Member Reviews

This is a fun, entertaining read. I enjoyed the story’s paranormal elements and getting to see the hero from the first book in the series. The story is full of twists and turns that kept me turning the pages to find out how it would all end. There were also aspects of the story that didn’t work for me. I enjoyed Aaron and Fiona’s romance. The secondary characters added to the fabric of the story and my enjoyment.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I am obsessed with this series of books. The author does an amazing job!

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Thank you NetGalley for an advanced e-copy, in exchange for an honest review.

This book was a lot of fun to read. I loved every second of it. The story is really unique and captivated me from the first chapter. I would highly recommend it!

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Another winner by Sarah Ready!! While technically the third in her Ghosted series, Fated is a stand alone magical realism/romance with a side of time traveling dreams. 
When Fiona is gifted a family heirloom, she's told it will let you dream your heart's desires... but what does that really mean?? Now, whenever Fiona sleeps, she becomes Becca on an island and begins to fall for her dream husband. Having to deal with motherhood, work life balance, and potential romances (reality or dreamy), will Fiona be able to turn her dreams to reality?
Fated kept me on my toes, the writing was so descriptive that I felt like I was on the island or freezing in Geneva, I wasn't sure how the dreams were going to play out (and there's a plot hole that I'm choosing to ignore because *magical realism*, of course), but what I do know is that I loved these characters and I wanted the absolute best for them. The last 15-20% absolutely wrecked my emotions in the best way. I've liked every Sarah Ready book I've read, but somehow her Ghosted series gets me everytime! 
ps - Robert and Becca deserve nothing!!!!!  A giant thank you to Sarah Ready, NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! I cannot wait to see how Max's story turns out

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Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy of Fated. This book was a roller coaster! So many feelings while reading it as I kept thinking I knew how it would end but was happily surprised at where the characters ended up.

I loved the watch aspect of the book and how she had a deep love for creating watches and time itself. Her relationship with her brother was beautiful and I loved how they continued on the legacy of the company together.

I also enjoyed the poetry aspect of the book and how Amy loved to read even as a teenager. The whole story on the island was sweet to read yet also frustrating for Fiona as they kept seeing her as Becca. Except do Aaron, he always knew.

I haven’t read a time traveling/fantasy piece like this but it reminded me a little bit of the movie Kate and Leopold! I enjoyed it and was glad for the happy ending.

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This was a miss for me. I normally love Sarah’s books but this was very hard to follow. I love the idea of meeting a man in your dreams but what was real life and what was make believe were too interconnected to follow easily.

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This series I swear. It’ll have you feeling it all. And the ending will have you holding your breathe until you know what you need to know (you’ll know).

First. This was the hardest start of any of the books in the series. A little slow and I didn’t couldn’t feel anyway about the fmc. I’m not sure why. Somewhere between a 1/4 and 1/2 it starts picking up and THE LAST 1/4 OF THE BOOK. It. Is. So. Good. Stick with it if the beginning is a struggle for you. Worth it. (Audiobook was much easier in helping me get through the beginning 🤷🏻‍♀️)

But the main feelings I have for this book is directed at Max! Ugh I feel for him! And I can’t wait for his story!! He just really has to go through it, which I hope makes his story even better 🤞🏼

And Robert is ultimate ick.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to read and review.

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Thank you to Swift and Lewis publishing company for the advanced copy of this book.

I was immediately drawn into this story. Come to find out it is a series. I read this as a standalone and didn't feel like I missed anything significant having not read the previous novels in this series.

This book is a time travel book where the stakes get higher the deeper into the book you get. I found this book to be suspenseful, angsty, and unpredictable. I could never guess where the next turn in the story would take me.
I thoroughly enjoyed the authors writing and the split timelines between the two worlds connecting the MFC to her dreams and her reality.

If you enjoy books with magical realism and multiple timelines, this book is for you.

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I was very confused in the beginning of this book and had no idea what was going on for a bit. But I really enjoyed the characters and was surprised at all the little twists and turns. I was completely enraptured 75% in and was rooting for a happy ending.

Thank you to netgalley for an advanced copy. My opinions are my own.

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This book was good and an enjoyable read! The whole concept of literally falling for the man of your dreams is amazing. I loved reading it, but nothing really stood out to me.

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Fated is another wonderful entry in Sarah Ready's Ghosted series!

Fiona is extremely busy between running the Abery watch company with her brother and raising her child. There's not a lot of room left in her life for love. After a traumatic incident, she comes across a watch that can let you live your dreams. But soon enough she doesn't want to leave her dreams behind.

Once again, so much heart in these stories. At one point I was literally sobbing and needed to take a break. You feel for these characters and their plight for love, family, and healing. All my romcom girlies need to get on this series!

(I can't wait for Max's turn!)

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I haven’t read the previous books in this series but really enjoyed this one. The magical realism was a fun and captivating journey for me. Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced copy!

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

OMG! This book is so lovely and such a beautiful story! I really felt like I was with Fi and Aaron. The flow was done beautifully and the characters were so loving! I wish I had more of their story to read! I cannot wait for Wished to come out! I will read anything Sarah Ready writes! I wish I could read this for the first time again.

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thank you netgalley and publisher for this arc.

I finally finished the book that I've been putting off for a while and i kinda like how it turned out at the end, eventhough it took 80% of the book to become more interesting. the book has a lot of fillers and im not a big fan of it, so i tend to feel bored while reading this book. Luckily the few chapters towards the end were brilliantly written as i was suddenly invested in the plot for like 5 chapters left. but it's a shame i didn't quite enjoyed the book from the very beginning. Alas, the plot was brilliant though. It was exactly the kind of twist that readers love. So now im giving my honest review here. Thank you.

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I really enjoyed this book despite not having read the prior two books in the series. Fiona is a workaholic and a single mother shying away from love after a broken heart. She was also abandoned by her mom and left with her dad at a young age. Fiona and her brother throw themselves into the family’s Swiss watch business following the death of their father. Her mother then returns and gives her a family heirloom watch that is believed to let you dream your greatest desires. It is here that she meets the love of her life Aaron and her daughter and son. The problem is he’s just a dream or is he? I loved the narrator of this book. She did an excellent job in portraying all the different characters and emotions. An excellent read that I would definitely recommend.

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Thank you to the author and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange of my honest opinion.

My rating:3⭐
Read if you like:
- Magical realism
- Single POV
- Dual timelines
- Found family
- Fated love

My review:

Since I'd read and loved the other two books in the series, I didn't hesitate when the ARCs became available for this one. I was absolutely ready to go back to Sarah's magical realism in a heartbeat. I knew without a doubt it was going to be another success.

And yet.
Look, Fated is definitely a beautiful book with a beautiful love story and a HEA. And out of the three, this is the one that feels more magical-realism like, without a doubt.
However, even if I found it tender and sweet I'm sad to admit it was also tedious at times.

My main concern is how messy and flimsy the whole premise feels.
I liked the characters and how Fiona's personality was a direct consequence of an absent mother and lots of abandonment issues. I loved how rational she was and how honest her friendship with Max felt.
Nevertheless, I frankly couldn't understand what was happening for about 30% of the book. I couldn't relate to the choices. And I couldn't imagine someone as logic-driven as Fiona Abry NOT googling the name of the guy the minute she wakes up from the dream where he tells his story.
It would've made much more sense. It would've also meant not having a book to read. Or a much shorter one.

So, even when things started to sort-of fall into place, I was already quite out of it and not really invested the way I would've loved.

I'm happy that they found their way back to each other and how it all got tied up, though. So there's that.
Also, I'm quite curious about Max's future, so I'll be picking up the next book as well as soon as it's available.

I still recommend the series and will keep praising Sarah's writing to anyone who cares to listen. She's a delight to read.

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Okay, WOW! Fated is the 3rd in a series (Ghosted) by Sarah Ready that tangles up the wonder of magical realism with the joy of a romcom. I have found it to be my absolute favorite combination of story telling, however this book felt very different from the first two books in the series.

This is review is being written specifically to encourage those who have started Fated and are wondering how this book could even fit in the same category as Ghosted and Switched. It takes place in a time before Ghosted and doesn’t have an inkling of the same energy and humor of the first two. Keep reading! You will not regret it!

Like you, I was thoroughly confused by the serious tone and primly proper characteristics of the FMC Fi. In fact, I wondered a few times if this book was supposed to be set in the regency era. This is just Fi’s personality, but don’t let her careful persona fool you because she is about to become the brave heroine on an enormous adventure of love, loss, time travel, adventure, disaster and discovery!

While I spent the first half of the book trying to grasp how different it was from the others, I spent the second half marveling at how delightfully different it is from ANY other book I have read! This story is epic and sweeping! By the 80% mark, I was unable to put it down until the final words.

Fated is phenomenal and I believe the most beautiful of any of Sarah Ready’s books so far.

Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange of an honest review.

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This is the first romance novel I've read with magical realism. I quite enjoyed that aspect of the story, but the way things tied at the end didn't quite work for me. Overall an interesting story, definitely different from the copy/paste contemporary romance novels.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book "Fated" and all opinions expressed are my own. I listened to the audiobook. I almost gave up on this book because I didn't care for the beginning. Since it was a audiobook I just listened while I was doing other things. The book did get better. I like magical realism stories. I think the book could have been shorter and overall it was ok.

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♡𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 &| 𝐞𝐀𝐫𝐜 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰♡
4.5 🌟
"She meets the man of her dreams in her dreams." This quote | statement alone drew me to this book beside the cover art.
I don't even know to express how much I enjoyed this book! It will definitely hit you in the feelings.
The audiobook is done very well. The narrator did a good job bringing the characters to life.
This is my first book by this author and will not be my last.
𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 July.16
Thank you, Netgalley, and Swift & Lewis Publishing for the (eArc &| ALC)-eBook and audiobook for my honest review.

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