Member Reviews

If you don’t pick this book up you are seriously losing out!
I absolutely could NOT put this book down. The characters were so well written, the story was so compelling and it hooks you from the start.

I loved Fi and McCormicks connection and just couldn’t get enough.

I read this book in a day!

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read such a beautiful love story.

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Sarah Ready does it again!

I had the privilege of reading an arc of "Switched" which is the second book in this series and I throughly enjoyed that one. Therefore once I saw Fated come through NetGalley, I know I had to read it. I think this is my new favorite book of hers. In this story we have the same quick paced, easy writing that we've come to expect from Sarah's writing. She has a way of writing characters that feel so real - like you could meet them on the streets of city/town at any point. They are complicated and flawed, they work through their emotions and issues the same way we would which leaves you falling for these characters and their stories. I was on an emotional roller coaster with this one. All the twists and turns had me gripping the pages and losing hours of sleep because I HAD to keep reading. If you are looking for a contemporary romance with magical realism that holds you hostage to the very end, this is for you!

Thank you Sarah Ready, Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this read for my honest review.

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𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘏𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘚𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘢 𝘉𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘬 & 𝘬𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘶 𝘒𝘦𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘢𝘴 𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶’𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬!

This story spoke to me on a personal level, but as a story it was gripping, mind boggling and even confusing at times. But it was a fascinating read - from Sarah’s writing style, to the way she described Geneva, the island and the watch making. The complexity of human relations and emotions, traumas and fears.

This was an emotional rollercoaster- I felt so many many things while reading this book: my stomach sank on several occasions and there were tears - so many tears, but also laughter. This was heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time.

I highly recommend this books but be warned, it won’t play out how you think it will or how you want it to.

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This interconnected standalone romance is a great addition to the Ghosted series. I thought the plot, though slow-moving, was very unique. It’s probably the first time I’ve been 60% through a romance and had no idea where it was going! The circumstances that brought the two MCs together were magical and unusual.

I loved both main characters. The chemistry between them was palpable. Their love at first sight but also slow burn romance was so beautifully done.

The novel was so descriptive! Both the Swiss and tropical locations were so real. I could definitely picture them!

This was an excellent addition to the series and I can’t wait to continue it.

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In "Fated" by Sarah Ready, Fiona is a busy executive trying to balance her demanding job with running her family's prestigious Swiss watch company. After a life-changing event, she receives an heirloom that allows her to dream of a life she can't imagine while awake. In these dreams, she lives on a beautiful island with a loving husband and two children. As Fiona starts to fall in love with her dream life, she realizes she needs to find the same happiness in her real life.

This book was an engaging experience from start to finish. I found myself eagerly waiting for the next chance to continue reading. The idea of Fiona dreaming her deepest desires was both enchanting and relatable, making me think of those perfect dreams you are disappointed to wake up from.

The contrast between Fiona's dream life and her real life was so interesting. The dream life showcased a family life that felt almost real. This made her hectic, high-pressure real-world existence seem even more stressful, highlighting her longing for a companionship. I loved the unexpected twists in the story. It kept me guessing and fully invested, making it a memorable read.

I highly recommend "Fated" to readers who enjoy a mix of magic, romance, and personal growth.

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4.5 stars. Fated is book 3 in Sarah Ready’s Ghosted series and wow, was this an emotional roller coaster. Thank you NetGalley and W.W. Crown for the chance to read this via gifted eARC. All thoughts are my own and honest.

I was very excited when I found out that Fiona was getting her own book. This is such a unique plot, and while reading, there were several moments when I wodered how this could possibly end well. The scenes that take place during her dreams were some of my favorites that Ready’s ever written. The island was so picturesque I felt like I was there with Fiona and Aaron.

Speaking if Aaron, he’s earned his place among Ready’s top book boyfriends. He’s tender and sweet and I love how hard he fell for Fiona.

I’ll definitely be thinking about this story for awhile and this was definitely another great story from Sarah Ready. Fated releases on July 16.

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Sarah Ready is very quickly becoming an auto read author for me! I have loved all of the books of hers I've read and this was no exception! I loved the magical elements of this story-- The time travel and dreams were the perfect amount to be interesting while still keeping the story grounded. The characters, both the main characters and the supporting ones, were all so well written and it felt like each one had their own voice and story.

This was a wild, emotional ride! I should have expected by now that Sarah Ready would tear my heart out and put it back together, but boy did she. I could not put this down, especially the second half, I literally flew through the story! I cannot wait for the next book in this series to read about Daniel's love story as well! All of these love stories have just been so perfect. And even though these are part of an interconnected series, you could absolutely read this as a stand alone!

The audiobook was SO well done and the narrator did a wonderful job bringing all of the characters to life!

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4.5 Stars
Fiona is a watchmaker from Geneva, Switzerland who is given a family heirloom watch that is said to show you your desires in dreams if you sleep with it. She dreams of a lush, tropical island and a man named, Aaron who she quickly falls deeply in love with. She splits her time between “real” life and her “dream” life. Even though she longs to be with Aaron always, she knows that this is just a dream and it eventually it must end. But is this love real? Is Aaron real?

Fated is the 3rd book in the Ghosted series and is my favorite. There are so many deep feelings interwoven into the story: longing and passion, guilt & uncertainty, overcoming fears. It’s about loss and sacrifices, rediscovering yourself and learning how to love and to heal. I was brought to tears ready this book more than once. I highly recommend this book and can’t wait to read the next in the series!

Thank You NetGalley and publishers for this ARC.

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Fiona is running the family's Swiss watch company and getting through life. The company keeps her very busy but she is happy and accepts the level of devotion the company requires. It leaves just enough time for her to care for her daughter and maintain a good working relationship with her brother Daniel, as well as her long time friend Max. Max wants to be more than friends though and it's becoming less and less of a secret.

Fiona's mother pops in for a visit and has a surprise for her. She managed to snag the old family heirloom watch from another family member and she is excited to deliver it to Fiona. This is the old timepiece that is rumored to be filled with magic. Fiona winds it up and holds it in her palm to fall asleep. That's when her life turns upside down.

Fiona is on an island. She has a daughter and a son. A husband named Aaron and a man she is said to be having an affair with, Robert. Fiona thinks it's one wild dream until she is transported to the same place the next night. They are having trouble with their marriage but real life Fiona would never take a man this special for granted. She cannot wait to go to bed every night so she can see Aaron.

A layer of complication begins to happen when Max makes it very clear he wants more but Fiona's heart belongs to dream Aaron. She has to find a way to make him her reality before it's too late. She begins to see her real life is ahead in time by a couple years. This could give her exactly what she needs to ensure Aaron can be part of her life forever.

This was such a unique book and it really grabs attention right from the start. I really enjoyed it!

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This story has elements of family, friendship, romance, motherhood, and vulnerability. Just like all of Ready’s books, this has a magical/paranormal element that is like no other romances I have read. This wasn’t my favorite in the series but I still enjoyed it.

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Another gut wrenching book by Sarah, if you love time jumping, magic and romance this book is for you.

The complexity in the romance and the way she handled it was very poetic, you care for the characters and want that at the end everything be fine.

I need the next book ASAP.

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I really enjoyed this story. This was the second book by Sarah Ready I have read, and it was even better than the first one. Can’t wait to read the next one.
The story was very well written. Fiona got an old watch from her mother that was supposed to let you dream your greatest desire. I really liked the “dream your greatest desire” magic, and the interactions between Fi and Aaron (the dream husband). It was a very sweet story that both tugged on my heartstrings and made me gasp. I highly recommend it!

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While this is book 3 in the series, I read this as a standalone without any issues. I am interested in checking out the other books in the series now.
This was really good. I was hooked. I wasn’t sure if I liked the idea of being in someone else’s body. I didn’t like Becka. She was terrible wife and an even worse mother. I do wondered whhatt happened to Becka when Fi was there. I would have liked to see more on how this worked. The family heirloom was interesting but I didn’t love this concept, maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I had more information on how this worked.
I love the relationship between Fiona and the kids. It’s definitely what they needed. The relationship and chemistry with Aaron was great! The ending was good. The growth Aaron has is amazing. I enjoyed the children and broken home aspect of thee story. It give a take on real life relationship dynamics.

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This is the second book I read by Sarah Ready, and it will not be my last.
I have read book two in the ghosted series already and I really liked it so I obviously wanted to read the next book in the series.
Fated is a really good book and I liked the characters and in general the whole idea, especially the ending.
Overall, I think it was a great book and I am looking even more forward to read book one (and of course book four when it gets published)


I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This has been by far my favorite book written in the series so far. Each book has gotten better in my opinion. This one was a really bizarre and unique concept, but I really enjoyed the execution. I was initially a little skeptical in the beginning but I thought it came together beautifully in the end. It was a really beautiful story. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I love this series and this book captured my heart right along with the first two. Fiona is an incredibly resilient single mom, living a hectic life, and helping her brother run her family's Swiss watch company. With the help of an heirloom pocket watch and a little magic she dreams herself into her fantasy life. I loved the combination of her two lives and the way Sarah brought the dreamscape into reality. I wasn't sure how this one was going to end, and it was perfection wrapping up all loose ends with a bow. The audiobook was a fantastic way to read this novel and the narrator did a great job bringing this story to life.

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"Fated" by Sarah Ready is like a cross between "The Seven Year Slip" and "Freaky Friday."

Although the story was a bit slow to grab my attention initially, it became truly interesting once the FMC and we, the readers, started to realize what was happening and how the magical realism element worked.

Max deserves better, but Aaron deserves all the good things in the world. I adored Aaron; he is an absolute gem of a human being. I just wanted to hug him and find a way for these two characters to come together and live happily ever after. Thankfully, that’s what we got in the end, though it was quite a journey to get there.

I am always struck by the creativity of magical realism, as it makes magic feel real. Sarah Ready crafted a unique magical component in this story that made me very invested in the characters and their story arcs.

Fiona's character arc focused on her desire to be loved but her struggle to let anyone in, fearing they might hurt her again. She feels she can love freely in her dreams but is afraid to love anyone in real life. Watching her discover what it’s like to be truly loved and how she proceeds with her relationship decisions is both frustrating and satisfying in the long run.

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I didn't realize this was the third book in a series but it honestly didn't even matter. I enjoyed this story so much!

Fated was a slow burn.. and I love slow burns so I wasn't disappointed by it at all. This book is all about finding love in unconventional ways... I mean, waking up next to a man on a tropical island? Hello.. very unconventional but somehow worked so well.

I absolutely loved the vivid detail of the island. I love love love any movie or book where the setting is tropical. I always feel transported there and Sarah Ready did just that for me.

This book was beautifully written and well thought out. I had no idea what to expect from this author and she didn't disappoint. I will be checking out the first two books in the series!

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I'm landing at 3.25/5 stars on this one. Fated is the third installment in the Ghosted series, and unlike most reviewers, this one was my least favorite of the three. (Please note, each book in this series can be treated as a standalone.) I am a big fan of Ready's books and there's no doubt that she's an extremely skilled writer. In full disclosure, I'm not a fan of magical realism, but I have thoroughly enjoyed the way she writes it. However, this book felt a bit too long, a bit too descriptive/wordy and a bit too disjointed. I had a hard time connecting with or really caring about the FMC. I do think the narrator did a great job bringing these character to life. I am extremely grateful to NetGalley, Swift & Lewis Publishing, and the author for the ALC and ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Fated is an absolutely lovely book. I’ve read and enjoyed many of Sarah Ready’s earlier works, but Fated took my breath away. Literally. I wasn’t sure a few chapters before the end how in the world she was going to pull it off, and I had to keep reminding myself that it was categorized as a romance. As the cover implies, the novel takes place in two very different settings. One is sophisticated, elegant, intoxicatingly wealthy Geneva, and the other is a sand-swept Caribbean island, where the general store only has one bottle of lukewarm cola left, and the mail boat comes in once a week. Becca lives on the island with her husband McCormick and two children (one of which may be her lover’s), and Fiona is the co-director of a world-famous watch company in Switzerland. She’s the single mother to a wonderful daughter, has an enviably close relationship to her brother (and co-director), and has a dear male friend who would love to take their relationship to the next step. Those are the cold, hard facts, and that’s where anything resembling normalcy ends. Because a magic watch lets Fiona live/dream short bursts of Becca’s life and cleaves her heart in two. My impossibly sky-high to-be-read pile makes me try to hurry through every book I read or listen to, but I slowed down as I approached the end of Fated, both because I feared what looked like a heart-breaking conclusion (have faith – it’s a ROMANCE!) and because I never wanted the story to end. Lovely. I started listening to the audiobook, but I requested a digital copy as well in order to better savor every word.

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