Member Reviews

Like many others, I started on this series with the webtoon. I was pleasantly surprised to see the novel version pop up in netgalley. I enjoyed getting a little more insight into the characters and a little more "oomph" to the story. I enjoyed this format and think its an excellent companion to the webtoon.

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This book was so entrancing to me. I’m obsessed with Maxi and Riftan. At the start of this book I was very worried about reading a whole book on their relationship but it very soon became something I was rooting for. I don’t particularly love the lack of miscommunication but I also think if the miscommunication wasn’t there it would not have the same atmosphere. The only disheartening thing is I cannot immediately read volume 2!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House/Inklore, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was one of my most anticipated releases for 2024, but I was unfortunately left disappointed. There were way to many sex scenes in this book for me, many (especially in the beginning) were straight up rape scenes. Our FMC, Maxi, would often tell our MMC, Riftan, no/stop multiple times during these scenes, but he would ignore these requests. His excuse is that he finds it hard to control himself around her. I also didn't like how Riftan was discouraging Maxi from learning magic later on in the book. If it were up to him, he would have her sleep all day so he could have sex all night with her.

Some positives of this book; I really enjoyed some of the secondary characters, particularly Ruth, the sorcerer. He tells it like it is, and Maxi finds a sort of friendship with him. She is able to look to him for help on many occasions, something she really doesn't do with her husband Riftan. I also enjoyed the world we are in. The magic and lore in the story is interesting and I wish we got to see and explore more of it than we did.

While I did enjoy some aspects of this book, I found it hard to get over the multiple nonconsensual sex scenes, so I do not see myself continuing the series in this novel format. There is a graphic novel version of this story I may check out to see what happens later on in the series.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I very nearly DNFed this book. I was absolutely not the intended audience as I was never able to get past the incredibly strict gender boundaries that characters were held to. Early in the book the two main characters end up sleeping together as this is a marriage requirement, this made sense to me as it is meant to be set in a medieval type setting. However, after this, Riftan (the main male character) continues to demand sex from Maximilian (the main female character) despite her quite literally saying "no" and "wait" in many of these encounters, as well as essentially blaming her for every time he was turned on.

While there were trigger warnings included at the beginning of the book in the author's note, they only covered the physical and emotional trauma suffered prior to the start of the book and not the marital rape contained in the story.

I was interested in the world and some of the secondary characters, like Ruth (the sorcerer in the castle), but they couldn't make up for the issues I had with the relationship between the main couple.

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I am so excited this story is getting published. I absolutely love the cover art. I have read the webtoon before on Manta, have read some of it on webnovel, and own the kindle books , but this is one I don't mind reading again. There is a lot of Lore and World Building, which I like. Also, there is a lot of romance, which is a definite plus.

So, as the story begins, Maxi thinks she is not worthy of love or anything. She is very timid and shy. She also has a stutter. Which caused her to be secluded and hidden away for most, if not all, of her life. Her father is awful to her and abuses her. She was married to Riftan, and he had to go and slay a dragon in place of her father. Well, 3 years later, Riftan comes back for her, and her father gets into her head about how he is going to want to divorce Maxi and be with the princess instead.

There are a lot of misunderstandings that go on, and most of it is because Maxi won't come forward about anything, and Riftan won't listen. She starts to get better with standing her ground and speaking up more. She starts showing more interest in magic after an attack.

I can't wait to have a Hardcopy and to read the second volume.

This is my honest review, Thank you, Netgalley, Inklore, and Random House publishing for this eArc.

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This man is always horny for his wife and he can't keep his hands to himself. The story was interesting, the characters development was good. I loved the gradual development of the main characters as husband and wife despite some misunderstanding and conflict. I hope that the sequel will be amazing as well and I can't wait it!

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I can honestly say that this was well done, turning the comic into a novel. It was more detailed. I absolutely fell in love with the character all over again, Maxi, is a character with a stutter that was treated poorly by her father or more like abusive towards her. Riftan is like a bear a bit wild but protective and warm. It gets very intimate in most of their time together, he just wants devour her and she starts to crave him.

I love their story and can't wait to read volume two.

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I was an original fan of Under the Oak Tree from when it began releasing on Manta. I had high expectations going in. Overall, the novelization was fairly well done. The story was pretty consistent to the original in content and tone. It also managed to maintain the integrity of the main themes well. I feel like the writing itself was a bit disconnected but otherwise very good!

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All links below.
Review is posted on Goodreads, I have the full review scheduled to go via blog on June 16th, I've shared via my story on Instagram already, but the post with the review is scheduled for May 28th.

Review on Goodreads:

First thing you need to know about this, is there are trigger warnings. And some things were a lot more graphic in the novel than in the comic.
I personally found parts easy to skim over if that helps, but it is something to know and not be blindsided about.

This is such a gorgeous story, with amazing characters with struggles that are realistic and make you want to cry and hug or cheer them on. There's just so much to love: the romance, the world & magic, the characters and their journey, etc.

Maxi is a duke's daughter that was abused throughout her childhood, she stutters, and had an arranged marriage to the commander of the Remdragon knights.
Riftan is the commander, Maxi's forced husband, who has scares from a fierce battle and is preparing for more.

They both have flaws, struggles and scars. They both are loyal to each other and grow in a love that you can't help but cheer for and adore.
Healing, identity, learning to trust and love, these are all throughout this first book of the series and it's beautiful to read.

The world is fantasy with magic, monsters, and set with another threat of war as the backdrop. Need I say more?

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This book was boring for the first 40% of it but then all of a sudden it got a lot better. The beginning of the book needed to be shortened it was the same thing over and over again almost dnfed.

The fmc is very submissive due to abuse from her childhood but grew over time as a character which is why I kept reading loved that. MMC is rough but never abusive, loves Maxi just wants to keep her safe. This story is mostly just watching Maxi grow some confidence over time and her relationship to her husband

Spice is a 4 out of 5 CW: parental abuse, dub con.
Received copy through netgalley

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publishers, and the author for the ARC I read.

I was already familiar with this work because a while ago I had read some of the manhwa on WEBTOON or tapas (I forget which one). I don’t remember how far I had gotten into the manhwa but I think maybe about half of what this first novel volume covers. With that in mind, I was already primed to be interested in the story and the characters.

Ultimately, this story is very easy and quick to read. I got sucked pretty quickly into the story and had within a day or so read ~2/3 of the book. However that was the part where I started getting a bit annoyed with the story and characters and I ended up taking a break for a few days before finally pushing through to finish the story. So here are my thoughts on what I liked and what didn’t quite work for me.

I like the setting of the novel and the world. It’s not super unique but it gives me general fantasy medieval Europe vibes. As such, you can expect castles, knights, nobility, and traditional gender roles (this part annoys me but I have just tried to accept it).

The plot is definitely not the strong point here, this story is definitely focused on characters, relationships, and character growth. So if you are a plot focused reader I do not think you will enjoy this. Almost all of the plot points are focused on driving character growth and they move pretty slowly. But I like character focused stories so that didn’t bother me inherently. I will say, the manhwa reads faster than the novel so I wasn’t quite prepared for how long some parts would take to get through and I do think the story could have been told in less time and it would have been better. There is only so long I want to read about the same issues before I start to get annoyed.

The characters are the main draw of the story. So if you don’t like them, I don’t think you will enjoy reading this. Personally, I like Maxi, our main character. I like the representation of a character with a speech impediment. I don’t think I’ve read something with a main character with such an impediment before. So I appreciated getting to read that perspective and I’m sure people that can relate will really appreciate reading this story. I am hopefully that the author will continue this representation well throughout the full story. But while I like Maxi, it can be hard to read her POV sometimes because she is so insecure. And I fully understand why she is, her whole life with her horrible father would of course lead to this, but that’s doesn’t make it any less frustrating to read. She basically has the same problems throughout the whole first volume and they all stem from her insecurities. She does however have some character growth in this first volume and I was happy to see that.

A big component of the story is the miscommunication with Riftan, her husband. I don’t mind miscommunication sometimes but I hate when it drags on and on. It really starts to drag within this first volume. However, the book itself acknowledges the major issue right towards the end so I do have hope it will be resolved hopefully soon. But it did make it hard for me to finish this first volume because I was just so annoyed.

I was also very annoyed with Riftan. There are good parts to him and really annoying parts. I appreciate that he is very loyal to Maxi, he obviously cares about her, he protects and defends her. But also, like does he even know her? Does he love her or does he love the idea of her (basically possessing a noble lady as a wife)? I’m not entirely sure. I think we will come to see the love develop and the characters to fully know each other in the future, but at least for this first volume, the love feels very superficial. It’s a bit frustrating to read.

Finally, I will talk about Ruth. Thank god he exists, because the story would surely suffer without him. He is the one person that fully knows Maxi’s faults and also initiates a lot of her growth in the story. I very much enjoyed reading a scene if he was in it. He is by no means perfect. He’s selfish in some ways and he isn’t very nice, but he does so much for the story, plus he’s kind of just a grouchy cat really, which is pretty cute.

Ultimately, I am glad I got to read this and I will probably read the second volume, but I need some more growth and way less miscommunication soon, otherwise I may drop the series and just continue the manhwa. I am very happy to see webnovels getting traditionally published in the US and I really hope to see more, especially my favorites. I think there are some really good ones that should really get published and I think the success of this one will likely determine if others do. So I’m very hopeful this one is successful. And honestly, it’s a very popular one so that’s probably why it was chosen even if it’s not the best one. But I’m okay with that, I will be patient and hopefully we can see more coming out soon.

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I adored this story! SO much! I had no idea it was a web comic so now I’m going through and inhaling the comic from Manta. The novel was adapted from the comic so seamlessly-it doesn’t read like a disjointed, narrated graphic novel. It reads like a true novel.

There was so much beautiful angst and pining in this story between our heroine, Maxi, an insecure young woman who suffers from a stutter and her husband, Riftan. Riftan was forced to marry Maxi three years ago by her diabolical father and he then left for war the morning after their wedding night. Now Riftan has returned, a decorated and renowned knight, and is collecting his wife. Riftan feels like he doesn’t deserve Maxi because he feels like she deserves to be treated like a queen and provided that kind of lifestyle and Maxi believes that she doesn’t deserve someone strong and brave and capable like Riftan. It’s quite ridiculous because they are both so head over heels for each other and I enjoyed the heck out of the mutual pining. Also, the sexy bits. So much steamy spicy happenings happened in this book. Like, you’ll need a fan trained on you when you get to those parts. The spicy scenes added to the story as a whole, especially because it seemed like that was how they communicated their true adoration and love for each other since neither of them were great at speaking their feelings.

I love where the story is going as we see Maxi come into her confidence and begin to learn how to be helpful and powerful in her own right. I can’t wait to watch Riftan fall deeper in love with his wife and all that will entail!

Thank you to Random House Publishing for review consideration via Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc.

*SPOILERS* This book aggravated me. At first when Riftan didn’t notice Maxi had just been beaten by her father. Very later on, we learned her father had mages heal her. So I suppose he healed that beating too. Also, Riftan is not taking any time trying to understand Maxi. He forces himself onto her over and over again. Once she becomes more comfortable and shows him the slightest affection, his lust takes over. Of course he blames it on her. Maxi infuriates me because she won’t tell Riftan the truth about herself. I get she’s scared, but she needs to open up if she wants this marriage to thrive. Ruth is by far my favorite character, yet no one seems to like him. I’m still not sure why. I don’t know. This series has promise, but it has started out rough. I hope there is much development. I pay for a Manta subscription, so I may read on there to see how much further the series has gotten.

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Trigger warning: rape(some detail), child abuse(some detail) , spicy (some detail)

I truly liked this story so very much. Other than the rape scene. Unexcusable and it almost made me not continue with the book. I wish that part would have been written some other way. The story would have been even better.

I enjoyed the developing love story with how the main character found her voice and strength. It was very difficult to come to grips with the actions of some of the main characters. Changing how I felt about them was admittedly hard, in the back of my mind their character was truly tainted.

I didn't know this was originally a webnovel. I felt it read like one though, so I looked it up. It's very popular. Many people who know it will like the novel.

From the publisher

Lady Maximilian is the daughter of the powerful Duke Croyso, but she is rarely allowed outside her family’s sprawling castle for fear that her stutter will tarnish their noble name. When she is forced to marry Sir Riftan, a lowborn knight caught in one of her father’s schemes, Maxi doesn’t dare hope for happiness, let alone love. Her stumbling communication and his gruff manner sour their relationship before it can begin, and Riftan leaves without a word the morning after their vows are exchanged.

Now, three years after their disastrous wedding night, Riftan has returned as a war hero. To Maxi’s surprise, despite rumors that he was offered marriage to Princess Agnes, a beautiful and renowned sorceress, Riftan still wants Maxi for his wife. And when he comes to claim her, his longing becomes a desire that bewilders Maxi, even as she is overcome by the scorching heat that Riftan’s presence ignites within her. As she learns to navigate the intricacies of her new life, Maxi will find herself and her courage, and discover that she is anything but powerless.

This volume collects chapters 1-76 of the original webnovel by Suji Kim.

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Beyond thrilled to be able to have an ARC for this!!! I loved the webnovel so it’s no surprise I loved this. I do think I can agree it reads better as a webnovel, but that does not detract from what a charming read this was.

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Thank you, netgalley, for letting me read this arc.
I was very happy with how Maxi gets to grow and become more than the frightened daughter of an abusive Duke. The beginning of the book was a little rough, and it would be good to have some warnings. It starts out with Maxi being abused by her father and gifted to a knight to be his wife. Their relationship starts off rocky and comes off a bit abusive in its own ways. She knows nothing about what is expected of her as a wife, other than to just lay there and do what her husband tells her.
It was nice that very quickly their relationship changed for the better, and she became the lady of the castle. There are the up and down struggles, but Maxi finds a way to navigate this new world she has been forced into and has made friends along the way that stand by her. I can't wait to see how she continues to grow.

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A romatic fantasy for the ages. A novelization of the much loved webtoon of the same name, Under the Oak Tree was an interesting introduction to what im hoping will be a terrific series. The character growth of both Maxi and Riftan, as well as some of the other characters was riveting. It did end sort of abruptly, but other than that it was really well done.

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This book is for anyone who craves a plot forward story that is not solely focused on the Romance aspect which acts as more of a slow burn sub plot. The world building was fantastic, the pacing of information shared was in sync with the storyline and what the characters were experiencing. The natural flow to it made for such an immersive read that was easy to follow along with.
The characters in this book are so well-developed. It was really interesting to learn the different pieces of their back stories to form theories and learn what motivates their purpose.
This book is one of the easiest and most deserving ratings I have given this year. Quite honestly it reminded me why I love reading in the Sci Fi and Fantasy genre so much.

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Maximilian Is such a strong and brave woman. Everything she been through she still standing. Like that she has new life with Riftan. Also like that Maxi found something that she wants to do in life and not get hated for it. I dislike Maxi family very much. From the way Duke Croysu treats her to the abuse, and the fact that she was kept away. Riftan character has grown since the beginning of the novel. He has become more open, and he has become less grumpy towards everyone. The one thing that I just dislike about him was that he left right after their wedding and did not tell her anything. Like that he really doesn’t care about luxurious things. I wish they communicated more about everything going on. And there’s also a lot of miscommunication about Maxi. Like the Ruth is willing to help Maxi. From studying and helping her understand money, and so many other things. Throughout the book, there is a lot of happy moments between these two. Also, there is a ton of spices scenes throughout the whole novel. I can’t wait to read the next volume, to see what happens between these too.

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I have read the web comic and absolutely love the characters. I will be comparing the novel to the comic as well as it being an independent work.

The premises for both the comic and novel are the same. There's this teasing out of wondering when it's going to be revealed to Riftan that Maxi's prior life with her father isn't as pleasant as he thought it was. I don't mind dragging this out. It's nerve-wrecking to think about what Riftan's reaction will be. I would've liked to see more backstory on Maxi's relationship with her father, specific scenes I can compare her being back home versus with Riftan with.

Riftan as a character in the novel is disappointing. He seems far more aggressive in the novel to Maxi. At least, in the comic, I could tell that he misunderstood her. In the novel, he's more of a "take what I want" guy, which I wasn't fond of. The writing made it seem like Riftan was more abusive rather than aggressive and misunderstood. He's not painted in a good light. I feel like people who didn't read the comic would mistake him for being more of a villain than he is aimed to be.

Maxi was the same in both comic and novel. She's this flat character who is trying to develop as an independent person. In the novel, she remains flat up until she's learning magic. I understand her re-decorating the castle was also a step-up, but it would've been nice to see her interactions with the servants and cooks who have been there for so long. I did enjoy her interactions with the knights like Sir Hebaron and seeing their view about Maxi and her family.

intimate scenes:
It felt like there was sex every other chapter, especially in the beginning. The beginning was hard to read because the writing was awkward and clunky when it came to the intimate scenes. It became better over the chapters, but there's a lot of sex.

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