Member Reviews

First and foremost, thank you NetGalley for the eARC of this novel. It is my pleasure to share my own thoughts and opinions of this book.

Charming is the first thought that comes to mind when you think of this book. It has all the elements of a cozy, fun novel filled with misadventure and a little romance, and while I found all of that enjoyable, the book was lacking a bit on world and character building. It also felt like the author struggled with the tone of the book. At times the writing felt very middle-grade/YA, and less adult fiction, and at other points, it was somewhere in between.. If you are just looking for fun, cozy vibes, then look no further, because this book definitely has that in spades.

The book opens with our main character Pippi, attending the family gathering at her newly deceased Aunt's Inn. The Inn, of course, is not your typical hotel. It specifically hosts ghosts who need a place to stay as they prepare to leave for the Beyond. There's even a handbook that tells the new Innkeeper how to handle the daily duties of this peculiar Inn which includes instructions on how to provide gifts for the spiders that live in the attic. As Pippi is coming to terms with the idea of her new role, her deceased Aunt shows up as a talking fox. So begins the adventure that Pippi finds herself on.

As cute as Pippi was, her character needed some work. She felt much younger than she actually was and it was a bit off-putting when she eventually meets Cecil, and a romance sparks between the two of them. In addition, Hazel and Pippi's relationship was a strained one. This is where the author could have built up their characters and their stories a little more. Pippi and her Aunt were estranged due to a fallout between Pippi's Aunt and mother, therefore, when Hazel returns as a fox to help Pippi navigate her new role at the Inn, she was absent quite often. Hazel disappeared at inopportune moments, and was seemingly only there to add charm to the book. It wasn't until the end that the author addresses the fallout, but even then it was superficial, and the reader doesn't get a lot of emotional connection with the relationship between Hazel and Pippi.

On to what I loved...and that was the Inn's "guests" who were really the star of this book, including the Inn itself. I adore sentient houses, and this book really brought the house to life, especially with the clothing choices, the dream breakfasts, and the stained glass window. As far as the actual guests were concerned, they were fun, sweet, adorable, and made the story move along with their shenanigans. Also, let's not forget the spiders with their cozy sweaters and willingness to help when the need arose. I just loved their part in the overall book.

The romance in this book was just okay. Cecil was there, but the reader knew very little about his backstory, including his relationship with his father. While Cecil was charming and easy-going, I had no emotional connection to his character. The conflict between him and his father was a bit of a stretch, and I found it difficult to get onboard with.

Overall, this book was cute, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a cozy, light read. If you like your "Security" in the form of gnomes, and your muscle to be spiders that wear sweaters, and a house that creates your breakfast based on your dreams, then look no further because this book is sure to give you all that and put you in a better mood. I would suggest finding a warm blanket, and a hot cup of cocoa when you pick this book up!

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Cute cozy story. Very touching at times. I enjoyed the writing style, but for some reason I couldn’t quite connect to the characters which is why I’m giving it a 3.5 star rounded up to 4 for the rating system.

I can see this appealing to readers who enjoy cozy, low stakes stories with an emotional punch.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the Arc.

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Pippi's Aunt Hazel has died, and left her an unusual inn. This inn only services ghosts, who are still in the real world until they are ready to move beyond. Pippi, who has been able to see ghosts her whole life, is eager to take on this new challenge, as it feels like the first time her gift will actually serve her. She moves into the Inn, who is sentient and a character itself, a fox familiar, and a host of ghost guests she wants to help find peace. But when she runs into a ghost researcher who has heard about the hauntedness of the inn, she faces a predicament of protecting her guests and following her heart.
I enjoyed this book, it was very much along the lines of Legends and Lattes, with very little at stake, just cozy vibes and charming characters. I personally prefer stories to be a little less perfectly sweet, but still highly recommend, especially for anyone looking for cozy fantasy.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Erin Ritch for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for Pippi's Inn for Wandering Spirits coming out June 11, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

This is the first book I’ve read by this author. I really love cozy ghost stories and I thought the description sounded perfect. I loved the writing. It just felt really homey and warm. I loved the idea of the inn as a place for spirits to go. I think Pippi is a fun, strong character. She seemed to know what she wanted in life. I think the love story was definitely interesting and complicated. It was a I’m so cool and fun story. I loved it!

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys cozy, fantastical stories!

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・❥・<i> Low stakes, cozy fantasy </i>
・❥・<i> Studio Ghibli, Legends and Lattes, and Cottagecore vibes </i>
・❥・<i> A perfect holiday hug (with a huge smile for Halloween!) 10/10 for ambiance and atmosphere! </i>
・❥・<i> Representation – FMC with gluten intolerance </i>
・❥・<i> Magical, charming, heartwarming, and super creative! </i>
・❥・<i> Beautiful underlying messages on the topics of grief and loss </i>

31 year old Phillipa (who prefers to be called Pippi) is our strong and independent female main character who has always had the gift of being able to see the dead. She inherits her Aunt Hazel’s inn located in northern Oregon in the gorgeous coastal town of Windia. If that already sounds magical, it’s because IT IS! <u> AND this is not just any normal inn. It is an inn for wandering spirits!!! </u>

<b> THE <s> SPIRITS </s> GUESTS </b>
<i> “After death, spirits are allowed a period of travel on earth before continuing to the afterlife.” </i>

I felt this was such a lovely and fulfilling concept as so many of us only get to dream of traveling during our lives because of all sorts of restraints. So, the idea that as a spirit you have a period of time to travel around to all your dream travel destinations before the afterlife begins is just so amazing!!

<b> THE INN </b>
<i> “A two story Victorian with a faded yellow paint job, the inn looked perfectly placed amidst the trees, like a lighthouse of sorts in the thick deciduous waters.” </i>

So, the inn is sentient. Yes, you read that correctly… SENTIENT! It cooks and cleans! Where can I get one NOW?!? Please, sign me up!!!

♡ This was my very first ARC ever! So, I am sure to never forget it and always be grateful for the experience! It was such a special story. I literally had the cheesiest smile plastered upon my face the entire time (when I wasn’t sobbing, of course, because that would be quite creepy) while reading this book, and I lived for the twists and all the emotions it stirred up within me. It was an easy 5☆ read and so cozy and light with so many cute and creative touches that I would have loved to read it all in one sitting!!

This book gave me ALL the warm and fuzzy feelings as it brought back many of my childhood memories of watching my favorite cozy/friendly Halloween movies such as Casper and Beetlejuice. I loved the Handbook for Housekeeping (it totally gave me flashbacks of the Handbook for the Recently Deceased from Beetlejuice!) and all the spirit interactions which reminded me of Casper. I never thought I’d find that feeling again as an adult!

╰┈➤Most definitely give this a read if you are looking for a feel-good read to squeeze in-between other heavy/stressful books, and if you just need a relaxing, peaceful, dreamy getaway!

You can tell the author poured her heart and soul into this story and the characters. I loved watching her TikToks! Loved how Taylor Swift's music helped inspire her writing for the story! I definitely think it is worth listening to “How Did It End” by Taylor Swift as suggested by the author in one of her BookTok videos to get you excited for the book! I wish her all the success and will be spreading all the positivity I can about this book!

<u> Random Thoughts </u>
~ This really needs to be adapted into a film! It would be so magical to watch. I will beg and keep dreaming/hoping!
~ I loved the concept of E.A.R.T.H. (Ethereal Accommodations for Restful Travel and Hospitality)! Spin off in the future?
~ One of my favorite quotes of the entire story:
<i> “Time is fleeting for a reason. If you embrace it with someone you love, you’ll find out why.” </i>
~ With an underlying focus on loss and grief, I just could not help but think about my own experiences in life. The communication idea for spirits was so strikingly heartbreaking but so lovely.
~ The Romance: I was actually a fan of the romantic subplot and thought it was well done. I enjoyed the conflict between the two characters (even if it was not super heavy or dramatic) and all the twists that I NEVER expected to happen! It is indeed a cozy story and supposed to be easily resolved and low-key/stress-free!

<b> Many thanks to BooksGoSocial for providing the advanced copy of this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own. </b>

Publication Date: June 11th, 2024

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A cozy, heart-warming story about a girl who can see ghosts, who inherits an inn and, has to balance keeping her guests hidden from a ghost-explore (not hunter as he insists), and her feelings for him. I want to thank NetGallery and No Wyverns publishing for the opportunity to receive a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review. While I loved the cozy tone, and I think that this novel holds so much potential, I also believe that as far as the version of this story goes, it would greatly benefit from some thorough editing. With that editing, this would become a warm-fuzzy kind of story to cozy up to with a mug of hot chocolate on a moody, rainy day.

There was some trepidation insofar as going into this story when coming across a spelling error already in chapter 2. The start of this story felt a little rough, with it sorely lacking in a firmer story-structure as well as suffering from a significant delay in introducing the story’s main central conflict. I did not feel even remotely invested in the story until 45% of the way through the book, at which point, I think most readers will have written Pippi’s story off as a DNF.

However, at around 45% of the way into the story, things start getting good. The reason the story starts getting good is we are finally arriving at a point where there is more of a central conflict and therefore something for the main character to truly start working toward/against. Pippi did not have many traits that stood out to me at the start of the story, but it is when there is a newfound mysterious connection with Cecil the ghost explorer that poses a problem to Pippi, to the point that I found myself rooting for Pippi and starting to invest in both her and the inn that she is running with its strange guests. Cecil has a mysterious past connection to the inn, which may or may not ruin both her reputation with its guests and/or even cause the inn to be shut down entirely. However, even Cecil does not seem to understand his connection with this inn, or even his connection to its owner. This is what makes me think that this story needs to have its central conflict moved up much sooner, as this where the writing starts to feel smoother as well, as though the author also got into her groove at this point and things really start happening with Pippi and the other characters; strange events start occurring and more problems start to arise. After all, running a ghostly inn would certainly not prove to be a straightforward task for a person of the living.

The additional characters that were also involved in this inn made this story all the more charming and unique; talking gnomes and giant spiders make for a colourful supplement to ghostly guests.

With some restructuring of the story’s central plots, some editing for grammatical errors and spelling, as well as stronger story structure in terms of character arcs to really flesh out each character’s experiences, this book would become a fun little cozy adventure to read about as Pippi struggles to juggle balancing her inn full of ghosts and giant spiders along Cecil who has his own mysterious past connection with the inn.

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This was a totally new concept for a story for me. It was really interesting how the author used the characters that passed as the main characters and the living as secondary characters. It dealt with death in a different way which was really intriguing.
The story has romance, fun, quirky characters and a great inn. It was a very entertaining story with a hint of sadness and hope.

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This was a cute easy read. I wouldn’t say this was my favorite. The writing felt a bit forced and kind of hard to connect and make relatable. For that, i’ll have to give 2 stars because I won’t return to it.

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I loved the premise of this book. The idea of a ghost inn that helps spirits move on through phone calls from their loved ones is so wonderfully unique and creative. It’s a heartwarming, occasionally funny, cozy fantasy about a girl learning how to run a sentient inn she inherited, but it also touches on topics like death and grief in a serious, compassionate way.

My favorite part of the book was the atmosphere. The author creates incredibly vivid imagery in your mind: old rotary phones in the middle of the forest, ghosts having midnight tea in front of a fireplace, fancy cocktail parties in an abandoned lighthouse and giant spiders in Christmas sweaters.

The writing unfortunately didn’t always work for me, and sprinkled throughout the book, I found a few awkwardly worded sentences that completely took me out of the story. The style is simple and readable though, and it reminds me of many of my longtime middle grade/younger YA favorites.

I also wasn’t the biggest fan of the romance. It developed too quickly for my taste, as someone who prefers a slow burn. I just didn’t believe Cecil and Pippi had enough of a connection yet when they became a couple. The main conflict of the book was interesting, and I was pleasantly surprised by the direction the story went in, but the resolution left me slightly dissatisfied.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for an honest review!
Rating: 4.5/5

This book was a wonderful cozy read, with entertaining characters and an intriguing plot. It hooked me from the start and wouldn't let go. I love the concept of an inn for ghosts, and it was very well thought out with how the inn works and how there's a network of ghost inns! The inn itself had a life of its own, which really added to that whimsical and cozy feeling. The relationships between the characters were very sweet though in some cases a little underdeveloped, such as Pippi and her mother. Some things happened just a little too conveniently and I wish there'd been a bit more of a focus into deep themes, but at the same time that may have changed the cozy vibe. Overall this is a very enjoyable book and I'd love to read more from this author!

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Given the synopsis I was anticipating a somewhat off beat book but the inability to ever completely understand the story as too much for me.

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I loved the concept of this book. A dreamy, lively little inn filled with the heartiest cast of ghosts and charming giant spiders alike is right up my alley. And a healthy dash of romance never hurts! I read this in less than 24 hours and genuinely enjoyed it. However, I will note that the pacing is a little uneven and there are some plot points I would have liked a little more clarification on. Overall it was such a fun read and one I'll be recommending!

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Pippi inherits an inn that only caters to spirits from her aunt Hazel since she has been able to see them for as long as she can remembers. She's a bit apprehensive, not knowing if she can do a good job because she's been estranged from her aunt due to an argument her mom had with her. But to her surprise her aunts spirit now resides in a fox and she has come back to help transition her into the role of innkeeper. Her main job is to be in charge of the phone as the spirits are able to receive messages from their living loved ones.

It's a very heartwarming story about how people deal with grief and the what if's of what happens when we die. There is a bit of romance when we are introduced to Cecil, a ghost hunter researching paranormal activity and they are immediately drawn to each other. It's a bit of insta love so I felt like their relationship was very surface. There were many fantastical characters that are the heart of the story like:

-The Inn, it's sentient and was in charge of everything from making food to picking Pippi's wardrobe.
-The giant spiders living in the attic that would help around the inn in exchange for goodies like sweaters and socks!
-A Garden gnome named Mo that acts as security.
-A kraken ghost that does yoga.
-A talking heater named Emberheart.
-And of course the spirits that are passing through.

Overall great and easy to read story for those who like that cozy and whimsical feeling. It reminded me a bit of the TV show Ghosts.

Thank You to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the opportunity to read this ARC and share my honest review.

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I absolutely loved this cozy delightful book, Whimsical characters and a lovely story all around. I would recommend this to readers of whimsy and cozy fantasy. It even brought a few tears to my eyes. 5 stars!

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It is a really cute, slow paced story about Pippi inheriting an inn for ghosts from her aunt Hazel. The ghosts come to stay at one of the inns in a worldwide network until they are ready to move on to the afterlife. Oh, and Pippi's aunt comes back as a talking fox, and teaches her the ropes. Hazel is amazing and, by far, my favorite character.

It is a beautiful story about the relationship the living have with their loved ones after they've died. We can only speculate on what, if anything, happens after death. At Pippi's inn the ghosts interact with Pippi and the other ghosts, eat food and enjoy a bit more of "life" while they wait for phonecalls from the people in their life that miss them. They cannot respond to the prayers, wishes, and longings from their loved ones except for listening which gives the mourner a feeling that the dead is close. When the living have finally accepted reality the ghost can go into the light.

It hit me right in the feels several times, and I had to put the book down, and come back later when I wasn't leaking anymore.

If you want a cozy story, with that may or may not, pull a few tears from you, this is a story for you. 3.5 stars

If I have to critique something it's that Pippi is supposedly special because she can see ghost, but is it really that special, when regular humans can see the ghosts unless they hide?

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Thank you Netgalley and to the publisher for this arc.

It was a delight to read Pippi's Inn for Wandering Spirits.
I don't read cozy books too much, but this one sounded very good so I just had to. And happy I did cause I really enjoyed the story, the writing is lovely and it's atmospheric.

Triggers like grief are included which can be good to know.

But the story overall are cozy and I really loved the idea of the fox 🦊 that the author came up with 🥰

- Ghosts
- A fox
- Atmospheric
- Magical Inn

A cozy read I can highly recommend.

My rating: 4,5 ⭐

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This book starts with respectful and carefully crafted trigger warning about grief and loss, written by the author.

I loved the writing style, and the magic created by the Inn… I won’t give any spoilers, but it’s great fun and the product of a huge imagination. I wish this writer all the best and will look forward to reading more of her creations.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an early review copy #PippisInnforWanderingSpirits #NetGalley

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This was a sweet slice of life book that follows Pippi learning how to deal with her Aunt's inn that she has inherited, that just happens to have only ghost guests and how she learns to deal with them. It does have one thing that happens that is unexpectedly sad for this type of book, however the end result is as happy ever after as anyone could want. Overall an enjoyable read for those who like the cozy or slice of life genres.

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i loved it this book!!
such a fun story with a lovely sentiment.
it was warm story and loved Pippi’s story and her relationships
would recommend if you love a cosy supernatural read

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I absolutely loved this book!

The story is extremely bittersweet and while my heart was filled with joy, I was also crying at two o'clock in the morning, especially when she did that last check-out.

The book follows Pippi, the new innkeeper, but this is not an ordinary inn, it's meant as a place where ghosts can stay while they are in-between. There are many elements I loved, from the fact that the ghosts can be transferred to other inns all over the world to the calls. The inn itself is magical and provides for its tenants.

But when Pippi meets a "ghost hunter" she has to pick between love and duty, and this will teach her a lot about doing what she feels it's the right thing to do and to listen to her heart more than anything. There are a few twists, I kinda predicted them, but they were still very pleasant.

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