Member Reviews

Title: Fire and Bones
Author: Kathy Reichs
Genre: Thriller
Rating: 4 out of 5

It’s never easy working fire scenes.

Called to Washington, DC to analyse the victims of a mysterious arson attack, Tempe quickly finds her misgivings justified. The fire site is in Foggy Bottom, a neighbourhood with a colourful history, and as the pieces start falling into place, the property’s ownership becomes more and more suspicious.

Sensing a good story, Tempe teams up with a new ally, telejournalist Ivy Doyle. Delving into the past, the duo learns that back in the Thirties and Forties the home was the hangout of a group of bootleggers and racketeers known as the Foggy Bottom Gang. Though interesting, this fact seems irrelevant – until the son of one of the gang members is shot dead at his farm in Virginia.

When another Foggy Bottom Gang-linked property burns to the ground, claiming one more victim, what might have been coincidence starts to look more like targeted attacks. As she and Ivy dig deeper, Tempe’s instincts point towards the somehow, her every move since coming to Washington has been anticipated in advance. And every path forward brings with it a lethal threat.

As all of Reichs’ books are, this was a solid read. I liked the different levels of mystery going on—the current mystery, the historical, Foggy Bottom Gang mystery, and the mystery of the other, unidentified body. Tempe is an interesting character to me. She’s so smart, sees things others don’t, yet knows she’s hit-or-miss with the people skills. This was a good read that I blew through in a single day, although I did see some hints of the actual culprit peeking through.

Kathy Reichs is a bestselling author. Fire and Bones is her newest novel.

(Galley courtesy of Scribner in exchange for an honest review.)

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I enjoy this character but found there was not enough development in her own personal story in #23. There is arson in Foggy Bottom and Tempe is asked to consult. The relationship of the various suspects and associated people gets a bit muddled. The ending is wrapped up tightly but the getting there lacked. Not bad by any means, just not her best.

Copy provided by the publisher and Netgalley

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The profound damage that fire can inflict on the human body is featured in the latest Temperance Brennan mystery by Kathy Reichs. A consult takes Tempe to Washington DC where four badly burned bodies are recovered from an old building in Foggy Bottom. But a fifth body, decades older than the burned corpses, is found in the sub-basement and captures Tempe’s interest.

Despite the DC setting, the story does not involve politicians, elections, or government, aside from the usual coordination of law enforcement. Ivy Doyle, an ambitious reporter that Tempe’s daughter, Katie, met in Afghanistan takes an interest in the arson investigation and Dr. Brennan’s work. A cute pet chinchilla (I had to google a photo) is also featured. This is a quick and enjoyable read with the witty banter and science that Reichs is known for. Perfect for the end of summer, or really any time.

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My full review of Fire and Bones by Kathy Reichs is available at the link provided with this review. If you have any further questions please email mw at

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Good, fast read. Storyline was great, and kept you guessing to the end. Kathy Reichs always keeps Temperance fresh & timely. You get a little on the edge of your seat as she puts herself in a bit a danger so the dead may have a voice.

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The newest in the Bones series by Reich features forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan, who partners with Ivy Doyle, a telejournalist. Reich takes readers on a fast-paced journey.

As they investigate, the pair uncovers that the residence once served as a gathering place for the notorious Foggy Bottom Gang during the Thirties and Forties. Initially seeming like a mere historical tidbit, this revelation gains weight when the son of a former gang member is found murdered on his Virginia farm. The situation escalates when another property linked to the gang is engulfed in flames, resulting in yet another casualty, transforming what seemed like random events into a pattern of deliberate assaults. As Tempe and Ivy delve further, Tempe's instincts suggest that someone has been anticipating their every move since their arrival in Washington.

Love these books. I highly recommend

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I always love digging into an investigation with Tempe Brennan. In this book we go to Washington DC to work an investigation where multiple people died in a fire. It was fun following the investigation and seeing where it lead us. I love these types of books because I am trying to solve the case as the book goes, sometimes I get it right sometimes I don't. I highly recommend this series and this book to anyone who likes solving a mystery.

Received ARC in exchange for voluntary honest review from NetGalley and Scribner.

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3.5 stars

I enjoyed the DC setting, It is quite descriptive, since some readers may want to keep that in mind. This does give a bit more background information on Tempe. I appreciated her friendship with the reporter, as the latter is often cast in a negative light in most stories. Fans of the series, as well as fans of procedural novels, will likely enjoy this installment

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I don’t know why, but the last couple of Kathy Reichs books I have read came off a little flat. I didn’t find myself rapidly flipping pages to see what comes next. BUT, that doesn’t mean I won’t pick up the next book I see that is written by her. She will always be at the top of my favorites list.

In Fire and Bones, Tempe is talked into coming to Washington D C to check out some fire victims. As with all her books, there is more than meets the eye and her inquisitiveness puts a target on her back.

It’s an unusual situation, in that, Tempe finds herself working with the press, instead of trying to avoid it. Her and Ivy Doyle make a good team and also good roommates, when Tempe finds herself without a hotel room and Ivy invites her to stay at her place.

Ryan is still in her life, but their scheduled vacation has been cancelled. He’s not the least bit happy about that, but then, neither is she. Sometimes life gets in the way and plans change.

Fire and Bones is more mystery than suspense/thriller, and I did enjoy walking side by side with Tempe to find out who’s behind the fires being set in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Fire And Bones by Kathy Reichs.

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Another hit in this long running series. This time we find ourselves in Washington DC where we learn about body recovery and Foggy Bottom. This story had lots of twists and turns and as always, I learn historic tidbits along the way. I always look forward to another outing in this series. They never disappoint.

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This was my first Kathy book - and as a lover of Bones - i was awestruck to receive an arc. Temperance is the badass i assumed she’d be and the thriller + crime vibes had my absolutely invested. I loved every second of this book and will be getting the remainder immediately.
It’s always fun to see strong FMC and forensic anthropology is so utterly fascinating.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance ecopy of this title. In the latest installment of the Temperance Brennan series, Tempe is called to Washington D.C. to help identify bodies that were burned in a sketchy rooming house. Along the way, she discovers remains that were in the cellar of the building since the 1940s. Although Ryan is not in this novel, Tempe's D.C. hostess is a great secondary character. This series is still fresh, and I always look forward to the next book!

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I like these novels featuring a forensic anthropologist. Reichs' writing style is good, making for an engaging read. There is a good balance of Brennan's personal life and the investigation. I like that this time Ryan is not very much a part of the plot. I really like how Reichs provides information as part of the plot. I learned, for example, how Washington, DC is laid out and about the people and cultures in the different city areas. A body was found in a burlap sack so I even learned quite a bit about those sacks. Characters are well drawn, the grouchy ones especially.

A warning to the sensitive as the burned bodies are described in detail. I felt that made the plot all the more real. This is another good novel in the series, engaging and informative.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advance reader copy of Fire and Bones by Kathy Reichs in exchange for an honest review. I love this series and this book had a lot of great information about fire recovery of the dead and about Washington DC. I loved the change of scenery and new characters and the twist at the end.

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Another good read from Kathy Reichs. This time we find Tempe in Washington DC helping with victims of a fire. Along with the recent victims, another, much older body is found in a tunnel below the house. There is also some turmoil between Tempe and Ryan.

I liked the historical references to Foggy Bottom and Prohibition, but I found myself more invested in finding out what happened to the older victim, rather than the recent victims. The side characters were interesting and the addition of the Chinchilla was great.

Overall, another good mystery for Tempe to help solve.

Thank you to NetGalley, Scribner, and Kathy Reichs for the eARC.

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Though I really enjoy the Temperance Brennan books, this one got to me with the descriptions of the fires and the bodies. Known for her forensic procedurals, the latest is about a series of fires in DC. The story interested me because of how it reached back through the history of not only the houses but the crime family who owned them. Though not for the faint of heart, the story is interesting.

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Fire and Bones (Temperance Brennan #23) by Kathy Reichs
Publisher: Scribner
Genre: General Fiction (Adult), Mystery & Thrillers
Expected Publication Date: August 6, 2024

Fire and Bones is the 23rd book in the Temperance Brennan series by Kathy Reichs. If you haven’t read all the previous books, you can still enjoy this as a standalone mystery. I think I’ve read 5 or 6 of the books in the series and the rest are on my TBR because they are that good!

I really enjoyed this book. I thought the story was well developed with interesting plot twists. This was fast paced and turned into a quick read because I couldn’t put it down.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Wow! This series is up to number 23 and still going strong. I have followed this series for many years now and still look forward to every new book. I also enjoyed the tv show Bones, based on the character in these books, when it was showing new episodes every week.

It’s never easy working fire scenes, Tempe thinks. Called to Washington, DC, to analyze the victims of a building set ablaze amid mysterious circumstances, she sees all her misgivings justified. The building site is in Foggy Bottom, a neighborhood with a colorful past and present, and the property’s ownership becomes even more suspicious when Tempe delves into its past. The pieces start falling into place strangely and quickly, and, sensing a good story, Tempe teams with a new ally, telejournalist Ivy Doyle. Soon the duo learns that back in the thirties and forties the home was the hangout of a group of bootleggers and racketeers known as the Foggy Bottom Gang. Though interesting, this fact seems irrelevant—until the son of a Foggy Bottom gang member is shot dead at his farm in Fairfax County, Virginia. Coincidence? Targeted attacks? So many questions. As Tempe and Ivy dig deeper, an arrest is finally made. Then another Foggy Bottom Gang-linked property burns to the ground, claiming one more victim. Slowly, Tempe’s instincts begin pointing to the somehow, her moves since coming to Washington have been anticipated in advance, and every path forward seems to bring with it a lethal threat.

My Thoughts:
Yes, this book is just as good as the others in the series. This one is set in Washington, DC instead of North Carolina or Montreal, and Tempe had to give up her vacation with her long time romantic partner in order to work on investigating this fire case with several people dead. I thought the extra case of the unexpected victim of something in the past was interesting and added more intrigue to the story. Following the investigation was fun and watching the pieces of the historical puzzle come together provided a sense of satisfying a long term situation. I can wholeheartedly recommend this series to anyone who likes a good mystery.

Thanks to Scribner through Netgalley for an advance copy.

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Kathy Reichs has delivered another great thriller. After 23 novels, the Temperance Brennan series is still going strong. The series got its start as forensic procedural mysteries. However medical examiner procedure can get a bit grisly for most readers and the books are a lot less detailed than they use to be in that respect. Reichs still spins a good story. She sets a scene with plenty of detail allowing the reader to place themselves in the room with Brennan. The various characters are described both physically and with personal behavior quirks. They are easy to imagine. The story is well plotted and satisfying. I did find the ending with the last arson unnecessary to the story as a whole.Although well written, it almost seemed to be added on to up the page count. Reichs is one of my must read authors and I was thrilled to receive an early downloadable copy from the publishers. It did not disappoint. I can honestly recommend this novel to any mystery fan.

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I received an ARC copy of this book via #NetGalley

Another solid entry to the Temperance Brennan series. I liked this one a lot more than the last one, though it was somewhat predictable in parts. I still say that these are being ghost written by someone else. The overall writing and characterizations do not feel like any of Mrs. Reichs earlier books, but this novel has made some improvement.

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