Member Reviews

Another very different lovestory from Sarah ready! This was a fun read with an extraordinary storyline! This is my least favourite of the series so far which doesn't mean the book wasn't good it just didn't catch me as much as the other ones and I will continue this series! If you like an extraordinary story and some amazing heartwarming characters im sure this book will be perfect for you!

(thank you netgalley for this arc-copy!)

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Book #2 in the Ghosted series. Angsty romance, Low spice on my scale-2. Unrealistic for me, I prefer audiobooks, but the AB version archived before I was able to read it, so that impacted my experience. If there was an option to give 0.5 star my rating would be 2.5, but I'm feeling generous due to my AB bias so I rounded up.

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5 ⭐️/5
2 🌶️/5

I do not have to words to describe how beautiful this story is. 🥹🥹🥹 I’m emotional 😭 did start crying for chapters at a time? Yes. Did I love every moment of this book? Yes. I wasn’t sure if I could make it through Fated or if it would be too sad for me, but I’m so happy I saw it through until the end. I need a clear cut HEA in my romance so if I didn’t get a HEA I was going to riot. I was kept guessing the entire time. This is for you if you enjoy romance with magical realism. Some spice but not too descriptive.

I love the relationship between Fiona and Aaron, and I loved the families of these two. Fated touched my heart; this is the kind of book that stays with you and begs to be re-read.

Thank you to publisher and NetGalley for the arc. All thoughts/opinions are my own and my reviews is voluntary.

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Fiona Abry is a hardworking single-mother, living in Geneva and co-running the Abry watch company with her brother Daniel (MMC of book one, Ghosted). She has little time for love and even less time for a vacation, despite her brother's prodding and meddling.

But when Fiona's free-spirited mother gifts her an old family heirloom—a supposedly magical timepiece that lets the owner dream their greatest desires—Fiona begins having vivid dreams when she goes to sleep each night, of a very different life to her own, filled with the kind of love she never thought she’d find and sparking joy and purpose in her life anew.

Not much more can be said about this story without spoiling things, but much like the first two stories in the series, the magical realism at play in this romance is weighted in destiny and meant-to-be enchantment. It all takes a bit of suspension of disbelief, but that’s the fun and charm of this series, making the reader believe in the impossible and the wonder of fate.

This story was set before the events of book one and two, so, I guess, it can be easily read as a stand-alone, even though release order would be my preferred recommendation. I loved seeing Daniel pre-Jillian, all charming playboy with a lonely heart, and I enjoyed meeting Max, Fiona’s best friend and fellow socialite, who will be the MMC of the fourth series instalment, Wished.

The love interest was a hunky piece of man and I could see why Fiona fell so quickly, as he was quite literally the man of her dreams. The twists and turns of the plot make it hard to even talk about Fi’s dream-life or her dream-man without ruining the story, but I liked the setting and the characters she interacted with in those scenes, feeling the loss she felt every time she had to wake in the mornings, back to her usual workaholic routine.

This story was probably on par with book two, for me, in terms of enjoyment and readability. I still feel the stories in this series are overly long, and I didn’t feel the same obsession or chemistry here as I felt in book one, but I think that had a lot to do with the circumstances of the story and what was actually happening in Fiona’s dreams—which I can’t even explain properly because, again, spoilers!

Overall, though, this was a sweet, magical, and romantic addition to the series and I look forward to reading what comes next in the Ghosted universe!

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Another AMAZING, heartbreaking time twist/sliding doors esque story that easily became my favorite in the Ghosted series!! I loved this unique premise that has a Sweedish woman inheriting a magical stopwatch that allows her dreams to become real and her going back and forth between two 'dream' worlds where she has to choose which man she truly loves. Excellent on audio narrated by Shakira Shute and highly recommended for fans of authors like Rebecca Serle. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital and audio copy in exchange for my honest review!!

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Unfortunately I did not enjoy this book. It was not engaging and I felt that the storyline was all over the place. I lost interest a few chapters in and did not finish the book. While I loved the story idea, this one ultimately was not for me.

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OH MY, this completely swept me off my feet. When I say this book had me in a choke hold…I mean it. I couldn’t put this down - the outside world did not exist during this read. I was NOT READY for the rollercoaster of emotions that was ahead of. This story put me through all the feels. I laughed, I cried, I held my breath, I felt love, I felt pain, I felt heartbreak and everything else in between. I LOVED THIS!

The bouncing between time lines had me griped. Each night Fiona rushed to get back to her dream life, and I was right there behind wanting to go too. It had so many amazing layers, so many amazing characters, and with each turn of the page the story got better and better. This one is going to linger for a while. Thank you to @netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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By: Sarah Ready
Review Score: 4 Stars

Boogie’s Bulletpoints
•Fiona is such an interesting character, I loved following her character arc.

•Ready does an amazing job of describing both Zurich and the island Fiona visits in her dreams!

•No spoilers, but wow. This book was a rollercoaster of emotions.

•I love how the story was resolved.


Fated was kindly provided as an ARC by Netgalley and Swift and Lewis Publishing, LLC. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy this wonderful book!

Release Date: 7/16/24

Not too long ago, I read Sarah Ready’s “Switched”, and I absolutely loved it, so I jumped at the chance to read Fated.

I can tell you that, these two stories are not the same, lol. That’s not an insult, nor is it a reflection on how I felt about this book versus the other. It’s merely an observation that if you read one, don’t expect it to be like the other.

With that being said, this book was really good. A little slow at times for me, but it was honestly a good puzzle. I kept trying to figure out what was going to happen, and I loved that I was kept guessing.

This book tugged at my emotions. No spoilers, but there were definitely some plot twists that I did not see coming. I think I felt a full range of emotions as I listened to this audiobook, lol.

Fated was such a good book though. Interesting, engaging, emotional. It was definitely an enjoyable read, and worth checking out.

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Fiona Abry is the sister of Daniel from book one in the series, this story takes place before Ghosted, but it can still be read as a stand-alone.

A bad relationship and being afraid to fall in love again, then a traumatic incident at the Christmas Eve Gala and her mum’s sudden appearance with the gift of the mythical watch that leads to events that will change Fiona’s life.

This was my third story of Sarah’s and I am thoroughly enjoying the way Sarah’s magnificent brain works.
I was instantly immersed in this beautifully well written dual-reality story - wishing I had a magic watch of my own.

Would I recommend? Yes - Definitely!!!
To say I am glad when I saw that there is another story to come is an understatement- I literally can’t wait to read Max’s story.

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Living in Geneva, Fiona Abry comes from a watchmaking family and works all the time. Happening upon an old family watch, she is told the relic has special properties, allowing the user to see what their greatest desire. The night she uses it, she dreams of a faraway island, a gorgeous man, and a life she has never allowed herself.

The third in a series, Ready has created a magically realistic novel about a woman obsessed with her job and a small circle of family and a close friend who wakes up to her sedate life when she dreams of another possible existence. The storyline is multi-layered, bending genres of science fiction, magical realism, time slip, and romance. The twists and turns keep the reader on their toes and Fiona’s reality vs. her dreams are a wonderful juxtaposition to each other. The romance is sweet, not very spicy but full of chemistry, and the element of paranormal adds so much fun to their relationship. I really enjoyed this book and her writing style - I will have to go back and read the first two installments of the Ghosted series.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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An interesting story about opening yourself up to the possibility of love and how finding the one can change everything. Fiona is the CEO of a watch company, who had some trauma in her life. Not only did she find out the father of her baby had a whole other family and didn’t want her to keep their child, but she was shot. Her mother is flighty, but shows up one day and gives her a watch that is said to be magical. It is able to show you your heart’s desire.

When she holds it as she sleeps, she goes to another place and time and meets Aaron. She is afraid at first, but once she realizes it is a dream she decides to go with the flow. After all, no one can get hurt in a dream. She realizes the person she is in the dream, Becca, isn’t a nice person. She tries to right some wrongs she sees. The more she dreams the more real everything feels.

Aaron is a man who is content in life. He has two kids, a wife and never plans to leave the island he lives on. The first time Fiona shows up, he is confused because she is doing and saying things he has wanted to hear for a while, but he doesn’t know if he can trust it. Little by little, as she dreams about him, they start falling for each other, but she keeps insisting she has go back.

I loved watching them grow closer together but couldn’t figure how they would be together in the end. The last chapters had me on a roller coaster of emotions. I really enjoyed this book. I received an ARC and this is my honest, voluntary review.

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I enjoyed reading Fated by Sarah Ready. You will fall in love with all the characters. I received an ARC of this book courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely. Happy Reading!

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This is the first book that I have read by Sarah Ready. This is her third book from the series, but they can be read as standalones. Fiona Abry is the CEO of Abry Watch Company, a family-owned Swiss watch company she and Daniel inherited from their late father. Fiona shut herself off to love after the ones she trusted the most betrayed her. When Fiona's mother offers her a long-lost family treasure and claims that not only did she steal the watch, but it also has the power to fulfil dreams and reveal one's deepest desires, Curious but sceptical, Fiona uses it one evening after telling her relatives to rediscover who she is and to let love into her life. Fiona meets Aaron in her dreams, and it seems that he is her spouse; the two of them have two kids together. Fiona must pick which life to choose as she struggles between reality and fiction. The wonder of love and meeting the person who makes your heart skip a beat—look, dream, and believe instead of settling.

Thank You to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Just like all the other Sarah Ready books I’ve read, I could not put this down. This series is becoming one of my favorites. I love the magic and wonder mixed in with the romance. It’s the best mix for me and I just never want them to end.

I think this might be my favorite book from this series yet or maybe it’s just because it’s freshest on my mind. I loved Fiona and Aaron. Whenever she was dreaming I was just dying to know what would happen next. The twists were so well done and I was so surprised by what ended up happening. I don’t want to spoil anything so I won’t say more but you’ve got to read this, especially if you love to dream.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishes for the advanced copy. All thoughts are my own.

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This was such a sweet story! Thank you so much to the author for letting me read this! I was captivated by the cover, but the story was so engaging and well thought out that it kept me reading until the very end!

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Another can't put it down from Sarah Ready! I loved everything from the characters to the magical realism world building and the cameos of Daniel. Thank you so much for such a wonderful escape.

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This is number 3 in the Ghosted series by Sarah Ready and it is by far, my favorite. The other two novels, Ghosted and Switched don't have to be read in order to enjoy this novel, however. This series just features a few of the same characters we've grown to love. Actually, the timeline in this one could arguably be said to happen before Ghosted.
Anyway, this novel features Fiona Abry, sister to Daniel, who is featured in Ghosted. Fiona is a busy watchmaker and mother. Her mother gifts her with a family heirloom pocket watch that can show you your dreams. Fiona is enchanted and lives another full life while asleep. She is married with 2 kids and lives off the coast of Brazil on a tiny idyllic island. She ends up falling deeply in love with her dream husband, Aaron. But she can't live in her dream world forever. Or can she? Are Aaron and the other inhabitants of the island real? Could this be fate or just a dream?

Special thanks to NetGalley and Swift and Lewis Publishing, LLC for this e-arc.

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🌶️

Rapid Review: All the struggle, wrestling, emotions, and moments that make up a life, but with a touch of magic.

My Thoughts: This is the second book in the Ghosted series of standalones from Sarah Ready I have been privileged to read and so far each time, I have the hardest time trying to briefly describe the story without sounding completely unhinged! In a nutshell, busy single mom and career woman Fiona doesn’t have time for much let alone romance or even the hope of it, until she receives a family heirloom that is said to let you dream you greatest desire. What do you do when your dream life is everything reality isn’t, but you can’t let go of either?
I love everything about this book. The characters feel multidimensional, even the supporting characters. They are complicated and struggle so relatably. The settings are described with such detail that your minds eye is instantly immersed. I was hooked and committed to this story so fast! The conflict, the tension, and the internal discomfort trying to figure out how in the world this story is going to work itself out is becoming a hallmark of this series! I NEVER saw any of it coming. I was on a rollercoaster throughout this book, even including a “what.the.???/throw the book” moment. Friends, I implore you to check out this book, it is the PERFECT summer read- fun, flirty, magical, dreamy, beachy, and romantic 🥰

What to expect:
✨Single POV
✨Love triangle/quadrangle? 😆
✨Dual setting Europe🏫/Caribbean🏝️
✨Single mom

Thank you Swift and Lewis Publishing with the Independent Book Publisher’s Association for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Sarah’s stories are so beautiful, magical and uniquely different from other books I’ve read. She takes us on a dreamy adventure filled with amazing characters, magcial/paranoramal aspects and a delightful HEA. I had to really pay attention while listening as Fiona traveled in her dreams. Sarah writes with beautiful detail giving us a perfect vision of the location, characters and emotions they are facing.

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It has been a week since I have read this book, but I think this is one of the stories that is going to live in my head rent free for years to come. I absolutely love this entire series, but I think this one might be one of my favorite mystical magical stories of all of them. And this is very difficult for me to say because I adored Daniel and Jillian’s story. I would highly recommend reading this book. This is booked three in the ghosted series. You can start reading ghosted if you really want to enjoy this entire series, but all three books can be read as standalone books.

Thank you NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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