Member Reviews

Teacher/Mom Review:
The book feels like you are talking to little kids when the storyline suddenly changes slightly and you have to catch up to what’s going on in their brain! It had some good components about us not really knowing how the Easter bunny works or why it’s a bunny and not a chick. Follows Dragon and Pup on an adventure to catch the Easter Bunny (spoiler-it’s the one with the bow tie) and ends with them getting a basket.
I enjoy the illustrations and the end scenes with them planting their wild flowers.
6 year old review: she like learning about the bunny and has some ideas of her own on how to catch an Easter bunny herself. She giggled at the why did the chick cross the road joke.
8 year old review: he liked the silliness of the book, but wanted to know more about some of the random things that happened. The robot gnome, the bunny tumbler, and who set the traps exactly. He had more questions and that annoyed him.
Thank you @Netgalley and @Sourcebooks for the digital copy.

Pup & Dragon are an absolute ball! This was such a fun read!
The humor is a bit advanced for my son (not for me, tho, I was giggling lol), but definitely something he'll enjoy in the future.
Thank you NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Kids for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. The opinions written are completely honest and my own.
Cute graphic novel that celebrates Easter and friendship.
The only flaw I saw was that everything was done in the day time and I was taught that the Easter Bunny works at night

My son (6.5) loves this series so I gave him the phone to read on the app and he enjoyed this and was so excited to have an early copy. He said he loved the story and the graphics!

The idea was there, but I wasn't thrilled with the execution. Still, we need more Easter books and can see kids enjoying this

I think that there's a really good idea here, but this book fell a little short for me personally. There were two things that bothered me about this book:
1. It's so overwhelming! This is great for some young readers, sure, but I, myself got a headache reading this book. Everything is so fast-paced and go-go-go 100% of the time. There should be ups and downs to a story, and this book was just full-throttle the whole way through. Don't get me wrong, there will definitely be some kids that appreciate this, but it was just a lot.
2. There are *numerous* mentions of how Dragon (and dragons in general) can fly. Where are the wings?! Honestly, Dragon looks more like a dinosaur than a dragon due to the absence of wings. This is a small thing but, due to its reoccurence/abundance, it became rather frustrating.
Those two things aside, there were also two things that worked well in this book:
1. The crisp and colorful illustrations. This breathes life, energy, and fun into the overall book, which is great! Additionally, the colors chosen were beautiful and the illustrator definitely knows what colors to put together to make beautiful images.
2. The idea. The central idea/objective of this book is unique and fun. It also adds a freshness to a common holiday, and this story definitely makes Easter or any day so much more fun.

Pup and Dragon are on a mission to catch the Easter Bunny, but it’s not as easy as they think. The How to Catch series is extremely popular, so I was very interested to read the graphic and I have to say that the story is very entertaining. The graphic itself is very vibrant and I think kids will get a kick out of the antics of Pup and Dragon trying to catch the Easter Bunny. Overall I liked this graphic.

I received an electronic ARC from SOURCEBOOKS Kids through NetGalley.
Pup and Dragon are delightful characters and I love seeing their adventures as they observe the traps and pathways from Walstead's How to Catch series. This time they try to find the Easter Bunny. Readers will spot the traps quickly as well as see the Bunny move through the story. The humor is appealing to younger readers. The colorful illustrations are detailed and worth studying too. These can be read as stand alones or connected with the How to Catch books.

I received and ARC of this title through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
I'm not really a huge fan of picture books that follow a set formula. (But I happen to know that kids love the How to Catch picture books, anyway.) I didn't expect much from this graphic novel as a result. I was pleasantly surprised. You still see the formula element, but the narrators spin a unique angle on it. I expect there will be a fair amount of laughing out loud when kiddos are reading this one.
3.5 stars

Such a cute book about the easter bunny, great fun for younger kids. We have two friends checking out all of the traps that the kids have set to capture the easter bunny. You get to see the bunny a few times and follow along as they try and catch up with the bunny.

My son really enjoyed reading this graphic novel with me. He thought pup and dragon were so funny. I thought some of their rambling conversations didn’t flow well, but my son didn’t seem to mind. He stayed engaged throughout the book. It helps that the illustrations are bright and colorful! My son is really excited to read other pup and dragon books in the future!

I really don't think these folks can go wrong with a book. All of the How To Catch books are beautifully illustrated with bold and bright pictures. The writing is fun and engaging. This would be a great read for an independent reader in early elementary.

ARC Copy...Thought it was cute and can see little kiddies having trying to spot the Rabbit just hopping outside of range of both the reader's and in-narrative protagonist's view.

Cute book. First How to Catch...book that I have read. The illustrations are great. I love the graphic novel. This is a great book for Easter time and to add to the kid's Easter basket!

I have enjoyed the How to Catch graphic novel series to date, recognizing it for what it is, which is a way to get younger readers engaged and make the transition from picture books to books that have a bit more to read. I have found, though, that there are some in the series that are stronger than others, and this is one of the ones that I have to say was probably the weakest in terms of the story flow. I just didn't follow most of Pup and Dragon's ramblings and found it neither funny nor engaging. I gave it a three star, because maybe the target audience will enjoy it more, and the artwork is still fun. But the overall feeling was that this felt rushed to come up with a story that wasn't too repetitive of the previous books and also tied into Easter. And it feel short.

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for this advance readers copy in exchange for my honest feedback. This book is a cute and fun. Perfect for the upcoming Easter Season. There are also other books in this series you should check out as well. Illustrations are well done!!

WHAT A FUN BOOK!!! This would be such a great book for schools to have at Easter time. My four kids adored this story. It was darling. They loved the storyline and asked to read it over and over again.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book was so fun and cute! Kids will love this book.

My family LOVES the How to Catch graphic novels with Pup and Dragon, and How to Catch the Easter Bunny was a really fun one! Pup and Dragon are eager to catch the Easter Bunny, but he keeps evading their sights. Kids will love watching the silly antics, reading the fun banter, and looking at the delightful illustrations. I highly recommend this series!
Thank you to SOURCEBOOKS Kids for gifting my family with an ARC to review! All opinions are our own. We loved it!