Member Reviews

This. Is . What. I'm Talking. About. When. I. Say. We. Need. More. Black. stories. I ate this up. Give me more more more more more more more.

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Second Chance Christmas is a gorgeous romance story that had me hooked from the beginning. At times I felt the plot was rushed, I would have loved to see more of a build up or a conflict rather than rehashing past chapters, but it was still an enjoyable read.

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This book was a very sweet second chance romance. 15 years have passed between Faith and Rome both dealing with the pain that caused them to drift from each other. Faith trying to heal her inner child and Rome trying to heal from his past and from losing Faith. The ending of this one was bittersweet and left you wanting more. I highly recommend reading this Book!

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this was a really beautifully written book! I loved the writing style and the plot was great! the characters were fun and developed really well

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This book had me hooked from the prologue. I went into this thinking it was going to be a light hearted happily ever after. I was wrong! This book touched on some very sad and deep topics. The perseverance Faith showed to be the mother she didn’t have for her girls was beautiful. Her childhood was rough and to finally see why was heartbreaking. The twist made me look at some of the characters in a more forgiving light. <spoiler>Rome and Faiths love is the definition of soul ties. </spoiler>

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for this Advance Readers Copy ebook in exchange for my honest review

****review posted on StoryGraph link attached****

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Second Chance Christmas is a story about a girl who left her town on bad terms and years later has to come back to help her father while revisiting her painful past. Will she end up staying or leaving it all behind once more?
This book has great characters and an emotional story line that makes you want to keep reading.
The middle of the book did drag out a little and I almost felt that the plot was lost. Some of the dialogue felt a little forced and random.
Overall, if you are looking for a book about forgiving the past, finding love, and close family characters, this book is for you!

Thank you to the publisher and author for allowing me to read your book.

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Faith and Rome shared a young love in high school, but an unfortunate accident drove them apart. Now, after fifteen years, fate reunites them.

In the present, Beth, now a divorced mother, must return to her hometown to aid her father after years away. Her relentless pursuit of the ideal family and role of the perfect spouse led her to lose herself in the process. It's unjust for her to carry such burdens from a tender age, especially when others wrongly accuse her, while her father fails to intervene.

Rome dedicated his life to caring for his mother, yet despite his efforts and even with hired assistance, there came a point where he couldn't meet her needs adequately.

While I often critique second chance romances for the protagonists' lack of humility, this time I won't, despite Rome's past mistakes and his role in their separation. The events of that fateful night left deep scars, clouding his judgment, and making his subsequent actions understandable. Unfortunately, Faith bore the brunt of the fallout, enduring lasting trauma for deeds she didn't commit.

Although Beth's ex-husband isn't inherently malevolent, his work obsession blinds him to his daughters' growth, a realization that may come too late.

The pacing in the final chapters felt uneven, and the conclusion seemed abrupt.

I extend my gratitude to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for furnishing the ARC in exchange for my honest appraisal.

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Es el primer libro que leo de Jahquel y me gustó.

Faith y Rome fueron novios en high school, pero un accidente los separó, 15 años después se vuelven a reencontrar.

En la actualidad Beth es madre, está divorciada y por primera vez en años tiene que regresar a su pueblo para ayudar a su padre. Estaba tan obsesionada con tener la familia perfecta y ser la esposa perfecta que se perdió.
No fue justo con la responsabilidad con la que tuvo que cargar a tan temprana edad. No puedo creer que la gente la señalará como la culpable de cosas que ella no hacía, y el padre la dejó cargar con todo.

Rome estaba viviendo su vida para su mamá, si bien me pareció excelente que la cuidara, llegó a un punto en la que no le podía dar los cuidados que necesitaba aunque le contratará enfermeras.

Siempre me quejo de que en los second chance el protagonista no se humilla lo suficiente por la protagonista, pero en esta ocasión no lo haré aunque Rome haya sido un idiota con Faith y el culpable de su separación, lo que pasó esa noche fue algo muy fuerte dejando mucho dolor y nublando la mente de él, es entendible su reacción. Lo único malo es que Faith sufrió por algo que no hizo y le dejó traumas.

El ex esposo no es mala persona, pero por estar tan metido en su trabajo se perderá ver crecer a sus hijas y cuando se de cuenta será muy tarde.

Siento que los últimos capítulos perdieron el ritmo y además él final fue muy abrupto.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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