Member Reviews

Elle has left her past life as a con artist behind and is now on the run. Until she spots a stranger wearing a piece of jewelry that she is going to use a con to get all the jewels out of. To her circle of wealthy friends, Olivia is living the perfect life. In reality, Olivia is drowning. It's not until Olivia meets Elle that she finds someone she truly clicks with. Together, Elle and Olivia start jewelry appraisal parties where they switch out the real gems for fake ones. Along the way, they both start to down in their own lies. They must reveal their truths, trust each other, and seek revenge if they are going to make it out of the end unscathed.

Between Lies and Revenge is a book about two very different women who live two very different lives in two very different worlds. Elle is a con artist who is on the run from her past, and Olivia lives a very well-off life on the outside, but on the inside, she's suffering with her own problems. When these two women meet, they learn that as a team, they can pull off their own con that can benefit them both. This book is so addictive. It has so many twists, and you will not want to put it down until you get to the very last page. What an absolutely brilliant debut by Hannah D Sharpe.

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All us thriller lovers are obsessed with this book at @thrillerbookloversthepulse !
I mean, what an amazing debut! I would have never guessed this was the authors first book.

💎Multiple POVs
💎Con Artist

It all started with a necklace. When Elle saw a stranger, Olivia, wearing a family heirloom that was stolen from her she is on a mission to figure out why she has it.
Elle is a con artist on the run and Olivia seems to have it together but really has her own dark struggles.
These two team up to start their own ultimate scheme. And they soon learn they have more in common than they think.
An addictive story that will have you flipping pages way past your bedtime.

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What a great first novel! I got confused a couple times at the beginning but did not put it down and I’m glad I didn’t. Olivia and Elle are two completely different women with completely different personalities and they seem like they should be oil and water but they mesh together so well. This is a great story of girlfriends, mysteries, secrets, lies and revenge. This was a fun book that touched on some difficult subjects (infertility, endometriosis, IVF) in a great way. Would definitely recommend!

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I love a book with complicated women and this book delivered. Two points of view, each playing the other, and we the reader watch the secrets and twists play out masterfully. The jewelry making/switching was so interesting, I learned a lot but it never felt like exposition. The MLM storyline is too accurate, I think every woman can relate to aspects of it. And the relationships between the women and the other people in their lives are so well-developed. I'll be recommending this to all my reader friends!

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" There's only one thing that can be found between lies and revenge." Wow!!! 🤯 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️This is a debut novel ?! I would never guess this author hadn't written many prior. This was simply a fantastic book!!
This book follows a dual POV of two women who seemingly have nothing in common. Elle. a professional con woman, whom lost her family and her inheritance years ago. When Elle meets a woman, Olivia, who was now wearing pieces of her inheritance jewelry, she finds a way to befriend her to try to get back what she's owed. Olivia's life, however perfect it may seem, is far from perfect and after meeting Elle, things in this book take a drastic turn.
This book is filled with twists and turns, lies and revenge, shocking secrets, crazy female relationships, and will keep you flipping the pages to know what happens next.
I would highly recommend this book and will be looking forward to whatever is next from Hannah D. Sharpe. Thank you to Netgalley. Rising Action Publishing, and Hannah D. Sharpe for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Another great debut novel! Two women with secrets and they realize they need each other but what is the price of this friendship? Elle is a con artist and has a past that slowly unwinds through out the story. So when she comes across Olivia wearing a necklace that was used to be hers, Elle knows her next target. Olivia puts on this front, but is swimming in debt and struggling with her husbands decision for them to stop doing IVF treatments. She will do anything to give her husband a child and her secrets are not as secret as she thought. Being blackmailed and only continuing to go more into debt, Olivia comes up with this brilliant idea to partner with Elle and use her talents and have their own jewelry parties. This novel almost feels like a cat and mouse game and you are trying to figure out who to trust, who is out to gain the most what mystery Elle has in past. Another great summer read that Thriller Book Lovers the Pulse is talking about. Thank you to the author and NetGalley for the complementary ebook. This review is of my own opinion and accord.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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*** Thank you NetGalley and Rising Action Publishing Co. for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own ***

I requested this book through NetGalley based on the premise, which I found appealing: two women – Elle and Olivia – separated by their background, wealth and life circumstances form an unexpected friendship to get themselves out of their predicaments, against the backdrop of MLM parties in wealthy neighborhoods.

The story is told through their more or less alternating perspectives, which makes characterization particularly important. This was the first issue for me, as I really, really despised Elle. I understand that she is the “bad cop” of their two-woman operation. She starts off rough, impenetrable, bitter, cynical, judgmental, sometimes even cruel and mean. She is also convinced that she is better than everyone, in spite of objectively being a terrible person to be around (and sometimes kind of acknowledging it).

This would not be an issue if, as the story progressed, so did she. Although her demeanor is explained by traumatic events that happened in her past, her lack of development (for at least a good ¾ of the story) made the experience of reading her chapters unpleasant and frustrating. She constantly oscillates between “loving me is dangerous,” “oooh I’m so tough, such a badass” and “people don’t care and are awful.” This ends up making her come across as wanting to be edgy for the sake of it rather than out of actual trauma,. This, to me, made it hard to empathize with her.

Another major issue with her character is her lack of communication. She routinely complains that people don’t know certain things about her or don’t understand her, when she is the one refusing to share anything with them. This makes the character widely unlikeable, but also problematic for the story itself: Elle’s attitude is constantly in the way of the plot.

It does not help that her backstory is not built up gradually but that we are served the same information over and over and over again. Elle tries to make it sound like she is in danger and putting people she loves in danger, but her backstory is so vague and repetitive for the most part of the story that I struggled to grasp what exactly was at stake. It made her whole “I’m dangerous to love” act feel exactly like that, an act.

When I was expecting both women to rub off on each other and slowly open up thanks to their relationship, Elle remained pretty much the same throughout. Olivia was slightly better, more humane, Though their differences make their duo promising, there are too few moments when it actually works and feels like they are actually bonding.

Staying vague to avoid spoiler territory, I also found that MANY important decisions made by Elle and Olivia made very little sense. As a result, the plot was taken in directions that I found increasingly more frustrating and less enjoyable.

At the structural level, there is an issue of rhythm that I could not get past, which involves repetitive information, stagnant plot, and redundant scenes.
A couple of examples:
- a chapter ends on a barely averted conflict between two characters only for it to happen at the beginning of the next one on a different day.
- the characters go to a place, the place is closed, nothing happens, they go back the next day in the next chapter.
- some chapters bring nothing to the plot or characters that we do not already know and feel redundant.

There were also a couple of passages that made absolutely no sense in how blown out of proportion they were. For instance:
- Elle being “outed” (her word!) as vegan and being super defensive about it when literally nobody cares, nobody asked, nobody wants to change her mind.
- Elle lying to her husband of 10+ years about liking wine when she prefers Bourbon and routinely breaking wine glasses from the kitchen (for shits and giggles? For attention? Because she is oh-so edgy???).

I must say that I liked the twists but the characters’ reaction in the face of them, once again, made very little sense based on what we had been told so far.
Overall this started as a pleasant enough read, but I quickly found it unsatisfying for all the reasons mentioned above.

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First congratulations to the author on a great debut novel!! She creates characters that are relatable but devious at the same time. Elle and Olivia are brought together under unique circumstances and they have problems together and then their own problems. I enjoyed this book but was confused at times by all the different stories happening at the same time. Overall I enjoyed the book and would recommend it.

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A fantastic debut novel that is perfect for fans of Megan Miranda and Sally Hepworth. What started out as a slow burn quickly developed into a deep world of deception, intricately designed characters, and a ton of suspense. It was about halfway through the book where the stakes started to rise and I was fully invested. I found myself rooting for both main characters. I highly recommend this novel to anyone that loves reading about Deception, Family Drama, and most importantly….Revenge!

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This book is all the rage right now with my thriller loving friends with @thrillerbookloversthepulse I am so appreciative to @hannahdsharpe @risingactionpublishingco for the gifted copy!

Liars, cheaters, stealers, blackmailers and con artists galore! This one was such a fun ride because when you mix all that together what you get is some intense and shocking moments! 😂 This was told in multiple points of views and I loved how each character seemed to be opposites….or were they?! 👀 This book was filled with twists, turns, toxic relationships, and extreme tension and when it was all said and done we were left with such sweet revenge. WOW!

Elle is a skilled con artist on the run. She is conniving and sneaky and good at what she does. Olivia is the opposite and much more sophisticated however struggles financially, with fertility, isn’t truly happy and she too has some important street skills….eh hmmm blackmailer. 😅 When Elle see Olivia wearing her stolen necklace she has a lot of questions. She will stop at nothing to get it back especially because it was taken at a very impactful event in her life…when her brother was killed! 😳 In the end, they are left with a relationship that will surprise everyone!

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I refuse to believe Between Lies & Revenge is a debut novel. With expert narration & sharp character edges, this author writes with a sure hand.
BL&R is a story about a lot of things to be summarised as such, but it can be described as a domestic suspense. When Elle & Olivia collide, it becomes a read to behold!
Written in a 2 POV format, the book oscillates between the last and the present, delivering important facts along the way leading to necessary character development. The twists & turns are enough to keep you hooked throughout, & the cover justifies the setting of the book.
My favourite aspect of the book remains Elle's narration for the first half of the book. She really seems to be in her 'done with all this BS era' which was AWESOME TO READ. Parallel to this runs Olivia, who jumps off the page as a meek, gullible wife. These voices captured my attention.
EG. Elle's ringtone😂😂😂😂
The second half of the book becomes increasingly fast paced & more story driven. Though it was fun to read, I definitely preferred the first half. I enjoyed where the author took the story, but to me this direction also diluted a badass piece of Elle. Regardless, the revenge plot was engaging though a bit rushed.

The author's commitment to representing IVF, infertility, MLMs duping, the cultish behaviour of upper class housewives in gates communities, stalking, crime & a douchebag husband were appreciated. She delivers the point without being preachy.

OVERALL, this book is a revenge plot done well, even though it's about a lot more than just that. This becomes the ultimate pro as well as the con for this book. The easy, flowing writing is a huge plus point though.

I'd recommend this book for sure! It's fun & it's an amazing debut. I hope this author keeps writing!

Meanwhile I'll go add a Zane to my shopping cart!

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What a debut! Who doesn’t love a con artist, thrilling twists and drama? This book has it all! Instantly you are drawn to both Elle and Olivia. Told is multiple point of views and from a past/present perspective.

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Between Lies and Revenge masterfully weaves themes of trust, betrayal, and redemption into a suspenseful narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The characters of Elle and Olivia are richly developed, their stories intertwining in unexpected ways that highlight the complexities of friendship and survival. This novel is a must-read for anyone who enjoys intense domestic suspense with a strong emotional core.

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First off… this cover!! Right?! Absolutely stunning!! I admit that was the very first thing that made me have FOMO about this book!! 🤩

Pub date is September 3rd! 🥳

I can’t believe this is a debut!! This was such a twisted web 🕷 of cleverly crafted lies… As they started to unravel… I might have even gasped a time or two. 😳 ..Okay I definitely did! 😉 Here’s why I loved it..

Olivia and Elle have nothing in common… 🤷‍♀️… Or so I thought. 😳.. Elle is no stranger from living on the run 🏃‍♀️ and pulling cons. In fact.. she’s a pro. 😏

Olivia appears to have it all together… yet it’s all a face she puts on each day to make it through the day. Struggling with bills 💵…and a blackmailer..😳…

When Elle sees her missing necklace on Olivia’s neck… well she has ALOT of questions… Especially since it was taken off her neck when her brother was killed. 😳 She’s getting it back… no matter what…😏

This book was packed full of twists and turns!! I couldn’t put it down. Shocking secrets revealed one by one… DEFINITELY kept me flipping the pages late into the night!! 👏👏 I LOVED how this wrapped up! Revenge is sweet! 😉

My cup there lists some of the things I absolutely love about Instagram… but it’s missing a couple. One is finding fantastic debut authors….and this my friends is one!! I can’t wait to see what @hannahdsharpe comes out with next. 😍

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I can’t read this because the paragraphs are blacked out on the Kindle app. Publisher, please help. I tried to go to my settings and see if it was something with the Kindle app, it’s not.

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Told in my favorite format of dual POV/ dual timeline, this story follows two intriguing women.

Typically, I think of jewelry heists as big, daring jobs but this was more of an under the radar con. While the first tends to be more flashy, this subtle con played out nicely, still eliciting the same sense of suspense. As the story builds you feel a sense of danger and the tension is palpable. This story is definitely a must read for fans of domestic suspense.

Please note infertility is heavily mentioned in this book so if that is a trigger for you make sure to proceed with caution.

Thank you Rising Action and Netgalley for my review copy!

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If you love your domestic suspense with a side of bitchiness and intrigue, this book is for you! I absolutely loved the concept of a jewel heist in suburban disguise!

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Wow!!!! This book was twisty and suspenseful, which I love of course! Definitely must add this one to your TBR!!

Thank you for the advanced reader copy!

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If I could give the book 10 stars I would!! The first half of this book had me hooked but that last half was even better!! Lies and revenge was a suspense filled book that I couldn’t put down!! Two strangers who meet and become friends go on a journey scheming, and seeking revenge together.

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