Member Reviews

I was really excited for this ARC, an Inn for Spirits?! Ghibli vibes?!! It sounded perfect. Unfortunately I struggled to get through it because the writing was just not great, especially the dialog. It felt unnatural.

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I fell in love with the cover and then I fell in love with this cute and poignant story.
Well plotted and compelling.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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This little book was so cozy and just a joy to read. I enjoyed the characters very much, and I love the personalization of the inn (and spiders). The author did a great job creating a world I would love to be a part of. To me, that's a great story. I hope this is the first in a series!

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Cute story about an innkeeper for the ghosts of the departed. I read a book about the phone booth where you can call the dead and I love that Pippi is on the other end, relaying the messages to her guests. There are lessons to be learned about reconciling and not leaving things to the last minute and it’s nice to know it’s never too late to get a message to a loved one (although it’s still preferred to get it to them while they’re still around). Will look for more by this author.

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Pippi’s Inn for the Wandering Spirits is exactly where I want to go when I die. This story is the sweetest, most charming, lovable summer read (and would be a great easy Halloween read!). This story is about Pippi, who inherits a sentient inn for spirits who haven’t “moved on.” Not only does she have to figure out how to run an inn that has a mind of its own with guests (not ghosts or spirits), who are up to their own shenanigans, giant spiders who live in the attic and help out and a security gnome, she finds herself in quite a sticky situation with a “ghost researcher”... all while trying to remember to dream of breakfast. This story really does warm the heart with it’s shows of grief and the comforts we give each other in those times, the beautiful way the inn and guests show up to help the living, and all while reminding us to figure out who we are and stick to it. I love Pippi, I love her overalls, and I love this precious story.

Read this if you like:
➡️ Found Family
➡️ Magical Inns
➡️ Friendly Ghosts
➡️ Security Gnome
➡️ Cute Overalls
➡️ Finding Yourself
➡️ HEA

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 🫑

#PippisInnforWanderingSpirits #ErinRitch #magicalinn #foundfamily #summerread #friendlyghosts #HEA #ARC #NetGalley

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Pippi’s Inn for Wandering Spirits by Erin Ritch is a cozy and magical tale of the bond between the living and the dead. Pippi Jennings has always been able to see and hear the dead. Hence, she was the perfect choice to inherit her aunt’s inn in Windia, where the dead come to stay before they move on to the afterlife. Inheriting the inn changes Pippi’s life drastically as she realizes what it means to be the innkeeper of an inn for ghosts. Whilst she is busy taking over the duties of an innkeeper from her aunt, she meets Cecil Graham, a ghost hunter who books a room at her inn where no human being is allowed. What follows is a delightful tale that shows the power of love and the sheer goodness of people, irrespective of whether they are dead or alive.

This book, with its simple yet engaging writing, kept me captivated from start to finish. The characters were endearing, their interactions entertaining, and the world-building, while straightforward, felt rich and complete. The concept of an inn for ghosts, a place of solace before their journey to the afterlife, was particularly moving.

The main issue with the book was the romance, which was contrived and unnecessary. Instead of romance, a friendship between the two humans would have been better suited for the book. When you have a romance, you need a happy ending, which again felt forced and did not sit well with me. However, it did not ruin my enjoyment of the book. Like any romance lover, I ate it but would have loved it more if handled differently.

I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars, as it was a delightful read. I deduct one star due to the forced romantic subplot. I am grateful to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Pippis Inn for Wandering Spirits

Pippi Jennings has always been able to see ghosts, who she found to be rather friendly beings that listen politely to family conversations and occasionally borrow a sock from the dryer. She was the natural choice to inherit her recently-departed aunt’s inn, a popular vacation spot in Windia, Oregon where spirits go on holiday before moving onto the afterlife. When her aunt returns (reincarnated as a talking fox, no less) to help her niece manage an inn that literally has a mind of its own, Pippi finds her days filled with organizing excursions to ghost nightclubs, hosting midnight teas, maintaining harmony with the giant attic spiders, and most importantly, connecting the spirit guests with their living loved ones when they call the inn’s old rotary phone
This book sounded right up my street but I was left a little disappointed by it. I don't think it had anything to do with the author , but for me , it wasn't very engaging.

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I received a free copy through Netgalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

I really like the cozy fantasy genre and when I saw this one Netgalley I got excited and requested it. I really liked Pippi's Inn for Wandering Spirits and enjoyed reading it. It has a wonderful cozy vibe and tells the story of Pippi who takes over ownership of the inn when her aunt dies. The book does deal with the topic of dying and could be a bit sad in places, but I felt the way it was handled and the spirits moved on was well done. I thought it could be quite beautiful and moving how the bonds between the living and dead were shown in the story.

Once I started I got quickly into the story. I liked how it starts immediately with Pippi finding out she inherited the inn and then the story continues to show her figuring out how to run the inn and with some time skips it shows almost a whole year of Pippi and the inn I think. I liked following Pippi and learning more about the inn, seeing the spirit guests as well as some life people as well.

I liked reading about Pippi and how she handled taking ownership of the inn. It was great to see how much the inn started to mean to her and how she handled her duties as innkeeper. I liked seeing her grow into their role as innkeeper and get more confidence. First looking more to her aunt for guidance before finding her own footing and making her own decisions. And I loved reading about the inn, it is sentient and it was so fun to see all the things it did and could do.

The world building stays deliberative vague, lots of bits and pieces, but not everything really becomes clear or obvious how it works. I thought that worked well here and kept it all feeling a bit mysterious. There were a few parts where I had wanted more details or answers or was a bit confused about something, but most of the time I felt like this style really worked for the book. And there are a lot of things that become more clear as the book progresses.

The only thing that bothered me about this book is the romance. To be honest I found it unnecessary and it felt more like a plot point that a well developed romance. I didn't feel their romance, it felt like it developed super quickly and I felt like it was told rather than shown how much they meant to each other. I didn't feel like I got pulled into those scenes, just that it was mentioned what happened and what they felt and I didn't feel it. Which was a shame as the rest of the book is super good. I just wanted more of the romance so I could really feel it or less so it wouldn't get in the way of the rest of the book. And the whole Halloween scene just felt weird too and didn't work for me.

To summarize: I really liked this book, it has a wonderful cozy vibe and I enjoyed reading about Pippi and seeing how the handled running the inn for spirits. I really liked the concept of this book with Pippi running an inn for spirits. It does get a bit sad in places as it deals with the topic of dying, but I thought the subject was handled well. I liked reading about Pippi, the ghost guests and the inn. I liked how the inn was sentient and made it's presence known in lots of ways. The only thing that didn't work for me was the romance, I just didn't feel their connection and depth of feelings and felt like I got told they cared rather than feel it. Luckily the rest of the book was good enough to keep me reading past the more romance heavy parts in the middle. If you like cozy fantasy books I can definitely recommend this one.

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It was an enjoy to book with a very cosy premise. The characters were likeable. I do think that the second half of the plot was a weak point with entirely too much drama that did not really lead to any learnings. There is definitely potential in the series and with tighter editing and dispensing with some unnecessary plot points I would love to know more about this world.

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Pippi has inherited a haunted inn from her aunt. Luckily, she (mostly) knows what she's getting into. She's talked to the dead for most of her life. And, it seems like her aunt may have stuck around to give her some extra help getting used to checking people in and out, organizing excursions, and working with the giant spiders that live in the attic.
This was a really nice start to the story. But then, there started to be So Many Things going on. There's a love interest who's a giant NoNo for reasons, a ghost who is somehow going to be related to the love interest, a death, a breach of innkeeping, a giant snowstorm, and so. much. more. It was just a little too much, all in one book and the shift in pacing was a bit much.

Three stars
This book comes out June 10, 2024
ARC kindly provided by BooksGoSocial and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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This is not my usual cup of tea, definitely not something I would pick up normally, not sure why I did, but happy none the less. I actually really enjoyed it.

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This book had a really interesting concept! Pippi inherits an inn from her aunt... The inn is no ordinary in. It's an inn for the dead. The inbetween for them before they move on. Pippi can see the ghosts and it's quite the ride. Her aunt comes back as a fox and helps guide her in everything.

When she meets Cecil, things begin to take an interesting turn when the inn allows an "alive" person to book in.

The love story is really cute and the connections the Pippi makes and the deals with the loss when the spirits move on really hit me in the feelers.

I actually enjoyed this book much more than I thought I would

4 stars! Thanks Booksgosocial and netgalley for my gifted copy

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Thank you to NetGalley and No Wyverns Publishing for the opportunity to read and review Pippi's Inn for Wandering Spirits by Erin Ritch. All opinions are my own.

Tagline is, "A cozy and magical tale of self-discovery, love, and the enduring bonds between the living and the dead." And they are correct. This is a cozy fantasy with a capital C. Pippi sees spirits and has inherited an Inn from her Aunt Hazel that is passed down through generations. This Inn basically gives vacation type settings and amenities to the waiting to pass on to the afterlife. This encompasses many different guests and chaos that can ensue under this type of environment. Pippi also meets a handsome ghost explorer that has her making decisions she didn't know would be a part of an Innkeepers job.

I have to say I absolutely loved this book. I would say think of Practical Magic, Emily Wilde's series, Gilmore Girls, and more all wrapped up into a satisfying, fantastical, cozy, fun ride. You will laugh out loud, drop your jaw at the unbelievable, see twists not expected, and feel all warm and cozy at the same time. There is a content warning at the beginning of the book for those still suffering through grief, as this book has many situations relating to grief, letting go, and passing on. Tough it is handled in a heartwarming non-traumatic way. My only grip is that this novel looks like a standalone and I so wish it would be a series. The town of Windia certainly has many townspeople and businesses that could support a duology or trilogy. Pippi's Inn for Wandering Spirits is out now for purchase.

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First, I think the cover on this book is ADORABLE, if I was to see it in a book store, it would be an immediate buy. This felt like such a breath of fresh, cozy, fantasy air. The writing is beautiful, and the story flowed really well. I get TJ Klune vibes, and he is one of my favorite cozy fantasy writers. Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the chance to read this great book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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📸 Picture this:

You have just inherited an inn in the beautiful PNW, but this inn is anything but ordinary. While it is always full of patrons and offers gorgeous views - the clientele are a bit…different. The inn is actually a haven for the recently deceased to rest before crossing over. This is exactly what happened to Pippi in the paranormal cozy fantasy Pippi’s Inn for Wandering Spirits!

🫖 Cozy
👻 Paranormal Activity
🫶 Found Family
❤️‍🩹 Grief
🏡 Inherited Inn
🦊 Reincarnation
✨ Magic
☎️ Connection
🔍 Ghost Hunter

This cozy & emotional tale is full of healing, found family, romance and beautiful stories of the afterlife. 100% recommend if you are looking for a cozy fantasy that will put you in your feels! 💖

Thank you so much Erin Ritch for the advanced copy!

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What a beautiful book that totally took me by suprise!
Feom the first page I was sucked in with such beautiful writing, the scenes painted by the author made me feel like I was there with the characters who I absolutely fell in love with.

This book is just a beautiful madness from start to finish but in the best way possible, it's allows your imagination to run wild, pretty sure Id been spiked with some hallucinogenics at one point! Beautiful madness! what with the ghosts, talking fox, the inn and the spiders... Oh how I want a spider in croched jumpers!

I so want to be a part of this Inn, it seems so cheerful, friendly and magical and that is beautifully translated by author through a strong use of imagery, I do love being able to immerse myself in the scene and that's exactly what this book does from the get go, I am literally there with Pippi and her guests.

I m genuinely sad that this book ended, I did cry... But in a wholesome way, nothing. This book has good feels from start to finish! Perfection in such an unexpected way for me!

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I've seen comparisons to TJ Klune's "Under the Whispering Door" for "Pippi's Inn for Wandering Spirits," and while there are similarities, they are quite different in terms of storytelling, voice, and overall mood. This book is good in its own right, but since it's much cozier than Klune's, I'm not sure it's fair to compare.

Pippi is called to take over ownership of the family inn, whose clientele is solely the recently departed. At the inn, the family and friends left behind can call and speak to the dead, but the dead cannot answer in return. Pippi's job is to manage the inn and answer the calls from the living, day and night. She's just finding her feet when life happens, and her new job is put in jeopardy.

This is a sweet story about love and loss and finding who you are. Pippi doesn't think she can do the job, but she wants the best for her charges, as well as her new neighbors in town. The stories for the ghosts are, of course, sad, but also hopeful, because they do go on after passing from this phase of existence.

There's a villain, a threat to the town, a romance, and lots of flora and fauna to meet and enjoy. The end made me a little misty, but also made me so happy.

Why you should read this book: Pippi is charming and goofy and kind and hardworking. She really cares about others and tries her best to make things good for everyone. You'll really enjoy spending time with her and the rest of the characters. The inn is decidedly sentient, and not shy about expressing itself. Pippi has some unusual staff to help her with the residents. Knitters may appreciate the attic-dwellers.

Why you might not want to read this: There were a few places where the pacing was a bit off, and we could probably have lost focus on a ghost or two without feeling the lack.

4 out of 5 stars. Recommended.

I received an advance copy from BooksGoSocial via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I enjoy ghost stories with a touch of tragedy, but this book is a cozy, feel-good read that's perfect for rainy days. I adored the friendly ghosts and their interactions with the innkeeper. The spirits were charming and had distinct personalities, and the depiction of the inner workings of the inn felt genuinely magical.

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The author has been successful in delivering a prose that is best suited for warm blankets, hot chocolates and small personal smiles.

Pippin as a character is on her feet, go-getter, with a positive yet nervous temperament. She is the embodiment of self realization and self acceptance. Other characters like Hazel, Cecil, and John provide a connection between the living and the dead through their own understanding of the paranormal world. All of them have a brilliant character arc which fueled the story in their own right.

What do the dead feel for their loved ones left behind? This question had my heart sour, aching, and uncomfortable throughout the story. I could not laugh or cry. The story is not deep enough in its discussion of a character’s grief. The grief is addressed in the tertiary view. When it enters the protagonist, Pippin’s life, it is fleeting. After the critical turn of the story and its fantastic midpoint twist, the pace breaks, snuggling back into slow motion. There is slight palpation in this new rhythm, but that is it.

The climax fell within expectation and, after the midpoint twist, felt a little less exciting. In the end, I rushed through the post climax instead of relishing the end of everyone’s journeys.

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Pippi inherits an inn for ghosts from her aunt. Her aunt is reincarnated as a talking fox and helps her learn the ways of the inn. On a ghost field trip, Pippi meets Cecil, a ghost explorer. He figures out where the inn is and comes to visit her. She has to figure out how to host both ghosts and a human guest.

This is a quirky, different kind of book. I loved the cosy feel of it and the interesting concept of the afterlife. The giant spiders who live in the attic were my favourite characters. I want a sequel so I can have more scenes with them.

The book made me tear up a few times as people and ghosts deal with grief and loss. The moments were heartfelt, but restrained. The author never gets saccharine or emotionally manipulative.

I wanted a little more relationship building between Pippi and Cecil. I liked the scenes we got but didn’t feel completely invested in their relationship.

This is a charming, cosy read that I highly recommend to lovers of magical realism and fantasy. The book has lots of heart and makes me smile whenever I think of it.

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