Member Reviews

The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine is about a woman who dies and gets transmigrated into the body of a young girl from a book she previously read.

I have read a lot of isekai/transmigration books, but I thought this one was such a fun take on it! I love the Voice that Shapes the World and their interactions with Allie. I also can’t wait to see how Allie’s relationships grow with her father and brother.

This was a really cute, fun read and I can’t wait to see what skills Allie levels next.

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I loved it! The cover is adorable.

I enjoy reading transmigration stories where systems are present in the plot and the character has to survive with the skills they gain. There's a webcomic version of this and I think I'll continue where I left off because I'm intrigued. The art style is cute and love that her hair is pink.

Volume 2 would definitely be worth the read. Volume 1 was good!

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My daughter devoured this book. She kept stopping her reading to tell me about the book character and what was happening. She loves manga stories, but it is hard to find them that are appropriate for tweens. This one fit!

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The cover and blurb sounded super exciting, so I had to immerse myself in the story. the plot is incredibly well implemented, although the idea itself is not necessarily new. I had a lot of fun with the transmigration trope. All in all, an exciting, captivating story. The only thing that was a bit annoying was the watermarks on the pages. However, I understand why it has to exist. I can only recommend the story.

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A great start to a transmigration manhwa series. People who have taken a new transmigration insurance meet untimely deaths and are assigned to new worlds to their choises, usually their favourite book, created by transmigration gods for them. The main character wants to go to a world where she is a cherished child of a good family. Instead, she ends up as a ten-year-old Ailette in a world that is destined to be destroyed by dungeons. Her fate is to die young.

That won’t do. Luckily, her insurance comes with great perks that allow her to improve her skills almost infinitely, though not immediately. She’s on an introduction phase and it should be easy for her. But gods are fickle.

I liked this a lot. Illustrations were beautiful and the pace was good. Ailette is still a child, but her fates improve almost daily with the help of her skills. She gains a family and a friend as she prepares for the future trials. Bad people are truly bad, and most of them meet suitable ends. The first volume ends with her gaining an excellent skill that’ll be helpful once the actual story of her book starts. I’ll have to read more to find out what will happen.

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Review to come mid-June to blog/goodreads.

I received this book from Netgalley/the publisher in exchange of an honest review.

I was just so hyped when I spotted this one over at Netgalley! I saw it promoted on Twitter and I just knew instantly that I would love this one and that I needed it in my life. I just LOVE a good isekai! I just love manga about characters who get a second chance at life... in a book they read. I am already thinking what book I would end up in, haha, given the variety of stuff I read? Mm, I think I would love to be part of Gail Carriger's world!

On to this book! As is always the case, one has to die before one gets reincarnated, so that is what happens to our MC as well. But before she dies she is able to purchase the ultimate insurance package before she dies. And yes, that is apparently a thing. Though I would recommend, given where our MC ends up in, maybe not the full package? I mean, on the one hand we learn she has all sorts of cool deals and fancy stuff that she gets, but on the other hand she is in an S-Class story (and one with a loop), meaning that she is kinda screwed. All the MC wanted was just go to a normal easy story filled with family and love. I don't blame her, she had a crappy life and you don't want your next life to be one of trials, of possible deaths, of making sure that everything goes well.

But our MC, now known as Ailette Rodeline, is doing all she can to survive. And I guess despite landing here due to the ultimate insurance package, the insurance package is also helping her out a ton. She has access to level-ups, fancy upgrades, can buy things in the story, can activate some cool things, and oh yes, best of all and HECK I need that in this life, access to a library with ALL the books she has legally bought and read with addition bonus of all the books she is reading in this life. I mean, YES. All those fancy upgrades are good and all, but a library like this? Wins in my books (get it). I will just hide there. Haha. Plus, it solves one thing that I always had my head scratching in other books like this, people are transported to a book they know, but some of them haven't read the book in years or cannot remember all the deets, what is next? But in this world, thanks to this upgrade you can just pick up the book and read it. Get all the deets. Make sure you get all your dates ready. Of course, it is not a fail-proof thing, because there are things NOT mentioned in the books, like what happens to Ailette at a certain point. But hey, at least you got an idea of what is going to happen.

I loved seeing Ailette try to figure out which route to take. Which loop she is in. Change how she is viewed in the eyes of others. Oh, and start a quest that leads her to make a new religion (teehee) and become the first follower of a god (whose conversations pop up at times and which I absolutely loved seeing pop up in special text bubbles). A lot of people would have possibly given up when they encounter such a difficult thing + the whole well you are going to die or x and y is going to die (aka depressing), but she just keeps going. Thinks of skills she could use and buys upgrades. She kicks some serious butt and I was so rooting for the girl.

Oh, and did I mention next to loops, death, and more there is also something else? In this world there are dungeons just popping up. Killing people. People disappearing. And oh yes, one of those is meant to appear right where Ailette and the cast is? Yup. And we get to see such a dungeon later on in the story. I won't tell you what happens, but dang that was exciting! I was on the edge of my seat wondering how our MC would get out of this one!

There are also other people in this world, like Ailette's brother, her alchemist dad, the countess/mistress of the house, the evil son of the mistress (who can just rot for all I care), the daughter who kept trying to make friends, but um, she is a bit different with some play stuff. I really liked the big cast of people and I loved meeting more people. I was worried at first when we met the daughter of the mistress, but she really turned out to be an OK character. I wonder if she will stay like this, I am hoping. Ailette could use a friend in all of this.

The art is so pretty and I love the designs of the characters.

All in all, let me wrap this one up because this one has gotten quite long! This was a really fun reincarnation/isekai manga and I cannot wait to read more of it! I am curious what is next for Ailette and if she will be able to beat this loop/game and get her happily ever after! I would recommend this one to all!

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I actually started reading this series on Tapas awhile back, so, it's fun to see it be in print! Stories like this one are fairly common on certain platforms. MC dies and is reincarnated into the last game or novel they were engaging with. The fun trick with this one is our MC bought a fancy upgrade before she switched worlds, so she has unbeknownst to her, gained the ability to change her characters life, and those around her through more or less EXP boosts. It's a fun concept and the art is charming. It's just a fun read. I love seeing more manhwa titles like this one out in the wild!

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I loved this so much! A beautiful, adorable manga that ties my favorite hobbies together - reading and gaming. I can’t wait to continue this series.

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I loved everything about this, from the storyline, to the art, the expressions on their faces. It was a really fun read! I cant wait for the rest of this!
It's got me hooked

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i loved this so much <3 the art is stunning, her family is SO CUTE i want nothing to happen to them may they only experience happiness 😤

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Thank you to Netgalley for a copy for an honest review

I liked ‘ The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine’ it was fine I will probably pick up volume 2 to read,

Stars 3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I loved this! It was a sweeter, cuter, funnier take on the gaming iseaki genre! Kind of reminded me of Solo Leveling, just more light!

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Thank you NetGalley and Yen Press for a copy of this wholesome manhwa. I loved this one so much! I think any reader would love this. Which book do you belong to in your afterlife? That is what happens to our protagonist who is a lover of romantasy, when after her death she gets thrown into an action packed dungeon fantasy world. I know for a fact I’d never survive in any of the books I read, so I cannot wait to see what other adventures await Ailette next!

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Transmigrated into a s-level webnovel and as a servant’s daughter, Anilette; she soon realizes she needs to prevent her early death during this loop. Ailette ends up getting a little assistance from “Voice who Shaped the World”, as she became their first follower. This is a bit rare in stories like this as many main characters dislikes the gods that isekai them to another world (especially if it was a bug/mistake).

I did enjoy the colorful art and reading the story so far. We got some character development and from the sounds of it, it's building up to eventually meeting the ML. I do find it really cool she has a skill where she can read any book she bought/read before passing.
In this version, there were some text boxes left blank but I didn't feel like I was really missing anything so it didn't bother me as much.

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In the dazzling world of light novels, "The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine" by IRINBI and Grrr shines brightly as a stellar example of the genre's best offerings. With an irresistible blend of fantasy, humor, and heart, this book is a must-read for anyone who loves a compelling tale of resilience and ingenuity.

From the very first page, we are introduced to Ailette Rodeline, a character who is as charming as she is formidable. Ailette's unique status as a transmigrator—someone who has been transported into another world with memories of their previous life—adds a fresh twist to the familiar trope. Armed with an insurance package that provides her with a top-tier support system and item shop, Ailette navigates the perilous world of a notoriously brutal time-loop novel with grace and determination.

What sets Ailette apart is her prodigious talent in a myriad of skills, ranging from cooking and alchemy to brewing the perfect cup of tea. These abilities are not just superficial traits; they are integral to her survival and success in this new world. IRINBI does an exceptional job of weaving these skills into the narrative, making them feel both authentic and essential.

The novel's world-building is rich and immersive, drawing readers into a setting that is as dangerous as it is enchanting. The stakes are high, and the challenges Ailette faces are both daunting and thrilling. Yet, despite the adversity, Ailette's spirit never wavers. Her determination to rise to the challenge and prove herself as an S-class heroine is both inspiring and relatable.

IRINBI's writing is both engaging and witty, with a pace that keeps readers hooked from start to finish. The dialogue is sharp, the action scenes are well-crafted, and the moments of introspection add depth to Ailette's character. The book masterfully balances humor and drama, creating a reading experience that is both entertaining and emotionally satisfying.

One of the most delightful aspects of the book is Ailette's growth as a character. She is not infallible; she makes mistakes and learns from them, which makes her journey all the more compelling. Her interactions with other characters are nuanced and add layers to the story, enriching the narrative tapestry.

In conclusion, "The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine" is a tour de force in the world of light novels. IRINBI and Grrr has crafted a story that is not only captivating and fun but also meaningful and inspiring. Ailette Rodeline is a heroine for the ages, and her adventures are sure to leave a lasting impression on readers. Whether you're a fan of fantasy, adventure, or simply a great story well told, this book is a gem that deserves a place on your bookshelf.

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I don't typically enjoy the main character transmigrates into a child and is super good at everything set up, but this book was really charming. The main character Ailette is fun and has great dialogue, the humor she brings to the plot makes it more engaging to read. The plot itself is fairly standard, the main character is given a system and a goal of surviving the novel they find themselves in, in this case, it's a time loop novel that's one of the most difficult to make it through. We get hints of that near the end when Ailette falls into a dungeon accidentally, but the plot is still very much in the beginning stages in this volume. I am interested in seeing where the story goes.

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I loved the humor in this book. It’s perfect for people who love transmigration/isekai stories already, and provides a lot of context if it’s your first foray. I’ll definitely be picking up the second volume!

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The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine Vol. 1

Art by Grrr, Story by Irinbi

Rating: 5/5 stars

Pub Date: May 21, 2024

ARC provided by NetGalley

Ok, I seriously loved this. I have been in bit of a down with my book selection lately and this one was absolutely fantastic. It feels like a truly innovative take on the isekai genre, which if you follow my reviews you will know I am notoriously critical of. There are just so many places an isekai story can fail and so many ways to feel too derivative of the tropes of the genre. But this book here takes so many of the tropes and adds a fresh new spin to them in a way that feels truly refreshing. I particularly loved how it handles the interaction between the protagonist and the gods that sent her to this new world, it is a surprisingly key part of the plot where other stories would just brush it aside, and it adds an interesting layer to the dynamics of this world.

In addition to that, I found all of the characters to be great. This first volume does a great job of laying out the people we are going to be following in the future and gives everyone a solid foundation to grow from while still leaving room for more characters to be added in as we progress in the story. This is one where I’m pretty sure we are going to follow the MC for many years as she develops her powers and takes control of her destiny and I can’t wait to see who all we meet along the way to do that.

I also want to take a moment to shower the art in here with the utmost praise. It is beautiful. I love the fashion choices, the background choices, and the stylized way of speaking to the gods. There is a great distinction between the new world and the old world and everything inbetween in clearly telegraphed through the art. You wouldn’t think this was important to mention, but let me assure you I’ve read books without these things and let me tell you you notice them when they are gone so appreciate them when they are done well.

Just overall a super strong first volume that shows so much promise for this series. Definitely pick this one up to regain some faith in the isekai genre.


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Our main character died in the real world; she transmigrated to a time loop web novel, where she reincarnated as 10-year-old Ailette Rodeline.

Ailette is a strong and smart character; she works hard to earn new skill sets and overcome all the challenges.

The concept of a person dying in the real world and then transmigrating to a web novel is fun to read.

This manhwa is cute and enjoyable. I loved the illustrations and colour, it was beautiful.

I’m looking forward to reading vol. 2.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Yen Press/Ize Press for the e-arc!

The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine is about Ailette Rodeline who is a child prodigy with a secret. Ailette is a transmigrator who died in her previous life and is now starting over in a time loop novel as a side character. The world-building in this story is very detailed and combines aspects of not just isekai stories but games as well. At its core, the story is a bit stereotypical but I think the characters and the art style sell it for me. I like Ailette as a character and her journey will be very intriguing. If you are like me and get bored of Isekai stories, this one might be worth checking out.

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