Member Reviews

Format: Ebook
Spice: 🌶️🌶️

🩷Magical Realism
🩵Dream World
🩷Time Travel
🩵Opposites Attract
🩵Found Family
🩷Love triangle
🩵Single POV
🩷Dual setting Europe🏫/Caribbean🏝️
🩵Single mom

Sarah Ready has done it again! Reading Fated was an absolutely surreal experience. This story will make you want to dream just like Fiona! Her dreamland was so beautifully crafted that I wanted to be a part of it and live those moments alongside her and Aaron.

Fiona and Aaron’s story was masterfully written, filled with ups and downs, and those twists at the end—OMG! I didn’t see those coming at all!

Overall, what an incredible journey!

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The premise reminds me of that other book I read last month, if I'm not mistaken. Honestly, I really love the idea of it.

Like that other book I read, this was a miss for me. The writing definitely made a major impression on me, and it's not good at all.

The characters feel bland at all, and I barely feel the romance. The idea is there, but the execution is poorly done.

I was approved of the next one, and I'm kind of hesitant for it, but I still probably gonna read it. I'm just hoping that it's gonna be better.

It wasn't the worst one. It could have been better if the writing was more engaging and characters aren't bland.

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This is my first time reading this author. Ms. Ready has a nice way of projecting the two places in time. Her vivid narration really give you the presence of the Lake Geneva area and a tiny Caribbean island.
The main character, Fiona, is a woman who has been devastated in her past. The man she loved and to whom she was engaged to marry, wasn't who he said he was at all. Devastated and pregnant, if not for her brother Daniel and her best friend Max, she wouldn't have been able to raise her daughter to be the happy healthy young girl that she is.
Fiona and her brother are the owners of an exclusive watch manufacturing business, Abry watch making.
Fiona, through a family heirloom watch is able to dream of her greatest love.
While I liked the storyline, the novel took a while to capture my attention.
This was a sweet romance and I would be willing to explore another book by this author.
Thank you to both NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for this ARC. Opinions expressed are strictly my own.

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Ich habe mich über das Buch sehr gefreut. Es ist nicht nur fließend zum lesen sondern auch sehr spannend.

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I struggled to get into this book initially, but I’m glad that I stuck until the end. Right of the bat, it was clear that this installment differed from the previous two and, and I ended up enjoying it for a different reason as well.

Fated follows Fiona Abry, a single mother of Swiss and British descent, who runs her family's renowned watch company with her brother, Daniel. Initially, I struggled to connect with Fiona since her character was a departure from the two protagonists of the previous books. Unlike Serena and Jillian, she is more serious. Her distinct personality strongly influenced the tone of this story, making it more emotional rather than comedic. I needed to adjust my expectations a little bit. But once I understood the story’s direction, I became really engrossed in the book.

I am so very much like Fiona in many ways than one so it didn’t take long for me to get invested in her character. Fiona is a dreamer who lost her spark and she’s now determined to rediscover herself. I resonate with her struggles and aspirations so I found myself rooting for her throughout the story. I also admired Aaron’s character for his maturity, emotional stability, and compassion. He's easily my favorite love interest in Sarah Ready's books. The side characters are well-written as well, especially Amy and Max. They definitely stood out as supporting characters that added depth and richness to the story. On top of that, I love books that involves a time element to its plot, including this one! I liked the concept of this book and how it utilized dreams as a plot device.

The only thing that didn't work for me was the ending: It felt rushed. I wished we could've witnessed more of Fiona's interaction with the other characters. Some parts of the middle could have been condensed to allow for a more satisfying conclusion. Regardless, I still think this is worth the read!

Thank you so much NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for an ecopy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Interconnected series that can be read as a standalone. Fated brings the dreaming world into the waking world and will make you want your own family heirloom. Suspend your belief for one afternoon and I promise you won't regret it.
Beautiful writing and a story that captures the audience with a solid plot.
I'll be picking up the rest of the series along the way and can't wait to see their stories unfold.

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Ready is quickly becoming an "instant-read" author for me. I loved this book, loved how it felt similar to her other ones but in a good way. Definitely pick this up if you're a romance reader!

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“Fated” by Sarah Ready is a stand-alone book in her Ghosted series. It’s not necessary to read these books in order. They have a similar theme but can be enjoyed separately. In this book, Fiona Abry is a single mother, running her family’s watchmaking company in Switzerland with her brother. Her mother (who had basically abandoned her on her father’s doorstep when she was a small child in order to go “find herself”) gives Fiona a watch that seems to have magical powers. Fiona’s nightly dreams bring her into an alternative life which is so vivid and full of passion and love, she runs the risk of literally falling for the “man of her dreams”. But of course, this isn’t reality at all. Or is it?

I’m not a huge fan of fantasy/romance/magic, but I do enjoy Sarah Ready’s books with their snappy dialog, fast moving plots, and believable characters. Many thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for an ARC of this novel. My opinions are my own.

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Fated is a dreamy rom com with a sci fi twist.

I was immediately sucked in with the intriguing premise. However I have to confess I had some trouble relating to Fiona and Aaron, and struggled to make sense of some of their choices. The relationship dynamics throughout had a bit of a cheating feeling to them, which felt uncomfortable, and isn’t my cup of tea.

Having said that I love the creativity of Sarah Ready’s novels and really enjoy the playful sci fi that underpins her rom coms. While not my favourite of hers for the above reasons, it was an engaging and easy read, and I can see it being really enjoyable and accessible to a wide variety of readers.

I enjoyed it both as an ebook and audiobook, and thought the narration really helped to provide context to the story, with great characterisations of Fiona and Aaron. 3.5 stars, rounded up.

Thank you Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC and NetGalley for this book. Opinions expressed are my own.

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I— where has Sarah Ready been all my life? This book! this series! Her writing is so wonderful so whimsical so freaking magical that I am always in awe.

I’m kind of reading this series backwards ,
I read the ARC of 𝘞𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 the fourth in this series first and I was lucky enough to snag a copy of this ARC on Netgalley which I didn’t know was already released.

In 𝘞𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 I fell in love with the characters and everything in that book. Then I realized the third book was about Max’s best friend Fiona and gosh I didn’t think I’d fall even harder for him. well this book prove me wrong. I— Anna was right when she was shocked when she was told Fiona did not accept Max’s proposal. Which was explained and then I met Aaron, Fiona’s love interest.

I was completely enamoured by this unique plot, the love story omg the chemistry was pulling my heartstrings and let’s forget the found family an absolute game changer for me. I was so addicted to this I stayed up all night to finish it because I didn’t get the chance to complete this in one sitting.

And as always she leaves the plot twist, the heart attack at the end. But this was so close I cried after she toyed with my feelings and gave me the happily ever after they deserved.
Sarah Ready’s men are so dreamy good gracious!
I don’t know how to express or explain who Aaron is but all I know is if I ever met him in real life I won’t run away. And that is something!!

Please please like go read her books, it’s a breath of fresh air, something new, something original and something we desperately need. Her books are a masterpiece!

𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘕𝘦𝘵𝘨𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘙𝘊 𝘐𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸.

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From the very first page I was HOOKED. Right off the bat you are sucked into the world of Geneva and this family. You are dropped right in and wondering how the heck this is going to work. By day Fi is a single mother, running a bougee watch company with her brother and scared to love. By night, she’s living a completely different life, in a different body! Fi takes dreaming and a dream man to a whole other level. Then again who wouldn’t dream about Aaron McCormick.

If you love a slightly mystical premise with some a fantastic line up of characters that leave you enthralled and ready for more, please take a chance on Fated. So far this series has not let me down once. Truly an entertaining read that will keep you captured until the absolute end.
-Mackenzie Bibliophile

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Oh my goodness, I loved this book SO much! I'm going to admit, I started it and after a few pages wasn't into it, and moved on to another book. I've loved all her previous books, so I went back to it, and I am so glad I did! Sarah Ready writes like nobody else! The way I laugh, cry, sigh, and sit on the edge of my seat on every book is crazy! I became obsessed with all the characters, and strongly considered taking a sick day to stay home and read the book in one sitting:) Definitely a 5 star book in my opinion! Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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Fiona Abry is a hardworking single-mother, living in Geneva and co-running the Abry watch company with her brother Daniel (MMC of book one, Ghosted). She has little time for love and even less time for a vacation, despite her brother's prodding and meddling.

But when Fiona's free-spirited mother gifts her an old family heirloom—a supposedly magical timepiece that lets the owner dream their greatest desires—Fiona begins having vivid dreams when she goes to sleep each night, of a very different life to her own, filled with the kind of love she never thought she’d find and sparking joy and purpose in her life anew.

Not much more can be said about this story without spoiling things, but much like the first two stories in the series, the magical realism at play in this romance is weighted in destiny and meant-to-be enchantment. It all takes a bit of suspension of disbelief, but that’s the fun and charm of this series, making the reader believe in the impossible and the wonder of fate.

This story was set before the events of book one and two, so, I guess, it can be easily read as a stand-alone, even though release order would be my preferred recommendation. I loved seeing Daniel pre-Jillian, all charming playboy with a lonely heart, and I enjoyed meeting Max, Fiona’s best friend and fellow socialite, who will be the MMC of the fourth series instalment, Wished.

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This was the first work I have read by Sarah Ready, but it won’t be my last.

Fated is the third book in the Ghosted series. This book can be read as a standalone. I haven’t read the first two, but I was able to follow the story perfectly.

The world building is phenomenal. I felt like I was transported to the beach or to Geneva. I could almost feel the sand under my feet as I was reading. I adored the characters. I really enjoyed all the characters, especially the FMC, Fiona. Her love and empathy for others shines through with everything she does. I also enjoy how nerdy she is about watches. The MMC, Aaron, is perfect. His words are heartfelt and poetic. So many times the interactions in this book brought me tears of joy or heartbreak. I would say this book definitely picks up after the first half. I could not put it down. It picks up even more after 75%, at which point you may want to seclude yourself so no one interrupts you.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. If you’re a fan of romances with a Hallmark feel to them, this is definitely for you.

Thank you NetGalley, Sarah Ready, and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for providing me with an ARC for exchange of an honest review.

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Fated by Sarah Ready

What I loved:
⌚️The premise and magical realism.
⌚️The ending twist that I did not see coming!

While I have been loving all things Sarah Ready, I was nervous about this because I didn't like Switched, the prior book in this series. I had no need to worry. Fated is everything I've been loving about these magical realism romance stories.

I absolutely loved this premise. I loved the idea of falling asleep and being transported to your true love. Aaron was such a swoon worthy MMC. The MCs were great together. The chemistry and tension were on point. My heart broke for Aaron so many times. How he recognized Fiona even when she wasn't in her own body stole my heart. I also really, really loved the found family in this for Fiona. She had a great arc, too.

If there's one thing I consistently love on Ready novels, it's the descriptions. She perfectly captures her settings and characters. I felt like I was on the beach with Aaron and Fiona. I could see the Abry offices. I could effortlessly picture the characters. The writing was beautiful and transportative.

The end was insane in the best way. I didn't see the twist coming, and my heart broke for Fiona. I loved the falling action and resolution. It was an incredible ending that made the book that much better.

While I loved most everything about this, there were a few things that bothered me. One thing that annoyed me was how long it took for Fiona to figure out it wasn't a dream. It just dragged on too long. Also, the beginning was quite slow and was difficult for me to get into. I understood Fiona freaking out the first time she dreamed, but some of her reactions felt ridiculous. Another thing is the ending. It felt so rushed. This I'd a common complaint from me for most of Ready's novels, though. The resolution needs more than an epilogue. It's always so quick and leaves me slightly dissatisfied.

Overall, I surprisingly enjoyed this. After Switched and the slow beginning, I was nervous, but once the book got going, I was hooked. This was such a cute, fun, and unique story. Plus, I'm a sucker for magical realism, and I love how Ready incorporates it into her novels. I am so excited to read the next one, and I recommend to anyone looking for a little magic in their romances.

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Interesting concept.

Fiona works at her family's watch shop.
Her mother gives her a family heirloom,
Only it it said to have magical capabilities.

Fast forward & Fiona is transported to an alternate life
Where she meets and falls in love with a man.

It was a cutesy magical hallmark type.

I didn't read the first two,
But did enjoy this one without.

3 ⭐

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This is the third book in the "Ghosted" series. I haven't read the first two books, but I think this book is fine as a standalone, there isn't any overlap of the story between books, just the characters. I absolutely loved this book, I could not put it down. Sarah Ready has written it so well and it really captures the emotions of the characters and I can picture the scenes so vividly thanks to her descriptions.

Fiona is Swiss/English and has taken over her family's prestigious watch company alongside her younger brother. One day she receives a watch from a Great Uncle who tells her the watch can show her what she desires/dreams to have in her life so she falls asleep with the watch and is transported to an island in the Caribbean where she takes over the body of a woman named Becca, who is married to Aaron McCormick and they have two children together - Amy and Sean. While being Becca, she falls in love with Aaron but this complicates things as the real Becca is not in love with Aaron and is planning to leave him, their children and the island to be with Robert, Aaron's best friend.

Fiona believes this is all just a dream and that Aaron isn't real, but then she finds out he is. So she sets out to find him again in her dreams and tell him who she is and how to find her. Thankfully he believes her, he can sense Becca is a different person when Fi is inhabiting her body, so he sets out to find her.

I loved both Aaron and Fiona, they're both caring, accepting and loving people who deserve the best. Aaron is sweet and committed to his family even though he knows Becca has never been happy in their relationship and didn't want to have kids, he also knows she's been having an affair with Robert and is determined not to stand in her way when she eventually goes. Fiona is a single mum and she loves her daughter, her brother and her best friend Max. She's down to earth even though she's wealthy, she doesn't take anyone for granted and she's especially proud of her family's watch company.

I'll definitely be going back and reading the first two books and I'm looking forward to the release of the 4th!

Thanks to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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This is the third book in the Ghosted series by Sarah Ready. I really enjoyed Sarah’s second book Switched so was excited to be able to read this one and it did not fail.

This book follows, single mum of one Fiona who gets given a long lost family heirloom- a watch by her absent whilst growing up mother. She’s heard things about this watch and how it can make you dream your greatness desires. Was Fiona’s first dream really her desire or did she already have the most perfect life?

There was something in the way Sarah wrote this book that had me completely invested and hooked. I have to admit I’m not really one of those dreamy romantic type girls but throughout this book I was rooting for Fiona and wondering if she would get her happily ever after.

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I'm not really a sucker for romance but I have myself enjoying this book. I didn't want it to end. I'll read more from the author

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC publication for an honest review.

This is book 3 of the "Ghosted" series and I think this is my favorite so far! Sarah Ready has penned some clever plots in this series filled with romance and magical realism. This time we have love found in a dream world...but is it only a dream?

Fiona is a single mom who is an overworked businesswoman trying to keep the family watch business afloat. She doesn't have the time (nor does she trust matters of the heart!) but makes a bet with her brother to keep an open mind to a relationship/love. Fiona's mother (the woman who abandoned her!) gives her a magical watch that is supposed to show you your heart's desire through your dreams. Now her nights are spent in a dream world where she is married to Aaron with two children...a world she is falling in love with not only her surroundings on an island but with the people, too. Especially her husband...

I adored the romance between Aaron and Fi. The relationship felt organic as the two slowly let down their walls and opened their hearts to each other. Their family on the island was so sweet! It was heart retching to see the damage Becca (the real wife Fiona was switching places with!) and Robert (his best friend!) did during the time frame when she woke up and went back to her awake world. GRRRRR!

In the "real world" Fiona had her daughter Mila and her best friend Max who was vying for a romantic relationship with her. What's a girl to do when she is in love with a dream man when she has a safe, comfortable option in the real world? The way the story played out with the twists and turns and gut punching revelations! But thankfully, the author brings us full circle and gives us the perfect ending!

Looking forward to Max's story!

5 stars

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