Member Reviews

This is my second novel by Sarah Ready. I love her creativity and ability to craft a story that exists beyond time and location. I really enjoyed reading her novel, Switched, but I struggled with this one.

Fiona Abrey is a businesswoman and single mother with no time for love or life’s simple pleasures. When she falls asleep with a magical watch, however, she’s transported to a “dream life” on an isolated island. In this dream life, she’s a married mother of two, and her husband is, of course, a gorgeous hunk.

I think what made this story hard for me was not that Fiona lived her “real life” side by side with her “dream life.” It’s that she supposedly lives in two different bodies. Dream-life Fiona is given the body of a selfish woman who plans to abandon her family and take off with her husband’s best friend. Her dream body also looks nothing like her real-life body. A large part of the story, Fiona is falling in love with her hunky dream-life husband and having him fall in love with her, but when she wakes up in reality and returns back to her dream life, she finds that without her “spirit” (for lack of a better word) her dream-life body and its original persona has treated Aaron and their children horribly. Poor Aaron then seems to be living with a woman with split personalities: this woman is attracted to me and (eventually) loves me, but this woman also rejects me and wants to leave me immediately. As a reader, this made me feel horrible and interfered with the “magic” of the story.

Overall, this was still a good read. I may just be sensitive to angst and stress, which were more prevalent in this storyline than in Switched. Although this is book 3 in a series, it stands alone. I’ve already started book 4 and am excited to see Max Barone (the amazing man Fiona rejects in her “real life”) get his happily-ever-after.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This series is pretty out there but actually more enjoyable than I expected with each book. This one being all about dreams and what you want in life was kind of fun but sad at the same time. I did enjoy the HEA obviously and the journey to get there was a bit of a rollercoaster. I liked the characters in this one and the kids were a wonderful addition. This one definitely will have me paying more attention to my dreams in the future.

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Thank you netgalley for the advanced copy.

Fated is the third book in Sarah Ready's magical scifi rom-com series (does it have a name? Idk) Anyways this was is a little confusing as we jump to a time before the 1st book in the series Ghosted and follow Daniel's sister Fiona Abry. Don't worry though. The time jump doesn't ruin the story. You just might be confused as to why Daniel is very very single in this book. His role is minimal as Fiona takes the spotlight and the setting is in Geneva like previous book Switched. Unlike the previous two, this one doesn't go for a scifi element or explanation, we are fully in magical realism as Fiona, after a near death experience, is given a watch that allows you to live your dreams. Fiona caught up in work and single motherhood avoids love at all costs. She however is intrigued enough in the watch and tests it, falling asleep holding the piece to wake up on a tiny island where she is married to a man named Aaron and the mother of two kids. I don't want to give too much away here as the book does take some unique directions for how it handles this dream life of Fiona's. It's those directions that the author takes in each of this series books that makes these stand out for me. They're fun. They're surprising. And the writing is pretty solid. The romance is believable. The plot moves well and enjoyable. Sarah Ready is a good romance author that deserves more love from readers. I'm already looking forward to reading Wished.

4 stars

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I was torn between the two timelines here same as the FMC, and it took me away a little bit. I wasn’t sure who I was supposed to be rooting for, Fiona in real life or Fiona in her dream life. I didn’t like the entirely different life that she was dreaming (not like a future/possible life for herself but like she was living someone else’s life). I didn’t like this for the pacing or the dream life she was living. I was more invested in the dream life than the real life, and that felt off for multiple reasons. This was not for me.
Thanks to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for this ARC!

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I thought this was very good and I will have to add this to the shop shelves. Thank you for the chance for us to review.

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Its taken me a while to review this because Sarah Ready's writing and storytelling is quite phenomenal and can be complex. I'll try to make this short and as simple as possible.
There may be spoilers, sorry in advance or stop now.

Fiona is wary of falling in love and as such is not living her life,loving, to it's full extent. She gets a "magical" watch ( heirloom ) when she sleeps, she dreams and it transports her to an Island where shes a mother of two and married to a wonderful guy named Aaron. But in her dreams she's a completely someone else , (different hair/eye color,) who is married, with two kids and also having an affair with Aaron's best friend. Fiona doesn't understand why this other persona would do that (this was a bit weird for me to fathom too).

Each time she dreams, she falls in love with Aaron, the family, the island and it's inhabitants. In her waking life she knows this to be just a dream. Her friend Max wants her to be happy and "pursues" her. She partially relents but her heart is still on the Island with Aaron and all its beauty..

The unraveling of this story was gripping even though the whole time I tried to understand how to separate Fiona from her dream persona and how she's kind -of- sort -of juggling three guys?

If you've followed the series from the beginning you'll definitely want and need to keep reading to discover how it all works out (it does, fantastically by the way). If you just jumped in and grabbed this one, you'll have to go back and start from the beginning. If you don't, this book will probably not be as enjoyable to you.

Thank you Netgalley, amazing author and publisher for the opportunity to read this page-turner of a book.

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Sarah Ready's *Fated* is an enchanting, emotional rollercoaster that blends romance with a touch of the paranormal. It's the kind of book that makes you believe in destiny, soulmates, and the magic of the universe bringing two people together.

The story follows Gemma and Hudson, two strangers who keep running into each other in the most serendipitous ways. From the very first chapter, Ready captures your attention with her engaging writing style, vivid descriptions, and heartwarming yet intense chemistry between the characters. The "fated love" trope can sometimes feel overdone, but here it feels fresh and compelling. Ready's unique take makes you root for the characters' romance despite the odds stacked against them.

Gemma is a relatable heroine—determined, independent, but not without her insecurities, which makes her journey of growth authentic. Hudson, on the other hand, is the kind of swoon-worthy, layered hero that readers love—charismatic yet vulnerable. Their connection feels genuine and beautifully developed over the course of the story, filled with banter, emotional depth, and some moments that tug at your heartstrings.

What I particularly enjoyed about *Fated* was how Ready wove in the elements of fate without it feeling too heavy-handed. There’s a nice balance of the mystical and the real, making the love story feel grounded while still keeping that dreamy, fate-driven element alive.

The pacing is solid, though there are a few moments that felt slightly drawn out. However, those who enjoy slow-burn romances with an inevitable push towards a happy ending won’t mind. The secondary characters add charm and depth, though some could have been explored a bit more.

Overall, *Fated* is a delightful escape for anyone looking for a feel-good romance that combines the power of love and fate in a satisfying way. Fans of soulmates and serendipity should definitely pick this one up. Sarah Ready has once again delivered a heartfelt story with a perfect blend of swoon and sincerity.

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Book review 📚
Fated by Sarah Ready

Right, this is my first book my Sarah Ready and I don’t think it’s going to be my last. From the very first page I was cuddled into this magical yet emotional story. There is so much depth and realism to the story and aspects of it, that it kept me hooked without even trying. I was blown away by the whole thing.

The characters in this book were beyond phenomenal, Ready dives deep into realism of the characters and makes them so relatable and I was so captivated by them. I was absolutely blown away by Fiona and her whole story. It was breathtaking and I am in awe of the writing techniques used to create such vivid and memorable characters.

This is definitely a cute and cosy read, but only to a certain extent because there are also moments where Ready rips your heart out of your chest, stamps on it over and over and then tries to super glue it back together. Ready really does know what she’s doing and I cant wait to read more from her.

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Having read Ghosted, with its unexpected twists and turns, and Switched by Sarah Ready, I knew to anticipate the unconventional with Fated. The novel starts with a sense of intrigue, where nothing is quite as it appears. Fated centres around a magical pocket watch, Fiona Abry, her brother Daniel (in a time before Ghosted), and Aaron McCormick. Fiona longs for an escape and begins to dream of McCormick on a distant island. But is he truly just a figment of her dreams? The story weaves a spellbinding tale of magic and romance, full of surprising twists that keep you turning the pages. Ready once again delivers a captivating narrative that leaves you questioning what’s real and what’s imagined.

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to ready and review.

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Initially this book sucked me in, and I couldn't put it down. Romance novels tend to be very predictable, and I had no idea where it was going.

What knocked it down to three stars was the length. It was way too long. Also there were a few plot holes that were too big to ignore. I definitely was rooting for Fi and Aaron to get together, but I started skimming towards the end.

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“You can't close a chapter before it's over. You can't stop a dream before it's finished.”

A magical romance that transcends time, "Fated" by Sarah Ready is the enchanting tale of Fiona a watchmaker who comes from a line of Swiss watchmakers, an heir to her family's legacy. Nestled in Fiona's busy life are her daughter Mila, her brother Daniel and her best friend Max.
In a twist of fate, Fiona's world is shaken by a traumatic event. Unable to dream, an impromptu visit from her free spirited mother who comes bearing a long-lost heirloom, a treasured family watch, causes a shift in her life.
This mysterious watch transports her into a vivid dream world, Fiona finds herself falling for Aaron, the captivating man of her dreams.
Fiona is torn between two worlds, two loves, and the elusive allure of her dreams. 💭🕰️

Will Fiona's heart choose the dream or the reality?

Brimming with magic, mystery, and a captivating love story, Sarah Ready's "Fated" proves to be a diamond in the rough, dazzling its readers with each turn of the page. 💎✨ The characters are crafted with depth and empathy, drawing you into their lives and hearts. From the main protagonists to the charming side characters, each plays a vital role in this enchanting tale.

Ready's writing is akin to a spellbinding symphony, with descriptive passages that transport you to the very heart of the story, enchanting you with her imaginative storytelling and evocative penmanship. It blends nostalgia and modernity into a refreshingly original cocktail that leaves a delicious, lingering aftertaste.

A heartfelt thanks to @NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for the opportunity to dive into the enchanting depths of "Fated" by Sarah Ready, an immersive journey through time, dreams, and the heart's secret yearnings. 💖📚 I am honored to be able to share my honest review in exchange for the ARC (Advance Reader Copy) and deeply grateful for the chance to experience this captivating story firsthand.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc, I am horribly late on reviewing. I really enjoyed this. It’s my favourite of the series so far, Fiona and Aaron had a beautiful story and I loved the dreaming element. I love how grounded in reality these magic scenarios are. I do wish we’d gotten more time with them once they were together, it was a long road to happy and I wanted to see more of that. I listened to the audiobook and the narrator was incredible. Definitely recommend experiencing it in audio.

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So I actually read this one after listening to the audiobook and I really enjoyed it yet again. It kind of let me read it in a different way without having a narrator dictate how I heard certain things.

I can’t wait to listen and read other books from this author x

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Fated by Sarah Ready is an intriguing blend of romance and magical realism. The story follows Fiona Abry, a busy woman running her family's Swiss watch company, who inherits a magical watch that allows her to dream of her greatest desires. In her dreams, she finds herself living a serene life on a tropical island, married to a charming man named McCormick, and raising two children.

The premise is unique and provides a welcome break from reality. Ready's writing is intriguing, and she seamlessly mixes lighthearted moments with more serious topics like abandonment and the complexity of love. The dream sequences are wonderfully detailed, making it simple to become immersed in Fiona's imaginary world.

For me, there are a few little nicks like this. At times, the pacing might be slow, and some of the plot twists come across as forced. Though most of the characters are well-developed, some, like Robert, McCormick's best buddy, seem like caricatures. Furthermore, I felt that I was not content with how Fiona's romantic quandary between her ideal husband McCormick and her real-life friend Max was resolved.

Fated was a decent read with a captivating concept, but it slightly falls short in the execution for me.

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I just love this series! The mysticism, the characters, the's all just perfect!

Fiona's story is a clever twisty one that requires you to suspend reality in your mind a bit which is no problem for me. I love a good mystical read. It's the way the author wove all the different pieces of this story together and made them connect and ultimately make sense that was truly impressive.

All along Fiona is falling in love in her dreams with a man that she doesn't believe is real. But is she right? Is he simply a dream man? Or is he the man she is fated to be with?

This story is just so good and I loved everything about it. This series just keeps getting better and better.

AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: The narrator for the audiobook did a stellar job and really made you feel immersed in the storyline. 5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley for early copies of both the ebook and audiobook.

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Fated is a sweet story that plays with dreams and reality while offering up a lovely romance. Sarah Ready has provided yet another romance with more substance than your average beach read.

Shakira Shute did a lovely job narrating the audiobook.

Thank you Sarah Ready, Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC, and NetGalley for providing this ARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This was a be ey interesting and different storyline. I felt like I saw the point of showing the two separate lives but to be honest I didn't love either of them. Not my favorite in this series from Sarah Ready.

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Thank you NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC.
When I requested this book I didn’t realize it was part of a series, which was a nice discovery! Fated is a stand alone within the series so I didn’t feel too lost or anything! First impressions, I love the premise. Having this world you escape to in your dreams but facing reality when you wake up is *chef’s kiss* I enjoyed Fionas character as well as Aaron, their dynamic, the families, ugh I wish I could read this again without knowing what happens!! Its heartfelt, endearing and such a nice read!
Without going into much detail, I enjoyed reading this very much and will likely pick up more books by Sarah Ready.
GoodReads link:

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read a copy of the e-ARC.

I had high hopes from reading the description and seeing the high reviews on the author's other books. When I started it, it just wasn't what I expected. The beginning was slow and the timeline confused me. The main character getting physically hurt barely played a role in the story. When I was 40% through the book, I still couldn't figure out the plot. It had mostly been many different things that happened in succession with no conflict or tension. I couldn't determine what Fiona's drive was. Sure, there were shocking things like her relationship with McCormick and Robert but it was resolved in the next chapter.

The author writes very nicely, the text is easy to understand. It was mostly the story and characters that did not click with me.

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There are a few plots that was brushed through but if you're in Fi's position, I don't think you would know everything either. I love the plot, characters, and the writing. I love how it was so simple to understand and yet vivid for the imagination. This is a book that I don't mind to keep on re-reading

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