Member Reviews

Thank you, Alcove Press and NetGalley, for allowing me the opportunity to read this book for free in return for an honest review.

This book was fantastic! I had seen it recommended as having Practical Magic vibes, with Hades and Persephone mixed in, and boy were they right!

This book has the same witchy, cottagecore vibe that Practical Magic has, with all the drama of the Hades and Persephone myth. Hecate (Kate) is a hedge witch, living alone on the edge of her coven while still being responsible for their health and wellbeing. When Matthew (shadow hexan from their rival coven) arrives suddenly, he demands Sanctuary, and as a hedge witch she is duty bound to grant it. But it is obvious from the get-go that he is up to something.

As she navigates through her feelings surrounding the death of her mother, and begins to learn the secrets that were kept from her, Kate goes through a fantastic transformation. I think the author did a phenomenal job of displaying the different stages of grief we all experience after the loss of a loved one, and seeing Kate's struggle to reconcile her memories with the new information she learns really has you feeling for her.

The twists and surprises in this book will keep you hooked from the very start, and will leave you wanting so much more of this story!

I will also be posting this review to my social media page on Instagram and on Goodreads within 2 weeks of the publication date (around 9/25). I will update my feedback with those links once it is posted.

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So often, I find myself craving books with an atmosphere that feels like a warm hug. Like a warm cup of tea. Like distilled comfort. And A Dark and Small Magic is a book that perfectly fulfills this need. Every single page of it was delightful. The romance between Hecate and Matthew was adorable, I loved how steady it was. And I loved how well they complimented each other. They felt like a couple that truly fit. But surprisingly, their romance wasn't the star of the show. I loved it, don't get me wrong, but I loved the witchy aspects and overall plot of this one even more. The entire book was delightful, and I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for Kinney's next works!

Thanks to Netgalley for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I really enjoyed this book. The author did a great job creating a cozy but spooky setting for this magical book. I love the charming town full of witches and magic. The story was both unique as well an exciting, with complex and likable characters. There is just enough conflict, intrigue and romance to keep the story interesting. As a foodie, myself, I loved all of the descriptions of food. The recipes at the end were also a nice touch. This book seems like the perfect fall read. I am definitely interested to see what other stories this author writes in the future.

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This is 100% the perfect book to read in October while drinking hot spiced cider. Like that’s what I want. This book is AMAZING

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!

I had a really fun time reading this, I loved the Halloween vibes of this story so much!

While I did enjoy this story, and atmosphere of this world, I did struggle a little bit with the love story, it felt a little “insta-love”y to me. I wanted to be more attached to the MMC than I was, but the story was fun, easy to read, and if you’re looking for a great autumnal read, then look no further!

4 stars.

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3 stars ⭐️

This definitely attracted me because of the cover and title. It looked right up my alley and it was definitely a good read but it didn’t really keep me hooked as much as I was anticipating. It also could have just been my mindset and distractions though because I could others being fully entranced

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Thank you to NetGalley for this digital ARC of ‘A Dark and Secret Magic’, by Walter Kinney.
This was a brand-new author to me and I was instantly drawn to the artwork on the cover of this book. It may only be Spring, but I am always drawn to anything autumnal, pumpkin and Halloween related!
I enjoyed the main character of Hecate. Despite being a witch, she was a relatable character and one which you instantly wanted to befriend.
I particularly enjoyed the author’s way in which you were transported to Hecate’s cosy, magical cottage in the forest. A cottage surrounded by pumpkins, warm drinks and cosy fires.
I also enjoyed the magical elements of the book. The spells and the witch related backstory were easy to understand and in parts, the author had me wishing that I could cast healing spells!
I felt at times that the writing was a little awkward. The paragraphs were extremely short in lots of places, which made the flow of the story a little disjointed. But that may just have been a formatting issue in the pre-release, digital copy that I read. There were also a few typographical errors that I hope are corrected before the book is released.
The romance between Hecate and Matthew also felt a little rushed, but I have to admit that by the end of the book, I was routing for them to pull through.
Overall I did enjoy this book and it was a quick and fun read.

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I want to thank the author and netgalley for this ARC.
This book is comfortable to read, it's perfect for fall, that's the feeling it gives.
I really liked the magic system that was incorporated into the story by the author

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Witchy, autumn perfection!

Hecate Goodwin has lived her life just as her mother intended. Practicing her gentle hedge craft magic and dutifully staying in her small coven town of Ipswich. But now that her mother is gone, and her 31st birthday is drawing near, a tide begins to turn. Starting with a visit from a man she hasn’t seen in ten years, a man who lied to her, but she still finds irresistible. His visit is only the beginning, when a secret from beyond the grave shatters the fragile existence Kate has made for herself.

I enjoyed every page of this book. All of the different kinds of witchcraft were so interesting, obviously I would choose to be a book witch if I could!
The premise and world of this story are very unique and well thought out. This story is the perfect blend of a cozy fall fantasy, and a thrilling Halloween story!
Kate and Matthew’s relationship was divine, and my jaw dropped when the twist finally happened! The last quarter of the book kept me surprised and it wasn’t sure how the book would end up there for a while.
The ending was beautiful though, exactly as I hoped it would be!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Alcove Press for the chance to read and review!

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This was so good! I cant wait for everyone to get their hands on a copy. Thank you to Wallis Kinney and Netgalley for providing this ARC.

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I immediately loved this story. The witchy and Halloween vibes were amazing. The romance was beautiful. There was so much mystery but also softness and coziness. This is the perfect read for a cozy Halloween book with magic. And the cover is absolutely stunning! I can’t wait to get my hands on a physical copy to add to my home library.

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I really enjoyed this cute seasonal book (for any time of year). Perfect Halloween witchy vibe - complete with spells, cat, festive decor, and pumpkin carving! I liked the side characters and the relationship between the sisters. I liked the explanation for why the MMC was originally banished from seeing the FMC. The ending, even though somewhat expected, was still jusssst right. I even liked the recipes at the end as I was thinking during the book how neat it'd be to make some of the mentioned recipes. I am keeping this pretty light since it's still a few months until it comes out, but super fun cozy read. The only downside, if I had to give one, is that I like more spice in my usual books. Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for the ARC opportunity.

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Unfortunately, it looks like this is going to be a DNF and I'm so disappointed about it. I was so excited for this book--it seemed like it would be such a fun and atmospheric read about witches and reluctant romance. However, it is pretty obvious that this is Kinney's first book and there are just some issues that I could not get past. So personal preference, I don't really like first person POV and I think that it's rarely done really well. The writing in this book is just really clunky and awkward. There are some moments with the dialogue that isn't very natural and isn't how people actually talk. There was also a lot of telling and not showing. I feel like some of the world building could have been revealed as the plot progresses not just dumping it on us all at once when there’s this littlest bit of connection to what's happening. I also think that this book couldn't find the vibe it was look for. Sometimes it was very Halloweentown-esque, especially with the recipe/spell titles, and then at other times it got very dark and spooky scary. Either vibe I would have loved, but I think in this case it either needed to be one or the other or they needed to be integrated better together. The characters also weren't doing it for me. I didn't feel any emotional connection to any of them yet, and I also didn't feel like the relationships were compelling either. Matthew and Hecate parted on such bad terms ten years ago and yet all of sudden they're ready to forgive and fall in love.
Honestly all of this could be forgivable if it weren't for the fact that I don't know what the plot is. If there was an interesting plot that I could be following I would 100% be willing to ignore the more technical issues. However, I am about 44% of the way through and there is not a solid plot yet. All we really know is that the FMC had a weird dream in which she is visited by a dying/dead witch who warns her about this mysterious being called the Under King (not sure if that's the name, but close enough). From the beginning I knew the writing was for me, but I was very interested in the premise of the book and was still interested in continuing the story. However, when it became obvious that this plot wasn't going to progress or pull me in like I wanted it to, I had to make the decision to stop reading. It also desperately needed another round of editing because there were a few spelling errors and inconsistencies with names. Maybe I just need a break and I'll pick this back up at a later date, but unfortunately I have so many other books I'm looking forward to and can't justify spending more time on this one.
I will be giving this a 1-star on NetGalley just because I have to rate it, but I will not be rating it on any other site.

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A Dark and Secret Magic by Wallis Kinney

Everything was in order until it wasn’t, and then things became seriously out of hand!

If you love reading about witches and their magic—read this book.

I love this book! I did not want it to end. (But when it did end, there was a lovely surprise which I won’t spoil for you here.)

I have enjoyed reading several reimaginings of the ancient Greek Myth about the God of the Underworld and the daughter of Zeus and I was happy to find elements of that story within these pages.

I want more of these characters, this world and its magic. I hope one day there will be more, I do, I do.

I also have to say I love the cover of the book. It’s so lovely with the moon, pumpkins, cats, crows, and the book near the bottom.

I am now very much a Wallis Kinney fan—thank you Wallis Kinney for writing this novel— and I want to add this book to my library after it is published on October 8th, 2024 by Alcove Press.

#Witches #secrets #hedgewitch #Magic #Romance #halloween
#arc #netgalley #alcovepress #walliskinney
#Brightbookreviews #Goodreads

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Kate es una bruja, cada bruja tiene un poder diferente el cual es elegido a los 13 años, pero ella es una anomalia porque su mamá decidio desde niña cual sería su poder, curar.
Ella se siente sola y aunque le gusta lo que hace no tuvo la oportunidad de decidir si esa era la vida que quería y ahora a una semana de su cumpleaños 31 en donde tendrá que pasar por un ritual en el cual ya no podrá hacer crecer sus poderes, descubrirá algo que la dejara perpleja, triste y correra un gran peligro. Además, Matthew, su amor de su juventud regresara a su vida, pero él también le esconderá secretos que tal vez no pueda perdonar cuando se entere de la verdad.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book is such a good book. This is a 5 star read for me. The way this book was written was fabulously beautiful.

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this was a fun book! I loved Kate and her vibes! Matthew and Kate's energies and chemistry was really fun! I found the writing and plot pretty good! and the cover is gorg

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC ☺️
I adored this so so much. Witches, necromancy, Halloween and action all rolled into one great story.
I sped through the book within 24 hours and enjoyed every single moment!

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"A Dark and Secret Magic" by Wallis Kinney is a sweet, closed-door/fade to black romance novel with a heavily influence in modern Neopaganism. It's a slow-burn story of balance between life and death, with heavy Hades and Persephone vibes. I enjoyed that unlike many other witchy books, it focused on the concept that one cannot have light without dark, and vice versa. It was a quick and easy read with plenty of little twists here and there, and will be a cute escape on a crisp autumn day with a mug of tea.

Thank you for letting me read and submit an honest review.

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ARC Review-

This was a new author for me, but I was instantly intrigued with the book description. The story concept was a really interesting and fun one to explore. I did enjoy the main character Hecate, and her eventual acceptance of all that she actually was.

The actual writing was a bit clunky and awkward, but I did notice it started to flow better towards the end of the book. It does read like it is the author’s first attempt of writing a novel, but it was nice to see the author find her voice a little more as the story progressed.

I loved the magic system and the Halloween vibes from the book. I thought the magic classification was a really unique one that was easy to understand. I also loved the concept of the personal journals that each witch had. I would personally love a spelled journal that was sentient and connected to me. The love story was definitely fast, but by the end of the book I was rooting for them. I also loved that the author included the recipes used at the very end of the book. I found that to be very whimsical and clever. Overall, it was a fun quick and fun read.

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