Member Reviews

I highly recommend this book. It has a little bit of information, it also explains what she does during an autopsy.

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This is the 23rd book of the series and even though I haven't read quite a few of them I still knew what was going on. The mystery itself can be read as a standalone but if you want to get to know the main characters then it is best to read them in order. The TV show Bones was also based on this series.
Tempe is called to Washington DC for bodies found that were burned and she is needed to find out what happened. But her and her boyfriend were on their way for a vacation. He isn't happy and feels like her work takes priority so he ignores her. So she has a lot going on.
I thank NetGalley and Scribner for the book to review.

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4 ⭐️ Fast paced and very interesting! Great mystery/thriller! I didn’t realize this book was part of a series of 23, and still enjoyed it as a stand alone story.

Temperance Brenner “Tempe” is called to DC to use her expertise to identify 4 victims of arson. She discovers a mysterious 5th victim in a sub basement. Teaming with her daughter’s friend, reporter Ivy Doyle, they set out to uncover an old grudge, murders, and arson.

Great pace, interesting characters, and satisfying ending. Now I want to read the rest of the series!

Thank you NetGalley and Scribner Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Oh my gosh thank you so much for giving me an Arc copy of Fire and Bones. I love Kathy Reichs books . I've have been trying to collect all of her books. I can not wait to read this book.

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The story of Temperance Brennan lives on in book 23. I have been obsessed with these books for a few years after I got my hands on Deja Vu. I was so excited to be selected as an ARC for this newest book. This one was quite a bit slower, in my opinion, then previous books. The mystery fell really flat and felt like it was just thrown together at the end. Definitely not my favorite but will not stop me from reading book #24. Also Brennan needs to throw Ryan a bone and lock it down 😂

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I truly enjoy this series featuring the iconic Tempe Brennan and what’s really amazing is that this #23 is every bit as good, maybe even better, as the previous installments.

First of all, I really love anything medical and Tempe, as a forensic anthropologist, always gets deep in with the bones and bodies. The details are what I can’t get enough of and because the author is herself an expert, she writes what she knows so well. Every description is so vivid that I can almost feel like I am right there and everything is explained so you don’t have to know anything about the subject to get the clear picture and gist of the situations.

In this case, Tempe is called to Washington, DC, to help identify the unknown victims of a fire. Those poor, unfortunate souls were staying in the dilapidated building illegally and died inside. In addition, another body is discovered in the sub basement, this one predating the fire by decades.

In typical Tempe fashion, she becomes consumed by the case and the history of the Foggy Bottoms where the building was located. She ends up staying with a friend of her daughter’s while there and that relationship is beneficial to both with regard to the case.

I love the character of Tempe Brennan. She’s self-deprecating and funny and so very clever. She’s definitely matured and grown since the first novels and I love how she appreciates all aspects of life as she gets older. I have to laugh as she is one of the few woman in novels who actually always has a healthy appetite! As always, can’t wait for the next and will always recommend this series. Be sure to start at the beginning.

I was lucky and obtained a copy of the audiobook that I could listen to while following along with my e-book ARC obtained from the publisher. I loved the production and the narrator’s voice is perfect for Tempe and she does a great job with the other characters as well.

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Another good entry in the Temperance Brennan series. This time, Tempe was in DC on an interesting case. Readers of the series won’t be disappointed.

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Fire and Bones by Kathy Reichs is the very highly recommended investigative mystery and the twenty-third novel in the long running series featuring forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan. This time Tempe finds herself involved in a Washington, DC, arson investigation.

Dr. Jada Thacker, Washington’s interim medical examiner, calls Tempe and begs her to help identify victims of a deadly fire in an illegal Airbnb located in the Foggy Bottom area of Washington, DC. She agrees even though it means cancelling vacation plans with Andrew Ryan. Tempe ends up having to drive to the city and then stay with television news reporter Ivy Doyle who is a friend of Tempe’s daughter, Katy because all the hotels in the area are booked up. The team finds the expected four victims in the burnt rubble and an unexpected fifth corpse in a burlap bag in the building’s subcellar.

The history of the area, as the location where the group of bootleggers and racketeers known as the Foggy Bottom Gang operated, seems to be interesting but irrelevant - until it doesn't. Tempe stays on in DC longer than planned to help as the investigation expands after another fire occurs in the same area. She also wants to identify the unknown fifth victim found in the subcellar.

The writing is excellent in Fire and Bones. This outing of Tempe was interesting and the complex investigation held my complete attention. Along with the detailed investigation and the history of the area, Reichs occasionally lightens up the tension with humor. The plot will keep you fully invested in the action as the tension rises right to the end.

Tempe is a well known character to many readers, but Fire and Bones can be read as a standalone novel. Readers new to the series may not have all the background information and long running character development, but there is enough information provided in the narrative to meet Tempe Brennan. The case shines in this outing and that should hold the attention of anyone wanting to read a fast-paced and interesting investigative mystery. Thanks to Scribner for providing me with an advance reader's copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and expresses my honest opinion.

The review will be published on Edelweiss, Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

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Rating: 4.5/5
I received an eARC for my honest opinion.

This is book 23 in the Temperance Brennan Novels. In this book Tempe is asked to come to Washington DC to help with identifying bodies that were badly burned in a fire in an illegal AirBnB located in the Foggy Bottom district. Tempe isn’t really happy about going because for the first time she is about to be on a vacation with Ryan, and it’s long overdue, but the victims of the fire and their families are what help her make her decision. Well, she is investigating and she learns that Foggy Bottom Gang was around in the 1930-1940 and that they did a lot of legal things… With more buildings on fire, descendants from the gang are coming out and getting murdered, and more and more mysterious things keep happening and dragging Tempe more and more into this case.

I love the way that Kathy Reichs writes, she knows how to draw the readers’ attention to the big and small things happening throughout the book. She knows when to throw in action at the right time and of course plot twists and turns. The way she writes makes it easy to read, and she doesn’t go into a huge rant about the science part, but just enough so if you’re not familiar with the lingo you will still be able to understand. I found the build up to the suspense parts to be done well and I liked how you got to see a different side to her when it comes to Ryan. You can read this book as a standalone, but I highly recommend that you read all her books to get more understanding. Plus, all her books are great. The pace was fast and engaging throughout the book.

I have not found a character that I didn’t like in any of her books, well other than the bad guys but still. If you like the TV show Bones or books like mysteries, thrillers, crime, suspense, forensics you should give any of Kathy Reichs books a chance.

I want to thank NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book and hopefully more of hers to come as well.

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I enjoyed this latest entry in the Tempe Brennan series, although not as much as the previous one which I only read a few weeks ago. The mini cliffhanger at the end of each short chapter got old very quickly, as did Tempe's rapid fire interior dialogue. Altogether, it was a solid mystery with a satisfying ending, but I think I have had enough Tempe Brennan to last me for a while.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I gotta admit that I always forget how much I enjoy this series until a new one appears and I find myself turning the pages. In this latest, Tempe Brennan puts her relationship at risk to go to Washington DC on Memorial Day weekend to help out with remains found at a horrible fire scene. And then she stumbles on two deeper mysteries- the who and why of the arson and the body of a woman found in a bag in the subbasement. Reichs introduces a great new character in the wealthy journalist Ivy this time out. Ivy makes a good partner on research among other things. Oh, and a chinchilla. Those who live in the DC area will appreciate that Reichs gets things right (the restaurants are real, the traffic, the locations). While I've read them all, I'm certain that this will work as a standalone. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. No spoilers from me.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC.

Kathy Reichs returns with another gripping installment in the Temperance Brennan series, Fire and Bones. This time, forensic anthropologist Dr. Temperance Brennan is called to Washington, D.C., to assist in identifying victims from a fire in an illegal Airbnb. What starts as a routine investigation spirals into a complex web of historical intrigue and modern-day danger.

The story begins with Tempe reluctantly leaving her planned holiday to help Dr. Jada Thacker, Washington’s interim medical examiner. 

Reichs’ characters are as meticulous and driven as ever. Tempe’s determination to seek justice for the unidentified woman is inspiring and harrowing. The introduction of Ivy Doyle, a television news reporter with ties to Tempe’s daughter, adds a fresh dynamic to the story.

Reichs’ no-nonsense prose and forensic detail are on full display. Her ability to weave intricate plots with real-life forensic science and interesting characters keeps readers addicted to her novels.

Fire and Bones explores themes of justice, historical legacies, and the relentless pursuit of truth. The story’s setting in Washington, D.C., with its rich and tumultuous history, adds a layer of complexity and intrigue.

Fire and Bones is a taut, tense, and gripping tale that showcases Kathy Reichs’ mastery of the thriller genre. It’s a compelling mix of forensic science, historical mystery, and modern-day suspense that leaves readers eagerly awaiting the next installment.

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Fire and Bones is book #23 in the Temperance Brennan Novel series by Kathy Reichs.

In this book, Tempe ends up in Washington, DC analyzing victims of a fire instead of on a vacation in Savannah. The case gets more intense as it goes on with Tempe’s life in danger. I enjoy how this long running series stays fresh. It was what i was expecting and I wasn’t disappointed. I look forward to the next book.

Thank you to the author, Scribner, and NetGalley for the Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) copy of this book and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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This was a well-written, entertaining book. It was action-packed, fascinating and I couldn't put it down. I wanted to find out what would happen next and how it would all turn out. I enjoyed this book and will be on the lookout for the next book by this author.

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To the best of my knowledge, I've read all of the Temperance Brennan novels. Some I have liked more than others. I think this one falls in that category. Actually, for the first time, I could see the Tempe on the page being the same person as the one portrayed in the TV series, "Bones." Until now, they appeared quite different to me, so it was interesting, being able to hear the character on TV when reading the book. That said, I still far prefer the books. In this particular book, it seemed to me that Tempe was more balanced, perhaps a little softer around the edges. She didn't seem quite as brash as she sometimes comes across. I enjoyed it and I hope that perhaps this softening trend will continue. I would recommend Fire and Bones to anyone who who is interested in "forensic mysteries." There's one caveat however-- I think a new reader would benefit from reading some of the earlier books first. Thanks to Ms. Reichs, Simon & Schuster and Netgalley for making this copy available to me.

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Victims of a fire are never easy to read about or to process as a forensic anthropologist as Tempe attests to in this latest addition to the series. However, Reichs quickly draws the reader in with good characters and interesting scientific details that doesn't weigh down the flow of the story. Tempe reluctantly drops her romantic weekend away with long time love Ryan to help out in a fire in the Foggy Bottom district of Washington D.C. The area has a colorful past and this particular building was the home to the Foggy Bottom gang, bootleggers and racketeers from the 20s and 30s. What could be considered only an interesting historical fact looks to become all too relevant in the present when a son of one of the members is killed. And Tempe will have to be very careful that she doesn't become one more victim...

Keichs ties in the past and the present with a believable and good storyline. She also always delivers with fascinating scientific details about criminal investigations being a forensic anthropologist herself. It seems a bit unfair that she can also write good characters and thrilling suspense scenes. But it serves the readers well in a great story.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Kathy Reichs is bringing back Temperance Brennan for book number 23!
This entire series has been one of my favourites and I have a hard time not giving it 5 stars out of habit.

Tempe is in DC by request of an old acquaintance to assist on some fire related deaths. But she is also there instead of on vacation with Ryan. She blows him off to work when, arguably she doesn't have to for a couple of reasons. But this very small part of the story stuck with me in a way that was aggravating and distracting.

The rest of the story, the mystery and murder were great as always and I enjoyed the moments when I was able to forget that she really should have been on an island with her man.

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The search for truth is both a right and a duty.

Temperance Brennan is an in-demand forensic anthropologist who is looking forward to some time away during the upcoming Memorial Day weekend with her significant other, former Quebec police officer turned private investigator Andrew Ryan. Those plans are put on hold when a request from her daughter Katie to do a quick phone interview with DC area journalist Ivy Doyle (to whom Katie owes a major favor), who is covering a major fire and looking for information to expand her knowledge. That interview leads to Tempe being dragged into the investigation of the fire at an old building in Foggy Bottom that was being used as an illegal Airbnb and in which four people are presumed to have perished. Ryan does not take the news well that their long-planned getaway is at best postponed if not outright cancelled, and the situation for Tempe does not improve when (due to the holiday and another major event in DC) neither plane tickets nor hotel accommodations are available. When a fifth body turns up at the scene, what appears to be a petite woman wrapped in a burlap bag in a hitherto unknown sub cellar, things get even more complicated. It is this fifth victim who disturbs Tempe the most, especially since no one else in the ME’s office or in the MPD is interested in identifying her. Staying at the wealthy Ivy’s sumptuous home due to the lack of available housing, Tempe works with the reporter to probe the burned building’s past. A second fire at a nearby property owned by the same management company seems to point to a motive stemming from its origins with a crime family dating back almost a century. But who, after so much time, would bother? How, if at all, does the mysterious fifth victim factor in to the situation? With her romantic life in disarray, Tempe is juggling hostile and uncooperative law enforcement personnel and an ME who wants more of Tempe’s time and expertise than she had agreed to give, all while looking into the unreported death of the unknown woman. But looking into the past will put Tempe into danger in the present day.
Fire and Bones is the 23rd outing of Temperance Brennan, the character upon whom the very successful series, “Bones” was based. For any of those who have either watched the tv series and/or read some or all of the preceding books, it is another well-crafted mystery featuring the feisty woman with stellar forensic skills. For those few who have done neither, this book can certainly be read as a standalone….but with 22 books worth of character development preceding it you might miss out on some details or references. Tempe’s dedication to her job and desire to bring justice or at least closure to the dead puts a strain on personal relationships, even with someone whose involvement with law enforcement lends him to be more understanding than most. Ryan is not much of a presence in this book, given their blow-up at the beginning of the story. Bits of DC lore (and a couple of restaurant recommendations to boot) are a bonus; this is a solid addition to the series, with some quirky suspects to keep things lively. Fans of author Kathy Reichs will no doubt pick this up, as should readers of Patricia Cornwell, Jeffrey Deaver and Lisa Scottoline. Those who enjoyed the “Bones” series or (throw back time!) “Quincy M.E.” will enjoy this series too. Many thanks to NetGalley and Scribner Books for allowing me early access to Fire and Bones to revisit a character I’ve always enjoyed.

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Thank you to Scribner for the gifted copy of this book. I loved it!

Fire and Bones is the best Temperance Brennan book I’ve read in some time. I adore this series, read it faithfully every summer, and enjoy every minute of it, but sometimes I want to yell at Tempe to be more careful or stop being so darn stubborn. Tempe is well behaved in this installment, for the most part. The mystery is compelling, the setting (Washington, DC) is fresh, and as usual, it’s got Kathy’s unique, first person/self talk writing style. And I loved the cheeky reference to watching Bones on TV — the show is actually based on this book series! As in my review of last year’s book, I am BEGGING Kathy to give readers more Ryan time in the next book (and please keep the seemingly immortal Birdie in the picture).

If you’ve never read this series, I recommend it — there’s really nothing like it on the market. If you’ve read some but haven’t kept up, this is a great one to jump back into!

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Fire and Bones by Kathy Reichs is another excellent Temperance Brennan novel She is a forensic anthropologist who works with multiple law enforcement agencies, primarily those in North Carolina and Quebec. She is also involved in a long term relationship with retired police detective, Andrew Ryan, who is now a private investigator. Anticipating a long weekend away with Ryan she is disconcerted when she receives a call from a pathologist in Washington DC who has a fire with at least four bodies. Ryan is not that happy either. That situation causes some angst. The fire turns out to be arson. The theory is one of the dead was the target and so the investigation begins. Then Tempe discovers a body in a sub-basement, which is intriguing. It is not fire-damaged but is ensconced in a burlap bag and has been there for a while. Tempe, being curious, chases that lead. Meanwhile the investigation heats up (no pun intended) and Tempe is right in the middle of it. As she and one of the detectives close in on the seemingly unlikely suspect, her partner gets shot and she comes close to dying. Then, there is a third fire about which Tempe puts together snippets she knows and accidentally confronts the murderer/arsonist.

Kathy Reichs always writes an intriguing novel She tells just enough of the forensic details to keep the reader engaged, but not endanger tender stomachs. Tempe is a well-written character who has grown over time. She is intelligent, excellent at her job, empathetic, and curious. She has a grown daughter and Ryan and is happy with her choices. The plot is excellent with the investigative discoveries laid out for the reader as they are discovered by the investigators. The mysteries are good ones, holding the attention of both the authorities and the reader. The characters are believable as are the grudges they held. Interesting all the way around! Thanks Kathy Reichs for this terrific character.

I was invited to read Fire and Bones by Scribner. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Scribner #KathyReichs #FireAndBones

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