Member Reviews

This slanted book errantly asserts that the IDF has been carrying out a genocide in Gaza which is simply untrue. The dictionary definition of a genocide is (noun) "the deliberate and systematic killing or persecution of a large number of people from a particular national or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group." And the second clause has NEVER been met by Israel! Synonyms for the word genocide include annihilation. extermination, liquidation, eradication, pogrom, ethnic cleansing, and holocaust. None of which have been happening in Gaza.

This book is a short treatise of essays regarding steps that can be made by the United States to establish peace. Dee Knight, Ph.D, covers Gaza, Ukraine, China as well as historical events and our commitment to peace. Dr. Knight pursues a path where the US is not the ruling nation but instead works cooperatively with others. Knight provides the historical context as well as sharp insight on contemporary issues.
The essays are succinct and pointed and very clear. This is a great supplement for any college class as well as a book to be discussed in community groups.
#solidarity #solidaritypublications #arealisticpathtopeace #deeknight