Member Reviews
The title was not what I initially expected. It was informative and full of interesting content, but definitely not the book in grace I expected.
I truly enjoyed reading Bright Shining. I find myself intrigued by the idea of grace, and this book provides multiple insights into ways in which people both find and give grace. A few areas that really struck me were 1) the need to see the beauty or the "glimmer", 2) the research on afterlife experiences, and 3) grace found in microscopic encounters with people. The book is well written, well researched, and provides insights for any audience. Thank you for the ability to provide an advanced review.
This is such a lovely book, particularly at this juncture in time with so much negativity rampant in the world. I truly enjoy contemplating them many angles and aspects of grace. The writing was excellent, of course. Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for the opportunity to read Bright Shining and give my honest feedback.
With "Bright Shining: How Grace Changes Everything," the bestselling author of "Phosphorescence" delves into the transformative realm of grace.
Julia Baird's "Bright Shining" has been longlisted for the 2024 Indie Book Awards and continues Baird's "Bright Shining" was borne out of Baird's exposure to ugliness within the political realm and has also undoubtedly been influenced by her experiences with cancer.
Long an acclaimed writer, "Bright Shining" looks likely to continue Baird's acclaim. The book frames grace within a broader spectrum than likely familiar for most - some will resonate with this approach, however, some will likely consider it to be convoluted and lacking clarity.
"Bright Shining" is, indeed, filled with light as Baird explores the great mystery of grace. Baird herself leans into the mystery, perhaps too much so for this writer, and interchangeably references forgiveness, restorative justice, and kindness as practically synonymous with grace (I would disagree).
Baird is at her strongest here when writing from her own life experiences, though there's an unspoken air of privilege that radiates throughout "Bright Shining" that often makes it difficult to connect with the storytelling. That said, Baird is also so infused with a belief in how she views grace that it's difficult, perhaps impossible, to not get swept up by it.
Baird provides concrete examples of grace, though at times it's up to us to connect the dots - such as when she shares the story of one young woman not so much forgiving the unforgivable but more finding peace with it.
For those who connect with Baird's storytelling, "Bright Shining" will be an inspiring and emotionally resonant read. For this writer, I can't help but wish that Baird had focused less on the concept of grace and more on the connections that exist between her stories and the power of her lessons about becoming a kinder and gentler world including within the political realm. There's much beauty to be found here - I'm just not particularly convinced that we're always talking about grace.
As is always true of Baird's writing, "Bright Shining" is well-researched and it's clear that Baird is very much trying to connect these dots. While I'm not convinced she's entirely successful, the book that remains is still a meaningful reading experience that seeks to make sense out of a world that increasingly doesn't make sense.