Member Reviews

Overall, I did enjoy this isekai. The female MC receives a text message asking her to sign up for life insurance, right before dying. She hits yes, and is transported to another realm where she's assigned a new role as a character in a book. Because she signed up for the life insurance, she starts with quite a bit of cash that allows her to boost her character's skills and quickly work her way through challenges.
Unfortunately, there were several instances where lightly colored text that were impossible to read against the white background, as well as blank text boxes. Because I couldn't read the full text, I can't say with 100% certainty that it means our selection criteria for our school library, but it seems like a likely purchase for a junior high audience.

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I always get excited when I see the first volume of a new manga, but I'm super picky and I need to stop requesting them without a second thought.
Drawings are okay but nothing special (see Aomanju, Atelier of the Witch Hat), the storyline is not for me.
It is not a bad manga, in any means, but I found it mediocre (witn no negative meaning, just "in the middle").

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3.5 ★
I received a digital copy from Ize Press in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to Netgalley.

Hmmm so... This was a bit of a let down for me. The art is very cute and the characters seem interesting enough. One thing I appreciate is that despite the overused theme of transmigration, this series introduces a game-like mechanic which was refreshing. I'm not sure if there's plenty of others that do the same but seeing as I don't read manhwa often, I only know of this one and Solo Leveling, I guess.

Anyhow, the cover alone led me to believe this would be a cute story about a girl learning some magic or potions or botanic, even. Something along those lines, you know? And while that isn't completely wrong, I felt disappointed to find out that not only was it another transmigration royal family type of story, but also that it's combat and dungeon focused...

It's not that I have any issues with those themes, they just personally do not interest me much, and as fun as the game mechanics were, it also turned every page very text heavy and I honestly struggled with finishing it as I wasn't as interested as I thought I would be from the cover...

To be honest, it makes me a little sad because I really loved the cover and wanted to have some fun with this story... I liked the connections that started to brew between the main character and Bia, and I'm curious about the male lead that has yet to appear, so I might try to check out volume 2 but I'm not sure if I'll continue after that... We'll see.

Overall it wasn't bad in any way, it was just not engaging enough for me, personally.

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A cute fantasy comic, a good funny read perfect for those looking into getting into reading manwhas.

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Good intro volume to this series. I like the game aspects and the sass that the system gives. Very gun read waiting for more.

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This book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine might seem like a classic isekai at first glance, but it is so much more than that. Allie, the main character is spunky and smart. After her death, a magical insurance policy brings her to another world, where all of the light novels/web comics she read in her life have become the real worlds where she can be reincarnated. The fantasy realm where she reincarnates is one of the toughest ones, but she uses her knowledge of the light novel (that she had read in life) as well as the huge payout from her magical insurance policy to ensure her survival in this world. It's so fun and her internal monologues are pretty funny. The art is beautiful and the whole volume is in color! This is a great fun read! I can't wait till volume 2.

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This is such a fun and cute story! It's so funny because it doesn't take itself too seriously and the main character is really likable. The art style is soo aesthetically pleasing and the world building is so interesting

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This was such a fun book! It was so funny and I loved following Ailette's character around as she explored this new world. The entire concept is fantastic and I loved the interaction of prayers from Ailette to the Voice that Shapes the World.

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This is so fun! I’m interested in seeing where this story goes! This is a transmigration isekai that has a fun story while also poking fun at the genre in a rather loving way. I’m impressed and would love to read the next volume.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Yen Press for an early release copy of The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine Volume One written by Irinbi and illustrated by Grrr.

I absolutely love the art style of The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine, it’s very cutesy and I adore it, Ailette’s character design is my favorite by far, I also really like Bia’s character design. While reading I saved so many of Ailette’s scenes simply because they are very cute and aesthetically pleasing to look at.

The story in general is an interesting one, the leveling up system, learning skills, and the devoted follower aspects are interesting to read about. I enjoyed reading the scenes between Aliette and Prinz as well as the scenes between Aliette and Bianca. I hope In the other books we get some more scenes with Aliette’s Rodelines family, I’d would love some more family vibes. The scenes with Bianca were also some of my favorites, the doll scenes had a nostalgia feel to them and it was just funny in general to read. I could definitely see Bianca becoming a strong character, I would love to see her grow into a strong character and help support Aliette.

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I love this series so far. I'm a sucker for found family - and in isekai 'new family' I suppose lol; girl besties, and The Chosen One tropes. Plus the comedy in this one isn't too out there and gives a good chuckle. The art and coloring is absolutely gorgeous.

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2 Stars. This manga reads like a classic level up manga. The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine is an isekai. Readers follow Ailette from her death into the transmigration waiting room where she picks a romantasy novel as her genre, thinking that’ll be the easiest story to transition into. Thanks to Ailette’s life insurance policy purchased shortly before her death, Ailette is able to level up quickly, which is very needed because this time loop story isn’t as easy to navigate as expected. The art in this was beautiful and I really enjoyed the color! That being said, I wasn’t particularly wow-ed by the story or the characters. There were humorous parts for sure and I think that this manga might be really appealing to mega fans of isekai stories. Thank you Yen Press, Ize Press, Irinbi, Grrr, and NetGalley for providing an eARC for review!

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"The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine" follows Ailette, a girl who is a woman who died in a previous life and was transported into a new world with new struggles. However, with the help of her insurance package and vast knowledge of her new world, Ailette becomes someone who shines and overcomes just about any obstacle. The scenes surrounding family are heartwarming, and the story makes me wish I could easily gain skills by leveling up too.

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This book follows a recently deceased woman who had lived through a life of hardship but is sent to the afterlife where she has the chance to transmigrate into a story world. Lucky for her, she’s the first person to have (accidentally) chosen the complete insurance package. Unlucky for her, she is thrown into an S-Tier world, the most difficult setting. Transmigrated into the life of Ailette Rodeline, a poor servant’s daughter, she must now use everything gifted to her by the system to fight for the chance to live her second life.

This book is hilarious. And absurd. And so fun.
I was entranced! I read this so fast, I need more!! I can’t wait to see how the story progresses. I love that webtoons are getting published these days. There are so many good ones and this one caught me by surprise.

Did I mention it’s ALL in colour? Cry your heart out manga (disclaimer: I absolutely love manga and do not disrespect it in any way, this was clearly just a joke). The art style was consistent and cute. I loved the use of game pop-ups to represent the afterlife system. My favourite character is 100% the Voice that Shapes the World.

Now my problem is do I wait for the second volume to be published? Or do I go straight to webtoons and read it there?

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I actually didn't end up finishing this one. It felt like a lot of the other isekai stories I have been taking in lately, and this one didn't offer me anything that I enjoyed better than the other series I'm enjoying. It's not bad by any means. I am just enjoying other series with similar plots more.

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What a beautiful book! The artwork in this is absolutely gorgeous, it's worth reading just to see the images. Thankfully the story is also super unique and fun. I admit some parts are a little convoluted and understanding the rules of this specific type of afterlife gets a little muddled. But the story is exciting and funny and reads like a game which is just enjoyable. Ailette is a likeable and strong character and I found myself very invested in her growth. I really liked this one and will definitely read volume 2!

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In this cute book, reincarnation is given an interesting twist as our titular S-Class Heroine is thrust into a world based on a time loop novel. However, she's not going to slog her way through the tutorial - she's managed to get a great set of perks as part of an insurance package. The comic has a very "meta" feel to it, with the main character continually breaking the fourth wall of her environment to access hidden system menus and character settings like she's holding the cheat codes to life. The art is lovely and the dialogue is fun. I did find the first bit of the story confusing, likely because of a few text formatting issues that made me miss some dialogue/exposition in the advance reader copy I was sent. However, the overall story came through clearly and the art style added to the experience. I received this book free from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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**ARC provided by NetGalley for honest review**

The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine, Vol. 1 by Grrr was such a nice surprise, and I really enjoyed my time reading this one. It's an isekai manhwa (reincarnated into another world story) that follows a young woman sent into a servant child's body and she tries to survive in her new world by acquiring strong and useful abilities. I definitely want to read more after that ending!!! <3

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NetGalley Review

Star Rating: ★★★★☆

Different take on a popular troupe. Glad I picked this one up and will definitely continue the series when I'm able.

Like always though, read it and decide for yourself

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It’s been a long time since I’ve read something so fast paced and unique!!
This first volume definitely makes me think of the novel Ready, Player One. It combines basically a video game with real life and the main character falls into a novel. It’s such a unique idea that I flew through this volume and read it in one sitting. I am loving the plot and already want volume 2 after the cliffhanger!!

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