Member Reviews

Realm United is the third book and fantastic conclusion to The Felserpent Chronicles. The characters and world building are great as well as the tension that builds throughout the story as you travel along with Kyra and Sebastian. Will they be able to reunite the divided realms? Grab this book to find out!

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Good golly, did I love this story's conclusion.
If nothing else, Katie's ability to think up a unique story, in a colorful world with beatiful creatures is enough. I loved the creatures, the magic and of course our FMC and MMC.
For me, I think the style of writting proved to be a little predictable and honestly, all I really wanted, was more (which isn't a bad thing). I had to keep reminding myself that this story is YA, but kept thinking how much more this world could have been. If the stakes were higher, the details more juicy and the relationship building more passionate, this would have been an absolute slam dunk for my style of romantasy. That said, this is a lovely story for our YA readers. Refreshing, postive, extremely inclusive, with minor triggers, so easily enjoyable for many.
Adore the bounce back and forth between perspectives and the communication between their animal companions. Speaking of animals/beasts, that is by far my FAVORITE part. Give me ALL the witty, loyal animals and you've got me sold.
All in all, I would have rated this higher for myself if it had probably been written for an adult audience, but as for an over all experience/book for YA, honestly, it's really so enjoyable.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. (via Netgalley)

4.5 stars. Bummed this is over but I thought this was a good ending to the series. The pacing was good and the end hit me in the feels a few times.

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I couldn’t put this book down. The characters and story are fantastic. I really enjoyed reading this book. I know there’s a book one so I need to get my hands on it. Highly recommend

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I was hooked from Book One and avidly followed the author! She did not disappoint in her latest installment!

Definitely pick it up!

Thank you #NetGalley and #SparkPress for giving me the chance to read this!

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This book Realm United was one of the best books I've read so far this year. The characters were immaculate. The plot and storyline was fabulous. Please read this book If you like fantasy books.

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