Member Reviews

I just finished it and I really enjoyed it. I love the way she intermingles the facts within the story. She makes you feel like you are there with them. I can't wait for book 2 in the series. If you haven't read any of her books you are missing out. The book is available for preorder now.
#bravenovel #amreading

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Brave is the first book in talented author Mesu Andrews’ King David’s Wives series.
This book is Biblical Fiction at its finest. I was totally captivated throughout the entire story and gleaned a better understanding of David, Ahinoam, and Abigail as well as the time they lived.

Author Andrews has a brilliant mind and produced a plausible fictional tale for King David and his second wife, Ahinoam. Scripture barely mentions her, leaving much to the imagination. It is obvious that much research and thought went into the writing of this phenomenal novel and the development of characters. King David was such an interesting person. The author has given him depth, emotion, and strength. Her ideas on his family relationships, physical appearance, and Walk with God is very reasonable. In fact, it is very different from most that I have read.

I learned a lot just by reading this enlightening book. It sent me to my Bible to compare what scripture said. The information in Brave was aligned with verses in the Bible. I love it when a fiction book teaches me things, also. This one brought ancient Israel to life as I was on the run from Saul with King David and his men.

The ending came quickly for me. I was ready to continue the story for many more chapters! It was hard to say good-bye to my book friends. The author’s notes at the end hold important information and should not be skipped. There are discussion questions for personal or group study after the notes.

I highly recommend this remarkable novel. It has made an impact on my impression of King David. When I read the Psalms now, they seem to make more sense to me. This would be a beautiful choice for a reading group. There are so many topics to discuss. I was deeply moved and loved this book. It will make a welcome gift for your reader friends.

This gets a 5 star rating from me. Yes, it is that excellent! An advanced reader copy was provided, but these are my honest words.

Favorite Quotes:

“You know us before birth, Lord!”

“The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1”

“The love of a husband and wife, whether it produces a child or not, is unlike any other.”

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I enjoyed this novel so very much!
I finished it in the wee hours of the morning because I couldn't put David's story down.
I love Andrews' stories and this one was no exception. She's awesome at what she does.
Biblical fiction has always been my favorite and she's my go to along Jill Eileen Smith.
This is a story full of action and wisdom.
I feel that this is the prefect story in getting to know his wives and David personally.
King Saul is just awful in this story. I hated how evil his temper and jealousy was at times.
Brave is an excellent title for this beautiful and delightful novel. Andrews has done well with it. It will be going on my shelf of favorites!
Such a gorgeous cover too.
5 stars from me for a well written and researched story. I highly recommend.
My thanks for a copy of this wonderful book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

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I have never been disappointed with a Mesu Andrews novel, so when I saw the change to read an ARC of a new book of hers, I jumped at it.
This is Biblical fiction based on the story of King David and his time in the wilderness and his marriages to his first 2 wives, Ahinoam and then later Abigail. Andrews is very careful with her research to stay true to the Biblical facts. She also handled the challenges of writing about polygamy in a sensitive and careful manner. Although I do not agree with polygamy, I understand it happened in that time period more than not and we do have to wrestle with that culture when reading about it.
Andrews is an excellent writer and this story quickly grabs and keeps your attention.
Thank you to Mesu Andrews and to Baker Book House for my ARC. This review is my own.

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I knew this book would be amazing; It's Mesu Andrews, so I just come to expect greatness now. This book exceeded my expectations.

I absolutely adored Ahinoam and her strength. She was one of my favorite literary heroines of all time. I learned a lot from her and how she handled all that life threw her way.

I loved how Mesu Andrews wrote David's character. He felt more real and relatable through the lens of Andrews's imagination. I loved seeing his absolute love for God. It was inspiring, helping me to do the same.

I copied so many quotes for myself to use when I'm feeling anxious or defeated. I see the Psalms more deeply now, I can see more of the suffering and searching behind them, making them more relatable and easier for me to use when I am feeling the same way.

As always, I felt that Mesu Andrews put a lot of time and research into creating this story. When I compare the story to Biblical truth, her story is very plausible and fits the Biblical narrative very well. Of course, this story is fiction, so she filled in missing places with her imagination, but nothing was removed that was in the Bible.

"I received this book from the publisher through the NetGalley review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own."

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4.5 stars for this biblical fiction about King David's 2nd wife (after Michal), Ahinoam. She has only passing mentions in Scripture, which made a novel about what she may have been like absolutely fascinating. Looking at the time in David's life when he was on the run from Saul was also interesting. There were a few references that I hadn't picked up on in scripture previously and that is what I love about biblical fiction. I appreciate the author's note in the back that speaks to what was directly derived from scripture and which elements came from her imagination, but this was a great look at the life of Israel's most famous king before he was king and the woman who stole his heart in the wilderness while he was on the run. I enjoyed the conjecture on the reasons why he made some of the choices he made, his familial relationships, and the relationships he had with his men and how the 30 mighty men came about. It was also interesting to see from Ahinoam's perspective the arrival of Abigail, the 3rd wife. I saw some foreshadowing in to some of David's future wives as well. I look forward to reading the rest of the books in this series! Special thanks to the author and publisher for an advance copy of this novel. I was under no obligation to provide a review and the thoughts contained herein are my own.

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Wow! Mesu Andrews takes Biblical fiction to the next level! This book is amazing! As soon as I read the first line, I knew this would be an exciting journey!

David is a complicated person/character. He is passionate about his love for God. He's a strong leader, brave and steadfast. He also makes mistakes; which reminds the reader of his human nature. Ahinoam and Zeruiah are my absolute favorites! They are strong, physically, and mentally. They love fiercely. They believe in Yahweh and that David is the chosen king.

There are several parts of the book that really intrigue me. First, David's relationship with his father. It seems as if there is little affection and respect between them. Second is David deciding he needs more than one wife. This is explained in the note to the reader. Third is how Ahinoam reminds David several times of his need to spend quality quiet time with Yahweh. All of us need a friend like this!

I was provided a complimentary copy of the book from Bethany House via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Mesu Andrews, NetGalley, and Bethany House for this #gifted book!*
Title: Brave
Author: Mesu Andrews
Genre: Biblical Fiction
Synopsis: “She looked up, her voluminous eyes meeting mine. ‘People have changed my plan, too, King David. So, I trust only my abba and Yahweh. Not you.’” Ahinoam bat Toren was raised by a single father after being abandoned by her mother. As Kenites, her father was a skilled metalsmith and warrior and he trained his daughter to be the same. Ahinoam’s skills as a tracker and with a dagger are unmatched. When circumstances cause Ahinoam and Toren to flee their home, they find themselves members of David’s traveling camp. David is intrigued by this woman, and for the first time, Ahinoam notices a different feeling toward this man. As David and his army of misfits flee King Saul, Ahinoam must decide if she’s brave enough to face both the dangerous road ahead and the possibility of her future as the wife of Israel’s King.

Analysis: Mesu Andrews brings the pages of Scripture to life with this unique look into ancient Israel. I really enjoyed the setting and seeing what it was like for the people in David’s army as they traveled from place to place. I learned so much about David and his family line! I also enjoyed reading about the different nations and the way they interacted with the nation of Israel. Ahinoam’s character has such a unique story. One major topic in the book is polygamy. David had several wives, and Ahinoam wrestles with that. I don’t know that I agreed with the way this version of David approached having multiple wives, but I think this book would make for a great discussion of this topic! If you’re looking for new perspective and insight into the early life of King David, this is a great place to start!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

*I was given an ARC in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions ťexpressed in this review are my own.

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Once I got past the lump in my throat at reading about the polygamous lifestyle of this time and culture, I saw what the author wanted to bring to my attention. It’s not David’s mistakes. It’s not David’s multiple wives. It’s the power of love, forgiveness and faith. After all, David was a “man after God’s own heart”. Come find out why! Pick up this incredible first book in the King David’s Brides series.

“The barrenness strengthens and shapes us into what the Lord wants us to become”

The wilderness and barrenness play a large role in shaping the character of King David and his wife Ahinoam. Author Mesu Andrews shows us that David and Ahinoam were likely no different from you and me in that they got swept up in the wilderness living and surviving the Judean desert and failed to seek God’s abundance. I was thankful for the author’s reminder that we too can get swept up in our modern lifestyle and spend our time and energy ‘surviving’. She encourages readers to take steps beyond this focus and seek out God’s abundant promises.

“Love makes us all better people.”

The power of love is first revealed in Michal’s plans to protect David and then crescendoes to reveal how it strengthens David and Ahinoam’s faith journey. They are both put in positions that could tear them apart, but love is the glue that holds them together and enables Ahinoam to welcome Abigail. My heart was aching at how Ahinoam had to make room for Abigail, but Andrews explored this heart-wrenching struggle with tender care. Love for David to become the next King encouraged his army to follow and fight. Love for his God led David to insist he was in His presence with each step and decision. Love led them to be ready and strengthened to fight. Love truly bears all things. Steadfast love.

“You’re about to ruin your future because of bitterness over your past.”

Andrews also explores the ripple effects of disobedience. In not destroying the Amelekites, Saul left a wake of heartache and the characters in this story are in a predicament facing that disobedience. Andrews reminds readers that God is more concerned with meeting people’s needs than meeting their expectations. We can’t change our past, but we can change how we respond or react. It was good to be reminded not to stoop to unhealthy reactions prompted by past wounds. So much of David and Ahinoam’s life showcases the effects of forgiveness. Like Ahinoam, I know that sometimes it is easier to make the decision to forgive than to allow the healing process to begin. It’s at this time that we need God more than ever.

Andrews shows us unequivocally what it means to be a brave bride. I learned so much about focus, forgiveness, and faith from this brave Jezreelite. I’m eagerly awaiting Maakah’s story!

I was gifted this copy by Bethany House and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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Amazing story of dedication, heartache, family, mystery, and more. Author Mesu Andrews shares the life journey of Ahinoam. This brave warrior woman became one of King David's brides and dealt with extreme danger during her life. Her bravery gives hope to those who learn about her life. Great read. I received a complimentary copy of the book. No review was required.

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Brave by Mesu Andrews is the first book of the David's Wives series. I had looked forward to this book, because David is a very interesting Biblical character, and I was not disappointed. I enjoyed how the author built the story of Ahinoam, David's first wife, whose story was barely mentioned in the Bible. On the flip side, there is a lot of fiction here which can make it a little difficult to connect with the Bible. However, this book provided a possible explanation for why David had many wives and I look forward to reading the stories of the other wives. Thank you, Netgalley and Bethany House Publishers for giving the ARC of this book. All opinions expressed are honest and fully mine.

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