Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC! Maxi is the daughter of a Duke, who mistreats her because of her speech impediment (a stutter) and her shyness. The Duke arranges that she will marry Sir Riftan (a knight and former mercenary) in order to avoid defeating a dragon. As Maxi gets acquainted with her new home, she learns that she gets treated a lot differently.

I started reading this not knowing/reading the manhwa, and I thought it was…ok? There isn’t much of a plot, and every time Maxi and Riftan are alone (every other chapter maybe) it gets very spicy. However, they each have insecurities and secrets that they have to deal with, but they grow over the course of the book. I enjoyed reading the scenes with Maxi and the other knights and with Ruth (even though they are a bit caustic, they still help Maxi learn magic). It gets more interesting at the end, with a quest for the soon-to-be-knights, and a minute possibility of Maxi joining them, if she could master powerful magic.

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TLDR this was okay. 2.5

This story follows maxi as she learns how to fake it till she makes it as a head mistress, lady of the castle.
Maxi had an arranged marriage to Riftan so her father could avoid going off to war. Three years later, he’s back and he… loves her? What ensues is definitely a bit of a toxic relationship but mostly because both characters are just trying really hard to be what they think the other person wants them to be. The plot is very slow moving and basically is just following Maxi as she becomes more confident and starts to learn some things and her relationship with Riftan grows but she starts to realize that something is amiss.
I liked the wording and the flow of this book. I did want to keep reading, despite the pace being so slow. Not a lot of Noteworthy things happen in this book unfortunately.
I didn’t like that there were times were it seems the characters have forgotten what they said. There were three times that I noticed, a character would say something at one point, and either repeat it like it’s the first time later or say something contrary to it later. I didn’t like that it ended, seemingly in the middle of a chapter. I feel like you could have just published the whole thing. Even if it’s 600 pages, that’s better in my opinion. I also didn’t like that this book is atleast 20% sex. Super on page sex. I’m not a smut girly, and you can skip it but it’s like pages worth of sex, and sometimes you think it’s done and then it’s sex again.

I have a feeling that the next book will have some more going on so I kind of hope that they will cut some unnecessary stuff and just combine the two for a shorter big book or just go for it and make a 600 page book. People will read it.
Content summary 🖍️abuse, sexual assault pretty much, on page sex, toxic relationship, magic, some gore 🖍️

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I loved this story! It’s a webcomic I really enjoyed and I’m so glad that the author turned it into a chapter book. I enjoyed reading it so much. I always wanted more from the plot and characters when I was reading the webtoon, and the chapter book gives me exactly that. I’m so happy that this was written into a book, and I can’t wait to see more of it as it comes out. I decided to give this book a 4 star rating because although the story was enjoyable and filled with cute romance and tension I found that there was something missing.

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Thank you to NetGalley/Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine: Inklore for the e-arc! Major TWs for noncon/dubcon and historic physical/emotional abuse.

I was super excited to see this book being traditionally published and getting a definitive english translation after previously reading part of the manwha. It's been long enough since I read it that some details have slipped my mind, but I know I liked it for the same reason I persisted with this novel: I wanted to see Maxi grow. Don't get it twisted, this is a character-driven romantasy about someone recovering from a deeply traumatic upbringing. Her romantic interest does not always help!! I would argue he makes things worse most of the time!

Maxi and Riftan are both incredibly insecure and have a lot of trouble communicating as a result. This is literal for Maxi as she has a stutter, but is mostly derived from years of abuse that has left her meek, scared, and feeling worthless. Riftan is a lowborn knight who has earned the title of lord through battle, and he feels inadequate to be married to the daughter of a duke. This explains but does not excuse his actions, temper, and the way he speaks to Maxi. The dynamic ends of being pretty toxic, as Maxi grows dependent on him despite him treating her more like an object than a real person. It's not a relationship that I can root for, in all honesty, but there is reflection near the end.

Due to the nature of the book having originally been published as a webnovel, the pacing is a little slow and meandering. There's a fair bit of repetition and the inclusion of unnecessary details. The ratio of plot to sex is... unbalanced, to say the least, especially for many of the first depictions being non-consensual. The book as a whole gets a lot better in the second half, but it just ends without ANY conclusion. I really hope they consider smoothing that out in the final release because it's very unsatisfying to just cut off. But the translation and localization throughout was pretty good, it all read really naturally.

Overall, I'm not sure I would be able to recommend this book to the general public until the series is complete and I can see the full arc of character development with both Maxi AND Riftan. Until then, maybe stick with the manwha, or at least start there to see if it interests you.

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Honestly, I didn't even finish this one. It was just was too slow for me and my adhd brain to try to force myself through. I believe I decided not to finish it around the thirty-eight precent marker. But I can't be sure. The written was just too flowery for me. I don't need anyone to wax poetic to me or over describe a character or their surroundings for it to be imaginative.

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First and foremost, I want to say that if you have any major triggers, it's extremely important that you read the author's note at the beginning of the book. If you read this story and feel uncomfortable, congratulations, you can identity a toxic relationship.

This is the story of Maxi who was abused by her father, the duke, and is married off to Riftan. They perform their "marital duties" to each other before Riftan leaves for 3 years. I've seen quite a few 1-star reviews from people who are upset about the non-consensual sex, but I think those reviews are unfair because many years ago, wives were considered property and were expected to have sex with their husbands, regardless of consent. So while reading, I tried to put myself in that mindset and took their relationship as simply that.

But then the relationship starts to "evolve," except it doesn't. Maxi continually doesn't encourage Riftan and he continues to get turned on by her saying no. He shows Maxi his softer side by giving her attention and affection, but then will get mad when she doesn't respond to favorably to something he says or does. Then he has sex with her. Then they have a misunderstanding so he apologizes by buying her gifts and then has sex with her again. There is no real plot other than that. There is no conflict other than the lack of real relationship between these two characters. In fact, the only time they try to get to know each other, Riftan says he likes wine and food and Maxi says she likes animals and hates herself, but won't say anything further. Deep.

I paused after that conversation and reframed the way I approached this story. Instead of viewing it as a romance, I looked at it as the story of a toxic relationship. I expected that, as Maxi was changing and coming into herself, Riftan would change as well and what was a toxic relationship would turn into a love story. That didn't happen. In fact, the book ended almost as if the author got tired and decided to stop writing. Like, the ending isn't an ending. The words just stop. Then I saw that this book has won romance awards and I felt uncomfortable with it being marketed as such. I think it sends a message that what occurs in this story are ok in present day and that we romanticize abuse.

All of that being said, what I liked about the story was that Maxi starts to grow as a person. She was abused and has a stutter, as result, but her stutter starts to go away. And she comes into her sexuality and starts to enjoy sex as opposed to fearing it. She embraces becoming the lady of the castle and it's nice to see someone so damaged get to enjoy life.

This book as so much potential if there was just more substance. The writing is good and the pacing is great, there's just no real story outside of Riftan's desire to have sex with Maxi and her appeasing him. We see sides of Riftan that can make him a great character, but it never goes anywhere.

In book 2, I would like to see more of Maxi's independece and see Riftan's character give more of who he is or wants to be. I would also like for magic to be at the forefront of the story. Maybe that's being worked towards, but I'd like to see more of it. Also, can we please add more of the relevance of the oak tree? The book is literally called "Under The Oak Tree," but the oak tree was a blip.

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🔘𝐀𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞

For many years, I have been fascinated by this story. I am saddened to have reached the end, but I am over the moon to see that Riftan and Maxi finally have their happily ever after!

As soon as I grasped the fact that this web novel was going to be published and that we would finally have the chance to hold a printed edition in our hands, I found myself eagerly seizing the opportunity to reread it through NetGalley. The editing had undoubtedly improved, but alas, the plot remained unchanged, which was perfect!

🔸If you haven't read this book yet, imagine an epic love story between a noblewoman with a speech impediment and a powerful knight. He is deeply in love with her but unable to express his true feelings. Add to that a raging war full of monsters and terrifying dragons, and you have yourself a masterpiece of a story!

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⭐ 3

This was entirely mediocre as books go. I was not wowed but I wasn't entirely bored, which left me apathetic when picking the book up at the end of the day. I would really only suggest picking this up if you were a diehard fan of the webcomic as I do not think the story stands on it's own without the missing visual elements/artwork.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for an eARC in exchange for my honest review. This follows very closely to the manhwa, which I read a couple years ago. While I enjoyed rereading the story, readers entranced by the cover art would likely enjoy the original story just as much, as Kim’s strength lies in their plot and artwork.

⇢➤ Plot: Maxi, the main female protagonist pictured on the cover, is the daughter of a Duke. Despite public appearances, she is abused and sequestered by her father due to her stutter, leading her to be sheltered and easily afraid. In a political move, Maxi is wed to a knight, Sir Riftan. The two spend only one night together before he’s sent away on a dangerous campaign. Three years later, the campaign is complete, and Riftan retrieves his wife Maxi to go back to their castle. She must learn to overcome her circumstances and grow into the woman Riftan is already in love with.

***Please be aware there are no trigger warnings, but there are scenes of abuse and SA. The author should strongly consider adding trigger warnings or rewording Maxi’s first encounter with Riftan, as her lack of understanding is a clear indication of non-consent.

⇢➤ Pros: This is a medieval story filled with knights, magic, political intrigue, and dragon slaying. Riftan falls first and is obsessive about his wife. There is a sassy sorcerer, a gaggle of funny squires, healing magic, and lots of insight into how to run a castle. If that’s up your alley, this fits the bill.

As when I read it the first time, I flew through the story. There is something charming about the way Maxi navigates the world. I haven’t seen a female protagonist with a stutter before in fantasy and she slowly grows confidence when removed from her abusive home life. Riftan never comments on her stutter, nor do his knights, accepting it as part of her without judgment.

⇢➤ Cons: I have always hated the first few scenes between Maxi and Riftan. The clear divide between their understanding of the world (i.e. what sex is, how to consent to it, and how to respect boundaries) is incredibly off-putting. And I get it: she’s innocent, she’s sheltered, etc. But having that misunderstanding laid out in novel form with no trigger warnings in *the first* chapter? I would heavily recommend revisions. If I wasn’t prepared for it, I would have put the book down.

Most disappointingly, I don’t think a novel translation added much to the original manhwa. With webtoons and fanfiction alike, there is more inherent leeway when it comes to dialogue, repeated ideas, and morally gray choices. In novel form, having it read like a webtoon takes away from the book. I expect readers who don’t know this is an adaptation would have trouble. While this is the first volume, I also wish there was a more coherent rising action/climax/ending.

⇢➤ Recommended for fans of: High fantasy/romance

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This book is a beautiful adaptation of the original graphic novel, and I absolutely adored the time I spent with it. While I find myself drawn to the graphic novel for its illustrations, the prose within this was enough to completely draw me in. I'd recommend this to any fans of the original work, and I think this stayed true to that very well!

I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of this upon release.

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Thank you NetGalley for this arc, unfortunately this just wasn’t for me! I DNFd at 50% due to no plot and shallow characters.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! I was so excited for this book, because of its beautiful cover! This story has a some really unique parts that I did enjoy, but other parts were slow and hard to get through. I think if you’re not a mood reader this book has a great story you can enjoy!

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I was initially drawn to “Under the Oak Tree: Volume 1” by Suji Kim because of its captivating cover and intriguing description. The promise of a unique fantasy romance set against a backdrop of noble intrigue and personal growth had me excited to dive in.

The story follows Lady Maximilian, a noblewoman with a stutter, who is forced into a marriage with Sir Riftan, a lowborn knight. Their relationship starts off rocky, but as Riftan returns as a war hero, the dynamics between them begin to shift. The premise of overcoming personal and relational challenges is compelling, and I appreciated the depth given to Maxi’s character as she navigates her new life.

However, as I progressed through the book, I found that it didn’t quite capture my interest as I had hoped. While the world-building and character development are commendable, the pacing felt a bit slow for my taste, and I struggled to stay engaged with the plot and, unfortunately, did not finish this book.

That said, I can see how this novel would appeal to readers who enjoy detailed fantasy settings and character-driven stories. Suji Kim’s writing has a lyrical quality that many will find enchanting, and the themes of resilience and self-discovery are beautifully woven throughout the narrative.

Interestingly, this novel was originally a webtoon, which adds a unique twist to its origin.

Although “Under the Oak Tree: Volume 1” wasn’t entirely for me, I believe it has the potential to resonate with many other readers. If you’re a fan of fantasy romance with rich character arcs, this might just be the book for you.

✨✨✨✨Disclaimer: My rating scale is based on giving books up to five hearts, rather than the common star system. However, on platforms where stars are required, I do provide star ratings. For books I didn't enjoy, I still give a minimum of three stars. This is because platforms like Amazon use algorithms that can negatively impact authors' income if they receive less than three stars. I aim to support authors, especially Indie Authors, by ensuring my ratings do not adversely affect their earnings.✨✨✨✨

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Suji Kim's 'Under the Oak Tree' is a captivating romance that weaves together a compelling plot, endearing characters, and a satisfying exploration of self-discovery. While the premise of a forced marriage might seem familiar, Kim breathes fresh life into the trope with its nuanced portrayal of both love and societal constraints. Maxi, the timid and stuttering daughter of a powerful Duke, is a relatable protagonist. Her struggles with self-doubt and societal expectations, amplified by her stammer, resonate deeply. Kim avoids cliché and instead crafts a woman who is both vulnerable and strong, her vulnerability adding depth and authenticity to her character. Riftan, the gruff but undeniably charismatic knight, is a compelling counterpart. Despite his rough exterior, Riftan possesses a depth of emotion that slowly unfolds as the story progresses. Their initial interactions are fraught with tension, fueled by misunderstanding and societal prejudices. Witnessing their relationship evolve from animosity to reluctant acceptance, and ultimately to love, is a rewarding journey. The story itself is richly woven, seamlessly blending elements of romance, fantasy, and societal commentary. The vivid imagery of the world Kim creates draws the reader in, making it easy to visualize Maxi's journey from a sheltered life to navigating the complexities of court life and war. 'Under the Oak Tree' is more than just a romantic story. It is a tale of self-discovery, of learning to embrace one's true self despite societal expectations. Maxi's journey of overcoming her fear of speaking and finding her voice is both inspiring and empowering. Overall, Under the Oak Tree is a highly engaging and beautifully written romance that will stay with you long after the final page. With its captivating characters, compelling plot, and thought-provoking themes, it is a story that both entertains and inspires.

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3.75 stars!
I have read the webtoon on Manta and was a fan so I wanted to read the novel. Overall I enjoyed this read! Also liked that it was spicier than I thought it would be! I do think it fell flat at times and lacked some emotion that you could get in the webtoon through illustrations. I also felt it struggled with pacing, there were times where things were really happening in the story or between characters that I enjoyed, but other times the story moved slowly. I would read book 2! Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Thank you so much for the arc! I think I want to find the Manhwa now to read it. I did enjoy this story but it was hard for me to really get into it until almost halfway through. But, once it hit, I was into it!!

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3 stars

I enjoyed this one. It was definitely unique and different. The cover is what drew me in and think it’s beautiful

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for this ARC!
Unfortunately, this book was not it for me. I read a decent amount of the Webtoon several years ago, so I was interested in seeing what a novelization would be like. However, reading it in this format just exacerbated the content that trigger warnings were given for, and the tropes like miscommunication just come across so much worse and it was just an uncomfortable reading experience. If some of the plot addressed these serious themes/content/tropes, that would be nice - But it never does.

This volume also ends at a very random part of the story. It was very confusing.

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I've always wanted to read the novel after having read the manhwa adaptation of Under the Oak Tree and am glad to say that the novel held up pretty well! One of the main things I loved from the manhwa was the exploration of Maxi's character development, which I feel like the pacing of the story overall makes it kind of hard to explore in novel form, but I still enjoy seeing how things played out in the some ways very slow burn and in other ways, very quick burn romance of Riftan and Maxi.

Using this novel to reread was a really great experience because it reminded me of how much I adore them, even with the miscommunication/lack of communication. The challenges of an arranged marriage with a 3-year-gap to a sudden reunion and navigating through building a home in a castle, and overseeing so many people was touched upon well here, and I think still gives a nice flavor as the manhwa did. The writing style made it really easy to read too, and I appreciate the translation of the story.

But the biggest challenge for me was that I feel like I had to kind of rely on me imagining the webtoon art while reading this to feel the emotions that I did. If people hated Riftan in the manhwa but forgave him for the hot art, it'd probably be a lot harder to do here where we don't really get to see how attractive Riftan is physically through the descriptions and the spice.

I think for someone reading the story for the first time, it would make rooting for him a little difficult and the romantic vibes might be a little hard to feel (depending on your taste of buildup I guess, hahaha!) In this form, it was hard to see the emotions play out (I hesitate to say "as well" as the manhwa because I think while the art helps a lot, it isn't the main factor in a way.) Because the kind of matter-of-fact writing style makes you feel kind of more of an observer, but that could also just be me! My highest recommendation would be to start with the manhwa first then come to the novel because it does still feel nice to read.

I would still be interested in reading volume two, but I feel like I'm more excited to read the manhwa.

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I had no idea this was a novelization of a web comic. I was just curious because I liked the cover. It was a cute romantasy about two people getting to know each other after having an arranged wedding. Set in classic chivalry kind of time period (with knights). I'm not a huge fan of the miscommunication trope though. Just talk to each other!

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