Member Reviews

Easy read story of what happens at an exclusive resort club community, and the people who work there and the way members are treated and treat others.

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The Summer Club is an old-timey beach and tennis club in a small Massachusetts town of Mayhaven. The old time exclusive club however, is losing membership rapidly as a more modern spa-style club has opened up the road. The club has been an integral part of the lives of the Birch family as dad is now president and Darcy was a camper and now counselor.

There is plenty of low key drama between neighbors, young love and general family dynamics. It's an enjoyable read for your summer!
#atria #thesummerclub

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Pretty cover, beautiful setting and some drama to get lost in! Great story to bring on vacation. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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It was to be the perfect summer at the Mayhaven Country Club. Ned Birch is obsessed with his job as manager and pleased his daughter Darcy is working there this summer, because after being a talented and successful golfer, one day Darcy suddenly quits golf with no explanation and wants nothing to do with the club. Adding to the summer drama is the new neighbors and their son Flick. It was a fun, quick read.

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Easy, breezy, and fun summer read. Great for a beach or pool read.

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I can imagine that the final edit of the book with allow for the character errors to be fixed, but even with fine tuning the details, this one fell a little flat for me. I wanted to like it as a country club member but sometimes too many “hot topic” issues dont mix well.

I think this may be a pretty good YA novel, but keep in mind a parent would likely need to read this before handing it off to an impressionable kiddo.

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I had hoped this book would be a fabulous beach read but sadly I was disappointed. I liked the multiple narrators, and it started out very strongly with an intriguing bunch of characters and a fabulous setting. unfortunately, it sort of fell apart in the second half and was disappointing.

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I got this widget emailed to me, and was genuinely excited by the blurb. However, IF this is the final version of the book, I would ask the author to have a different editor do a read thru. There are sentences missing words (I still never figured out what one of them meant), misspelled words. Different word choices need to be made instead of using “to, too” in a sentence ending. Normally I do not judge a book based on these things. They were so prevalent in this book I can’t help but to do so.

The storyline….stick to one story. Instead there’s new neighbors, wedding drama that ended up barely being a blip (Ned punching Vince could have just happened on a regular day), drama with the camp, drama with the waitstaff, drama with Flick and Darcy. The party of Ingrid’s as another thing that was a blip and didn’t need to be there. Find one storyline and make it grow. This book had the kitchen sink and everything underneath it.

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If you're looking for a summer read, The Summer Club delivers nicely! It has all the elements you'd want - romance, summer fun, angst, winners and losers, and the story flows easily. I appreciated the characters and their unique qualities and the setting is lovely.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. It's the perfect summer read!

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This is a pleasant, well-written read about what goes on in and around a fictional country club in Massachusetts. The characters are well developed and the conflicts realistic. Were I to describe the story, I could not do so without revealing spoilers. So read it yourself and enjoy it as much as I did, especially how connections are made, broken, repaired, often transformed.

I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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Such a fun family drama- would be great to pack in your beach bag this summer! Loved the dynamics of the relationships between characters and the scenery described throughout the story. Recommend!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Atria for the opportunity to read The Summer Club by Hannah McKinnon which was everything we've come to expect from Ms. McKinnon. Bravo!

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