “insta-love”y to me. I wanted to be more attached to the MMC than I was, but the story was fun, easy to read, and if you’re looking for a great autumnal read, then look no further!

4 stars.

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3 stars ⭐️

This definitely attracted me because of the cover and title. It looked right up my alley and it was definitely a good read but it didn’t really keep me hooked as much as I was anticipating. It also could have just been my mindset and distractions though because I could others being fully entranced

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Thank you to NetGalley for this digital ARC of ‘A Dark and Secret Magic’, by Walter Kinney.
This was a brand-new author to me and I was instantly drawn to the artwork on the cover of this book. It may only be Spring, but I am always drawn to anything autumnal, pumpkin and Halloween related!
I enjoyed the main character of Hecate. Despite being a witch, she was a relatable character and one which you instantly wanted to befriend.
I particularly enjoyed the author’s way in which you were transported to Hecate’s cosy, magical cottage in the forest. A cottage surrounded by pumpkins, warm drinks and cosy fires.
I also enjoyed the magical elements of the book. The spells and the witch related backstory were easy to understand and in parts, the author had me wishing that I could cast healing spells!
I felt at times that the writing was a little awkward. The paragraphs were extremely short in lots of places, which made the flow of the story a little disjointed. But that may just have been a formatting issue in the pre-release, digital copy that I read. There were also a few typographical errors that I hope are corrected before the book is released.
The romance between Hecate and Matthew also felt a little rushed, but I have to admit that by the end of the book, I was routing for them to pull through.
Overall I did enjoy this book and it was a quick and fun read.

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I want to thank the author and netgalley for this ARC.
This book is comfortable to read, it's perfect for fall, that's the feeling it gives.
I really liked the magic system that was incorporated into the story by the author

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Witchy, autumn perfection!

Hecate Goodwin has lived her life just as her mother intended. Practicing her gentle hedge craft magic and dutifully staying in her small coven town of Ipswich. But now that her mother is gone, and her 31st birthday is drawing near, a tide begins to turn. Starting with a visit from a man she hasn’t seen in ten years, a man who lied to her, but she still finds irresistible. His visit is only the beginning, when a secret from beyond the grave shatters the fragile existence Kate has made for herself.

I enjoyed every page of this book. All of the different kinds of witchcraft were so interesting, obviously I would choose to be a book witch if I could!
The premise and world of this story are very unique and well thought out. This story is the perfect blend of a cozy fall fantasy, and a thrilling Halloween story!
Kate and Matthew’s relationship was divine, and my jaw dropped when the twist finally happened! The last quarter of the book kept me surprised and it wasn’t sure how the book would end up there for a while.
The ending was beautiful though, exactly as I hoped it would be!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Alcove Press for the chance to read and review!

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