Member Reviews

I have enjoyed books from Iris Johansen in the past but this one fell flat for me. The plot had a decent concept but it didn't work. It lacked depth and the dialogue wasn't natural. I also had a hard time connecting with the characters and I ended up not caring what happened.

Thank you Netgalley and Grand Central Publishing for allowing me to read this book early for an honest review.

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I received an arc from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

This was an okay read for me. I was kind of disappointed in the characters and felt they fought back and forth for power so much that it became annoying. Overall the storyline was good and I enjoyed the idea of the horses and dogs and the work being done there. The suspense and chase was good but not fantastic.
2.75 stars

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Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I feel bad because I have enjoyed a few of the other books written by this author, but this book never gained any traction with me mainly because the characters were one dimensional and were like they were from a b-movie production. This book was just ok. 3-stars

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I would like to thank Netgalley, Grand Central Publishing, Iris Johansen. On the Hunt is a must read. Iris Johansen is one of my favorite authors. I have read many of her books. In this one the main character is excellent. She is definitely really a great individual. If you have read any of her books you will find her to similar to one of the other great maim characters. I was surprised and thrilled to see other characters from her other series. I definitely would look forward to reading more of her of this character. I couldn't put this book down. The adventure, twists and love that develops between 2 characters is amazing. The supporting characters really help develop the story. If you are looking for one of her best books look no further.

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Kira Drake has come to Paris with her highly trained Golden Retriever, Mack, to investigate the horrific bombing of a museum in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower in Iris Johansen's new book On The Hunt. 
Jack Harlan has all the money in the world, but it can’t bring his brother back. His sibling was murdered during the theft of a scientific discovery that could have made the world a better place. Now, after a four-year search, Harlan learns that this bombing was the work of the same twisted man. 
Kira and her dog are in demand from law enforcement agencies all over the world, but Harlan convinces her to continue the investigation for his own purposes, wherever it may lead. So, against her better judgment, Kira finds herself on the hunt, placing her trust in Harlan. For what she hopes is justice. When what he may be seeking is vengeance.

Love, love, love Mack, the dog. He is the best part of the story. Kira is also a great character. For me, the story was slow in parts and a bit confusing with all the various characters.

Overall, On The Hunt was an okay read. The story had some good, tense moments and held my interest for the most part. I would rate this book a 3.75 out of 5 stars (rounded to 4).

#OntheHunt #NetGalley @GrandCentralpub

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I’d read another novel by Johansen, so this sounded good based on the blurb. It wasn’t exactly what I expected. There are several events taking place which results in two strong willed people seeking revenge and justice. Kira and Harlan both have reasons to want bomber, murderer Taylor caught. Kira and her dog, Mack, have potential for future adventures. She’s extremely independent, determined to not be manhandled, spent lots of time proving how good she was on her own. For me the writing style seemed simplistic, immature. The conversations between characters was stilted. There was little character development, I had no background on Kira or Harlan until half way through the story. I felt like I’d been dropped into a crowd of strangers. Where does she live, how did she get into treasure hunting, how did that relate to tracking bad guys? Does she have family? I know that many first in a series lay out background more than plot. This story was heavy on plot. The tech mogul, Harlan, could become interesting, his innovations were original. The men, both the good and evil, spent their time trying to impress Kira or kill her. Fiona, the teenage niece, was the most interesting and believable for me. She was bright and relatable. The treasure, the Egyptian horse breeder, the caves and castle were intriguing. The inevitable romance that developed wasn’t a surprise, it was well worked into the scenes. They spent many hours on a private jet traveling back and forth between the Caribbean, Paris and Egypt.
Longtime readers and a different audience of Johansen will likely appreciate the story, it just did not work for me. I would give the author another try, just not this series. Thanks to Grand Central Publishing (via NetGalley) for the Advance Reader Copy of On the Hunt by Iris Johansen, Kira Drake #1. Publication expected 09/03/2023.

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I have always enjoyed books by Ms. Johansen. Some are hit or miss and her Eve Duncan books are really good. This book has some interesting characters and the storyline is different. Not her best work, but it held my interest and I enjoyed it. I would recommend reading it just don't expect a great read. I received an e-book from NetGalley in return for an unbiased review.

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An interesting thriller style story but I had a harder than normal time with the dialogue. I find this to always be a bit forced and somewhat repetitive in Johansen novels but can typically overlook it for the great plots. In this one it was much harder to put aside.

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This book features a new character, Kira and her incredible dog Mack. She is drawn into a situation that puts a target on her back. The book is a mystery with a romance too. There is also plenty of suspense. I look forward to reading future books in the series. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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This book is pretty much what we have come to expect for Iris Johansen. That statement is neither a positive or a negative, rather it is both. We have come to expect strong heroines and Kira fits the mold. We have also come to expect strong and powerful heroes and that describes Harlan. Villains in previous books have been vile and Taylor may move toward the top of that list. We have come to expect a mystery with lots of action as our heroes race around the world to stop our villain. Again, this story takes us from Paris to Colorado to the every important Summer Island and on a treasure hunt. Those elements I named above are what makes Iris Johansen books great to read. They are page turners but maybe not as much so as they once were because we have come to expect.
That leads me to the negative, we have come to expect and been granted so much that some of the latest books including this one have felt have they all followed the same formula. We have a smart woman and a powerful man who needs her to employ her special skill to disable a disgusting individual. If you are a casual reader of Iris's book, maybe you don't make this connection but I have read most of her books so I have.
Don't take the above statement wrong, this book is still worth reading. The book does grab your attention with the explosion aftermath on page 1 and it does have great characters and lots of action. It also has the whole will they or won't they vibe between Kira and Harlan. One of the best parts was the dogs and the horses. For half a moment, i really wished there was so truth to Kira's research into dog aging so my dog could live another 20 years. I remember reading once that one specific author based topics such as that on fact so i guess we will have to wait and see.
I digress when I should be saying that I recommend this book. If it feels familiar than you must be seeing the formula too, however, it is still worth the read. However, for this book to get to 5 stars, we would have needed to perhaps flip the script a bit.
Thanks to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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