Member Reviews

So atmospheric, tense and twisty!
Mainly set in a small ski town, this is perfect to read cozied up with a blanket.
Julie is a former Olympian who moved to California to be with her husband. When she comes home from lunch to her husband dead from suicide and their bank accounts drained.
She goes back to what she knows, a small ski town where she used to live and stays and works at a high end hotel where her old friend Remy manages.
She wants to find answers but then finds herself fighting for her life.
So tense and thrilling that you won’t want to put this one down!

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I read Running Cold in a matter of HOURS. I really couldn’t get enough of this story. There was so much drama and twist after twist that I just had to keep reading until I got to the end. This is an excellent thriller to read by the fire on a cold winter night with a cozy blanket and your hot beverage of choice.

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I found this book to be a mixed experience. If you don't mind a predictable story where much is revealed by the halfway point, you might enjoy it. The pacing is brisk, making it a quick read, which I appreciated. However, I struggled to connect with the characters. They felt somewhat one-dimensional and didn't evoke much empathy or interest from me.

While I don't need to love every book I read, I felt let down by the story in particular. Key events and twists felt rushed, and as a result, the narrative lacked the impact it could have had with more development. Despite these shortcomings, the book has its moments and might appeal to readers looking for something light and easy to get through. However, for those who seek a deeper connection with characters and a more nuanced storyline, this book might fall short.

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Book/Story: ⭐⭐⭐.5
Book Cover: ⭐⭐⭐.5


POV: Multiple, First Person
Series/Standalone: Standalone
Safe or Dark: Dark (see trigger warnings)

“Unfortunately, even tiny, well-intentioned lies are dangerous. Because they force you to tell bigger lies to cover them up.”
This is a quick read. The chapters are relatively short, and the writing is easy to follow. Although at times simplistic, it is still very engaging. 

This story taps into the age-old fear of “how well do you really know someone?” especially your spouse. What kind of secrets are they keeping? Are you really as financially well off as a couple as you believed you were? Was your significant other really as wonderful as they seemed to be on the surface? 

What happens when the life you thought you had built for yourself ends up being an illusion? 

Most of the time, when something seems too good to be true, it is. The perfect relationship, life, or person often has cracks spreading beneath the surface. 

The plot threads the feelings of grief, betrayal, and the idea of starting over again. 

While for myself the book started off a bit slow (despite pretty much getting right into the meat of things), it was still intriguing, and I wanted to find out what happened next. 

It’s rare that I pick up a book and end up liking all the characters. But somehow, I liked each person in this story. Even the murderer. They were all imperfect in their own ways, and all their imperfections were very believable. They all had flaws that we might even sometimes see in ourselves. I loved that both of the lead characters (Julie and the detective) were strong females. 

“If she was grade A prime, I was Hamburger Helper.”

I really enjoyed how, after Julie’s life fell apart, she didn’t wait around for someone to show up and fix it for her. She didn’t try to find someone to help her make things right again; she decided to do it herself. She was the one to determine the new course of her life. With many books I read now, that’s not the case with most female characters. Nine times out of ten, they wait for a man, friend, or family member of some sort to help them put their shattered pieces back together. So, personally, for me, this was a refreshing take on that scenario. 

The killer is revealed at approximately a little over the halfway mark of the book. I was pretty sure I had figured out who it was early on in the story, and I did. It's not a big deal. While I liked getting their point of view, it did somewhat take away from the intensity of the story. It made things feel a little anticlimactic. But overall, the execution was done well. It didn’t kill the bigger picture for me. Especially since a lot more than just a murder was at play. 

Remember to always keep your friends close and your enemies closer. But how do you know what to do if you can’t distinguish the two? 

Susan Walter’s book "Lie by the Pool" has been on my TBR for some time now, and after reading this, I might have the encouragement needed to finally check it out. 

“Athletes are told, There’s no limit to how great you can be! Problem is, when the sky’s the limit, you never arrive.”


I would like to thank Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review an ARC of this book.

This is my voluntary, unbiased, and honest review.

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When former Olympian Julie Adler loses her husband to suicide, she flees their California home for the comfort and familiarity of her former training grounds in Banff, Canada. Living and working at a resort run by an old friend, Julie tries to settle in while still seeking answers about what could possibly have driven her husband to kill himself. Shortly after she starts her new job, an extremely wealthy guest dies and the police start to wonder about Julie's proximity to two different deaths so close together leaving Julie racing to find the killer and clear her name before she ends up being the next victim.

This one took me a minute to get into because I didn't love Julie Adler or any of her friends. I always love the depth Susan Walter brings to her characters so I was disappointed to find these fell flat for me, at least initially. That being said, once things got going I was drawn in and the back half of the book- once the Detective is introduced- absolutely flew. The setting delivers in a big way and provides an awesome backdrop for a crazy story of survival. The end was definitively more predictable than the other books by this author, but it was still compelling. Overall I definitely recommend this one (and everything else by this author)!!

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I really enjoyed RUNNING COLD. I was hooked from the start. The pacing and twist throughout the book made it hard for me to put it down. Run, don't walk to grab yourself a copy!!

Many thanks for my gifted copy.

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Julia leaves her home and dreams behind when she falls in love and moves to California. Her life seems perfect, until her husband commits suicide, and all of the cracks are revealed. Julia goes back to where she trained for the Olympics to work as a housekeeper. When a hotel guest ends up dead, Julia finds herself as the prime suspect. She needs to prove it wasn’t her and find the real murderer.

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This was an absolutely brilliant read. It was atmospheric and seriously tense. At times, the story felt a little slow, especially when describing the day to day work of the hotel room cleaners, but once the story picked up, it was action packed and didn't slow down. I have a few of this authors books on my tbr and now I can't wait to give those a shot.

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Running Cold was exactly what I needed to beat the oppressive heat this summer. It offered the eerie backdrop of a “suicide” plus a case of who done it all within a frigid ski resort. Great read this summer. Thank you NetGalley, Lake Union and Goodreads for this honest review.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

In her latest novel, Running Cold, Susan Walter crafts a gripping tale of survival, deception, and resilience set against the breathtaking yet unforgiving backdrop of the Canadian wilderness. This psychological thriller follows Julie Adler, a former Olympian whose life is upended by her husband’s shocking suicide. As Julie retreats to Banff, a place filled with memories of her past, she hopes to rebuild her shattered life. However, the discovery of a dead guest at the luxury resort where she works thrusts her into a perilous game of cat and mouse.

Walter’s narrative is a masterclass in suspense, and Julie’s journey is both heart-wrenching and inspiring, as she navigates the treacherous terrain of her past and present. 

The characters in Running Cold are well-developed and relatable, each with their own flaws and strengths. Julie, in particular, stands out as a protagonist who is both vulnerable and fiercely determined. Her struggle to clear her name and uncover the truth behind the murder is compelling, and readers will find themselves rooting for her every step of the way.

The setting of Banff adds an extra layer of tension to the story. The isolated, snow-covered mountains create a sense of claustrophobia and danger that permeates the novel. 

Running Cold is a taut, fast-paced thriller that will keep readers guessing until the very end. Walter’s ability to blend emotional depth with high-stakes suspense makes this novel a standout in the genre. Whether you’re a fan of psychological thrillers or simply looking for a captivating read, Running Cold is a book that should not be missed.

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Susan Walter. You just made me incredibly homesick!🍁😩

Julie Weston Alder was an Olympic biathlete. (Combination of cross country-skiing and shooting marksmanship.) Perhaps not as popular in the US, but in Canada she was a local hero!
However, when love comes calling, Julie puts her Olympic life behind her and heads for sunny California!

But what ideally should have been a dream life just isn’t panning out.

She and her husband Jeff aren’t happy. And after brunch with her friends Julie returns home to find Jeff dead from a self-inflicted gunshot.

With grief overwhelming her Julie heads back to the happiest place she knows from her past…the town of Banff, Alberta. (One of my happy places too).
She finds herself knocking on the door of her long-time friend, Remy Delatour. (who happens to be the general manager of the Banff Springs Resort), begging for a job so she can hide from her grief.

Try as she might, Julie can’t outrun death as it follows her across the border!

Sometimes it’s the storyline that captures the readers and other times it’s the atmosphere of the background. Susan Walter superbly weaves both effortlessly and I was once again transported back to my happy place in Canada.

Her research on the City of Banff and the enchantment of the historical Banff Spring Hotel was impeccable. I was right there at the Rundle Bar having my Old Fashioned🥃 while the snow swirled outside on the majestic mountain peaks.🗻

So while I was reading this book in sweltering 115*F summer heat, it was a welcome change to turn a page and immerse myself in a blinding blizzard and sub-zero temperatures of -20*C. (The cold may not appeal to some, but brings back fond memories for this Canadian girl! Even if it was that same weather that had me running for warmer climates).😂

If you’re looking for a thriller to cool off your summer…look no further!

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing

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I love books set in Canada. The homeland. As a thriller this did not disappoint. I am a big fan of sole survivor type books especially when the main character is a woman, who makes mistakes like any normal person does- but not extra dumb ones.

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Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an ARC of Running Cold.
Set primarily in Banff, Alberta Canada, the story follows former Olympian Julie Adler as she struggles to make sense of her husband’s unexpected suicide. As she returns to her roots and takes a job as a chambermaid at the Banff Springs Hotel, her quest to find answers and reestablish herself is thwarted by an old friend.
I wanted to enjoy Running Cold more than I did. I loved Susan Walter’s novel Lie By The Pool, I love Banff, I love the Olympics, and I love strong female leads. However, the story felt a bit disjointed and predictable, and I had a tough time feeling engaged. That being said, if you’re looking for an easy, fun, wintery mystery this coming season, this could be a good fit for you.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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‘Running cold’ by Susan Walter is an easy read and a page turner.
After the tragic death of her husband who dies by suicide, Julie, a former Olympian biathlete, returns to Canada (her home country) from California, where she finds a job in a hotel to make ends meet, as all her accounts have been mysteriously drained.
The plot was fairly easy to guess, and some chapters were quite slow.
However, I think it’s a well written thriller and will keep people on their toes! I do recommend it.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read an advance copy in return for my honest review.

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What most intrigued me about this story was the protagonist. I don't think I've ever read a protagonist like this one, so it was enough to keep my attention. The setting, the ambience was a plus to me. I do tend to love stories set in cold places or simply during the winter.
I also love the drama and how the chapters were structured.
However, I wouldn't call this a 'thriller'. At best, a mystery. Which is fine to me, but it might disappoint hardcore thriller fans who might dive into this book expecting an action-packed thriller.
I didn't really mind because I like character-driven stories with multiple POVs.
I wish I could 'read' this book again in the audio format one day.

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Running Cold by Susan Walter is about a former Olympian who is grieving the recent loss of her husband. Wanting to get away, she returns to Banff, an isolated ski town where she once trained for the Olympics. Staying at a hotel run by a friend, she soon becomes implicated in a murder of one of the eccentric guests.

I enjoyed the originality of this story and the setting of Banff, and even leaned a few things about skiing and the slopes. I was interested to find out that Banff and the Banff Springs Hotel are real places that the author has been and that it inspired her to set her novel there. I found this easy to read with short chapters and medium pacing. I enjoyed having two strong female leads.

Although described as a ‘heart pounding story’, it didn’t have that effect on me. It was a solid story but could have been more atmospheric and immersive, especially with the unique setting. Unfortunately I found the murder mystery a little too clear, even from the beginning. Perhaps this was the intention, however I would have enjoyed to be thrown off track a few times rather than have it be the simple answer.

A good book to read on holiday, especially if you’re staying somewhere cold. Thank you Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for my ARC.

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Julie is a former Olympic gold medalist who goes on a search for answers after her husband’s suicide. Her quest for answers soon turns into a fight for her freedom, and her life. One death, two deaths, three deaths….why are these people dying? Who is going after them?

Although imperfect, I found it super easy to root her Julie, and the detective on the case. They are both strong female leads that know how to kick some ass. I enjoyed both of their POV’s! This is a book you could read in one day, and if you want to know more about skiing, this book is full of info! Susan does a great job describing the scenes so it is easy to visualize!

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This is my favorite book so far this year. So many twists and turns. I was hooked by page one and read it in one sitting. I enjoyed the switches between POVs and the unexpected but fulfilling ending. Thanks to Susan Walter and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this future bestseller!

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Interesting take on a thriller. I love the take on the Olympics and the overall pace of the novel and Banaff was its own character. Overall a well paced good read
Thanks to Netgalley and publisher for letting me review this book .

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