Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and Jordan Riley Swan for this ACR Copy!

This was a modern retelling that I did not know that I needed. I enjoyed getting a backstory on some of the beloved characters from my childhood. The romance was cute, and I just love me some Glenda.

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There are a few fairytales that I hold near and dear to my heart - "The Wizard of Oz" being one of them. "Into A Wicked World" is modern-retelling of a childhood favorite. I loved the details that made it more contemporary than the original story, such as the fact that Dorothy is a student at Kansas State University. She enters Oz in a houseboat versus a house and meets Nick, aka "The Tin Man," who is Cursed to have no emotions or suffer the consequences of a life as a tin statue. Dorothy also meets other characters that we all know and love, like the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion. Each character's unique voice really shines in this story. The author was very careful in modernizing the classic to keep each character authentic, while also maintaining their lovability. All in all, this was a very enjoyable read and detailed enough to really make me feel like I was on the yellow-brick road with Dorothy and her companions.
I feel like the book could be improved by drastically reducing the amount of hyphenated words throughout. Each page (sometimes a single paragraph) contains 2-5 word combinations and I found it to be distracting. For example,
"her river-water snort was nothing compared to the stomach-aching, rib-tickling, face-twisting hysterics."
Overall, "Into A Wicked World" is a fun story that will make lovers of "The Wizard of Oz" feel nostalgic and take them back to their childhoods in a wonderful way!

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Reading this book gave me a better understanding why I like the wizard of oz books more. While it was enjoyable I don’t really like it. If you want to read it that’s fine. It just wasn’t for me.

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Wizard of oz with an interesting twist! This book had a very interesting take on the wizard of oz classic story!

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A cute, fun and easy read. A unique spin on one of our favorite classic stories! Eagerly looking forward to the remainder of this feel-good series.

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A cute and easy to read retelling of wizard of the oz that I thoroughly enjoyed. It didn’t have the action I typically like in fantasy novels but it was still quite fun. I enjoyed the characters, the plot, and the overall feel of the book and how it was able to grasp the feel of the Wizard of Oz so well.

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A sweet and wholesome romantic retelling of the Wizard of Oz with a college aged Dorothy and a human Tinman under a very metallic curse.

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Well, I don’t do this very often but this one was hard to get into. I was really looking forward to a Wizard of Oz retelling but this one missed the mark for me. DNF at 40%.

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An enchanting romance set in Oz- modernized for us Wizard of Oz lovers looking for a refreshing spin on the tale.

I loved the unique backstories the beloved characters received. Nick and Dorothy's chemistry was also off the charts. I couldn't stop smiling the whole way through this book!

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I loved the modern twist on such a classic story. Dorothy’s back story with the farm and her mother really struck a chord with me because she felt the weight of the world on her shoulders which I can relate too. Nick’s story is so sad and plays wonderfully into the epic love story. I found it a little hard to get into in the beginning, but once I got going I finished the book quickly!

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Publishing date: 04.05.2024
Thank you to NetGalley and Xpresso Book Tours for the ARC. My opinions are my own.

The book as a meal: If you could eat a rollercoaster, this would be exaclty it, lots of ups and lots of downs
The book left me: Wanting the next one, thank you

Lots and lots of filler and "explaining"
Insta attraction

Straw <3
Good character dynamics between everyone
One bed trope

All the usual characters from the original tale, one bed trope

Why did I choose this one?
Stunning cover, wanted a little romance at the time, and I have just barely read/watched oz content before so I wanted a little dive back into the classic

Pick-up-able? Put-down-able?
In between. Had a tendency to drag the first 50-60%, and then it got a little better. I might also have been in a little slump the first part of the book. The final 25% I devoured in a single evening, I had to know what would happen next.

What was the vibe and mood?
Very quest like. Changing scenery brought with it different moods for each place, and a different kind of tension for each. It wasn't as romantic as I wanted, but I think it helped a little that the romance took second place in terms of priority and storytelling

Final ranking and star rating?
B tier, 4 stars. An alright romance, and I am only docking the final star becasue of the very slow start and the filler. I wanted to like this more, but it was only okay in my book. I am however looking very much forward to the next book

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Thank you Netgalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review

This was a fresh retake on a retelling of the classic story the Wizard of Oz. At first glance it didn't really interest me. However, the book expanded on each of the iconic character's Curses. I faintly remember each of the characters but only distinctly remembered Dorothy, and I am so glad that the author made them three-dimensional. The romance, although some circumstances prevented our main love pair from communicating how they truly feel to each other, they acted maturely, and acted with a lot of consideration towards each other. The magic system, although not as fleshed out as you would expect compared to a high fantasy, it was beautifully explained! I definitely recommend this book for a cozy romantic and comedic adventure between familiar characters that have grown and become more than you would expect

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Such a cute Wizard of Oz retelling! I really enjoyed the aspects of the original story that Swan tweaked for this one’s purpose. I had a really fun time reading!

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I had some issues with the characterisation of some of the characters but all in all, it was a fun fantasy read, especially with the new Wicked movie coming out later this year.

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As a huge fan of The Wizard of Oz, I was so excited to read a modern retelling of this story! I loved how the author stayed true to the characters of the original, but just expanded on them. Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this book, I am looking forward to the next installment!

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A modern re-twisting of the original Frank Baum novel that stays authentic to the characters while giving them more depth and personality; say less. I love all things Oz and would absolutely live there without hesitation.

Each character of the book has a great backstory that thoroughly adds to the story. Each character truly came alive and not in the way of the 1939 film. I could see each character in my mind but they were so much more alive than even the movie made them. Nick Chopper is the perfect first love interest and his need to have a heart. But only, he has a heart he just can't express his feelings. Instead, he shows his feelings in so many other ways that I was in love with him long before Dorothy. The only thing missing was the oil can, but I can let it slide.

Dorothy is so much more grown up in this story and I love it. I love that she is the sunshine to Nick's grumpy exterior and takes in Oz in all of its glory. I enjoy her kindness and willingness to help and be inclusive. This book was also a breath of fresh air in that while the main characters could truly not communicate about certain things they still managed to have a relationship and be understanding. Dorothy's shoes being silver is my most favorite call back to the original book.

If you enjoy a clean, sweet romance book this is the one for you. I cannot wait for the next one! Glinda and the Wizard … sold!

* I received this book as a free ARC in exchange for an honest review*

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I was REALLY disappointed in this. It's just a retelling of the story of oz. Nothing special, not a lot added or differentiating it from other stories.
Mae Holloway just released a series like this but did it correctly. Very hard to push through

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“Into a Wicked World” is a witty and heart-warming YA re-telling of the “Wizard of Oz” tale. It takes place from the POVs of Dorothy and Nick Chopper (the “Tinman”), who are joined in Oz by Prince Lional (the “cowardly lion”) and Straw the scarecrow on Dorothy’s mission to return to Kansas.

First of all: Oh. My. God! I requested an ARC of this book from NetGalley on a whim (why not try something new?) and I am so glad I did!!! After tentatively reading the first few chapters, I found myself flying through the rest of the book and developing the most unexpected love and adoration for it. How is IAWW not more well-known?!

The story was superbly written—with many quote-worthy passages—and progressed effortlessly. The abundant jokes and banter shared among the characters made me smile. The struggles and triumphs of Nick and Dorothy tugged at my heart strings and brought tears to my eyes. This is a must-read for those who love found family, sweet (but not spicy) romance, and conflicts between good and evil!

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I loathe retellings-Im not sure why. But this, this was SO good! A creative spin on a historically loved tale making it more modern and easy to relate to. If you're a fan of reimagined classics and enjoy diving into darker narratives, Into a Wicked World is an absolute must-read. In this gripping rendition, the author skillfully transforms the beloved world of Oz into a gritty and intense journey that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. From the very first chapter, readers are thrust into a reality, all be it familiar, but far removed from the whimsical Oz they may be familiar with.

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Really enjoyed this modern retelling of the Wizard of Oz story. Wonderful cast of characters who were compelling and well developed. Looks to be the beginning of a great series and I look forward to answers to some of the mysteries in the next books!

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