Member Reviews

I loved this next in this series it was such a lovely story and what I really wanted to escape into, just perfect. Looking forward to the next one. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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This series shows no signs of losing its appeal. Now we have moved into the 1920's with all the social changes that that brings. The place of women in society is still viewed through marriage but there are opportunities to be had at Harpers which stands secure. As you follow Sally and Beth's story threads, you cannot but help admire their resilience and determination to do the right thing by their staff. Family and friendship is also very important in their lives and they pay this forward, helping young women to receive opportunities also.

Kitty Wilson is also at the heart of the story. She has some harsh times to cope with and a mother who is far from sympathetic to her needs. Kitty has a determination to do the right thing, as well, but needs a helping hand to succeed. You can see her appreciation for kindness but she is not afraid to stand up for herself. Although there is romance along the way, as the title suggests, things do not go well for everyone and all the characters have some challengs ahead in this enjoyable read.

In short, modern times bring more challenges

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Another fantastic read in the Harper series. I love these girls, it’s like catching up with old friends.

Rosie Clarke is one of my favourite authors and I can’t wait for the next book

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In Clarke’s latest historical fiction novel, readers return to 1926 London and Harpers Emporium, a department store on Oxford Street, where Kitty Wilson works. After her father’s death, Kitty’s refusal to marry a sleazy suitor results in her mother abandoning her, another tragedy that shatters the stability of her life. As she tries to move past these tragedies by throwing herself into work, others such as Sally and Ben Harper and Beth Burrows continue to struggle at work and at home, especially when secrets are revealed. This time, friendship and camaraderie within the community seem to be the only things that will sustain the community. Beth, Sally, and Kitty alternate perspectives and chapters throughout the novel, allowing their multiple plot lines and personalities to develop. Minor characters also play a prominent role in each narrative, functioning as foils to the narrating character of Sally, Beth, and Kitty. With its fascinating setting in a majority-female workplace, the setting of Harpers Emporium brings the mass consumer culture of the 1920s to life, tying in familiar elements of modern shopping culture that readers will recognize. With its fascinating characters and unique plot and location, readers will definitely enjoy revisiting the world Clarke has created for this fun 1920s historical fiction series.

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With this being the 8th book in the series I knew I was in for a treat.

Kitty has the most awful mother who is trying to get Kitty married to rich suitors purely for her own gain. This book races off at breakneck speed and doesn't stop throughout. It was nice to visit Harpers again and catch up with Sally and her husband Ben.
Some lovely and not-so-lovely characters help you see in your mind who they are and what their role is in this book.
Well written and very enjoyable.

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Heartbreak at Harpers is book six of The HArpers Emporium bt the talented Rosie Clarke

This time is Kitty's story; when her father unexpectedly dies , her oppressive mother wants her to marry a man who Kitty finds repulsive, so he will look after them both . When Kitty refuses , her mother decides to offer to be nursemaid for his two children . Meanwhile , Sally Harper and her husband Ben, are facing some difficult challenges concerning the restaurant and his decisions have serious repercussions for them and Harpers .

I have read all of Rosie's novels and they always enthrall me from beginning to end; Heartbreak at Harpers was no exception. I'm sure Kitty will continue to do well in her new role and Sally's himself will become more fun! I'm excited to discover there's will be more books in this series.

Grab your copy now

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I'm reviewing this via NetGalley, as part of a tour with Rachel's Random Resources.

This historical saga is set in 1920s London. The characters work at Harper's Emporium, and when I first started reading, there was something about the atmosphere at Harper's that sparked my interest. I had the impression of a pleasantly busy environment, with some hustle and bustle, but not without its fair share of drama.

I enjoyed getting to know all the characters, and identified with some of them a little, in different ways. Some of the characters shared strong bonds of love and friendship that warmed my heart. I became emotionally invested in the lives of the characters, and it seemed they all had their own cross to bear.

This was a light, pleasant read, and if you like historical sagas, it may appeal to you.

Thank you to NetGalley, Rachel's Random Resources, Boldwood Books, and to the author, for the opportunity to read and review this.

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Heartbreak at Harpers is the 8th book in the Harpers Emporium series. I’ve read all the books in the series and it was lovely to be back with the management and staff of Harpers. Whilst this was an easy read I also found it to be such an interesting one as well. The story focuses a lot on Kitty Wilson who is a shop worker at Harpers. I really liked Kitty as a character and she was so determined to get on with life in spite of all that was going on in her personal life. Sally and Ben the owners of Harpers also have troubles of their own and life isn’t always easy. Ben’s work partner Jack Burrows and his wife Beth is worried about her family’s safety after a nasty encounter . However in spite of everything life goes on and the women are always there to help each other and to dish out advice and help when needed. I always feel reading this series that I’m back with old friends and often imagine as I read this book that I’m there in Harpers back in those days. I look forward to there being more books in is great series. A perfect read for fans of historical sagas.

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I have loved this book as much as all the other books in this series. Kitty sadly looses her father and is treated badly by her mother who wants here to marry an older man that Kitty finds repulsive.Sally and Beth's husbands are partners in a restaurant and things turn had for them when they get involved in the criminal world.I do hope there is more in this series.Thank you to Netgalley and Boldwood.

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This is a beautiful book and it is so amazing, the story is so lovely and very enjoyable to read. i loved everything about this book and i would recommend to anyone who loves reading to give this book a go. it is a lovely book and i will read other books from this author.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I’ve enjoyed reading every book in this series.

It was like meeting old friends being back at Harpers.

We meet Kitty, who is loving her job at Harpers, and has made some new friends. But, at home, her mother insists she goes out with someone who’s much older than her, but Kitty feels that that person isn’t a nice.

Then, her father passes away quite quickly. She finds out that her mother has made a deal with the man. Kitty feels that she’s got no choice but to marry him, or does she another option?

For friends Sally and Beth, their lives and their husbands are involved in a criminal world, something that neither of them wanted.

The story had old characters as well as some new ones, a few of who were nice and some not so. It had you feeling happy and sad, as well as drama, which had you engrossed from beginning to end.

I hope there’s more books to come in this series.

I highly recommend this book.

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this is the 8th book in the series, had i known this i wouldn't have requested it without having read the first 7 books. As all the characters are refollowed and established its easy to see why one would love them. Due to the interference of certain questionable persons and American criminals, this book unfortunately contains some scary moments for certain readers. Thanks to the wonderful friendships they have formed over their time working at Harpers, there are both happy and sad occasions. With the families and friendships at Harpers being followed, this is book 8 in the wonderful series, and I hope Rosie has many more to come. There's a ton of fantastic reading ahead of you if this is your first exposure to the series. I plan to go back and read this series, as i enjoyed the characters and storyline.

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I love all the great characters in the Harpers series and it was nice to catch up with them all again in this book. Unfortunately there are some scary times for some in this book as some dubious characters and American gangsters try and cause trouble. There are some sad times but also some happy moments for the great friendships that have arisen from their time working in Harpers. This is book 8 in this fabulous series and I hope Rosie has many more to come as we follow the families and friendships at Harpers. If you’ve not come across this series before then lucky you as you’ve got some great reading ahead of you. If like me you are an avid follower of Harpers you will love this latest instalment into their lives.

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A really good read. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel plenty of different characters and interesting storylines all the women were strong people particularly loved Kitty who had a lot of tragedies in her life but with hard work and support from friends she overcomes lots of difficulties and finally understands why her home life was not a very happy one.

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Another wonderful read from Rosie following the girls at Harpers, A wonderful story of love and friendship and so much support for each other. Harpers were so supportive of their staff which was wonderful.. A captivating tale which made for a real page turner.

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Kitty Wilson is loving her job at Harpers and has found friends in the workplace everything is going great if only her mother wouldn’t insist she walk out with a pen older gentleman ur Kitty’s instincts tell her he’s bad news.. when her father dies suddenly her mother makes an agreement with the gentleman and Kitty feels forced into marrying this man or does she have to?
Meanwhile Sally Harper and Beth are caught up in a criminal world they don’t want to be part of and their husbands Ben and Jack are involved to.
Great to catch up with the Harper girls and looking forward to more from them soon.

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I love this series and the others written by Rosie Clarke. In this book Kitty who is 20 is working at Harpers to keep a roof over the heads of her parents after her dad is no longer working after an accident at work. When her father dies leaving kitty devastated and even more so when her mother has arranged for to marry an older man who Kitty hates. As Kitty is not yet 21 her mum has the final say in what she can and can't do, which today seems really extreme.
Sally, Beth and their husband go through some trying times in this book and the strength of their friendship will be challenged.
The general strike features as well as the rise of gangsters in London.
As I said I really enjoyed this book, sometimes wondering how much bad news the characters could take before it broke them. The women are strong characters, far more resilient than the men. The strong women looked after any who were weak and vulnerable.
My favourites of course are Sally and Beth, I don't know why but I've never taken to Ben ,Sally's husband. My most hated character has to be Kitty's mother and Joshua.
We are left at the end with a few loose ends so looking forward to the next book and I hope Kitty and Mariah are still there as I would love to know what their lives turn out like.
I think I'll read this series again from the beginning, maybe I will like Ben more.

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Continuing this series set round a large store,we are now in the period after the war..Great to catch up with all the characters and meet some interesting new ones.

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This instalment in the series follows Kitty Wilson, who, upon her father’s death, finds herself engaged to a most unsuitable man of her mother’s choice.

Kitty finds herself helped by her friends, neighbours and co-workers, all of whom have secrets and struggles of their own.

Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this ARC in return for my honest review.

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Absolutely love Rosie and it’s great to catch up with everyone from harpers, brilliant storyline and as always love the characters, I always get drawn in to the book when it involves the harper family, brilliant as usual , 6/5 if I could score higher

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