Member Reviews

Great novel in verse about changes both in life and our environment. Compelling story with heartfelt characters. Enjoyable and engaging read.

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This novel in verse is both engaging and accessible to middle grade readers, particularly the who enjoy a well-written story about friendship, understanding and saving our environment.

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When Geetha and her mom move from India to Rhode Island after her parents’ divorce, they leave behind everything Geetha loves. As if leaving behind everything wasn’t already tough enough, Geetha gets bullied at school for her clothes, her food, and her English (who knew there were two different English ways of spelling things!). Geetha finds solace in playing her flute and writing poetry, and even more when she meets Miguel and the two of them help rescue an injured harp seal pup stranded on the beach.

As time moves on, Geetha feels her anger growing; she’s never been so sad or angry - anger at those who pollute the sea and sadness over the animals who get hurt from it, anger at her mom for moving her halfway across the world… but then Miguel and her start up a beach cleanup she’s surprised by how many kind kids are out there who want to help. When it’s time to let the baby seal go, Geetha has mixed feelings, knowing she’ll miss him, but also wanting what’s best for him. As she’s learning to live with mixed emotions and feelings, she also comes to understand that even though there will be rough waters, there are plenty of safe harbors out there too.

Over these last few years, I’ve really come to love novels in verse, especially when it’s aimed at the younger crowd of middle grade readers because it almost forces the author to be more particular on their word choices. This novel didn’t disappoint at all and it was simple, but still powerful.

I love how opening a book is like opening a door,
taking me to a different time and place,
Into someone else’s head and heart.

This novel not only focuses on climate change and beach cleaning, but also has to do with mental health a lot. Geetha is growing up and having to deal with a lot of change all at once and that can take a toll on anybody. She knows she has anger and resentment, but she doesn’t know how to handle that - this book talks you through her journey.

Overall, this is a simple but powerful novel in verse that will show young readers to be the change they want to see in the world.

*Thank you Nancy Paulsen Books and NetGalley for a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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Thank you @NetGalley for the ARC. Safe Harbor is a novel in verse and was wonderful. Geetha has just moved from India to Rhode Island after her parents divorce. Geetha is angry to be seperated from her family who was her safe place. Geetha meets her first friend on the beach where a baby seal has been hurt by pollution in the water. This sets Geetha to get involved with cleaning up the beaches to prevent this from happening again.
I enjoyed this story and will be adding to our school Library.

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*Safe Harbor* by Padma Venkatraman is a beautifully written novel-in-verse that explores resilience, friendship, and survival. The story follows Deepa and her older sister, Sita, who are forced to navigate homelessness in Chennai after their mother disappears. Venkatraman’s lyrical prose captures the raw emotions of fear, hope, and sisterly love with deep sensitivity. I was completely drawn into Deepa’s journey, rooting for her as she discovers inner strength and the power of human kindness. This is a poignant and unforgettable read that lingers long after the final page—I’m so glad to add it to my books-in-verse shelf in my classroom!

Thank you for NetGalley and the Penguin Group for this Arc.

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This novel in verse tells the story of Geetha an immigrant to the US. She loves to play the flute and writes poetry. Although, she has a difficult time at first making friends at school, she makes friends with Miguel. Together they visit the library and play music together. When she and Miguel find a harp seal stranded on the beach, Geetha uses music and her school community to help the seal. I loved the sense of community that Geetha finds and the message of the story. I liked the length of the book. I believe the cover of the seal will capture the attention of the readers and the format and length of the book will keep them reading.

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“Tears are just water. It shouldn’t hurt so much when you try holding them in.”
Safe Harbor by Padma Venkatraman is middle grade realistic fiction written in verse. This is the story of Geetha, who has recently immigrated with her mother to the United States from India. She faces many struggles that lots of children face today: divorce, immigration, bullying, mental health, and concerns for the environment.
I LOVE novels in verse. It always amazes me how an author can tell a story so beautifully in so few words. This novel addresses a lot of sensitive topics that could easily be overwhelming for a child but, each topic is delicately handled, making this a wonderful reading experience. Because of the variety of topics dealt with, there is something nearly everyone can relate to.
This would be a great addition to a library servicing upper elementary or middle school students. I would recommend this to 4th grade & up.
Thank you to Penguin Young Readers Group and NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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My students will love this short novel in verse and will be drawn to the beautiful cover. It’s about animal rescue, settling in a new country, and forming new friendships. They’ll like Greta and feel for her situation as she settles in a new place. It’s a great book to build empathy. I love the environmentalism component and plan to purchase multiple copies for my book club u it on the topic.

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This book was an easy read and is perfect for middle grade students. I really enjoyed the layers of the book from the enviromental issues to the bullying situation. I wish Geetha had been brave enough in the end to turn in her bullies or confront them, but reality is that most kids will do neither. I think this book has the ability to connect to many readers- those who are nature lovers, those who have been bullied, those who have immigrated to a new country, those who have ever been the "new kid", those who feel different than everyone. There is something for everyone to connect with this story.

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Safe Harbor by Padma Venkatraman is about a young girl that immigrates from India to the United States. Although she is fluent in English, she quickly finds that there are some differences between the English she was taught and the English that is spoken in the United States. In addition, she faces cultural challenges and the challenges that come with adjusting to a new school and making new friends. Padma finds comfort in her music and then finds friendship with a boy names Miguel when the two help an injured seal they find on the beach. From there, Padma discovers a whole new set of challenges, but as she learns more about herself and those around her, she's able to learn how to face these challenges and work toward solutions.

This novel-in-verse is relatively short, but manages to tackle a variety of tough topics including immigration, divorce, bullying, friendship, global warming, and environmental awareness. Overall, I felt like the author did a great job finding some balance among these topics, BUT at the same time I felt like it was a little overwhelming to keep track of everything that was going on. I think this book would actually have done great as a series with deeper dives into each topic. For example, the themes of global warming and environmental awareness come up early in the book, but they don't really have a major role in the story until around the 75% mark. I enjoyed the growth that Padma experienced and I appreciate that the author based at least some of the story off of her own experiences, but I just wish there was more to some parts of the story.

I think that young readers with be able to relate to Padma in different ways while also gaining insight into some of the experiences that others face. The novel-in-verse format helps make this book more accessible to readers and I think the human and animal characters will help draw readers in. Overall, I think this book will make a good addition to school and classroom libraries.

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Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC of this stunning novel in verse. Geetha and her mom are US immigrants from India, who learn to embrace the American Dream and still keep their own traditions from India. Children and teachers can take away many lessons of empathy and also learn about Indian culture. WE need more books like this about children coming here to the US from everywhere in the world. It is important to learn about other cultures and be respectful of others traditions, language, religion, etc. I will definitely use Safe Harbor in my Social Studies class!

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Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this before its publication date.

What a beautiful novel in verse! Starting at a new school is tough, add to that moving to a new country and feeling like you don't fit in with the other students. Geetha struggles to find her place in her new life. This novel does a wonderful job of showing the real life struggles that young people go through every day, while still showing the sunshine at the end of a rough storm.

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A perfect middle grade novel written in verse about a young girl dealing with lots of important topics, moving to a new country, making friends and the environment. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this advanced reader’s copy.

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This novel in verse is the story of Geetha, who is starting over after moving with her mom from India to the United States. She struggles to fit in. With the help of family, new friends, and a sweet rescued seal named Santo- Geetha slowly starts to settle in to her new home. This is a story with a theme of resilience. I recommend this book for middle grade readers.

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I read a lot of novels in verse (I love them!), but not all of them truly feel like poetry. This one does. Each word is selected with such intention and meaning that the reader doesn’t want to miss a single detail.

Geetha’s mother has moved the two of them to the United States and upended everything in their lives. Geetha struggles with sadness, anger, and loneliness as she struggles to adjust to her new surroundings. Readers with an artistic and sensitive soul will resonate with her, as she finds solace through music, poetry, and nature.

Though the story itself is simple, its impact is profound. Themes of belonging, climate change, activism, and the healing power of artistic expression are woven beautifully throughout, making this a moving and meaningful read. It’s a quick read but one that I would recommend for students who love nature or art!

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BORN BEHIND BARS is the only other Venkatraman title I have read, but SAFE HARBOR is one I will also gladly add to my classroom library shelves. Geetha's story is much quieter and more introspective, but every student who has ever had to start over in a new place or found friends in a shelter from bullies will identify with this book. Geetha finds a stranded seal pup with Miguel, an act that leads to new friendships and interests, and she becomes braver about claiming her place in her new world. A quiet, heart-warming story that will be loved by kids interested in environmental causes.

My two favorite lines for book-lovers:
-- "I love how opening a book is like opening a door, taking me to a different time and place, into someone else's head and heart."
-- "If Library was a kind of perfume, I'd want to spray it on my hands: the scent of words preserved and passed down."

Thanks to the publisher for the e-copy via NetGalley.

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T his book contains multitudes. I love how the novel in verse form forces the author to be particularly careful with each word and phrase as they carry so much meaning. This book contained talk of mental health, immigrants, cultures, pollution, and bullying. It was well done and sweet by the end. I really enjoyed it!

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Sweet story of life-changing moments for Geetha as she comes to a new country and faces many challenges. She finds hope and friendship in Miguel and their rescue and care for Santo the seal.. Easy to read prose style made this enjoyable and a quick read. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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This is such a sweet middle grade story I think my third graders would adore. I love an animal rescue story, but especially stories where the animals rescue the humans just as much, I think this would be a hit in any middle grade classroom.

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Geetha and her mother left India to come to America after the divorce. Geetha is sad to leave behind her grandparents, she misses her father, who stopped seeing her and misses her life. Adjusting to a new school is difficult and the kids are not welcoming. Then while out on the beach she finds a wounded seal pup. This will help Geetha find her bravery and adjust to her new life.

Told in verse, this middle grade novel deals with immigration, divorce, bullying, mental health, and so many issues that face our students today. It is a fast and beautiful read. I have already added this to my library and I hope that it will be added to elementary and public libraries.

Thank you to Net Galley, Penguin Group Penguin Young Readers Group, and Nancy Paulsen Books for the DRC. All opinions are my own.

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