Member Reviews

Wow! Great start to a new series! I'm looking forward to seeing how Harlan, Kira and Fiona work together in future books. A bit of romance, thriller, and suspense all in one book, and what a creative way to deal with the bad guy! I won't give it away, you have to read the book to find out what happened!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. This review is based on an ARC from NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher.

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On the Hunt is the first book in a new series by Iris Johansen. I was excited to read this new book, as I’ve read the entire Eve Duncan series by Iris Johansen as well, and loved everything about that series. While I had high hopes for On the Hunt, it didn’t deliver the same experience for me as her other books. The story was interesting, the action scenes were well-done, and of course I loved anything surrounding Mack. However, I just couldn’t connect to anything else in the book. Everything seemed high-level to me, for example, the concept of extending the life of dogs was so intriguing, but it was continuously just glossed over or just passing references made to it. Even the characters to me fell flat, except for Fiona. She brought a bit of spark to the book and seemed to be the most authentic character. In all, I was just disappointed. When I love a book, I can finish it in about 2 days, but this one took me 6 days because I just wasn’t that invested or excited to read it.

Thanks to Grand Central Publishing (via NetGalley) for the Advance Reader Copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I was very excited to hear of a new series by Iris, as I have loved her Eve Duncan and Kendra Michaels series. This book was kind of a disappointment however. While I felt the story was good in whole, the writing was very stilted, and there were multiple times I felt like I missed something, to the point where I went back and read a few times to make sure I didn't. This turned out to be quite tedious. I am hoping future books will bring satisfaction, but this one was kind of a miss for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review. My opinions are my own.

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This was my first book by Iris and I enjoyed the overall plot very much. The idea of treasure hunting and running from the bad guys made for a great story. Some parts felt a bit draggy but others were quite fast paced. I enjoyed the characters, especially Fiona who was a bit of a wild card. Overall a good read

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The beginning of the new series features Kira with her rescue dog Mack. Kira has come a long way since being rescued as a child from a volcano. Now a talented veterinarian, she improves the lives of dogs through a specialized serum. Her side job is helping to find bad guys by using her amazing skills along with Mack. Reluctantly she agrees to help billionaire Harlan track down his brother’s killer and so the hunt begins. Enjoyable read although predictable at times and a bit long winded. Glad the author included some of the characters from previous books. Not my favorite by this author but a good story.

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Iris can do no wrong in my book! Everything she writes, I devour in one sitting. I was on the edge of my seat with this one and looking for a book hangover cure stat!

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Many thanks to Netgalley and Novel Suspects Insiders Club. I received a copy of this arc in exchange for my honest review. My thoughts are entirely my own. I received both a physical and digital arc of this book.

In this book we are following Kira Drake and her dog Mark. Kira is sent to Paris to investigate a bombing in Paris for a museum that was donated by Harlan. Harlan decides to hire Kira to help him find Taylor who bombed the museum in Paris and also murdred Harlan's brother Colin and made his daughter Fiona become Harlan's ward. Harlan raises Fiona starting at the age of 7 and bought her horses and Kira discovers that she is a horse whisper. When Kira finds Taylor he ambushes her and shots her dog Mark (don't worry he is fine, I wouldn't have liked it as much otherwise). Kira has also invented a serum that is able to make dog's live longer lives. Kira teams up with Harlan and takes him to Kimlan's island where she discovered barried treasure that Taylor also wants to get his hands on. Kira shows Harlan the undersea cave and Harlan creates a sled with a Moroccan scientist to make accessing the cave easier. Fiona gets kidnapped and Kira trades her live for Fiona's. Harlan sets a trap for Taylor but he ends up escaping. Taylor tries to get Fiona again but Fiona uses Sinbad, an untamed horse, to finally get rid of Taylor by dragging him through terrain. Kira and Harlan fall for each other by working together. What a great way to start a series. I can't wait for the next one.

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I love Iris, and this book was no exception. Everything she writes is always so good. I read this book in 2 days I couldn't put it down.

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After an interesting start in Paris, the story failed to live up to its promise. Veterinarian Kira, protégée of Sarah Logan (Killing Game, Search), is a strong female lead and I liked her wonder dog Mack. There is plenty of action and some cool inventions, but the characters weren’t developed enough to engage me. I rounded up to three stars because of the animals. Anything by Johansen is sure to be in demand but this was a disappointing miss for me.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an eARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Iris Johansen has written many books with strong female characters. I have particularly liked her Eve Duncan series. Now she is introducing us to a new series starring Kira Drake, a veterinarian who develops serums to extend the life of dogs and also trains dogs to do amazing things. In particular, she has a golden retriever named Mack who is her constant companion, trained to aid in bombings, tracking, treasure hunting, etc. While investigating a bombing in Paris, she is asked to try and track the bomber in the US. The bomber is also being hunted by Jack Harlan and soon Harlan and Kira are working together. The plot moved along at a good pace but was very predictable in most spots. The characters were interesting and I enjoyed the spunk Kira and Fiona (Harlan’s niece) showed throughout the book. I did enjoy the book, it just wasn’t one of my favorite Johansen ones. I give the book 3.5 stars out of 5.

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this digital ARC in exchange for my honest review. The book will be published 9/3/2024.

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Despite this story being so similar in formula to her other books with a strong, independent woman and a wealthy man who needs her help while they jet off around the world to right a wrong, it is still a story that grabs your attention and makes you want to read. Kira and her dog Mack are needed by Harlan to help stop Taylor who is out to destroy him. Along the way, Harlan's niece Fiona and her horses become involved when there is attack on Fiona and Kira during Kira's visit to his castle in France. They race to find a safe space for everyone so that they can go after Taylor. They have a chance when Kira needs to go back to a treasure hunt on a private island. The treasure hunt involves cave diving and the descriptions are vivid. The pacing of the story is fast and there is a lot of action, but at times it is hard to like the characters. You just keep reading anyway as you want to find out what happens next. There isn't a lot of background of the people as the story goes that quickly, so it will be interesting to see if we learn more about them in the next one.

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Iris Johansen’s newest book, On the Hunt, was a 3-star read for me. It was not one of my favorites by this author and I have read every one of her books (along with Roy’s). This new series brings forward Kira Drake and her dog Mack with the introduction of billionaire Harlan and their story as they try and extract both a buried treasure and avoid Joseph Taylor. The storyline did pick up in places and I loved the character of Fiona, Harlan’s niece, but this just did not feel like the normal Iris Johansen read with it almost feeling rushed by the author. Thanks to NetGalley & Grand Central Publishing for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. Rating: 3 stars Publication Date: September 3, 2024

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This is another great book! This involves Kira she meets a new person, Harlan, and midway through the book Kalim again. They go to his island where most of the action takes place. There is action, treasure hunting and killing the bad guys along with Mack, her wonderful dog.

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While I have always been a fan of her books for some reason, this one did not grab my attention and it was very predictable. It was hard trying to force myself to read the book.

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This is the first of a new series by Johansen and it shows promise. The opener involves billionaire genius and his family who have been targeted by a murderer our for revenge. Looking to track him down and protect his loved ones as well as his business enterprises, he hires Kira Drake and her search and rescue dog Mack to find him. The search takes them from America, to Europe and Northern Africa as they track him down. The characters are engaging and this could be the beginning of another winner for Johansen.

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Mystery, treasure, dogs, and horses. What’s not to like. Interesting characters and goog plot that holds your interest

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On the Hunt was good but did not meet my expectations from this author. Everything was just too predictable and not as tense as I wanted.

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I’ve always loved Iris Johansen books but for some reason I struggled a bit with this book. I think I couldn’t get invested in any of the characters. I loved the dog Mack but the things he could do were almost impossible to believe.

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Just finished On The Hunt by Iris Johansson and it was excellent!!!
It featured Kira Drake and her fabulous multi trained golden retriever dog Mack!!! She has always been one of my favorite regular characters from the world of Iris Johansen and I loved that she and Mack were front and center! Kira is smart,beautiful and very out spoken and her research and testing has created hybrid dogs who's life expectancy is twice maybe three times that of a normal dog! Between her work on Summer Island facility with friend and mentor Sarah Logan she and Mack are in high demand. So when she's asked to track the person who bombed a Paris Museum named after Inventor and noble peace prize winner Jack Harlan it looks like his nemesis Joseph Taylor is the suspect! Taylor killed his brother Colin in cold blood and ever since Harlan has been on a mission to find him and bring him to justice for killing his brother. But he needs Kira and Mack two of the best trackers in the business to help. Kira finally agrees to track him but she doesn't want to personally deal with Harlan.But when she under estimates Taylor it gets Mack shot and puts her in Taylor's crosshairs and its Harlan to the rescue.
Not one to be indebted to anyone, Kira and Mack join forces with Harlan to take down Taylor! This was a fast paced game of cat and mouse with awesome characters and a fantastic storyline and some really great writing! I loved so much about this book! The chemistry and sexual tension between Harlan and Kira was hot and the whole thriller/suspense vibe with the underwater caves with hidden treasures with giant prehistoric snakes thought to be extinct kept you on the edge! And side characters like Harlan's fifteen year old niece Fiona a smart,spunky and precocious young lady who's gift with horses is truly amazing! I loved this kid! And Jabir Kalim ruler of the Island of Hathor! He's magnificent, just ask him!! I love his close relationship with Kira! He's powerful arrogant and handsome and very protective of her and his people! And his interactions with the strong headed Fiona were priceless! She held her ground and won him totally over! And as far as villains go both Taylor and his right hand Donavan lived up to their title of villian. If you love a great romantic thriller full of suspense with side of passion and unforgettable characters and some really amazing animals! check this book out! It was awesome! Until till next time Luv's😉💋

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Just ok

I have to say this isn't one of my favorites by this author. The book has a different feel than past books by Ms. Johansen, the lead characters were a bit flat and their interactions felt forced to me. Kira was definitely a strong female lead, and Harlan is the billionaire handsome man, they have the inevitable clash in the beginning, but again, just felt forced.

I liked Fiona, Harlan's niece, and her way with the horses. There were aspects of the book that were more science fiction-y to me, I won't say what they were due to spoilers. Maybe this book should be marketed to new adults or even the mid-teen range instead of women's fiction, it might have a better audience there.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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