Member Reviews


I think this was a good book overall and it does have its audience. I do think that the audience isn’t quite me. Some aspects didn’t work for me, but some did.

I liked most of the scenes involving the two main leads, Ami and Edmund. There’s a lot of moments for them to get to know each other and when a book only has one main kissing scene you want it to deliver and it does. I thought they had wonderful chemistry. I also thought the historical aspects were interesting too.

It is a standalone and wraps up most things well. There was one plot point that threw me off about closing part of the story, the rest was good though. The faith elements were fairly well woven in too. It is a more moderate theme throughout.

Overall audience notes:

Historical Romance
Language: none
Romance: kisses
Violence: moderate
Content Warnings: physical altercations, murder, weapons violence

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A brand new adventure from Michelle Griep that I couldn't put down!
This particular adventure reminds me of the Indiana Jones movies.
I really liked Ami. Took me a minute to realize the name was actually Amy just spelled differently.
She's a different kind of heroine. Spunky, brave and a woman before her time. I really appreciated her character. I.loved her from the get go.
This action packed novel will definitely be keeping you on the edge of your seat for sure and certain.
I enjoyed learning about the artifacts and I quite agreed with Ami on a number of things about these pieces.
I'm so blessed to have read a copy of this delightful adventure and was sad to see it end.
There is an element of faith woven in too. That's another thing that I liked about this story.
"Amisi is a resilient girl. This isn't the first time she's gotten in over her head, and she always lives to talk about it. I am certain the fine officers the sergeant sent to retrieve her shall return with her any minute now." Henceforth; why I love this girl.
This quote was from Ami's father the Professor.
This man is full of wisdom and whom I instantly liked as well.
"In my line of work, Mr. Price, one becomes accustomed to uncertainty. I have learned over the years doesn't accomplish anything other than a headache.
I am giving this book 5 stars for a well written story that kept me engaged until the end. I hated to see it end.
I highly recommend. This is one of my favorite authors.
My thanks to Netgalley for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

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Just like bees, people can accomplish so much more if they work together toward a common goal instead of insisting upon selfish ambitions.

Oxford, England in 1888 was not an easy place for a woman, like Ami Dalton. After all, she had the ambition to become an Egyptologist. Women were expected to stay at home, have no opinion of their own and keep the household and the multiple children in order. Needless to say, this creates problems for Ami.

Written by one of my favorite authors, this adventure is full of danger, with a touch of romance and a whole lot of learning to trust in God’s goodness. Hired to value a large shipment of artifacts, Ami starts working for Edmund Price, who hopes to become a member of the British Parliament. What follows is a fabulous story that will have you laughing out loud at times and wanting to shake someone at other times.

An early copy of Time’s Lost Treasures 1 was received through Bethany House Publishers, Baker Publishing Group and NetGalley. These thoughts are my own and were in no way solicited.

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Of Gold and Shadows
by Michelle Griep
Pub Date: Sept. 24 2024
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
In 1888 Victorian England, Ami Dalton navigates a clandestine dual life. By day, she strives to establish herself as a respected Egyptologist, overcoming the gender biases that permeate academia. But with a heart for rescuing black-market artifacts, she is most often disguised as her alter ego, the Shadow Broker.
Award winning author, Griep, describes a time in gas lit Oxford that kept me reading until the end. This complex tale was full of Victorian atmosphere, lots of danger, intrigue, secret identities and a few shady characters. Ms. Griep adds interesting details such as word blindness, prank playing by the servants, and the rumor of an ancient curse to round out the suspenseful twists and turns.
I highly recommend this book for historical fiction readers.

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Wow! I have to say this book is so much better than my expectations, which were high to begin with. It has romance, intrigue, a little mystery and suspense all wrapped up in the lives of characters I absolutely love.

Ami is spunky, intelligent, and not taken with conventions. She prefers dusty relics to ribbons and lace. She’s hired to value a shipment of Egyptian relics, but hopes to convince the owner to return them to Egypt. She’s a bit surprised when she meets Mr. Price. He’s not what she expected.

Edmund is desperate to sell the shipment of relics he’s come in possession of but he has no knowledge of how to value them. When the professor he seeks isn’t available he hires his daughter, a young woman much different than the ones who swarm him whenever he’s out in public. She’s not what he expected.

I love the way the characters interact and grow throughout the book. There are great lessons in faith, acceptance, trust, and friendship that grows into abiding love.

The picture of life in the Victorian era is rich with descriptions of the people and places of the time. I could clearly picture the sights and smells.

I recommend this book, and will read it again. I was given a copy courtesy of Bethany House through NetGalley and Interviews and Reviews. This is my honest opinion of the book.

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Michelle Griep is a favorite author of mine, writing worlds and characters into the imagination that I would like very much to know or visit. Her prose is magnificent and Of Gold and Shadows is no different. It’s the first book in her new Times Lost Treasures series. I’m waiting on bated breath for book 2!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The opinions expressed are completely my own.

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What a delightful story! I love this type of atmospheric writing, and OF GOLD AND SHADOWS feels perfect for a cozy fall read. This is both an adventure story and a romance, and the author handles both very well. There are dastardly villains, twists and turns, mysteriously cursed artifacts, and even a touch of humor. As always, Griep injects a dose of faith into the narrative as well. These elements are woven together seamlessly to create an immersive and enjoyable reading experience.

Griep is at the top of her game here, and I look forward to more.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance e-galley; all opinions in my review are 100% my own.

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Of Gold and Shadows by Michelle Griep is an interesting look at Egyptian archeology and the lengths one woman would take to protect them.

In 1888, Ami Dalton strived to make a name for herself in Egyptology. She surpasses most of the men she interacts with in intelligence, despite being looked down upon because of her gender. In her quest to prove herself, she takes on the secret identity of The Shadow Broker, rescuing valuable artifacts from illegal trade.

When Edmund Price recruits her to appraise his Egyptian antiquities collection, he is astonished by her lack of knowledge regarding his reputation as Oxford’s most sought-after bachelor. While Ami continues to evaluate Edmund’s collection, odd incidents unfold, and unsurprisingly, they develop an attraction for each other.

Despite enjoying Ami’s banter with Edmund, I found the novel quite predictable. I knew from the outset that one character was not who he said he was and I figured out the end way before I should have.

That said, I enjoyed this book, the faith element in it, and the minor obstacles the characters had to endure. If you are a Michelle Griep fan, I know you will enjoy this book!

I received a complimentary copy courtesy of Bethany House Publishers through NetGalley for my honest review.

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A female Egyptologist in Victorian England is not something you see every day. Ignoring traditional roles and popular opinion, Ami steals the show in this clean romantic mystery with an ending you will not see coming.
I loved this adventure, with a unique set of characters. You never know what is going to happen next. I could picture Ami’s outlandish gowns and the looks on others’ faces when they saw her. Edmund is every girl’s dream no matter what century you live in, and together they are just perfect. Several antagonists provide just the right amount of conflict and it is so satisfying to see them finally put in their place.
While the cover is beautiful, something feels missing to me. It seems like it could be used for any Victorian Era historical fiction. I would have loved to see Ami’s peacock feather dress there. And while the story moved along well, it felt slow at times, until the last quarter which hugely picked up the pace. I can usually read a book in about 3 days, but this one took me 6 days. For some reason, I just could not get through more than a chapter or 2 in one sitting.
Even still, I love historical fiction, and I loved that this one had a strong female lead who was way ahead of her time. Overall I enjoyed this novel and look forward to whatever surprises await in book 2.
*I received a complimentary copy of this e-book courtesy of Bethany House Publishers through Interviews & Reviews and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I ADORED this story! I absolutely love how quirky and different the heroine was. Ami is definitely a refreshing character--full of charm and independence that many in her time wouldn't have had. It's the whole (realistic) reason why she caught Edmund's eye.
And Edmund--he's the perfect cinnamon roll hero that was full of charm and charisma.
The plot was well-researched and extremely entertaining.
A great story, and lovely writing!

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I expected this to be a book I read for an hour here and there. Instead, I found myself reading it in 2 sittings. This is more a romance than anything else but is well written. It is blessedly free of gratuitous sex scenes.
There are a few places where I questioned the story (how does a young woman become acquainted with the underworld character necessary to become a shadow broker) but my biggest difficulty was the values of money. The values were historically accurate but I lacked the reference to make the leap.

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A delightful and intriguing story that captured my imagination and drew me with the development of the story. Thoroughly enjoyable and very easy reading.

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Michelle Griep again marvels her readers with a new page-turner, Of Gold and Shadows, first in her new series, Time's Lost Treasures. Filled with adventure, mystery, danger, and romance, Griep, a master storyteller of Victorian historical Christian romance, will transport you into the world of Egyptology and the underbelly realm surrounding it in this captivating story set in 1888 Oxford, England.

Ami Dalton, struggling to be recognized as an Egyptologist in a field dominated by men, has an alter-ego by night, the Shadow Broker. She tangles with cut throats, trying to save black-market artifacts, but will this endeavor cause her demise in the end? Or will the most eligible bachelor in Oxford, Edmund Price, who recently acquired several crates of Egyptian artifacts, and hired Ami to appraise them rescue her?

Of Gold and Shadows, an action-packed adventure story, with mystery, curses, villains, sweet romance, a touch of humor, and faith undertones, is a marvelous beginning to this series. Michelle Griep’s spellbinding prose is sure to delight her readers as they become immersed into the new worlds of her Time’s Lost Treasures stories. Highly recommend and cannot wait to return to Victorian England with Michelle Griep for my next adventure with her astounding characters.

A complimentary copy of this book was provided by Bethany House via Net Galley through Interviews & Reviews. I was not obligated to write a favorable review, and all opinions are my own.

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What a fun read! This book has a little bit of everything! Mystery, suspense, romance and humor! And, a surprise ending! If you are looking for a nice clean read…this is your book! Don’t miss Michelle Griep’s latest “Of Gold and Shadows”! You won’t be disappointed!

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Master storyteller Michelle Griep delivers another outstanding literary gift with Of Gold and Shadows. The captivating plot with unexpected, well-placed twists, mysterious happenings, and a surprising revelation kept me glued to the pages and “burning the midnight oil”! I was immersed in the “feels” of the story by the vividly sketched Victorian era settings. Whether cataloguing and pricing ancient Egyptian antiquities at Price Manor or shadow brokering in London’s menacing Angel Alley, danger and intrigue abound. The characters are well-crafted and believable. I love eccentric young heroine Ami and dashing hero Edmund. A bit of sweet romance and a gentle faith thread add interest and inspiration to the story. I totally enjoyed this well-researched, entertaining read and highly recommend it. The sneak peak of the next Time’s Lost Treasures offering is a pleasing bonus, and I look forward to reading Eva’s story.
I received a complimentary copy courtesy of Bethany House Publisher through Interviews & Reviews and NetGalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Of Gold and Shadows by Michelle Griep is a Egyptian historical mystery with a hint of romance. Readers will love how Gripe captures the world of a female Egyptian scholar and how she can't wait to shine and be able to value a bunch of artifacts. While the hero, Edmund Price, is shown as someone all the women fall for when readers are first introduced to him, Gripe does a wonderful job at allowing Ami, the heroine, to see past all that. She sees his flaws and slowly starts to look forward to this little quirks to make him more realistic in her eyes. The setting comes to live. Readers will enjoy how much time and detail Griep spends in her descriptions of the Price Manor. I loved visiting her and watching Ami and Edmund begin to develop something deeper. As for the plot, I loved the concept of cursed artifacts that had a response on the whole house. Griep also wrote a mystery into the plot that I actually enjoyed reading. Overall, Of Gold and Shadows by Michelle Griep was a delightful Egyptian tale of valuing artifacts and oneself all set in a London Manor. I can't wait to own the physical copy.

I received a complimentary copy Of Gold and Shadows by Michelle Griep from Bethany House Publishing, but the opinions stated are all my own.

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What a delightful historical read this was! It was the perfect blend of mystery and romance, all with a fantastic Victorian England setting. Ami's character absolutely drew me in. When it comes to women in historical fiction, I love those characters that break the mold of what was expected of women in those times--- particularly when it comes to their unique career choices. Having always thought ancient Egypt was rather fascinating anyway, I was definitely drawn into her being an Egyptologist. I thought she and Edmund were perfectly matched, and I enjoyed their sweet romance... but it was definitely the hint of mystery that kept me captivated by this story--- what with the threat of a curse and all! The story had lots of twists and turns... and just when I thought it was all sorted out, something else unexpected happened! It certainly kept me guessing right through to the end! It was a fun historical adventure that I enjoyed very much. It's certainly one that Christian historical fans are sure to want to check out.

**I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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