Member Reviews

The photographs in this book are phenomenal! They captured details of the rays from all angles and the colors are vivid. There are also many pictures of the people who live in the area, showing the groups that were taught about the rays who have worked to help protect them. There are photographs of fisherman and their boats and of children at school. Every important aspect of the project to save the rays is illustrated in some way.

This book is divided into 4 chapters: Making Waves, Embracing Manta Rays, From Hunters to Ambassadors, and Living in Balance. Each chapter tells a part of the story about how an ocean conservationist worked with people in Peru to help save the manta rays.

I really enjoyed reading this book and learning about conservation initiatives. I learned more about manta rays too. This would be a great book for a middle school library, but would also be appropriate to use as research for someone in high school, or even elementary school with some adult support.

Thank you to #NetGalley for an eARC of #GiantRaysofHope by #PatriciaNewman in exchange for honest feedback.

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