Member Reviews

*I received a free copy of this ebook from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

"Nope." That's what I would like to tell my past self when I requested an ARC of this book. "Just don't." Because it turns out that my belief that a book labeled with "An Austen Generation Novel" would follow a Jane Austen level of content was a complete misconception. This book may take place during the era in which Austen published her novels, but it most definitely lacks any other commonality with her books. I'm wondering right now if I should create a "do not recommend" shelf on my GoodReads account.

Let's start with characters. Teresa (28) was quite a naive idiot, and I cannot think of a nicer way to describe her. Yes, much of her naiveté was because nobody has taught her. But the rest was because she chose to remain ignorant rather than use her brain. Her idiocy was self inflicted, and she repeatedly chose to maintain her mistaken beliefs rather than allow them to be corrected. She drove me mad. Thomas (age?) had some good qualities, like his patience and kindness towards Teresa. But I cannot for the life of me figure out what he actually saw in her, which makes me question his sanity.

The writing itself was pretty basic, though it often crept into cringeworthy. Besides Teresa's bit of trauma that completely dictated her opinion of love and marriage, she didn't have much character development. The third-person narration jumped back and forth between her thoughts and Thomas's. Teresa's dialogue frequently made her sound like a child rather than a woman approaching 30.

The book description makes this book sound rather sweet, right? Well, it's not. It's essentially an awkward sexual how-to book pieced together from conversations with different people "teaching" a woman who starts out believing that she can get pregnant simply by being touched by a man. And it masquerades as a book about a husband trying to get his wife to fall in love with him; it is that, too, but the plot itself is too weak to stand up to the truly weird conversations Teresa has. And when I say "weird," I mean more that the conversations feel so incredibly manufactured and overdone, as do Teresa's reactions.

So yeah. My recommendation is to pass this one by in favor of something else. I am truly baffled that its average rating on GoodReads is 4.32.

Note: Some language. Conversations about sex (I cannot believe there were no better word choices than "gooey"). Open-door sex (easily skipped, but the book just isn't worth the trouble--it's much easier to bypass the whole thing!).

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I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy this book - but surprisingly I did. The heroine is a bit difficult - but - when you think about the time - it was probably very common for someone to be so confused and scared.

The main character Thomas was a saint. He really stuck with her while she had to learn how to trust when she had no basis of knowledge.

I actually do look forward to more books and can’t wait to see how this series fills out.

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Lady Teresa Pelham is determined to never marry. Thomas Thornburn, third Marquess of Bath, wants her for his wife. It's a standoff until they are caught kissing. Teresa is still afraid of marriage and her fear is buried in the past. If Thomas can only discover her fear. It will take family and friends to convince her that marriage can bring her much happiness. Fortunately, Thomas has a lot of patience and a lot of love.
Descriptive sex.
I voluntarily read and read a copy of this book from NetGalley.

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I have mixed feelings on this story. The character of Thomas was well written. Teresa was more of a wall flower and kept the story from flowing. A Regency Romance.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Can 2 lonely souls meld and make something together.

For me, the misconceptions were pretty one-sided. Teresa is a sheltered, lonely 28 year old spinster who, for being supposedly well read, had no idea about life, love, or physical relationships. What really bothered me was that she jumped from one conclusion to another without reading about it, talking to anyone, opening herself to new ideas. For a person advocating women's rights, she had blinders on. Okay, you must have figured after all this ranting that she is not my favorite heroine.

Thomas, on the other hand, was such a doll. He is lonely after 3 years of taking care of his only close relative, his father, who was his friend, mentor, and the best thing in his world. He knows what he wants, and he has tons of patience. His self-awareness of his thoughts and deeds was amazing. He is looking for a friend and companion, someone to share his thoughts and life and finds it in Teresa. Then, he starts the uphill battle to win this stubborn, idiotic woman. Man, he takes a beating, I felt sorry for him.

Thankfully, there is some redemption in the end, and she is groveling for a change (it was not enough in my mind).

All my stars go to Thomas and the dialogues.

#netgalley AMarriageofMisconceptions

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I love how Teresa represent here, tipe-tipe cewe yang mau hidupnya ngalir aja tanpa pusing dan repot-repot akan drama pernikahan tapi bukan juga tipe yang kayak pasrah kaya mayat idup tanpa arah, mungkin karena Heroine kita disini itu hobi banget baca buku jadi belum punya pasangan hidup bukan masalah besar bagi dirinya, as we all book girlies know #fictionalmanoverrealman 💅.

But seiring berjalannya cerita, sikap bodo amat nya Heroine kita tuh luntur guyss gara-gara effort Hero kita yang melebihi ‘Mr.Darcy’ karakter favoritnya di novel Pride and Prejudice, gimana ga klepek-klepek ye kan ibarat di tolak Hero kita nih ga patah semangat ngeliat perempuan inceran hatinya cuek bebek do’i puter otak cari gimana pun caranya Teresa nih luluh

Karakter Thomas as Hero disini aku awal-awal skeptis yaa tipe pria mapan yang biasa di approach duluan sama wanita siap menikah ini punya sikap baik, apalagi di awal buku ada opini Hero yang cukup kontroversial dimana ada pandangan ‘sedikit’ merendahkan si Heroine seakan Heroine kita nih in dessperate untuk menemukan suamik padahal mah kan engga yaa. But seiring berjalannya cerita pandangan aku sama karakternya ini berubah bangett, dibuktikan dengan jurus tandur nya doi untuk mendapatkan hati sang pujaan dan yang lucuk dan gemesin itu pas doi mau jadi kang pukul siapa yang nyakitin Teresanya di masa lalu

Lady Teresa Palhem : Heroine
Thomas Thornburn: Hero

My Favorite Part Of The Book :

“You mistake independence for loneliness. Just because you seek to be seld-sufficient doesn’t mean you should have to face your trouble alone.”
Their eyes met, and once again, Teresa felt as though Lord Bath could ser into her soul. As if he knew she held a seceet the and was trying to unearth it. She shivered at the posibility.

I willingly give it🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 5/5 Stars! 216 halaman yang ga kerasa kok sudah sampai di akhir cerita aja and i request nambah lagii dong sweet-sweetan nyaa, so far i love both of the character. Dimana kedua karakter utama nya ini punya karakter yang kuat (alias sama-sama keras kepala) efek trauma ditinggalkan oleh orang tersayangnya malah makin mempererat hubungan mereka. Jujur aku belum pernah merasakan bagaimana cemasnya rasa bersalah yang dialami Heroine di cerita ini, jadi terkadang sikap yang ia ambil aku suka ga relate gituu misal, wait kenapa dia begitu aja harus ambil tindakkan ini? But at the end i really appreciate niat author untuk menyisipkan bumbu-bumbu mental health awareness supaya membuat pembaca (khususnya yang kaya akuu) paham ga mudah lohh menjaga kesehatan ment itu tapi kita pasti bisa melaluinya.

Terimakasih Netgalley, Kingsley Publisher, Xpresso Book Tours & Author Alyssa Martin untuk ARCnya, dan review ini jadi 100% pendapat aku pribadi yaaa 🥰

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