Member Reviews

With the way this mystery is set up I couldn't begin to guess who was even murdered. There is a great deal of communication via chat and messaging so I couldn't tell who was really in the chat and if someone was in the chat pretending to be someone else this is twisty. I liked the characters because everyone had an agenda and finding out what the agenda was is a huge part of the stories being told. I enjoyed checking in with individual characters from time to time. This was a very interesting read and an interesting mystery all around.

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I cannot get enough of Janice Hallett's updated epistolary novels. She plays with tropes, assumptions, structure, and even the concept of fiction with each new book and I am always so excited to get my hands on her latest. This time an outside academic is called upon to review the materials submitted by a new graduate program to determine the future of the program. Between the assignments and the message boards, something sinister lurks just out of sight. Between a uniquely perceptive young student and her colleagues who all have something to hide, the examiner has their work cut out for them. Pick this up if you are looking for a nontraditional narrative and a cracking mystery.

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Since discovering the unique books of Janice Hallett, every new installment is an exciting retreat. The Examiner is no different.

The cast of characters are interesting and keep you wanting to turn the pages. The drama of an MA program with the sinister undertones of something darker work well.

I have read most of Hallett’s work and have my favorites. This one would be in the middle area. While I enjoyed it, the twists of the book lost me a little. That was more a me thing because I simply don’t care for espionage plots.

However, the backdrop of the art program, the characters and their meddling, and the use of mixed media kept me coming back for more and finishing this quickly once I started.

Hallett has remained an autobuy author for me. I will read anything she comes out with in this type of book format. They are just a fun getaway. I’d say if you have read her other books and liked them, you’ll like this one as well.

Thank you so much Netgalley and the Publisher for an advanced eARC. All the opinions are my own.

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Wow this book took a turn I was not expecting! It had a pretty slow beginning and I wasn’t fully invested until about 60% in. But once I got there, I couldn’t put it down. The characters are soooo unlikeable in the best way. I didn’t enjoy it all the way through, but the parts I did, I reallyyyy did.

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This was riveting and unpredictable, as expected! Janice Hallett became my favorite mystery author after The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels, and nothing will top that book for me. That was the perfect mystery-thriller, with an insidious atmosphere and sinister developments. This one is the perfect inquisitive mystery, and is voyeuristic schadenfreude in a neat little package. Not to say that insidious or sinister things won't make an appearance. I don't want to say anything about the characters or the plot so I don't give anything away, I just know that this book has some of the best reveals I've read, is unputdownable, and fun to read.

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DNF at 23%. FFS. I obviously am just done with JH's books. I understand she is well liked and I am obviously in the minority. She is also probably a wonderful person. But every book she writes is 100 pages too long. I love the telling through emails, texts, chats, etc. But 400+ pages it gets a tad repetitive.

Jem was one the most childish characters ever for an adult. Every email she wrote was the same repetitive information. By the time I stopped reading, I just went and looked at spoilers because it was just easier. And I am happy I stopped reading. If that would have been the ending after that long, I would have felt annoyed.

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If Janice Hallett writes it, I read it. I think this is one of her best so far. I really liked that we had no idea if there was even a mystery most of the book and were taken along for the ride as the pages went on. I thought the twists in the plot were extremely well done and I think everyone can find a character in this book that models someone that they know in real life. I thought this was delightful and captivating mystery. I eagerly await what we see from Janice next!

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I was all in for the first 3/4 of this book. Such a unique and fun format! I eagerly tried to solve the mystery. The last 1/4 of this book was ridiculous. There is no way (seriously) that anyone could solve the crime as the cover suggests. It was outlandish and the clues weren't there.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Atria Books for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Six people are participating in a master's program in art. The class is being assessed at the end of the year by an examiner who warns that someone that started the class may not have made it out alive, and then we get taken to the beginning of the course through emails and chats.

This is my second book from this author and I mostly like the format of telling the story through emails and chats although eventually it seems to get a bit old and I feel like you don't get all of the necessary detail you would through a more conventional format. It also becomes a bit taxing to read as it continues on. Overall I thought this went on too long. I thought some of the stuff that was going on was way over the top and I had trouble relating to it. I am on the fence about whether I would read more from this author.

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This was my first Janice Hallett book — and let’s just establish right now that it will not be my last. It was such a great story, and told in such an interesting format. While I could tell you that it’s the story of several art students getting an MA, that would barely scratch the surface at what intrigue and twists you will find in this book. It’s really about so much more: morality, teamwork, art and industry and the overlaps therein, communication, and disability.
I loved reading through the emails, messages, diaries, and classwork of the characters, trying to decide who is up to what. I can’t wait to read another book like this!

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I love Janice Hallett, I want to scream about her books from the rooftop. She is the master of mixed media mystery. Her ability to capture humanity and write characters who are absolutely hilarious is nothing short of miraculous. Opening one of her books, you KNOW you’re going to have a good time. I found the beginning a tad bit slow because I am not someone with extensive art interest so some of it felt a bit dry. I found myself hooked in the mystery shortly though. However, the end was a bit ridiculous (frankly) and had me a bit disappointed. But all in all it was a fun read. I would still recommend the Appeal as the best place to start.

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I am a huge fan of Janice Hallet’t’s writing style and loved her previous books. This one fell short for me. It was an enjoyable read, but lacked believability and became slightly tedious with the overuse of messaging apps. The format didn’t seem to work as well with this book since there was so much face to face interaction, yet the characters compulsively wrote messages back and forth. I don’t know how academic programs in the UK work as an American and found some of the administrative segments very odd.
I will still read everything Janice Hallett writes and plan to buy a hard copy to reread on publication day.

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Janice Hallett hooked me with her first brilliant novel, The Appeal, and The Examiner, like each of her books, completely blew me away with its unbelievably inventive and flawlessly executed plot, its fascinating mystery, and its brilliant humor. Janice Hallett is a truly remarkable writer and I cannot recommend her books highly enough!

The Examiner draws you in immediately with an unexpected introduction to a mystery and possibly a serious crime. An external examiner tasked with reviewing a master’s degree course in multimedia art messages his colleagues in alarm and informs them that he thinks something terrible happened n that course, and someone may be dead. Before you can begin to wrap your head around how a master’s course could possibly have led to a death, Hallett rewinds to the first week of the course and immerses the reader in the emails and instant message exchanges between the 6 students enrolled in the program, their professor, administrators, and a company acting as a client for the course’s final project, slowly weaving a brilliant and complex story in which few people are who they claim to be, everyone is lying about something, and rules are bent and broken followed by increasingly serious laws. At the same time, the typical petty jealousies and bruised egos fueled by fiercely competitive students plays out in hilarious ways. To explain more would rob readers of the brilliance of experiencing Hallett’s perfectly executed plot that keeps you guessing and will definitely shock you more than once when you see how seemingly unimportant facts fit into this puzzle. This is a MUST READ! I finished it in 2 days and had to force myself to put it down to sleep!

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I love Janice Hallett’s style so much. She tells this book in group messages, WhatsApp texts, and emails! I unfortunately found this one hard to connect with. The first 2/3 of the book was so slow to me. The “disturbing event” wasn’t a big part of the first big chunk, so it felt hard to stay interested in the mystery of it! I still found it very entertaining and recommend you give it a try!

I was so excited to be approved to read this ARC thanks to @netgalley and @atriabooks! This one will be out September 10, 2024. 🤍

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The Examiner is another solid multi-media format novel from the brilliant Janice Hallett. I've been a fan of Hallett since her debut, The Appeal, and I've read all of her releases. She continues to raise the bar with The Examiner, a story of a small Masters program that will supposedly help its students blend art with business, but what really happens is another story.

The characters in this story are all quite intriguing and each a bit messy in their own ways. Early on it becomes clear something went awry in this MA course, but what happened and when? I won't say much because I think that keeps this novel fun and engaging from the get go. But I will say Janice Hallett mixed it up with this one; this is not formulaic at all while it follows her tried and true format. Hallett had me wondering if she was dabbling in new territory, and I loved trying to solve the mystery and wondering what twists she was going to deliver.

I think this one is great for fans of mysteries, especially if you are attracted to stories with an academic setting and small dysfunctional groups. I can't say enough about Janice Hallett's ability to weave an intricate story that will impress you with its creativity and consistency- there are no plot holes here! I had a heck of a time and the students and tutor from this MA course feel quite real as I continue to think about their unfortunate turn of events.

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I was introduced to Janice Hallett’s books a few years ago and instantly fell in love with them for the format and the ability to act as your own detective along the way. While The Examiner was exactly that, it felt a little darker and more sinister of a mystery that I’ve read in the past. But intriguing non the less! I couldn’t put it down once you finally figure out the mystery!

I really loved the juxtaposition of the whole story: marrying education with business, artist creativity with corporate structures, espionage, sinister political undertones and even a touch into the spiritual realm. It kept me hooked!

I was shocked by a few of the plot twists and even surprised in which characters I ended up liking towards the end who I haaaaateed at the beginning. I think Jem is a character I’ll think about for the rest of my life.

Would definitely rate this at the top of my favorite Janice Hallett books! A true who dunnit that will keep you guessing and entertained until the very end. And even question some of your own morality.

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This is a solve it yourself kind of book following a group of art students in a prestigious arts program. Even though the premise of the book was great, I felt a bit lost at the beginning. The author throws you directly into the story and by doing so, forgets to properly introduce the characters. Personally, it was hard to follow the story at first. When I think about it though, maybe it was the point because you are supposed to be a detective who does not actually know all the characters. I was also wondering for a while what was the mystery part of the book as we don’t actually know what happened at first. Still, it is a captivating book that makes you want to turn the pages. Is it the best? No. Would I still recommend it? Probably.

Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book.

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A good, solid mystery. Read it in about 5 hours when I was suffering jet lag. The death was foreseeable but I enjoy the format enough to still continue on and appreciate what’s going on. Good twist at the end too.

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The story unveils a labyrinth of deceit and danger. The tension ramps up with each message, leading to a chilling revelation that will keep you on edge. Hallett’s inventive storytelling and sharp wit create a dazzling tapestry of mystery and suspense, making this a must-read for anyone who loves their thrillers fresh and engaging.

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6 students in an art program, or is it? 6 very different personalities and abilities, 1 instructor, some examiners and a business. Oh, and an ecological protest group makes the whole story come together.

The examiners are called to read all the emails and chats that tell the story in order to determine if something really did go seriously wrong during this course. Some personalities will drive you crazy.

I thought it was way too long and could have been accomplished in less detail, but it was interesting trying to figure out what happened.

Good story, but not great. Thank you NetGalley for an advance reader copy. Honest opinions expressed here are my own and are freely given.

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