Member Reviews

This was such a great book. I was in a reading slump and this awoken me. It had a great start that kept you wanting to read more. I loved the twists that I didn’t see coming. I enjoyed this and think others will as well!

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I haven’t read a psychological thriller this good in a LONG time! There were so many twists and I I didn’t see so many of them coming! This book was so twisted and I will definitely be sleeping with the lights on the next few nights!

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Family Fractured..
An unknown attacker, a murder, a failed memory. Character driven suspense in this twisting and turning tale of a family fractured where the reader must consider whether everything is really as it seems. Careful character development, tautly plotted and nicely executed.

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An incredible book with wonderful characters and a beautiful setting. It will keep you guessing until the end.

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The premise of this novel immediately hooked me. It was a fun journey to read this book, discovering details about Iris alongside her that she didn’t remember about herself. Very twisty book, and I’m excited for the sequel to see what happens next!

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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I actually enjoyed it, this was a wild ride. At times the writing was quite juvenile but whatever, it was a fun popcorn thriller with many twists and a diabolical ending.

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Great story! Can't wait for the next one. 4 1/2 stars rounded up.


ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a gripping book, and it's like we were all learning together since the main character had lost memories. The story was full of twists and turns that I did not see coming, and I enjoyed it all for the most part. I wish a little more time had been spent on the resolution, because it felt a bit rushed with so many intermingling details. I was also disappointed with the cliffhanger ending. So many more questions left unanswered!

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This story was full of twists, but I found it very repetitive and a little drawn out at times. The end came together a bit but I do feel like it was at times a struggle to get there. Overall this was. 3/5star for me. Thank you to the publisher for this review copy!

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This book was a little confusing and hard to follow. There were a lot of characters and they all had inter mingled story lines. I found it hard to really focus on one topic since the story kept going back and forth.

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I really enjoyed this book it was a good solid read and it went so fast.
I'm interested to see if there will be a sequel as I would really like that.
There was lots of twists and turns I didn't see coming.

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First, thank you to NetGalley, JM Cannon and ARC publishing for allowing me to participate in an ARC of this book.

It was fantastic. So many twists that I didn’t see coming. The storyline was thrilling and kept me wanting to read more.

The author did a great job with the character development most especially the way Iris grows and changes throughout the book.

4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A fast paced thriller that has me looking forward to part 2.

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This book right HERE! From the beginning to the end the twists never stop. I couldn't count how many times my jaw dropped. Imagine waking up and not remembering anything but bits of your life. You have no idea who you were, who you were married too but now you're living with your in-laws. The amount of gaslighting, betrayal, backstabbing, greed, power chasing that was in this book was insane. This was everything and more! I'm so upset that I finished it! I am so ready for the next book! This is a MUST read!

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Thank you #NetGalley and #JMCannon for this ARC! #ThisFamilyLies

Numerous classic elements of a good thriller are present in This Family Lies, including a compelling main character, individuals who aren't who they seem to be, a backstory they want to hide, and lots of twists and turns.

The main character of the novel is Iris, a woman who suffered brain injury from her husband's shooting and has a lot of secrets she can't recall. This becomes more difficult when his family adopts her.

I like this book's structure and how it kept me glued to the page to figure out precisely what had happened. I had to keep guessing who was good and who was bad for the most of the novel.

I can't wait to read the upcoming book and see what happens in the next one!

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Absolutely amazing mysterious thriller. So many twists and turns that you will be at the edge of your seat and it will absolutely leave you wanting more!

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I didn’t know what this book was about as there were no spoilers or blurb on it. But after reading it, I got thoroughly absorbed into the characters .

It was very easy to follow; a woman wakes from a coma after being shot in the head and tries to find out what’s happening as her memory has failed her for obvious reasons. But it turns out she wasn’t too she thought she was which made it even more compelling And the family, which tried to portray itself as an upstanding southern family, Were absolutely dirty! They were into drugs, trafficking, prostitution you name it they were into it which is how they got their riches. But the main character doesn’t discover all this until time goes on.

I found a thoroughly enjoyed the book and read the bulk of it in almost one sitting. It was easy to follow as I said, beautifully written and I thoroughly look forward to part 2 to find out what else the main character can discover.

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WOW! This book takes the cake for my favourite read of 2024!

Iris and her husband are shot in their southern Louisiana home. Miraculously, Iris survives. Her husband is killed. Iris wakes up in the hospital with virtually no memory of the last three years. Her husband's family welcomes Iris into their gorgeous home. The family is MEGA wealthy and essentially Louisiana royalty. Iris soon realizes that everything is not as it seems. She is pretty sure that someone is still out to kill her. With her failed memory, she has no idea who she can trust.

I don't want to say anything else about the plot, as it is best to go into this one blind. Because, HOLY MOLY , what a read!! I cannot put into words how much I loved this book! The story was phenomenal and unique, packed with so many twists and turns that I did not see coming. This is nothing like your typical thriller. The storyline is SO unique and packed with so many intricate details. J.M. Cannon's writing skills are INCREDIBLE!

I absolutely loved the main character, Iris. Such an amazing and strong female lead! All the characters are complex and well developed. I was actually low key sad when I finished this book, because it was so good and I didn't want it to end!

I cannot recommend this book enough. I read A LOT of thrillers and this one was actually different. No predicability, overused tropes, silly writing, or annoying characters. Just brilliant!

I cannot wait for Part 2 to come out. I am ready to do this crazy ride all over again!

Thank you Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Great summer read!! Loved this book, the setting is the summer in the south at a plantation and I felt like I was there. It kept me guessing until the end! Highly recommend for anyone looking for a southern, summer, domestic mystery/thriller.

Thanks to Net Galley and Victory Editing for this ARC to review!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. But to be honest I wasn't much of a fan of the ending (no spoilers). I can't say I saw so many of the twists in the story but it did capture my attention.

I think you should give this book a chance.

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