Member Reviews

I am usually not a reader of cozy-style books, but this was so fun!! The characters were sweet and endearing and the concept of Pippi inheriting a beautiful Victorian Inn on the coast, was magical. It was just the fun, supernatural with heart book to be a great pick me up! Would love if Pippi and the Inn became a series! #pippisinnforwanderingspirits #erinritch #netgalley #goodreads

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In keeping with the new cozy fantasy genre, this is a lovely, gentle tale that is about people finding their place in the world. The details are adorable (spiders in sweaters, sentient inns and overalls!), the characters are fun and the plot gives you just enough tension to keep the story moving but not enough to destroy the mood. As long as you can ignore the several large dump truck sized holes in the plot, this is a comfortable cozy read.

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Thanks, NetGalley for the arc!
I loved this book so much, I consider it a cozy fantasy. I got the same comforting feeling i did when reading legends and lattes

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Pippa is the newest proprietor of an Inn in Oregon. This is no ordinary Inn though, this Inn is for the dead, passed down through the generations from Aunt to Niece. Of course this very special Inn (and Pippa’s gift for seeing the dead) must be kept secret from those who are not guests/living.🏡

This magical and spectacular Inn runs itself and provides all Pippa and the guests could need! Including their very own security team of attic spiders who defend (and assist, for the price of a goodie basket) the Inn! The Inn also allows the living to contact those departed through the Inn’s rotary phone. Pippa facilitates the telephone calls so the guests can listen, but not speak, to their loved ones.🥞🕷️📞

Pippa spends her days amongst the departed and during an outing from the Inn meets Cecil. Other than Pippa visiting the Inn as a child, the Inn does not allow the living to book a stay; however Cecil manages to book a room! 😱

Book your stay at the Windia Inn, get to know Pippa and the guests! Find out how Pippa does as she navigates taking over the duties at the Inn and what happens when the Inn makes room for a living guest! 💜

“Oh you, with your little details” - Amazing and fantastic details throughout the book- such a pleasure to read. The whimsy in the patterns on clothing and in the stained glass were just fabulous! The entire Inn was alive with those details and incredible characters(from the Inn itself, to the protectant spiders and garden gnomes, the dead and living)!🦊

It was my first time reading a book by author, Erin Ritch, and I enjoyed readying her work. The book was paranormal but touching and was about the life we live, the love we let in and how we cope with loss along the way. Heartwarming!!!

Thank you to Erin Ritch and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

#PippisInnforWanderingSpirits #NetGalley

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This was a gripping read, I thought the characters were intriguing and I'm going to keep an eye out for more from this author.

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The best way I can think to describe this book is that it's like being hugged. It's sweet and cosy and comforting and refreshing and just perfect.

Pippi is an endearing character who we see grow from strength to strength as she handles her first year as proprietress of an inn for spirits. It's a new and interesting take on the afterlife where spirits can visit a number of inns around the world to see and do all the things they wished to do in life before passing on to whatever is next for them.

The inn is a character unto itself. It has a quirky personality, running jokes and themes and encourages a few shenanigans along the way.

There's a series of other fantastic creatures to encounter through the story: giant spiders that live in the attic and help to keep the inn running smoothly. A gnome as head of security, a few witches in the nearby town, a talking heater, the spirit of a Kraken, and, of course, Pippi's aunt & former innkeeper Hazel who has come back as a spirit in the form of a talking fox to help guide Pippi through her first year.

The romance is sweet. It definitely takes a back seat for most of the story, but does come to the forefront to guide the plot towards the end. It's a bit of an insta-love, and I would have liked to have seen more character and relationship development, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

I've never read a story like it. The premise is so unique and it's such a fun, comforting read which I will be recommending to my bookish friends for sure!

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book.

Although I enjoyed this book overall, it did take me until around 20% before I really got into it, and there were several instances where I wanted more information

<spoiler>I would have liked to see the conversation between Pippi and Hazel after their fight, and just more non-inn related conversations between them in general. I also would have liked to see more of Pippi’s relationship with her mother. I felt that Pippi’s and Cecil’s relationship kind of came out of nowhere, I would have liked to see more development there. Also, I wish we had gotten a bit more from his point of view.

As for things I liked: I liked her relationships with the guests, I liked the sentient house, and I loved the spiders (I especially liked the part where she gave them bell toys and then had to yell at them for playing at 3 am)</spoiler>

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A really cozy book, as I imagined. The story is really cute and the atmosphere is cozy and nice, especially since the book is mainly set in autumn and winter, the coziest season of the year. Of course, the book is also about death and the grieving process, with the related TW. But I think these themes were approached respectfully and I appreciated this aspect. The description of the inn is simply adorable and I love all the creatures that live in the inn (and I am arachnophobic). A very nice book!

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Pippi Jennings has always been able to see ghosts, finding them to be rather friendly beings who listen politely to family conversations and occasionally borrow socks from the dryer. Naturally, she was the perfect choice to inherit her recently departed aunt’s inn, a popular vacation spot in Windia, Oregon, where spirits go on holiday before moving on to the afterlife. When her aunt returns—reincarnated as a talking fox, no less—to help her niece manage an inn that literally has a mind of its own, Pippi's days become filled with organizing excursions to ghost nightclubs, hosting midnight teas, maintaining harmony with the giant attic spiders, and, most importantly, connecting the spirit guests with their living loved ones via the inn’s old rotary phone.

"Pippi’s Inn for Wandering Spirits" is a charming tale that fully embraces its unique premise. Pippi inherits the inn after her Aunt Hazel’s passing, despite an estrangement between Hazel and Pippi’s mother that meant they barely knew each other. Thankfully, Aunt Hazel returns in the form of a fox to guide her. The spirit characters, though transient, are friendly and entertaining. Yet, it's the other whimsical inhabitants, like the guard gnome and the giant sweater-loving spiders, that truly stand out. When Pippi meets Cecil, a 'ghost explorer,' her new life at the inn becomes even more complicated, leading to some heartwarming and emotional moments. This book is exactly what it promises to be: fun, whimsical, and thoroughly enjoyable. Readers who enjoy cozy novels with a twist will find much to love here.

Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for providing a copy of this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this before publication (Jun 2024). Pippi's Inn for Wandering Spirits by Erin Ritch.

Love love loved this book! Granted it did make me cry quite a few times. It is such a cute cozy book about a young girl with a special ability to see ghosts (it runs in the family), she inherits an Inn that is strictly for the dead to wind down and enjoy the little bit of time that they have left before officially "Checking-Out" which is when they know their loved ones left behind are ok. (These are the bits that made me cry thinking of my own departed loved ones).

The book is so beautifully written and fun the Inn is magical and it does all the cooking, cleaning, and laundry itself! Heck I wanna live there! There are giant spiders in Scuba gear and Christmas jumpers which is so funny, and Mo the Security Gnome - Adorable!

The book reminded me a little of TJ Klune Under the Whispering Door which is also fantastic but this book had more cozy vibes.

All in all, I gave it 5* and I devoured it in 2 nights as couldn't put it down. I 100% recommend and will be looking up the other author's books to read.

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This book is the definition of a cozy fantasy story. It's so charming and fun, and I really enjoyed the roller coaster of emotions I felt while reading. Thank you for the ARC!

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A fantastical story set on the wild Northern coastal region of the USA where strange small towns and Inns are to be found.
The fantasy is set at the level of a teen and thus the book is a very easy read. It is cosy and full of goodness and sentient creatures and structures. And of course there is an HEA.,
I enjoyed the read at the level it was set,
If you like stories of sentient Inns then do take a look at the series by Ilona Andrews.

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This book is such a wonderful book! It's cozy and very creative, with a unique premise.
Like her Aunt Hazel, Pippi has been able to see spirits her entire life. This gift is seemingly passed down from aunt to niece, so when Aunt Hazel passes away, Pippi inherits her inn. The inn is a temporary residence for spirits in between life and afterlife. The inn takes care of itself- cooking, cleaning, etc, leaving Pippi to tend to the hosts. Her primary task is to be there for the hosts emotionally, answering calls from their loved ones.
This was such a delightful read. I enjoyed the take on life, the afterlife, and what is in between. Pippi is a strong character and it is shown through the difficult decisions she makes. I also enjoyed the fantasy world as a whole- the inn specifically for spirits (no humans allowed), the giant spiders who protect the inn, the talking fox. It is very creative and unique. Unfortunately, I was not a fan of the romance between Pippi and Cecil. It felt a bit rushed and lacking foundation. It wouldn't bother so much if Cecil wasn't such a vital part of Pippi's life in the inn and the decisions she chose to make. Overall, I did enjoy this read and can't wait to have a physical copy when it's published!

Thank you NetGalley, BooksGoSocial, and Erin Ritch for this wonderful ARC!

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Loved this book so much! It made me laugh and it made me cry. I'd recommend it to anyone who's into cosy fantasy vibes!

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The premise for this book was really cute and I was honestly bought in from the title and cover art. We get to know Pippi really quickly and I loved the relationship she has with her aunt as well as the inn itself as that develops through the book. The overall plot development was fun and kept me on my toes, I didn't know where things were going and I loved getting to know all of the wandering spirits that come through the inn.

I didn't however, care in the slightest about Cecil or his specific storyline. When the EVENT occurs, I just didn't care that much. The relationship between Pippi and Cecil felt really rushed and I was confused about what she saw in him as the interactions they had from the start didn't shout that she was interested and so it just felt like he was there to be the romantic interest for the sake of the story to hang on.

It was a solid read and I enjoyed it, but it's not one I would recommend that much to seek out and isn't one that I'll be picking up on publication day.

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I read this book prior to its publishing via NetGalley. Thanks, NetGalley!

This was a fast, cozy read about a gal whose aunt passes away and leaves her an inn...for ghosts.

Because it was cozy, I'm not upset we didn't delve too much into the loss factor, but I also think we could have added a little more to give this book more depth.

Several things happened in this book (scant details to not ruin anything!), and I think some more details would have made the pacing for this title easier for me.

There were a few, mostly minor, details that came in this title that will hopefully be fixed prior to it releasing.

Overall, I enjoyed this fantastical book. It was a lighter, fluffier read and I enjoyed the premise, but would have liked a little deeper dive into the sadder feelings, as I think itnwould have made the cozy/fun/bouyant feelings even bigger.

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Pippi has been able to see ghosts her entire life, and upon her Aunt Hazel's death, she is bequeathed her aunt's inn. It's an inn that caters to spirits who are between life and the afterlife, making it reminiscent at times of Under the Whispering Door, though this book never starts to feel like a copy cat, and it stands on its own merits. The inn itself is sentient and takes care of most of Pippi's and the guests' needs. Pippi's main job is to take care of the guests emotionally and make sure that she answers the phone when loved ones who are still living call to talk to the guests. 

This a cozy, cute fantasy, and I loved the other fantastical creatures that Erin Ritch incorporates. The inn's attic contains giant spiders that help take care of the inn, there's a ghost kraken living in the nearby ocean, there's a small gnome who does security for the inn, and there are a couple of witches who make an appearance. I also enjoyed the developing relationship between Pippi and the inn as Pippi learns its abilities and quirks and it learns to trust Pippi.

The very beginning of the novel is a bit disjointed, but it settles into a groove once Pippi is at the inn. Rather than coming back as a ghost, Pippi's aunt unexpectedly returns as a talking fox and helps Pippi adjust to being an innkeeper for the dead. I didn't care for the romance at first because instalove is a turn-off for me, and that's pretty much what happens here. While the romance is secondary to the plot of Pippi learning to run the inn, it is still a significant element of the book and at times a driving force behind various plot developments, so I wish it had started off on a stronger foundation. Fortunately, I did at least like the love interest. The book will also hopefully go through another round of edits before its official release date.

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This is the delightful story of Pippi Jennings, who has always been a little unusual in that she can see ghosts. Mind you, this makes her the perfect family member to inherit her late aunt's inn, which is also a vacation spot for spirits.

But when a notorious ghost hunter makes his move, Pippi must juggle the conflicting imperatives of needing to keep her guests safe, and giving in to the dictates of her emotions. Because Cecil Graham is not only a threat to wandering spirits, he also poses a danger to Pippi's romantic soul...

This charming read, packed with magical elements of various kinds, is not to be missed by any romantic spirit out there looking for a good book! It gets 3.5 stars.

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Pippi's Inn for Wandering Spirits is an extremely cozy story about a girl learning to operate a sentient inn for the dead and aid in the spirits crossing between the living world and the afterlife. It gives major Spiritfarer vibes with the story (I mean this as the highest of compliments), as Pippi works to make the spirits comfortable in the inn, as well as help them and their loved ones be at peace and able to move on. For something so cozy and low stakes, it was so heartwarming and did a phenomenal job of tackling grief in a lighthearted way. There were some very strange and funny aspects of this book as well, including but not limited to giant, sweater-wearing spiders (these were my personal favorites), Pippi's aunt reincarnated as a talking fox helping her run the inn, and Pippi literally dreaming up whatever meals she wants to serve the guests the following day.

Unfortunately, the writing in this didn't quite gel with me--specifically the banter felt a bit unnatural at some points and it took me out of the story somewhat.

I also was a tad bored by the plot at times, although this is likely my own fault for reading a very cozy, low-stakes fantasy when I know I have the tendency to be bored of them easily and need something that keeps me more at the edge of my seat. I LOVE ghost stories though in any capacity and had to give it a try.

Overall, I enjoyed this, and would recommend it for lovers of the cozy fantasy genre, especially if you want something that tackles more meaningful topics such as grief in a way that will tug at your heartstrings, but also provide some laughs along with your tears. Thank you very much to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for providing the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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First of all, let me thank #netgalley for providing me with this ARC.

Now to the important stuff. This is everything a “cozy (fill in the blank)” book should be. There are ghosts, so I’m not sure if that is cozy horror? There is a witch (briefly) and spiders the size minivans so probably? But there are also portals and talking space heaters, and a house that is alive. Dreams become breakfasts, ghosts get to talk to loved ones on the phone (sort of) and the main character has a wide array of patterned overalls that show up miraculously every morning. When I say there is A LOT going on in this book, there is A LOT going on in this book. I haven’t even scratched the surface. And, I LOVED it all. Best, this book knows what it is and it stays in its lane and that’s why it was such a hit for me. We didn’t get lost in asides that are preachy or teachy about life for the sake of philosophizing. There wasn’t a noticeable amount of platitudes, cliches, or cringe. The book does not assume that the reader doesn’t want to do a little work just because we picked up a “cozy” book. It gave me some room to interpret character actions without being told exactly how they’re feeling directly after like so many books in this genre do. It’s silly, it’s comforting, it’s sweet, and funny. If you like confetti in the shape of a book, this is it.

This book is not perfect for all, but for those it is for, it’s perfect.

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