Member Reviews

I love Becka Mack and these boys with all my heart. I’ll look past some slightly repetitive writing in this one for the spice alone because it was truly excellent.

Jaxon wasn’t even on my radar until now, he’s not Carter (ily) but he just may be in second…maybe!!

Bring on Breathe with Me!!!

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Soo good! I've loved Becka Mack's previous books and this one was no exception! Jaxon was the perfect mix of moody and goofy, and Lennon complimented him perfectly. I also think with every book, Becka develops the entire "family" more and more, and it just making the love I have for these books stronger. Highly recommend for anyone who loves hockey romance and found family.

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Thank you Netgalley and Simon and Schuster Canada for the free e-book. Please I'm begging you consider me for a physical arc if book 5. I am not sure what I am supposed to do with myself until book 5 comes out. This book/ series is absolute perfection I have buddy read each one with a friend and we are both obsessed. Not sure how the series keeps gettig better and better. Probably one of the best series I've read.

Have been getting friends to read it absolute will recommend


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Fall With Me is the fourth book in the Playing For Keeps series and it follows Jaxon and Lennon. Jaxon is a playboy who has never been into commitment, and Lennon is a photographer who just left her fiancé after finding out he cheated on her at their rehearsal dinner. They meet on Lennons supposed to be honeymoon, where Jaxon is vacationing with his flavour of the week, and kind of hate each other. They get drunk, hook up, and a week later find themselves suddenly working for the same sports team.

I did really enjoy this, I’d give it a 4.5 ⭐️. It’s my second favourite in the series after Unravel Me. This started so strong, Jaxon and Lennon meeting, having insane chemistry and banter, and their hook up was hot. The spice in this is amazing and there’s a ton of it. The only reason why this wasn’t a 5⭐️ read for me is because the story didn’t exactly unfold the way I thought it would or wanted it to. I loved at the beginning there was this back and forth tension, will they, won’t they, and that ceased a lot really quickly because they move in together. They always like each other and are basically together the entire story, but not officially. There were so many super sweet and lovely moments, they really showed up for each other, everything was really cute, a bit cheesy. I loved catching up with the whole friend group and their relationships as well. Overall, I really, really enjoyed this and can’t wait for the next. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the free preview in exchange for an honest review.

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Was kindly given an ARC of this book by NetGalley and decided to give it to my bookstore manager to read as she’s read the entire series leading up to this book. She said it was her least favourite of the series sadly but she still enjoyed it. She’s staff picked the other books of the series but is unlikely to staff pick this one.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Simon and Schuster for the advanced copy for an honest review.

I’m late to the Playing for Keeps Vancouver Vipers hockey romance series but I’ve quickly become a fan.
Jaxon and Lennon’s story is interwoven with other books in this series but can be read as a stand-alone.
I laughed, I cried, I swooned.
A great story all around.

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I would die for Jaxon and Lennon. Literally put my life on the line for their love story.

They were utterly perfect and had me falling back in love with love. Becka brings her found family story back in full force with Fall With Me, and when I tell you I laughed, cried, and smiled my way through this book, it's not a lie. This book was beautiful and so well written. Becka continues to give us pieces of herself in these books and the emotions I feel every time I read these books is so real and raw and beautiful.

Thank you NetGalley for an eARC!

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I am so so so late to the Becka Mack fan club but I'm so glad I finally picked up a book in her Playing for Keeps Vancouver Hockey sports romance series. While this one is the fourth in the series, I think it can be read as a standalone. That said there are definitely cameos from past characters and you'll probably want to read them all at some point to fully immerse yourself in this world.

Perfect for fans of authors like Liz Tomforde, Stephanie Archer or Elle Kennedy, this was a FANTASTICALLY STEAMY runaway bride, one night stand, dual POV, roommate romance! I ADORED Jaxon and his cat daddy, TOP BOOK BOYFRIEND qualities. He was a giant marshmallow with so many insecurities about his own self worth that I just wanted to give him a giant hug!

The way Jaxon worships biracial sports photographer Lennon like no one ever has before was amazing. Their chemistry was off the charts and the scenes where he does her hair, brings her star gazing, and just overall takes care of her when she's not feeling great or PMSing was AMAZING!! Everyone wants a guy like Jaxon, TRUST ME!!

This was also great on audio read by Alex Kydd and Jae Delane (two narrators I wasn't very familiar with but was very impressed by). Now excuse me while I go binge read the other books in this series and fall even harder in love with the men of the Vancouver Vipers hockey team!! Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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Becka Mack is back with another smash. Jaxon and Lennon were everything I could have hoped for and more! Just like all her previous books, Becka Mack's writing is hilarious and heartfelt. I will always love the found family the boys have all found together with their girls. There's nothing that makes me happier than reading about all the chaos that comes with the whole gang. They're all just so much fun and it keeps me wanting more. This book especially was special in my opinion because Jaxon and Lennon were both outsiders coming into an already established group of friends. Seeing them navigate their growing relationship and also their friendships with the other characters was my favourite part. I love how Becka Mack explored all their dynamics and balanced the silliness with emotional depth. I'm forever grateful to the publisher for providing me this ARC and I'm already counting down the days for the last book in this excellent series!

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I knew I was going to love grumpy cat daddy Jaxon, but this is beyond. He and Lennon are incredible, individually and together, and just fit. The way he's outwardly grumpy and standoffish at times but it's really a cover for his insecurity, and he's actually the sweetest, most thoughtful guy ever? Becka writes guys just gone for their women so well and I liked that this was the first time he was the one who took longer to get it together as far as their relationship status (he was still gone for her, just in denial).

Plus, there was the best type of forced proximity: the kind the characters put themselves in because "there's no better option" when really it's cuz they can't help themselves. Oh you need somewhere to stay? Stay with me, it's not a big deal, it's temporary, everything is fine, it doesn't mean anything (HA!).

Mittens got his day in the sun (at times literally: cue the mermaid costume), and Lennon was just as enamored with him as Jaxon. Their interactions made me laugh many times.

And then, as Queen Becka demands, there were full tears for her to feast on during two different moments near-ish the end. (She mentioned fearing on the tears of readers somewhere in the acknowledgments or about her section, it isn't weird).

I love the way they both cared for one another the way the other person needed it and helped each other be their best selves. The found family is also top notch (and ridiculous), as always in this series.

I had only two small complaints: 1. Can we just stop referencing Harry Potter in new books please? and 2. For me, 'honey' is a nickname for children, animals, sarcastic bless your heart moments, etc., not a sexy term of endearment. It's been popping up all over romance books lately tho, so clearly others disagree with me and that's fine. I won't yuck your yum, it just made me cringe a bit every single time, just like using the phrase "yuck your yum" just did.

Otherwise this is my fave of the series and I have a new fave Viper!

Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for the ARC! It's out July 30 (a week from today!) and the other three are out now, so catch up on our other three favorite hockey playing simps.

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I read this book in under 48 hours and I am HOOKED!!

I read this and intend to do some research before an upcoming interview with Becka Mack (I personally am not hosting but helping to prep the influencer to host). I immediately became a fan of hers. This was my first read of hers and have since then added all of her other books to my TBR list (and online cart). Becka Mack tackles difficult conversations and topics with ease and appropriately placed humour. This book is equally spicy as it is filled with heart and humour.

10/10 will be reccomending!!


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I’ve been waiting for Jaxon’s story! And Becka Mack delivered! Lennon is the perfect match for Jaxon. Watching them slowly shift from lust to love was so sweet! Spicy and full of dirty talk, but also vulnerability and growth, friendship and love among friends. Love this group of characters so much!

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I’ve never read any books from Becka Mack before and this was a wonderful surprise! Rauchy, funny and endearing…need I say more???

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One of most anticipated reads of the year and was not disappointing. Becka Mack is a true stand out in a world of sports romances that can easily get repetitive and dull. She writes beautifully crafted stories and her character development is bar none.
I think this story could’ve had a few filler parts cut and some scenes omitted but I do not think having them included took away from how much I loved this book.
Can’t wait for Becka Mack to visit our store in September!

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Buckle up because I’m about to yap.... a lot! I mean can you blame me? This book absolutely DESTROYED me and opened up some very old wounds so I have a lot to say.

Jaxon is a man who doubts himself. He is a man who struggles with believing in himself and realizing that he IS worthy of all the love he is surrounded with. He is a man who can't admit that as much as he puts up a front of not needing anyone, deep down he wants true love, he wants a sense of belonging amongst his friends and most importantly he wants to believe that he is enough.

Here's a little bit about me. Growing up, especially in school, I didn't have the greatest friends. Was I a part of friend groups? Yes. DId I actually feel like I belonged and could rely on them when I needed them? No. I always felt like an outcast in friend groups. Always the last on to be picked when we playing games during recess, the one being made fun, the one no one gave a fuck about. I was never anyones first choice. Middle school was the worst. In my first year of middle school, I was a part of a trio. The other girls were a lot closer than I was with them, and they made sure I knew that. They always left me out, always whispered and giggled to each other about things they never bothered to share with me and always picked on me whenever they felt like it. I've been told how worthless, stupid and incapable I am so many times to the point that I believe it. I'm not confident at all. I struggle so badly with believing in myself, believing that I AM capable, that I can achieve things. I am so afraid to make mistakes, to try new things because I'm scared that if I mess up, every single negative thing my "friends" or parents have said to me, that is ingrained in my head, is true. That I'm not worthy and I really am a useless piece of sh*t. That's when my biggest insecurities planted their roots and have stuck with me till this day.

I'm sorry for trauma dumping LOL but the reason why I'm mentioning all that is because, the second I started reading Fall With Me, I saw myself in Jaxon. I saw a man who is afraid that who he is as a person will never be good enough for someone to actually want him, love him and accept him. When I tell you, I was SOBBING while reading this book. This story hit me where it hurts. There are SO many lines, so many inner thoughts that Jaxon and Lennon too had, that just broke me, because I UNDERSTOOD him. I got why he was feeling that way, why he was struggling because while reading, I could see me. Seeing someone else (even though they're fictional) going through the same inner conflicts that I deal with, felt SO validating. When you've been feeling like shit for a long long time, when you actually start to believe that no one will actually TRULY love you for who you are, that you actually aren't enough, even when the people close to you tell you how much of an amazing person you, it's so hard to believe them. To ACTUALLY be able to push away those negative thoughts and see yourself in a new light. It's something that Jaxon struggles with and we see his journey all the way to the very end of this book. While this book opened up a lot of old wounds, I feel like it healed them too.

Lennon is what Jaxon needed in his life. She is the one that stayed with him, even when he thought that everyone he knows is eventually going to leave him. She was his rock through it all and he was hers. Their relationship was so beautiful. They are two broken people, who took the time to and with a lot of patience, put each other back together to create beautiful new versions of themselves. They are my favourite couple in this series.

Now that you’ve read the sad part, let’s continue here shall we:

While this book made me cry, it also made me laugh a lot! I feel like this book had the funniest scenes out of all four books. So much outta pocket sh*t happens and every time the groups together, you’re definitely in for a good time! Irelands birthday was definitely my favourite and when you find out why you’re going to be laughing so hard😂 Also Coochie Gang and Britney’s B*tches are ICONIC!!


If you are waiting for this book, I am sure that you are going to love it. This book is deep, it pulls on your heart strings, it makes you reflect and most importantly it helps you realize that no matter what you’ve been through, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel and your happily ever after IS waiting for you. You deserve everything your heart desires and so much more. ❤️

Thank you so much @simonschusterca for the ARC❤️

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