Member Reviews

I absolutely adored Best Hex Ever by Nadia El-Fassi! This is a steamy and sweet, with light fantasy elements that add so much to the story. I couldn't put this one down! It's going to be a perfect fall read.

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✨I received this as an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion✨
You guys I had SO MUCH FUN reading this. I have always been a fan of anything witchy, so if I see a witchy romance y’all KNOW it’s gonna come home with me.
Scott and Dina were adorable. Just everything about them was just so cute.
I was pleasantly surprised with Dina’s queerness, that was a delight and I really appreciated how the author handled it in regards to her relationship with Scott.
I love when big men are soft and sweet and that is exactly what Scott is; he’s a big softie that would do anything for his love.
Had a great time and would absolutely recommend if you want something sweet and witchy and perfect for fall.
I am so in love with all types of witchy/paranormal/Halloween type romances so if I see one I’m EATING IT UP and leaving absolutely no crumbs.

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Waaayyy spicier than “adorable cozy rom com”, so I'm just going to leave it at the autumn vibes and cute magic. I suggest saving this for a time where you can snuggle up in a fluffy sweater while drinking something warm AND in the mood for something strong & spicy. The characters keep internalizing how hot they find each other with very unfiltered descriptive fantasies. It’s a LUSTY instalove. I was caught off-guard, but don’t be like me. LOL… Looking beyond that, there is an adorable plot with the sweetest characters.

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This book has a cute concept but it wasn’t particularly well written. It didn’t really grab me as much as many other books in this genre. It did have good Halloween vibes though so it would be a good seasonal read.

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I was craving something that gave me the feeling of fall this summer, so I requested Best Hex Ever. I went into it knowing nearly nothing, except the cover gave me the fall-vibes I was craving, and that it was a witchy romance.

It was my first "kitchen witch" romance! I was really excited, I've heard great things about kitchen witch romances. With this being my first, take my opinion with a grain of salt. But this isn't my first romance and I haven't counted the books I've read, but it's well north of a thousand, so I don't know nothing.

This book reads like a debut novel. Some of this may go away in future edits, as I'm sure there were more done after this pass, but the magic feels like it was used a little too conveniently. If there was a big, inconvenient plot hole? Magic! If there was a small detail that could have been mundanely explained? Magic! There was also little to no cost to using the magic, and it was used too freely. And, occassionally, when the magic as used, it was used too . . . exaggeratedly? It felt a little like an unrealistic dream romance. The only real stakes that I felt were for Scott right before Dina left him. Like most books, the last chunk was the best chunk, but, unlike most great books, it didn't make up for the rest before it.

That said, I really enjoyed the read, I even have a copy coming, and I'm hoping Rosemary's story will prove to be even better, since magic won't be able to be used too conveniently, so long as it doesn't suffer from sophomore syndrome! It's not the best romance I've read this year, but it's not the worst romance I've ever read.

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Best Hex Ever has a lot of qualities that are going for it--and many parts that I thoroughly enjoyed! But for me, there were also some significant stumbles in this debut romance.

I did enjoy the characters quite a lot. Dina is a great main character. Very relatable and feels like your best friend. Her friends and family were equally likeable. Scott, Dina's love interest, is less-dimensional and, while he remains perfectly fine, never reaches book boyfriend status for me, since his chapters came off a bit flatter than Dina's. I also liked the atmosphere; the autumnal descriptions felt like a cozy sweater, and I loved El-Fassi's descriptions of Dina's baked goods :)

However, I took issue with the pacing--it's a bit of a slow burn between Dina and Scott, which is fine if it also wasn't an insta-love scenario. The end also felt super dragged-out. The spicy scenes, while well-written, felt misplaced in terms of the timeline. I also wasn't the biggest fan of the writing; the early chapters, especially, read very childishly, which, had this been a closed-door rom com, would have been fine, but the very explicit sexual scenes later jar HEAVILY against El-Fassi's voice as a writer. This is, for me, an editorial issue that should have been picked up in earlier drafts.

I'll gladly read more of El-Fassi's writing, and I look forward the next book in the series, but I hope that she and her editor are able to learn from the mistakes of the debut, because there is so much to love that I feel bad I can't give it more stars!

Thank you to NetGalley and to Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine | Dell for the ebook ARC. All opinions are mine alone.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC!

What a cute cozy fall romcom!! I loved this book with its practical magic feel to it. I highly recommend this book!

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This cozy, fall romance pulled me in from the first sentence and kept me content throughout; I wanted to curl up in a big sweater with a warm drink, a delicious pastry, and a soft blanket. It had such a feel of warmth, love, and friendship, and had me wishing fall would get here sooner.
I found Dina immediately relatable and absolutely loved her two best friends, Immy and Rosemary. Dina’s magical bakery sounds like the perfect place to spend a dreary, cold day, or really any day.
Scott, an intelligent and athletic guy, would be perfect to fall asleep with while telling you about his latest exhibit at the museum or his world travels. I loved the chemistry between Scott and Dina, the friendships of the women, as well as between Scott and his best friend, Eric. Dina’s relationship with her mother, Nour was very sweet and reminded me a lot of a woman who is a bit like a second mum to me, I couldn’t help but read Nour in her voice. The spicy scenes with Dina and Scott were 🥵🤌🏻 and were a bit slow burn to get there, but worth the wait.
This book didn’t get resolved the way that I thought it would and I’m glad it went in the direction that it did. While this book is set in the UK and doesn’t have the same Halloween excitement as the US, it’s still a great fall read with a different twist on the season. I look forward to the author’s next book!

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I would like to thank NetGalley and Random House Publishing for this arc of Best Hex Ever by Nadia El-Fassi.

I’ll start with the things I enjoyed about this book:
1. It was very cozy and the perfect book to read around Halloween and Christmas. It felt like a warm hug.
2. I enjoyed the pieces of Moroccan culture and history that were placed throughout the book.
3. The message of loving yourself and letting down your walls really spoke to me.
4. The Samhain ritual part of the book was really cute and made me smile.

Now, I’ll move on to my critiques:
1. My biggest issue was pacing. At some points I felt it moved too quickly and other points it felt really slow.
2. I felt that there were places that smut was inappropriate, like in the middle of a wedding reception. And often, the smut was cringey when it was misplaced.
3. Finally, I felt the “plot twist” at the end was extremely predictable.

Overall, this was an enjoyable book and I would love to read the next installment to see the other friends fall in love with their partners. Again, thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for the opportunity to read the arc of this book.

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This was such a cute and fun read. I was looking for a palette cleanser after reading some more heaving titles, and this hit the spot. Dina is such a sweet character and I couldn't help but think of The Spellshop in that it was cozy and the MC just wanted to use her magic to make other people's lives better. The spice level was higher than I was expecting. That's not a complaint, just an observation and something readers should be aware of in case that's not their thing. The author's writing style was engaging and I thought the characters were well-developed. I would recommend this to anyone looking for something cozy that also has some heat.

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This will be the perfect fall read for anyone looking for an adorable, witchy book. The story focuses on Dina, a witch who was hexed by ex so that anyone who loves her will be hurt, and Scott, who she keeps having “meet-cute” moments with. They also happen to be the Maid of Honor and Best Main at their mutual friends’ wedding.

I absolutely loved all of Dina’s friends and family, and how supportive they were of her throughout the book. I was also immediately sucked into the writing style, especially how detailed the author made Dina’s magic and baking! (This book made me seriously hungry for some pastries 🤩)

This is definitely a great book to check out if you are looking for a steamy, but sweet read perfect for cozying up this fall!

Thank you to Netgalley and the published for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Quick, fun, sweet magical read. Absolutely loved the girlfriends — everyone needs their own group of fabulous weirdos! It went for sugar sweet to hot and spicy and it was definitely fun to see another side of these characters. Dina’s witchy ways were the best part and Scott’s sweary professor type was pretty well done too. Would love to see another story with these two set in Morocco!

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Oh my goodness I enjoyed this so much! It’s very practical magic meets simply irresistible and an absolute new fall favorite!

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Cute, cozy witchy romance, perfect for fall reading. The chemistry between Scott and Dina wasn't really there, so I felt pretty un-invested in their relationship. I did enjoy all the baking, though.

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I love kitchen witches and modern witchy romance. I love books about bakers and baristas. I love history and culture from around the world, so I was fully prepared to love a romance between Dina, a kitchen witch who owns a coffee shop/bakery, and Scott, a well traveled museum curator. This book has lots of sweet moments between the main characters and some better developed side characters, but for me the sexual content was just too much. A scene or two I can deal with, but these two couldn’t keep their hands off each other even when they’d barely even met. Still not sure yet exactly what I think of the ending- it was somehow sweet and disappointing at the same time. I liked this book, but I would have loved it with a little less grab ass.

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Where to even start? What a fun, exciting, and spicy read! Dina is the most lovable witch I have ever read about. She runs her cafe preparing drinks to help warm her customers' souls and give them a little luck. The friendship dynamic between Dina, Immy, and Rosemary is what every friend group strives to be. And the romance, can you say hot, hot, inferno level! Scott is sexy, intelligent, and not easily scared by a bit of witchcraft. If anything, it makes him love Dina even more. This book was incredible, and I couldn't put it down. I loved all the characters. I envied the easy mother-daughter relationship of Dina and her mom, and I want a house like the one they live in, please, and thank you. 5/5 you will not be disappointed if you pick this book up!

Disclaimer: While I received a free advanced reader copy of this book, my thoughts and opinions are mine.

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Cute and cozy witchy vibes! Such a perfect read for spooky season! Absolutely loved Dina and Scott so much!

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This cute, cozy, and witchy rom com will be so perfect for the fall (aka spooky season!) I absolutely fell in love with the ever hexed Dina and just had to root for her and Scott!

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Thank you Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine and netgalley for this arc!

A witchy romance and a HEX

Coffee shops and black cats have my heart and a HEX. Perfect read for summerween.

I am obsessed with this book. I devoured is so fast. Will recommend to everyone who loves witches, fall and coffee.

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Best Hex Ever is the story of Dina, a kitchen witch, and the hex that controls her dating life. She meets Scott, a museum curator, and knows the hex is going to be a problem.

This was a fun read, I love books about witches. It did get quite spicy! I wasn't expecting that but it was a pleasant surprise.

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