Member Reviews

Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to review Fire and Bones by Kathy Reichs.
I really enjoyed this book and was happy about the last twist in the story, I think it made the ending even more exciting.
I haven’t read all of the books in this series and I think this book is perfectly fine as a stand alone because I didn’t feel like I was missing anything.
Tempe is helping with arson investigation in Washington, DC and of course she is getting herself into some dangerous situations. By flying to Washington, DC and canceling her plans with Rhyan she is putting their relationship in danger, will Rhyan forgive her?
Definitely recommend this book and it’s a great addition to the story of Temperance Brennan!

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Tempe is excited about taking a mini vacation. That changes when she is asked to assist on a case. The case involves a building that caught fire where they were unsure how many bodies they may find. This book captured my attention from the start.

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Name of Book: Fire and Bone
Series: Temperance Brennan #23
Author: Kathy Reichs
Publisher: Scribner
Genre: Mystery Thriller
Pub Date: August 6, 2024
My Rating: 3.8 Rounded up
Pages: 288

This is #23 in the “Bones” series; although I have not read the entire series-; there are recurring characters Ryan - a former detective with the Quebec Provincial Police, now self-employed as a private investigator and is Tempe’s longtime partner both romantically as well as professionally and her daughter Katy. The stories typically are not continued from the previous book so actually can be read as a stand-alone!

Temperance ’Tempe’ Brennan is a forensic anthropologist who works in Charlotte, North Carolina as well as Quebec.
In this story, she is asked to help identify bodies in Washington DC who were burned in a fire in an illegal BnB in Foggy Bottom. She is reluctant at first because working with burn victims is difficult on many levels. Additionally she and Ryan were scheduled to go on a romantic getaway.
Story is set DC not Charlotte or Montreal, so our usual characters don’t have a big role only Katy is the other who got her mother involved in the DC case.

Story had me from page one! There sure was a lot going on for what turned out to be a quick read.

About the Author Kathy Reichs
Dr. Reichs is a forensic anthropologist for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, State of North Carolina, and for the Laboratoire des Sciences Judiciaires et de Médecine Légale for the province of Quebec. (Hmmm sounds a lot of Tempe!!!!)
Additionally is a professor of anthropology at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
She is a native of Chicago, where she received her Ph.D. at Northwestern- now divides her time between Charlotte and Montreal and is a frequent expert witness in criminal trials.

Want to thank NetGalley and Scribner for this eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for August 6, 2024.

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A quick fun read. Light reading in comparison with her other books. Forget the TV character when you read this book, this Tempe Brennan is conversational,often funny and is relatable. You can see what's coming in a couple of instances but it doesn't deter from enjoying the book. It was hard to put down once I started to read. I don't give book reports, the cover gives an adequate description of the story line without giving spoilers.Read and enjoy!
I was invited to read this book but was under no obligation to write a review. The opinions expressed are my own. Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Fire and Bones is Kathy Reichs are her finest! Seriously... this book is sooooooooo good! Temperance does her daughter, Katy, a favor.... and interview with Katy's friend, Ivy, who is a reporter. She's covering a fatal fire in Washington, DC. And, this favor turns into so much more! Tempe heads off to DC to help with the identification of bodies from a fire. She ends up staying with Ivy when her hotel is overbooked - and OMG - Ivy's house sounds incredible! Plus, there's Lan making the most delicious culinary options! Back to the mystery... Tempe digs deep into the unidentified bodies, the owners of the structure, and then a dive into Washington DC history. Told in Ms. Reich's incredible "Tempe" style with the asides. I could NOT put this book down - This might me by all-time favorite Temperance Brennan book! A great big thank you to Scribner for an advanced reader of this book - the opinions expressed are my own.

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Personally, I'm happy that forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan gets coerced into giving up a romantic three-day vacation in Savannah with main squeeze Andrew Ryan to take a look at victims of an arson fire in Washington, D.C. - but mostly because it makes for an intriguing investigation. Ryan, though, is less than thrilled - pulling a disappearing act that pretty much leaves him out of the action. Yes, Tempe misses him, and truth be told, so did I - a lot.

The gutted building is located in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of D.C. - far from the "best" part of town - and it appears to have been used as an Airbnb property. Several people died in the fire, and since Tempe is experienced in examining and identifying crispy victims, her expertise is very much needed. But in addition to the bodies found in the ashes, she finds another victim - a tiny woman - almost literally wadded up in a potato sack that dates back to Prohibition. That one, needless to say, proves challenging when it comes to an ID.

Early on, Tempe faces another challenge, though; a place to stay. Apparently, all the hotels are filled, so she ends up staying where she'd rather not be - with TV news anchor Ivy Doyle, who's a friend of Tempe's daughter Katy. Some of the action, then centers on trying to not reveal enough information about the arson investigation that the story ends up on the 6 p.m. news. Then, another building in the same general area goes up in flames, adding another layer to the investigation and further delaying any rendezvous with Ryan (assuming he's still speaking to her).

Are the two fires connected? Who are the victims - and did the arsonist intend to kill them? And who is the little lady in the potato sack and who put her there? And perhaps most important of all, can the relationship between Tempe and Ryan be rekindled? All these questions, and more, are addressed as the story progresses; the details you'll need to find out by reading the book for yourself. I certainly enjoyed learning the answers, and I heartily thank the publisher, via NetGalley, for allowing me to read and review this, the 23rd book in the series I've followed since the very beginning.

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Temperance Brennan is ready for some much-needed time off with her long-distance boyfriend Andrew Ryan. Unfortunately, Tempe is needed in Washington D.C. ASAP. She will have to analyze the victims of a building that was set on fire in a neighborhood known as Foggy Bottom. This time she teams up with Ivy Doyle, a telejournalist. The pair uncovers that the house that was set ablaze was once used for nefarious purposes in the 1930s and 1940s by the Foggy Bottom Gang. When another nearby building burns and a descendant of the Foggy Bottom Gang is murdered, the mystery deepens. Tempe and Ivy cannot stop themselves from probing further into this mystery.

I have come to enjoy Kathy Reichs’ writing as well as the Temperance Brennan series. This one can definitely be read as a standalone but is better read as part of the series. I enjoyed the background in Washington D.C. and thought it was a great setting for this book. I enjoyed the character Ivy and how Tempe works with her in this book. I give this one 4/5 stars. I highly recommend it to anyone that enjoys the Temperance Brennan series!

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Thank you NetGalley for a prerelease of Fire and Bones.

I’ve read every novel in this series. Kathy Reichs continues to create suspenseful, compelling mysteries with Temperance at the helm. Her new novel has lots of twists and turns - and not everything is what it seems. You need to read it yourself to find out who can be trusted…

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“Fire and Bones” finds Temperance Brennan in Washington, D.C., as part of an arson investigation. She discovers a body, and we’re off — into a world of bodies, gangs, crime sprees, and danger. This is a solid Tempe novel, with mysteries to solve, humor, and enough twists and turns to keep us guessing. 

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Tempe Brennan is back, and is summoned to Washington, DC in order to help with forensic work involved with four fatalities caused by a deadly fire in Foggy Bottom. She stays with a DC journalist, Ivy Davis, and becomes embroiled in a related cold case involving another body discovered in the sub basement of the fire site. Brennan approaches the cases with her usual thoroughness, plus her distinctive humor. A surprise subplot makes the story even more ,intriguing.

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It was mostly a typical Tempe mystery. This one took place in DC. Had a chinchilla, and a lot of fire. Tempe is called in by a sorta friend of Katy's and then not only does she get sucked into the arson case, but, there's a second case that was even more mysterious that she finds herself pulled into. I really liked the DC Detective Deery. (although it took a min to get used to him, his character was so interesting. Ooh, maybe he can move to North Carolina.... or Montreal....heh). Ivy was ok too, also hard to get to like, and the stuff with Ryan was... it felt slightly off. but wasn't obviously bad. This was definitely a solid read.

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Having never read a novel by Kathy Reichs, I did not know what to expect. What I discovered was an enjoyable, interesting and intriguing story about a forensic anthropologist who takes on an assignment to the office of the Washington DC Medical Examiner involved in determining causes of multiple suspicious fires and deaths. Along the way, the reader faces murders, a chinchilla, a family vendetta and learns a significant amount of the history of Washington DC architecture. This reader also found the writing superb and, at times, extremely humorous and descriptive —- “Skinny has all the charm of dripping snot,” a cat “howling like his genitals were on fire,” a pet store named “Howl to the Chief,” and “….skin the color of week-old tea.”
This novel is highly recommended and I thank NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for the opportunity to read and review this book prior to publication.

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Fire and Bones is a classic Temperance Brennan novel from Kathy Reichs. It's everything reads have come to expect from Reichs and Brennan with a multilayered mystery involving arson and burned remains. The novel takes place in Washington D.C., out of Brennan's home turf, so the supporting cast of characters is mostly new.

Reichs lays clues subtle enough that they are noted, and the resolution doesn't seem to come out of nowhere, but not so obvious that you solve the mystery ahead of Brennan. I appreciated the consistency of Brennan's voice, being someone who has read prior books but not for years, it felt like I was returning to an old, known friend.

Thank you to Kathy Reichs and Scibner for the ARC in exchange for my honest review of Fire and Bones.

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This was a great thriller with many twists and turns. I couldn't put it down! Temperance Brennan is one of my favorite ever book characters!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Fire and Bones
by Kathy REichs
Pub Date: August 6, 2024
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
#1 New York Times bestselling author Kathy Reichs returns with a twisty, unputdownable thriller featuring forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan, who finds herself at the center of a Washington, DC, arson investigation that spawns deepening levels of mystery and, ultimately, violence.
#23 in the series. Our favorite forensic anthropologist Tempe Brennan is ready for some desperately needed time off with her long-distance love interest... none other than Andrew Ryan .(Just goes by Ryan) A former detective with the Quebec Provincial Police, now self-employed as a private investigator.
I adore Tempe’s character. Fiercely independent and professional. But she also has a quirky side that’s both fun and a bit snarky. A perfect combination!
I enjoy Reichs’ writing. It is intelligent and she has a clever way with words. A good sense of humor comes through in Tempe’s witty observations. I always learn some new information from her novels, whether it be in the area of forensic pathology or something related to the plot.Reichs is a master at building up suspense at the end of each chapter with a tease that makes the reader want jump into the next one.

I think I have read all of the books in the “Bones” series, however, each one works as a standalone. While this might not have been the strongest plot in the series, it still made for an engrossing read. I look forward to the next one!

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SPOILERS below - Read at your own risk.

I have read all of the "bones" books to-date, and unfortunately was not as pleased with this one as I have been with the other more recent editions.

I enjoyed that Katy and Ryan made an appearance, since they have been absent recently, but I felt their roles were superficial in this one. I liked we were in a new location (DC) with new side kicks (Ivy and Deely) and multiple storylines playing out at once.

Overall I felt the rest of the book was under-developed. There were so many things happening (most to explain plot holes like Ben & his side chick murder to burn down the 3rd house and Ryan just happening to go off grid that enough space wasn't available for deeper meaningful story development. I got excited when the concept of genetic genealogy came up for the old bones, after recently reading the book by the genetic geneaologist who helped identify the Golden State Killer. However, there was only a conversation about what it is and then the entire concept never went anywhere else.

The entire solution to the crime hinges on assumptions that were never concretely proven. Was Sue just a batty old lady who brainwashed her grandsons? Or did the Warrings really bully their family?

Additionally, there was SO MUCH repetition of phrases and situations I rolled my eyes a few times: a shadow darkened her door (honestly thought it was going to be Ryan a couple times), Christ/Jesus on a pickel/toast, Tempe woke up and had no idea where she was.

Overall it was a quick read and had familiar aspects you'll have come to love if you're a long time reader. But this one seemed rushed and a bit too light for me.

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Tempe awakes to the phone very early in the morning. Her daughter, Katy, wants Tempe to help her friend Ivy who is a TV news woman in DC, and is covering a fire in Foggy Bottom. Ivy wants to interview her about the fire. Temp finally agrees. While packing to go to go on vacation, Tempe gets another call from the DC medical examiner who had watched the interview, was short on staff, and asks her to come help.

The fire has finally been brought under control, and Tempe goes in the building with the fire men. She finally finds the last body who has fallen down through the floors to the basement. When there is no hotel room available to her, Tempe is invited to move in with Ivy, who lives in a huge house. She later finds yet another basement below the original in the burned house, and finds a body in a burlap bag which has been there for many years! Soon another house in Foggy Bottom burns as well. Tempe is sure that the burning houses are connected with gang members.

The more that Temp figures out, the more danger she is in, especially since she is interviewing members of gang which has been active in Foggy Bottom for three generations. She is trying to ignore the texts telling her to stop investigating.

This is a very exciting book and a great addition to the series. I thank Netgalley and Scribner for the ARC so I could read the book before publication.

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Very quick read with an interesting historical story line and some subtle nuance. Enjoyed seeing how Reichs introduced Ivy Doyle via Brennan's daughter, Katy, and then how Brennan and Doyle worked together to solve the crimes. A few interesting twists that definitely added to the story line. I did not like that Brennan jeopardized her relationship with Ryan for her own personal interests.

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3.5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Scribner for this advanced reader's copy. In exchange, I am providing an honest review.

While packing for a long weekend getaway with Ryan, Tempe is wooed to Washington D.C. to consult on an arson case. Fire scenes are some of the worst to sift through and work; the bodies found are hard to work with to identify. Tempe is always up for a challenge, so she semi-reluctantly goes, risking her relationship with Ryan in doing so. Anticipating working closely with the ME that called her in to consult, Brennan instead finds herself joining forces with a journalist of all people. Ivy Doyle has already started her own investigation, and when Tempe finds herself staying at Ivy's home, it's only natural they share information. When another fire sparks a couple of nights later in the same part of town, everyone's suspicions start to lean toward a connection and a potential crime spree beginning. Suddenly, the heat is on, pun intended, to get to the bottom of the fires in Foggy Bottom. But as an arrest is made and the crime keeps happening, it looks like someone else is taking advantage of the fires in Foggy Bottom.

Whew. After book 22 in the series was such a disappointment for me personally, I was wondering if Reichs was starting to lose her way with Brennan. There are only so many storylines any person - or even group of people - can develop to keep a series going. But Reichs did rebound with book 23, thank goodness. Reichs took Brennan, for the second book in a row, out of her usual haunts and away from her usual partners in solving crime to continue to do what she does best - examining the bones and helping to solve crimes. I continue to be more enamored with the TV character Tempe Brennan than the original one Reichs created. Brennan last visited The Great North quite some time ago, and I found myself missing Brennan and Ryan knocking around Canada, solving some grisly crime. I also miss Ryan being an active policeman because it created a sound and appealing dynamic between Brennan and Ryan, and that's been sorely missing since Reichs retired him. Despite those criticisms, I enjoyed this title, read it quickly, and am still interested in this series.

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Another chapter in the story of Temperance Brennan. This book was enjoyable, if a little simplistic The foreshadowing at the end of almost every chapter for some reason just annoys me, and honestly, takes away from the effect because of overuse. But the story is good!

Thank you to Net Galley and Scribner for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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