Member Reviews

Another great continuation of Tempe always working hard to her best for the dead. Unfortunately, this desire to do to good does in the way of her personal relationship. This is not discussed in depth nor developed much, almost added in passing to keep the characters in relationships.

Tempe works for justice for some burn victims and one unexpected finding. She does, as usual, get in 'trouble' for going to far in her investigations.

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I love the Temperence Brennan books. Tempe is called to Washington, DC, to analyze the victims of a deadly blaze. The building is in Foggy Bottom, a neighborhood with an interesting past and present, and Tempe becomes suspicious about the property’s ownership when she dives into its history.

Tempe teams with a new ally, telejournalist Ivy Doyle. Soon the duo learns that back in the thirties and forties the home was the hangout of a group of bootleggers and racketeers known as the Foggy Bottom Gang. Then the son of a Foggy Bottom gang member is shot dead at his home in an affluent part of the district. What is going on?

As Tempe and Ivy dig deeper, an arrest is finally made. Then another Foggy Bottom Gang-linked property burns to the ground, claiming one more victim. Tempe’s moves since coming to Washington have been anticipated, and every path forward seems to bring with it a lethal threat. It is another great Brennnan book.

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I usually like to summarize books in my reviews, but I felt there were so many ins and outs and characters, it was tough for me to follow the timeline and I don't want to get anything wrong, so I'm just going to provide a summary of how I felt on the overall book.

Overall, the book was fine and OK. It kept me interested enough to read it and move forward on it. Kathy Reichs is a new author for me. Although I've seen her in the social media world, I've never quite delved into many of her books. I enjoyed this book enough to investigate other reads from her, but it wasn't a five star knock my socks off book either.

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If you’ve never read Bones, the recent release of the 23rd book is a wonderful reason to start. Kathy Reichs’ series inspired the TV drama of the same name (starring Emily Deschanel, who just began a rewatch podcast) and it’s easy to see why. The Bones series follows forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan (or Tempe) along different cases. In Fire and Bones, Brennan has been invited to DC to help with the recovery and identification of remains in an arson investigation. Tempe quickly gets embroiled in the chaos of the investigation as an extra corpse is found, possibly decades old, in second basement on the property. Between the original case, links to historic gangs, and a journalist ally, Brennan can’t leave well enough alone.

I highly recommend the Bones series, including Fire and Bones, to any fan of procedurals, those interested in forensics, and fans of the Bones and Criminal Minds TV shows. Kathy Reichs is a forensic anthropologist by trade, now a retired professor at UNC Charlotte, and strikes a wonderful balance between technical details and accessibility, with Tempe generally explaining her process (either internally or to a non-forensic colleague).

Thank you to Scribner for the ARC!

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Do you have a series you've been reading for an extremely long time? For me Kathy Reichs' Temperance Brennan series, the series that inspired the TV series „Bones" is one of those series I've been reading for years and years...
And with this newest and 23rd book Reichs delivers yet again —a captivating, twist-filled forensic thriller that I couldn't put down.
This installment takes place in Washington DC, offering a fresh setting outside the usual North Carolina or Quebec locales. While I enjoyed the change of scenery, I did miss some of the familiar banter between regular characters and colleagues.
That said, the book can easily be enjoyed as a standalone, as long as you have some basic understanding of the characters from previous entries (I've jumped around the series myself without any issue).
In this story, Brennan is preparing for a vacation with her partner, Ryan, when she's unexpectedly called to assist on a case. Four victims have been burned alive in a fire, and Brennan is tasked with identifying the bodies amidst the debris. During the process, a fifth body is discovered in the building's lower level, hinting at a potential cold case murder.
As always, I loved Brennan's character-professional, yet sarcastically funny, with just the right amount of prickliness. The story strikes a good balance between forensic details and police procedural, and the writing is sharp and witty, keeping me hooked until the very end.

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I was glad to see not as much medical and forensic terminology/description in this one as it was a much easier read than others in this series. I didn’t warm up to Ivy as much as some of the other characters. Solving the mystery of the fifth body was interesting. I really liked the historical references to the DC area and thought that was well described. 3.5 stars

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Kathy Reichs does not disappoint!!! I have read her books for years and this one was top notch. Tempe is about to go on a romantic getaway with Ryan when she's called to assist on a fire case. What follows is so crazy and I couldn't stop reading. The second storyline in the about the Foggy Bottom Gang was very interesting. Please don't stop writing Tempe books!! For those of us that miss watching Bones, it helps keep her character alive.

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Familiarity is not ways a good thing. Usually I love Kathy Reichs’ Temperance Brennan, but this book did not grab me as others did before. Maybe not enough Ryan? Still a 3.5, but not up to her usual level.

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I have read most of this series and have enjoyed all of them. This one was good but definitely didn’t suck me in as much as some of her others have. Reichs books are very formulaic which can be expected which each book and this one was no different. The plot of this one was unique to her other books. Sometimes I am able to predict the perp and sometimes I can’t in her books but this one by the last chunk I had a feeling about who was involved though that didn’t take away from the story for myself. Overall, an enjoyable but forgettable read for me. This was a 3.5 for me.

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I guess that I'm on of the few people who had never heard of Temperance Brennan, but now that I've met her, I look forward to seeing her again.
This book started out with a fire in an old house (now and Air B&B) in Washington DC, that burns down. Tempe is asked to come there by a friend of her daughter's - Ivy Doyle, an investigative reporter. Tempe is a thorough, forensic anthropologist, who works in Charlotte, NC, but her reputation is well known throughout the country.
As the women investigate the four bodies found at the house, Ivy fills in the history of the area and the house - which was the base of operations for The Foggy Bottom Gang- bootleggers and smugglers in the 30s and 40s. When a small body is found in the subbasement, Tempe analyses it and determines that the death occurred in the 30s or 40s, pointing the way to the Foggy Bottom Gang involvement. She and Ivy began to investigate possible links between the two cases when another fire burns down another house in the area.
I loved the way the author described the autopsies, and the evidence that the remains offered despite their appearance. I did not see the conclusion coming but it was a great ending to these cases.
This book is a combination of a crime drama, a historical thriller, and a forensic investigation. Yes, there is a pretty gruesome body count, and autopsies are not easy to read about, but the characters were so dedicated and intelligent, that it only added to the genius of the book. I hope to read another book by this author and I'll have to catch Bones on streaming (if it's even available anymore).
I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and the publisher and the opinions expressed are entirely my own

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The adventure as well as the science is intriguing. I blew through this in a few hours. Brenanfinds herself in a scare predicament that she and her new friend Ivy must dig deep into. The characters have depth and realness to them. It read almost like an episode of the tv show. It was nice to see the differences and the similarities between the two.

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Fire and Bones
by Kathy Reichs
Pub DateAug 06 2024
General Fiction \(Adult\)| Mystery & Thrillers

A copy of Fire And Bones was provided to me by Scribner and Netgalley for review:

Why yes I am reviewing a book about Temperance Brennan, I.E Bones. But before Temperance Brennan became popular television series, She was a character in a series of novels by Kathy Reichs, this is her latest, the twenty third book in that series, now lets delve in...

Despite her misgivings about working fire scenes, Tempe is called to Washington, DC, to analyze victims of a deadly fire. A culturally rich neighborhood, Foggy Bottom, houses the destroyed building, and Tempe becomes suspicious of its owner as she digs into its past.

The pieces start falling into place strangely and quickly, and Tempe teams up with telejournalist Ivy Doyle to tell the story. In the thirties and forties, the Foggy Bottom Gang, a group of bootleggers and racketeers, used to hang out at the home. Although interesting, this fact seems irrelevant-until the son of a Foggy Bottom gang member is shot dead in an affluent neighborhood. Are these coincidences? Attacks with a specific target? There are so many questions.

Finally, Tempe and Ivy make an arrest after digging deeper. Another Foggy Bottom Gang-linked property burns to the ground, claiming another victim. Eventually, Tempe's instincts point to the obvious: her moves since coming to Washington have been anticipated, and every path forward seems to bring danger.

I give Fire And Bones,five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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I have read all the Tempe Brennan books and with a couple of exceptions, enjoyed them all. But, it's time to retire the series. Tempe is cranky, arrogant, and judgemental. She also treats her boyfriend, Ryan, like crap. He's barely in this book, as has been the case more and more in this series. Tempe just isn't likeable and without Ryan to bring some sweetness and humor, there's really no incentive to read.

The character of Ivy, is much more interesting, and I would read a series focused on her. Or a series about Ryan, with Tempe only appearing about as much as Ryan does in the current books.

In all, Tempe is tempermental, judgemental, and treats her lovely boyfriend like yesterday's news. She's not likeable, and that's the final nail for this series.

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This was a great installment in the series and I’m looking forward to many more. Tempe Brennan solves both and old case as well as a new one which will keep you reading all night.

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Always apprehensive about working fire scenes, Tempe is called to Washington, D.C., to analyze the victims of a deadly blaze and sees her misgivings justified. The devastated building is in Foggy Bottom, a neighborhood with a colorful past and present, and Tempe becomes suspicious about the property’s ownership when she delves into its history.

I always enjoy what Kathy Reichs puts out, but I enjoyed this one even more after I got to see her in person. Hearing her background and the back ground for this book brought it to a whole new light for me. Seeing Tempe's growth in the book and her willingness to work with a reporter was a great addition and I really liked that part of the story line. If you have like the pervious books you will like this one too.

I cannot wait to see where Tempe, Ryan and Katie go in the future.

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This was my first experience with forensic anthropologist Tempe Brennan but I have a feeling not my last. There was just the right amount of crime, thriller, drama and a little too much of the gristly details to make this a fast and satisfying read. If I had any questions they were swiftly answered by the amount of research and procedure involved in establishing identification of victims who perish by fire.

While easily read as a stand alone, it might have been helpful to have some of the backstory of the characters, especially the significant other relationship. I enjoyed the writing, plot and character development and will definitely look for others in this series to read.

Thanks to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for a copy.

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Another Temperance Brennan book...and, as per usual, a good one! While investigating a fire's four victims, she finds a fifty dating back to the 1940's. Lots of great sleuthing on both of the cases. Not much Ryan in this one!

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Tempe is called to Washington, DC to analyze some victims of a deadly fire. Tempe is apprehensive about working fire scenes, and this one is no different. The fire happened in a run down building with borders inside. Tempe was presured into doing and interview with someone her niece was in the military with, Ivy Doyle. the two begin to do research on the building, only to find to find the building itself has a history. A second fire with another victim extends Tempes stay. Whats going on in Foggyg Bottom. Thanks netgalley for another Kathy Reichs story

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Kathy Reichs books always deliver. This is the 23rd in the Temperance Brennan “Bones” series. Temperance is a forensic anthropologist who works both in North Carolina and Quebec. In this story, she is asked to come to Washington DC to help identify bodies that burned in a fire in an illegal AirBnB in Foggy Bottom. She is reluctant at first because she does not particularly like working with burn victims and she is about to leave on a vacation with long time lover, Ryan. As she investigates, with the assistance of her daughter’s reporter friend, Ivy, she learns that the residence was used by the Foggy Bottom Gang for nefarious purposes in the 1930s and 40s. When another nearby structure burns and a descendent of the Gang is murdered, the mystery and the danger deepen. Of course, Tempe cannot help herself from probing further. Things quickly become dangerous when they discover the property belonged to a member of a group of bootleggers and racketeers in the 30's and 40's. The characters are relateable as well as some of the personal issues that impact them, making them all that more real. The writing is smart and engaging, the story complex and intriguing and fast moving in sharp short chapters. It kept my interest throughout. Thank you to NetGalley, the author and Simon & Schuster

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I always love digging into an investigation with Brennan! In this book we go to Washington DC to work an investigation where multiple people died in a fire. It was fun following the investigation and seeing where it lead us. I love these types of books because I am trying to solve the case as the book goes, sometimes I get it right sometimes I don't. I highly recommend this series and this book to anyone who likes solving a mystery! Thank you net galley for my e-ARC!

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