Member Reviews

As the first hedge witch in nearly a century, Hecate (Kate) Goodwin lives in isolation in her small family cottage trying to figure out her practice. Her recently deceased mother did her best to try and teach her the ways of a hedge witch but without someone around who actually practices, Kate is pretty much on her own.

Fast approaching her 31st birthday when her magic will go through containment to help amplify her hedge witch magic, Kate is visited in her dreams by a local coven elder warning her.
"The veil weakens as Samhain approaches. The King Below tests you."

Pairing with the ominous dream comes the arrival of Matthew, the heir to the Pacific coven. A coven that does not hold it's people back from practicing dark magic, and therefore enemies of Kate's coven. As the local hedge witch, she is obligated to provide him sanctuary. Despite coming from supposed evil, Matthew seems more than willing to help Kate out and together they start to uncover the dark hidden secrets of her own coven.

This book definitely has Practical Magic vibes in the small town, herbal remedies, cozy atmosphere tones. I loved the magical elements of the story in that each witch has their own unique magic specialty. Kate's older sister Miranda is essentially a Siren, while her younger sister is in tune with astrology. While there was dark elements to this story, I felt the stakes were pretty low and was confident the characters weren't really in true danger. Overall, a cozy read that would be perfect for the fall.

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I would like to thank Net Galley and Alcove Press for giving me this free E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely loved the Halloween and cozy vibes of this book; it was all just so calming!! I really loved the author's writing as well; my only problem was that I couldn't really relate to the FMC because of her age. I mostly read YA books (FMC's from ages 16–25), which is why this was a little bit of a change for me, but I did enjoy finally seeing a FMC who isn't so young. However, I do not think I was the targeted audience, and this made me sometimes lose interest in the story.

The characters were all well developed and likeable, or they were good "villains," and they made my blood boil with rage. The best character was, of course, Merlin, who made me smile anytime he was mentioned. He was truly an amazing and cute enrichment of the story. The romance made me giggle and gave me butterflies. I really loved the characters pure love for each other, and I would love to read more about their story and their development in magick.

I would recommend this novel to anyone who's looking for a shorter, cozy novel with cute characters and beautiful romance!

Overall this is an an amazing debut and I can't wait to see more of this author's work!!

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What a lovely book. It appears to be just a cosy book but not so, the story gets quite exciting but still is the sort you could snuggle up with in a blanket with a hot chocolate (that's the UK summer folks). I will seek out this interesting authors other books.

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It took me a minute to get into this book, but once I did I was immediately hooked. I really enjoyed the writing of the characters and thought they were really well rounded! They felt as if they could be actual people and not just a character written with no real life problems.

I do think this is a great fall time read because it fits the atmosphere. I think had I read this during that time it would’ve been 5 stars. I overall really enjoyed this book and found little that I did not like.

I did find that at parts it was a little slow.

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Must-read for all fall girlys!

I've just finished "A Dark and Secret Magic" by Wallis Kinney.

And wow! If you are looking for a cozy witch story with some dark elements for stormy rainy days, you should check out "A Dark and Secret Magic"!

The atmosphere in the book is just perfect! Firstly, we have the cozy atmosphere in the little cottage, which invites you to read and sip tea - and of course to cuddle Merlin! To make the autumnal mood complete, there is also a festival all about magic, pumpkins and many other fall delights!

But Wallis Kinney hasn't just written a cozy witch story. No. She has written an exciting story about hidden secrets, betrayal and a race against time.

The love story between Hecate and Matthew isn't very deep or particularly developed, but you know what? It was still swoony-worthy! Matthew immediately stole his way into my heart with his charm. His need to protect Hacate and his humor won me over. As a Neceomancer, he also has some of the coolest powers as a sorcerer.

Hecate is probably one of the sweetest and gentlest protagonists and an absolute sweetheart. For me, she has something very special about her. Despite her meekness, she has great willpower and I like the way she thinks. My little highlight was Merlin. Hecate's sugar-sweet black tomcat.

The worldbuilding is right up my alley! The town of Ipswich is not only a cute and cozy small town, but also one with various types of magic, witches and other mythical beings.
Also the variety of different types of witches such as the Book Witches, the Time Witches and there are witches who practice kitchen magic like Hecate's mother. I would have loved to have had a deeper and more detailed insight into the world of magic and I really hope that there might be a second volume or a spin-off!

Wallis has managed to create a cozy and at the same time exciting atmosphere that simply draws you into her little world in Ipswich.

For me, "A Dark and Secret Magic" was a highlight and I give it 5 out of 5 stars and a big recommendation to read!

Many thanks to the author and publisher for providing me with an ARC.

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This book has the most perfect vibe - witchy, cosy, perfect for Halloween! I was hooked throughout - the story is fast paced enough to keep you interested, and the characters are likeable and funny.

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The story of Kate (Hecate), a hedge witch, and her sisters before the Halloween Gathering which is the new Year and Kate’s birthday. A week before then, Matthew shows up to teach her and help her whether she wants it or not. This is a wonderful book about witches, love and magic that is fun and well written. I loved it!

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As a lover of magic and Halloween, this book had me very excited!

My favorite aspects of the book were the witchy feels, the cozy fantasy atmosphere, and the fact that the FMC is older than the typically FMCs of similar books, that was refreshing!

The aspects of the book that I didn’t like as much were the pacing, which seemed a bit slow at certain points, as well as some of the character interactions seeming a bit flat. However, I did enjoy reading this book and I think it’s great for anyone who wants to read a cozy Halloween fantasy.

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Do you like witches, magic, love, loss, and all things Halloween? Need a book to get you in the spirit of fall? Pick up A Dark and Secret Magic! First of all the descriptions and scene setting transported me to Ipswich in the crisp October weather as I witnessed the trials and tribulations of our main character, Hecate. I thoroughly enjoyed the love interest, magical food, and Hecate’s caring nature.

Although there was so much going for this book, I do wish the dynamic between Hecate and her sisters and Hecate and her coven developed differently. It left me frustrated at their treatment of Hecate, especially with her kindhearted nature. Don’t let this small critique deter you from reading this enthralling story though.

A Dark and Secret Magic by Wallis Kinney is available October 8, 2024. Check it out!

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely loved this witchy cozy atmospheric book! I rated it 5/5 stars and finished it in like 2 days. This story has all the elements I’m looking for: cozy vibes, an awesome magic system, romance and a mystery throughout. I particularly loved the cooking/ baking descriptions that really brought the scenes to life- I could practically smell the cooking.
I loved that the FMC is 30 and was much more relatable than most of the 19 year old FMCs I’m used to reading about in the witchy/ fantasy genre.
I would highly recommend this book for anybody who enjoys fantasy/ witchy books!
Thanks netgalley for allowing me to be arc reader for this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc of A Dark and Secret Magic!

I LOVED this book!

-This book is interesting because I would consider it to have elements of cozy fantasy but there is far more plot than in the average cozy fantasy. I felt the author did a fantastic job weaving in the cozy elements (like the cooking and book magic, Merlin the black cat, and the apothecary) with the heavier parts of the plot (like the rivalry between the Atlantic Key and Pacific Gate, the King Below, her mother's deception, the romance, death magic, and the troubled relationship with her sisters).
-I liked the different types of magic (book magic, hearth magic, necromancy, hedge craft, magic using sea glass and tarot cards). I do wish we learned a bit more about how the coven worked and the relationships between witches within the coven.
-Hecate was a relatable character and I liked the insight into how her job was to take care of those around her but she still struggled heavily with anxiety and loneliness.
-I really appreciated how soft the romance was. There is a lot of aggressive enemies to lovers in fantasy books and while there was an enemies to lovers aspect in this, they were very sweet and protective of each other. They both showed such thoughtfulness and I was rooting for them the whole time. I was so excited for Hecate to have someone that appreciated her so much after how much everyone else took her for granted. And Matthew seemed like he also needed something soft and loving after his struggles with the king below.

Overall, this wasn't the best book I've ever read in my life. But the vibes were immaculate and I felt like the book was giving me a hug while I was reading it. I gave this book 5 stars and I'm adding it to my list of comfort reads. Also! It was such a cute touch from the author to put the recipes at the end of the book!

(highly recommend reading during the fall or on a rainy day!)

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This was a good atmospheric read perfect for the autumn season. I wish the plot and characters were a bit stronger, but I enjoyed the magic and Halloween vibes. There was a lot of telling and not showing throughout this story, I would have liked to have seen the magic through the character's actions rather than it being info dumped on how each thing works. If you're looking for a short cozy read check this one out!

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Thank you so much Alcove Press and Netgalley for this ARC.

A Dark and Secret Magic were such an warm and magical read. Totally Practical Magic vibes.
The perfect story in the fall and I want to read it again when the fall season is here.

A warm cozy hug of an book which is great for readers who enjoy witchy and magical stories.

And the cover is so beautiful 😍

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Wallis Kinney's A Dark and Secret Magic is about a witch that learns of her past and determines what will become of her future, all while an unexpected man from a decade ago comes seeking refuge in her home.

The premise of the novel was very promising.  While it definitely delivered on the title (dark magic abounds), there were some spots that were sorely lacking. Let's recap my favorite way, shall we?

The Commendable:
🍂 The magic system was well written and consistent. I personally like more complicated systems but the level of depth of the magic system fits the depth of the book overall.

🍂 The atmosphere was very detailed and a major chunk of the book. It was fall-themed and had all the autumn related activities , items, etc. (I know I'm in the wrong season for it but that's why if you love everything fall-related, you should definitely pick it up then.)

🍂 The darkness of the magic and what it meant for Hecate, the main character, was well crafted and scary. I was afraid for her and didn't want her to meet the villain at all.

The Not -So-Commendable:
🍁 The characters were all so flat, felt very one dimensional, and made me sad because I craved a good book with not just a good plot line but also memorable characters. And unfortunately, neither Hecate nor the man from the past had any particular quality or complexity about them.

🍁 Some parts of the book felt unnecessary and could have been removed. If certain actions or activities do nothing for the main characters or change the outcome of the story, why include it, you know?

🍂 For the first half of the novel, nothing was happening. And then things were happening but still not as enthralling as I expected or hoped for. The setting remained the same three places, the characters were interchangeable, and I expected more from other characters and didn't get anything from them.

Overall, a 🌟🌟🌟💫/5

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If you're looking for something advertised as Practical Magic like, then this is the closest you'll get out of the recent new releases I've read. It was good and entertaining. Some parts were a little too witchy (I don't know what I mean like that at all, maybe that it gets too much of the details of it all instead of just the story, like a lore drop felt a little strange), it wasn't that big a deal but my lack of ability to explain it makes it seem much more that way.

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Hecate Goodwin is a mostly solitary witch whose magical expertise is in healing and aid. When Matthew Cypher, a hexan from a rival coven, shows up unexpectedly at her door, her duty is to provide him shelter. This throws a wrench into her birthday plans as she is to turn 31 on Halloween in a few days time. On told of this, she finds a tome written in her recently departed mother's hand which appears to hold dark magic.

This was a wonderful and cosy read that put me in the mood for fall. Despite the plot sounding complex, the author seamlessly wove together all of the elements in a practical way. It felt like a witchy re-telling of Persephone and Hades which was a joy to read. The world-building and story-telling was immersive and really evoked the magic of Halloween-time.

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A warm hug on a crisp Autumn day, this book was stunning. The perfect cozy fall fantasy, full of twists, intricate world-building, forbidden love, and the simple beauty of Octobers.

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3.5 stars

A Dark and Secret Magic by Wallis Kinney would be perfect to read in October. It has all of the lovely things about fall: cool nights, cozy sweaters, beautiful colors, warm drinks, and witchy vibes.

The magic elements and world-building were natural and made sense. There was enough tension with the romantic interest to keep it interesting, and I enjoyed the Persephone-esque plot. Although it veered a bit dark at points, it was overall very cozy. The relationship between the sisters was done well and Matthew, the love interest, fit in well.

The pacing was a bit off, it dragged a bit in a few parts. It didn’t help that I was reading this when it was sunny and about 1000 degrees outside, so that may have also been a factor.

Over all, this was a well-written, enjoyable read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove press for the digital ARC.

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This story gave the perfect fall, cozy, witchy vibes! I really adore Hecate and Mathew’s relationship. The world building was special and magical. This book made me feel comfy and like it was already Halloween 🎃 I can’t wait to purchase a physical copy and I definitely recommend this to all my cozy fall loving people!

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A huge thank you to Wallis Kinney, Netgalley, and Alcove Press for the ARC copy of A Dark and Secret Magic!

A Dark and Secret Magic is the best book I have read in a while! It is well written and has everything I enjoy in a good story: magic, witches, mystery, romance, and characters I can be invested in. I adore the cover. At first glance of this beautiful cover, I knew this was going to be a good book for me! I will be purchasing a copy when the book is published and may re-read around Halloween. This is the perfect read to get you in the cozy Halloween mindset.

Hectate and Matthew are fantastic characters. I enjoyed their relationship immensley as well as liked each character individually. Kinney did well with her character development as well as her world building. I could imagine the manor, Hectate's cottage, and the town of Ipswich.

I didn't want the story to end. I can't imagine a more perfect ending. While I'm sure this book is a stand alone book, I would love to read more of Hectate and Matthew's story together. I am hopeful this isn't the end of their story.

I am looking forward to reading more from Kinney. Perhaps in the future, we will have the stories of Hectate's sisters, Miranda and Celeste! I will be recommending and reviewing A Dark and Secret Magic on Amazon and Goodreads. I highly recommend this book to be added to your to read pile as soon as it is made available to purchase!

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