Member Reviews

Fire and Bones is the latest in the Tempe Brennan series by Kathy Reichs.

This newest book finds Tempe in DC helping to recover and examine the remains of several people killed in a fire in an old building in Foggy Bottom. Tempe ends up having to stay with Ivy Doyle, a friend of her daughter's who is also a journalist investigating the fire. Ivy and Tempe begin to discover information about the building's ownership and history that are suspicious.

I am always first in line to get my hands on a new Kathy Reichs book, but this one was not one of my favorites. I enjoyed the change of scenery to DC (though I do love it when she's in Montreal!), but the story felt rushed to me. I liked Ivy and hope she plays a part in fugure stories - there's some backstory with her and Katy that I'd love to see explored.

Fans of Reichs won't want to miss this installment, and it also can be read as a standalone.

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review. Thanks to the publisher, the author, and Netgalley!

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As always, Kathy Reichs provides an engaging read in her latest Temperance Brennan novel. Brennan, who was hoping to head off on a vacation, instead finds herself in Washington DC dealing with five corpses from an arson fire. Well, all five have been burned in the fire, but one appears to have been long dead (as in decades) before the fire was set. Brennan wants to work on all five sets of remains, but is discouraged from pursuing the cold case because it-simply-can't-be-solved and there-isn't-money-for-that-sort-of-thing. Of course, this just commits Brennan even more.

This isn't the best of the Brennan novels, but it still provides solid entertainment with a healthy mix of forensic science and ordinary human interactions. There are those bumper stickers that say things like "The worst day golfing is better than the best day working." Brennan at not-quite-her-best is much more engaging than many other series leads.

I received a free electronic review copy of this title from the publisher via NetGalley; the opinions are my own.

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arson, arson-investigators, crime-fiction, crime-thriller, due-diligence, ex-cop, FBI, forensic-anthropology, forensic-consultant, forensic-pathology, forensics, friendship, gangsters, gruesome, heiress, investigations, investigative-journalist, local-law-enforcement, multiple-deaths, multiple-murder, private-investigators, relationship-issues, relationships, snark-fest, suspense, suspicion, twisty, unpleasant-police-officer, unpleasant-suspect, unputdownable, verbal-humor*****

Temperance Brennan adds a "sidekick" to her work in the person of D.C. journalist (and wealthy heiress) Ivy Doyle. Tempe decides that an intriguing arson/murder incident in DC at the request of a friend won't take long and postpones a vacation with her significant other. But, of course, the case becomes more and more convoluted, she stays in DC and the relationship hovers. The case involves both present and past criminals and seems to get crazier by the hour. Another excellent read!
I requested and received a free temporary uncorrected reader's proof from Scribner via NetGalley. Thank you!

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Forensic anthropologist, Tempe Brennan, gets called to help out in the investigation of a fire with four victims she needs to identify. She ends up staying in Washington with Ivy Doyle, a rich friend of Tempe’s daughter. In order to help with this investigation, Tempe has to cancel a romantic holiday weekend with her partner Ryan. During the investigation another body is discovered in a cellar below the burned building. This body seems to be from many years past, making this mystery difficult to solve.

Brennan’s cases are always interesting and they end up causing Tempe to be in danger. The character is likable and the mystery she gets involved in is always extremely enjoyable. This book does not disappoint.

Thank you NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for the opportunity to read and give an honest review of this book.

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Fire and Bones is the 23rd book in the Temperance Brennan series about a middle aged forensic anthropologist from North Carolina. I have read all of the books in the series and really enjoyed this one. Brennan has a romantic getaway planned with her long time love, P.I. Andrew Ryan but a suspicious fire in D.C. changes those plans. The story unfolds nicely as Brennan is stuck in D.C. for longer than planned. Other crimes crop up and of course Brennan is pulled into these as well. The only thing I didn't like was how little Ryan was showcased. I always like their banter and their long time, long distance relationship is inspiring. Give this a try if you enjoy mysteries, then go back and start the series at book 1.

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As a dedicated book lover, diving into Kathy Reichs' latest novel, "Fire and Bones," was like catching up with an old friend. Reichs, known for her gripping forensic thrillers, once again takes us on a thrilling journey through the intricate world of forensic anthropology, this time set against the backdrop of a mysterious fire in a small town. Just like all her “Bones” books Temperance is giving up time with her long term partner & personal life, to help the DC medical examiner retrieve the remains of individuals who lost their lives in the fire. What we find is it’s more than just the fire. As always with Temperance we find her in precarious situations, a deeper question or issue in the case. Also I can’t believe she befriended a JOURNALIST! Shocking! lol

What I will say is compared to her past Bones book this felt very short. More like a novella at 288 pages. It seemed things felt a bit more rushed. The storylines were wrapped very fast in comparison to some of her other books which are closer to 350/375 pages.

That said I still felt it was done well. Nothing was really left with a gap. The character development and stories were well written, well thought out. Very true to the typical Reichs we know and love!

HUGE shoutout to NetGalley & Scribner for the absolute honor of getting to be an early reader! I’m a huge fan of all her books & the tv show!

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I found this book to be a bit of a departure. I love this series featuring forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan, and this was a really interesting story. However, the book is set predominantly in Washington DC, where Tempe is called to assist with the investigation of a fire which claims a number of victims. The trip forces her to cancel plans for a romantic getaway with Ryan, thus, most of the usual characters—Tempe’s colleagues, family, and friends—are absent, and the new location means that the books has a decidedly different feel. Tempe also spends much more time investigating the series of crimes through document research than in the autopsy room. The changes offer a fresh story, but I will also be happy to see Tempe back in Montreal or Charlotte in the next book. Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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Tempe Brennan’s latest adventure requires her to take a last-minute trip to DC, putting a strain on her relationship when she pulls out of a romantic trip for this last-minute work assignment. She is wanted for her expertise in dealing with difficult-to-identify remains, because the bodies in question have been terribly burned in a fire. While at the crime scene, Tempe discovers one corpse too many and sets out to understand what is going on. Because of a connection with her daughter, she is also providing expertise to a journalist, Ivy Doyle, who helps Tempe dig into a possible historical basis for the murders. Be forewarned that the victim descriptions are grislier than usual. There was a little too much of the Ryan drama for my taste. Presumably we are supposed to root for Tempe to get back together with him, but he seems like kind of a pain.

Thanks to Netgalley and Scribner for a digital advance review copy.

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Another great Temperance Brennan book. Very interesting story about the history of Foggy Bottom. Cant wait for her next book!,

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Tempe Brennan has a long-awaited holiday weekend with her partner Ryan, when she receives a call asking for her expertise in identifying bodies in a fire in a section of Washington DC. In the rubble she discovers an extra body, and of course, she must spend more time trying to identify the deceased. She keeps pushing off her departure to meet up with Ryan, until their relationship is very strained, and we wonder how she is ever going to repair their bond. I didn’t like this novel as well as the previous one, where again she is taken out of town to help identify bodies. I would rather have a Tempe Brennan novel than not have one. Please have her make up with Ryan!

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My thanks to Net Galley and Scribner for allowing me to review this arc.

Another enjoy installment in this series. Tempe is called to assist in identifying bodies found from a series of old buildings set on fire and works with a reporter friend of her daughter Katy. I liked the interesting cast of characters, especially Grammy Sue. I do wish there was more of Ryan, who only appears briefly, and Skinny, but solid read anyway.

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I was lucky to be able to read this #23 book in the Temperance Brennan collection. I really enjoy these books and each one is a new adventure. I don’t know why but this one was particularly interesting as Tempe was called to the scene of a fire scene. This story is fairly vivid in its description and listening to it really brought those scenes to life. So, this rendition of the story is not for the faint of heart. I love the narrator of these stories; she does such a good job brining the story to life and really nailing the mood and atmosphere.

This rendition did have a fun mystery and it packed the punch that I have come to expect from a Temperance Brennan novel. It is interesting that this series goes back and forth between being based in the US and Canada. While I loved this one because it was fire based, I seem to think that I enjoy the Canadian mysteries more. I think that in Canada Tempe is a different character if that makes sense and I love it.

This one is a lot of fun, but be careful if you get squeamish. I highly recommend for Temperance Brennan fans.

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Kathy Reich delivers the latest Temperance Brennan novel with her signature blend of forensic science and gripping storytelling. Since the lead character, our famed forensic anthropologist, is called to a fire scene at an illegal AirBnB in The Foggy Bottom neighborhood of DC, descriptions of bodies are particularly grotesque. Four expected victims are found in the rubble and then a bonus body in a sub-cellar not on any blueprints. Not a fire victim and maybe someone who has been there for decades.

This becomes, as usual, an enthralling police procedural, as Dr. Brennan seeks to find out the identities of all the victims, their true cause of death, the perpetrators, as well still being drawn into a previous case she left behind in North Carolina and annoying her part time Canadian suitor who was planning a romantic getaway.

I loved the banter that Tempe and Ivy, Daughter Katy’s journalist friend, engage in — each one helping the other in what seemed to be a dead-end investigations. It was nice that Tempe had a new female confident. Reichs’ books are consistently thrilling and this book continues a streak of excellence. 5 stars!

And now I know that a dog has three eyelids….

Literary Pet Peeve Checklist:
Green Eyes (only 2% of the real world, yet it seems like 90% of all fictional females): YES Tempe’s daughter Katy has green eyes, as does Captain Hickey
Horticultural Faux Pas (plants out of season or growing zones, like daffodils in autumn or bougainvillea in Alaska): YES/NO

Thank you to Scribner and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for providing an advanced copy to read in exchange for an honest review.

I devoured this book in one sitting. I was shocked when I finished and checked the clock, because it honestly felt like the length of a tv episode to read when it actually took me almost 5 hours. I genuinely was so absorbed that I didn’t even notice the time passing!

This was delightful. A fast paced, easy read for when you’re in a tv type of mood. This wasn’t my first Bones book, but it was definitely my favorite I have read so far and it will not be my last.

Multiple plots keep your brain occupied and great side characters flesh out the pages.

Side note: Kathy Reichs’ commitment to the bit of mentioning the tv show Bones in the books will never fail to make me laugh.

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Fire and Bones is the latest thriller in the Temperance Brennan series that is twisted and unpredictable. Tempe is getting ready for vacation when a medical examiner in Washington DC asks for her help in multiple deaths in an arson investigation. During her investigation, Tempe stumbles onto another murder victim in the basement of the house not related to the fire. With links to the past, the case twists and turns drawing Tempe into danger and stirring up trouble between her and her SO Ryan. Suspenseful and unpredictable, the case draws you in and Tempe impresses as always with her courage and intellect for a page turning thriller that is another excellent addition to the series. My voluntary, unbiased, and non-mandatory review is based upon a review copy from NetGalley.

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Fire and Bones by Kathy Reichs is another great read about Temperance Brennan, a forensic anthropologist who is called to Washington DC to find and inspect some very charred remains from a fire in a very old building in an area called “Foggy Bottom”. She and a small team located 4 bodies and a Prohibition era sub-basement which included several barrels and several small rooms as well as a 5th body. The 5th body was not burned in the current fire, but appeared to be an old crime (had to be a crime since it would not be possible for her to tie herself up and put herself in a bag).

Unfortunately, Temperance was about to have a getaway with her beau, Ryan, who lives and works in Montreal but has to push that off due to more fires and more dead bodies. All of this causes him to become frustrated and angry and did he just break up with her?

As always, the answers don’t come easy, but the story isn’t too convoluted to follow. As ever, engrossing and intriguing, Fire and Bones does not disappoint.

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Once again, Kathy Reichs has brought back Tempe Brennan for her 23rd book in the series. I look forward to each of her "Bones" books as they are fast-moving and interesting stories that have twists and turns. Reichs can go from graphic descriptions of autopsies to beautiful descriptions of the scenery to put the reader right into the story. The reader is placed into the action as Tempe bravely puts aside her fears and jumps right into every situation. In Fire and Bones, Tempe has a long holiday weekend scheduled with her beau Ryan, when an investigation ties her up in Washington, DC. A series of fires in old buildings in DC involve burned bodies and one investigation leads to another, bringing us into another thrilling conclusion.

Thank you to Simon & Shuster and NetGalley for an advanced reading copy of Fire and Bones.

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4 stars

Another solid book by Kathy Reichs. In this new installment of the Temperance Brennan series, Tempe must discover the truth behind an arson the killed four…while also solving the mysterious death of a fifth victim.

I love Kathy Reichs writing style and this is no exception. The plot is well considered and carried out. There is enough plot outside the science to keep the reader engaged. I especially love the way the science is explained throughout the book, so the reader can understand the specifics without having to look it up outside the book. The writing is comfortable to read, laidback, almost like reading someone’s journal. It’s a fun, unique style of writing that I really enjoy. I loved seeing new characters, new sidekicks and new terrible investigators. The historical elements of the books were definitely interesting.

I recommend this series so often and this book will be no different.

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In this 23rd installment with our favorite forensic anthropologist, Temperance Brennan, is looking forward to some time with her boyfriend when she gets a call from her daughter, asking for a favor. The kind that will have her canceling her rendezvous.

In Washington, DC, the Foggy Bottom neighborhood has a reputation and it is about to get worse.

Suspicious fires, and the death of one of the original Foggy Bottom Gang, have Tempe thinking these are targeted attacks.

Even as she investigates, someone seems to be one step ahead of her.

Always a great story!

NetGalley/ Scribner August 06, 2024

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I will never tire of Reichs’ Temperance Brennan books. In this 23rd (!) entry, Tempe ends up having to cancel a long-weekend getaway with her now unhappy man and make an unplanned and prolonged trip to DC. Gruesome deaths, multi-layered mysteries, disagreeable investigators (dare I say worse than Skinny Slidell?), and too much great food plague preoccupy her for the duration and create the perfect combo for an intriguing story. My only complaints are that there was a little too much (and repetitive) self-talk and too little Ryan and Birdie time. While I love the out of town stories, I’m hoping the next book brings a meaningful return to Montreal or some time in SC with Ryan along for the investigation too.

Thank you to Scribner, Netgalley, and author Kathy Reichs for early access to a digital copy of this book.

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