Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!
I really enjoyed this book! The biggest problem I had with one of the author's other books was that I couldn't really tell the two main characters apart, but thankfully that wasn't a problem with this book. Instead of having the two MCs narrate every other chapter, the first half of the book was narrated by Finn, and then Willa narrated the second half (with Finn coming back as a narrator at the end of the book). I actually loved this, because then we properly got to know Finn and got to see Willa from her perspective, and then we got to know Willa properly after that, without the confusion of trying to remember whose chapter we were currently reading.
I also need to mention how surprisingly relatable Willa was. She talked about how she's completely clueless about the stuff the other girls talk about, like boys, makeup and pop culture, but the other girls accept her because she's so good in school. Which wow, relatable. She even said "Thus, when she isn't their leader, she's relegated to being their quaint, slightly odd, but highly useful little sister." at which point I was like "okay Willa is literally me", because I used to always feel like a younger sister more than a friend to my classmates, and I had no idea other people felt that way too. So yeah, I loved Willa.
Oh and did I mention it's sapphic? Plus it's set in Australia, which I loved, because I always appreciate getting outside of the US.
Rep: bisexual MC, biracial (half Indian) lesbian MC

This was a cute YA read that follows Willa and Finn’s adventures at a camp for future leaders. The camp puts them through physical, social, and educational challenges that seem relevant to current students and provides a backdrop for endearing emotional growth and awareness.
While the book doesn’t end in a traditional cliffhanger or to be continued, the story is set up to continue in a second book and not 100% wrapped up and tied in a pretty bow. I would have preferred an epilogue and pretty bow style conclusion but may wind up buying the next book in the series regardless.

I really enjoyed this book.
The main characters are Finn and Willa. They both choose to attend a camp that is for teens that excel at school. The kids are divided into teams and choose a leader. Finn and Willa are chosen as leaders of 2 teams. They have to decide how best to figure out the situations they are given. Trying to come to decisions with members is frustrating to both teens. They also realize there is a growing attraction between them. They need to figure out how to win the game and win at love..
I would recommend.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Another fantastic story by Emily O’Beirne. Wonderful characters bring this story to life. Realistic and entertaining. It makes me want to delve into more young adult storylines. It’s a pleasure to read about my very own Australia too..
Very enjoyable.

This book is a really well written YA story following our two main characters Finn and Willa. Both Finn and Willa are picked as captains for a future leader camp game and are faced with main emotions as they are pitted against each other. Through the course of the story when devolp deeper connections to the characters and feel how they feel as they learn to work with the clashing ideals and budding relationship. I really enjoyed this book and I thought it was a really cute YA read. I would definitely recommend!

First read by this author and I enjoyed the writing. Really love able characters with an easy to follow plot

I wasn't sure what to expect at first, but this was a cute book. I enjoyed seeing the two different perspectives of Willa and Finn, and watching them gain confidence in themselves as leaders. I also liked a lot of the side characters like Amy and Eva. And of course, very much disliked Drew (as did everyone). Overall, this was a fun easy read, 4/5 stars.

Future Leaders of Nowhere was an entertaining novel, and the romance between Finn and Willa was very endearing. However, I found that the pacing strange at times. For example, the first kiss between Finn and Willa seemed strange and sudden; perhaps this was the intent of the author but it's just one of the times I found it weird. I also wish there was more switching between points of view as there were times I was hoping to get insight into the other person's mind.
Overall, I found it enjoyable and would recommend it to anyone with extra money to spend.
Rating: 3.5/5 stars

I realise this is a young adult book, but I didn’t fully realise it might be a teenager book? I appreciate O’Beirne’s writing style, that hasn’t change for this one, just the demographic that’s too young for my liking.
This is all on me, I should have realised sooner and probably stayed away. This book is fine if you are into reading about teenagers going on camp to study how to be a leader, and it isn’t as “fascinating” as it sounds. It’s a bit of a dull subject and the kids are just that - kids, some more likeable than others. I don’t mind YA, this is just way too young for me.

Wonderful Book!
I wasn’t sure when I began reading this book if its YA (Young Adult) designation would limit its appeal solely to youth and younger adult readers, and was relieved to discover that although the story centres around high school students attending a leadership camp in Australia, the issues the characters confront there and carry with them from home are more universal and therefore relatable to older adults as well. I recommend this to teenagers and adults of any age who want a good story, a trip down some part of memory lane, or a bridge between generations to open up conversations about issues facing school age kids in the modern age.
The writing is solid and the storyline thought-provoking, unpredictable. The camp involves them in a complex game with real world application, far more complicated than those played on corporate leadership retreats in North America. Despite the high stakes and difficult often tenuous alliances and rivalries formed at each stage of the game by the various school teams, those teams are still made up of youth who still have their own problems, parental issues, insecurities and doubts to contend with all while playing this game to win. The challenges in the game all require careful planning, compromise, and a host of other skills, all done with very limited access to technology by team members. Part of the fun in reading this came from trying to figure out ahead of the kids how each team would play their hand at each stage of the game in order to win, according to the rules set out beforehand and the resources allotted to them at the outset.
The romance and friendships forged during camp were as fun to watch unfold and develop as were the solutions each team brings to the challenges thrown at them by camp staff. The characters are likable and relatable, multi-faceted and develop in discernable ways so they’re fun to follow around and cheer for and against in the course of the camp and the game.
The story takes place in Australia and there is some Aussie slang used in the story but most of it can be deciphered in the context in which it’s used, the rest can be quickly googled for clarification.
(Reviewed March 19, 2017)