Member Reviews

Thank you, NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles for this free copy for review. This was a cute addition in the series. Although I have read the other books, you do not need to read the other 2 previous books to enjoy this book as this is a stand-alone story. Fiona meets the man of her dreams.... in her dreams. In her dream, she is lives on a small tropical island and married, but she is falling in love with him. But he just exists in her dream.

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Sarah Ready’s Fated is a captivating contemporary romance with a delightful blend of fantasy elements that adds a unique twist to the genre. The novel explores the theme of destiny and the magic of love through an engaging and imaginative storyline.

The characters are well-drawn and dynamic, with their development providing both depth and relatability. The protagonist's journey of self-discovery and their romantic entanglements are portrayed with emotional sincerity, making their experiences compelling and heartfelt. The chemistry between the characters is palpable, adding a layer of warmth and intimacy to the narrative.

The fantasy elements are woven into the plot in a way that enhances rather than overshadows the romance. The blend of magical and real-world elements offers a fresh and enjoyable twist, though some readers might find certain aspects of the plot predictable if they’re familiar with the genre.

While the pacing is generally steady, there are moments where the story slows down due to detailed descriptions or introspective passages. However, these sections contribute to the overall depth and atmosphere of the book. The resolution of the central romance is satisfying and leaves a lasting impression.

Fated is a charming and imaginative read that combines contemporary romance with fantasy in a way that feels both unique and heartwarming. It’s an excellent choice for fans of romantic fiction looking for a story with a touch of magic and a lot of heart.

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Thank you netgalley for providing me ARC access!

This book wasn't anything like I thought it would be and ended up being way better. I originally wasn't feeling the main character being soooo wealthy and thought her aspect of wanting to dream a better life would be more compelling from someone from a lower socioeconomic class, but I did come to see why the luxury swiss watch heiress part of character mattered. And also this book was rich with description and decadence and having a very wealth main character lends itself well to more opportunities to describe opulence. I was pleasantly surprised by the turns the plot took and did find myself incredibly emotionally invested. At times I was so stressed out the only way I could move forward was knowing it was a romance novel that guaranteed a happily ever after and I would have been devastated if it didn't deliver but it DID!

One of the most emotionally captivating romance novels I've ever read and a sweet representation of second marriages/blended families. Would recommend!

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This is my second book by the author and I was positively surprised again!! This one specifically was written so beautifully, Fiona and Aaron won me over individually AND as a couple, their romance was breathtaking and for me they really should be the new meaning of soulmates. The author managed to achieve the perfect balance between reality and magical elements, I’d HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of Ashley Poston's writing.

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Another 5 star read by Sarah Ready!

I don’t know how she does it, but her books have an absolute chokehold on me every single time. I didn’t want to put this one down. Such a beautiful story about following your heart, allowing yourself to love, and knowing your true happiness is out there.

Amazing. Heart warming. Page turner. Just the best.

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4.5 stars

This is my favourite of the series so far. I love Aaron and Fiona!!! I'm a little sad for Max but I am glad his book is next and he will find his happily ever after in the next book. Although I know that they don't fit and Fiona and Aaron are soulmates so I am glad with how the book ended! I also hope that Nina is not frogotten about because I feel like as much as she isn't happy in her 'real' life, her daughter shouldn't be overshadowed.

Thank you Netgalley, Sarah Ready, and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for the Advance Listeners Copy

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I am a big fan of Sarah Ready and have recently read and enjoyed “Ghosted“. Fated was even better, it was intriguing from start to finish. I listened to this audiobook and was drawn into every word. The beautiful settings were amazing and relaxed you as did the narrator’s voice. A beautiful story, Sarah is a fantastic writer and very unique. A must listen or read for any romantic reading fan. Highly recommend. Thank you so much to Netgalley, publisher and author for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook and enjoy.

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"Fated" by Sarah Ready masterfully plays with classic romance tropes, blending elements of fate, second chances, and soulmates into a fresh and engaging narrative.

The story follows two characters drawn together by an undeniable force, challenging their preconceived notions about love and destiny.
Sarah Ready skillful use of these tropes feels both familiar and innovative, with well-drawn characters and an emotionally charged plot that keeps readers invested.
The novel explores the idea of whether love is written in the stars or shaped by choice, making "Fated" a thought-provoking and satisfying read for fans of romantic fiction.

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In true Sarah Ready fashion "Fated" is a story unlike any other I have ever read! With her enthralling writing she pulls you into this world and the characters within. Fiona is such a real character with flaws and all. If you want a romance that feels real and may just be a dream come true, then you should definitely check this one out.

I will read anything that Sarah Ready writes because all of her stories are so innovative and her writing hypnotizing - this novel was not any different. While there were aspects of the story that didn't work for me personally, because of the triggers listed below, I really did enjoy this novel. The characters were perfectly imperfect and really ran the gambit of characteristics. There was romance, trauma, disaster, healing and many a swoon-worthy moment!

There were a lot of ick cheating feelings that this book brought on. I felt bad for Sam the entire time, Phoebe put him through so much and I can't even imagine how horrible it would be dealing with "his wives" oscillating feelings. If you decide to read this book, go in knowing that these themes of cheating are prominent throughout. I also struggled because I really wanted Fiona and Max to end up together - he seemed like such an amazing person and was so graceful and loving to her throughout.

I will always and forever recommend Sarah Ready. She is one of my go to authors. Every romance lover or contemporary fiction lover I know should read this. It is not just a romance, but a story of growth and getting out of our own way. I can't wait to see what comes next in this series!

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"I'm in love wiith a dream, with a man who isn't real, and there isn't any coming back from it."

I'm not going to lie, I wasn't sure what to expect of this one. It was intriguing, but I often found myself annoyed with the FMC in the beginning. However, as the book progressed I couldn't put it down. I HAD to know what happened next, all the way to the end. 4/5 stars if for no reason other than Fiona was a little much sometimes, and it lacked the spice of my usual reads.

Fiona Abry is the HBIC. A single mom running  a thriving watchmaking business with her little brother, Daniel. She has little time for anything but work and her daughter, brother, and best friend Max. After a tragic Christmas Eve, her "go with the wind" free spirit of a mother gives her a watch. Not just any watch, the first watch her family's company ever made. It's said to allow you to live your dreams, your greatest desires will be right there in front of you. 

Curious, Fiona decides to test the legend and immediately finds herself swept up on an island shes never seen before, in a body that isn't her own, and married to a man she feels a strange connection to, even though shes told their spark is long gone - if it ever existed to begin with.

As Fi travels through this dream world, night after night, she falls more and more in love with the people in it, including her "husband." But Fi is rational, she knows it isn't real. She wants to stop, but finds that she can't fight her feelings for this man when it FEELS so real. Somehow she has to choose between her dream world, and the real world 

This story sweeps you in, keeps you guessing how it'll wrap up and delivers the sweetest ending. I thoroughly enjoyed this read because of how it made me feel. 

I'm thankful to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC :)

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“Everyone knows that dreams are where we tell ourselves the truth.”

Fiona co-owns and runs her family’s watch making business with her brother Daniel.

Fiona’s best friend, Max, is in love with her.

But, then there’s the man of her very literal dreams… McCormick.

“Would it be so dangerous to love him? Would it be so wrong to fall irrevocably in love with a dream?”

“If you can fall for a dream, you can fall for me. I’ll spend mountains of money, I’ll take the time, and I’ll find a way to give you sparks. That way, when I propose, you’ll say yes.”

“I’m scared he’ll leave me. That even in a dream I’ll be left behind.”

“If you ever need me, if you ever find yourself awake at night wanting me, I’ll be here. I’ll be loving you.”

“The world snaps, pulls, shudders, and then as suddenly as an island falling into the sea, as quickly as diving into the depths of the sea, I remember.”

“I believe in love. I think just about anything is possible. I’m going to spend my life with you. I thought I’d let you know.”

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Such a beautifully written love story. Has you hooked right from the start. The author has written it so that you really feel like you are in the story and experiencing the love, sadness and everything else for real. I felt like I was literally in Geneva one moment and then on the island the next because of how the author described each place and could see it all so clearly. It's just amazing how words can do that.

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I had a harder time getting into this book compared to others in the series. It’s about Daniel’s sister, so I was definitely expecting the magic of Ghosted but then couldn’t lose myself in the story as much due to the love…triangle? It was a fun book, and I will immediately move on to the next book, but I was not completely consumed like I was with its predecessors.
Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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This book is so sweet!

Beautifully written, it takes you on a wonderous ride through a very interesting plot. Fiona gets to live a completly different life in her dreams, where she falls in love with the sweetest man, Aaron. It's very cute and you root for them the whole book. I didn't like to see her trying to love someone in her "real life" because, compared to what she had in her dreams, it just seems forced. Max is very sweet, but not the one.

I really liked the way everything fell into place, since I was wondering how it would work out. The only thing I'll say is that it was a bit hard to get into it at first because there was a lot of text and I prefer more dialogues, more action and less thinking. Plus, the dream world was so much better than her real life than I just kept waiting for her to go back so that I could enjoy it again.

Overall, very good reading experience; I quite liked it!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher; for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review. I loved it.

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Wow, this book was a rollercoaster of emotions, an intense story of fated love.

Through her dreams Fi meets Aaron and falls hard for him, even though she's avoided love. The story has many twists and turns and the last few chapters had me on the edge of my seat.

I love how Sarah Ready so beautifully weaves fantasy and reality in such a unique way. The plot of this book is like nothing I've ever read before and I appreciate the novelty of it.

My only negative is the length of the book (a bit too long) and the excessive details about watch making in the beginning. Otherwise, another great title from Ready!

Thank you to Netgalley for the free ARC, this review is left voluntarily.

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"Fated" by Sarah Ready is a captivating blend of contemporary romance and fairytale-like dreams. Fiona Abry, a single mother, is given an old watch by her mother, which transports her in dreams to an idyllic island life where she is married to Aaron McCormick. These dreams make her question whether she is truly living her life when awake.

The best part of the book is the evolution of Fiona and those around her. When Fiona starts to truly live, it allows everyone else around her to do the same. The dreams also help Aaron realize his past perceptions of love were just a facade.

Fiona and Aaron's relationship is beautifully portrayed, with their journey to true love filled with laughter, swooning, and tears. The small island setting, where everyone knows each other, adds to the charm.

However, at times, the writer's focus on surroundings can be a bit too detailed, but this is a minor critique in an otherwise excellent story.

This book is unforgettable, an emotional rollercoaster that blends angsty romance with a magical twist. It's a 5-star read and highly recommended for those who enjoy a mix of romance and fantasy. Sarah Ready's storytelling is truly mesmerizing, making "Fated" a book you’ll want to revisit.

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I don't even know how to describe this book. It was kind of crazy at every turn. The little "Fi" "yes" was really cute. She was doing everything she could to make the people in her dreams happy and I loved it. I would like to see more of them at the end when they are all together.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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I adored this novel by Sarah Ready. I've never read a book with this type of concept before and it was like Midnight in Paris takes a tropical paradise. The duality of her dream life and real life was so interesting and it was so hard put this book down and not just constantly wish for my own heirloom pocket watch.

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I loved this novel. I hadn't read anything by this author before and didn't realise that it was part of a series but it didn't stop me from enjoying it.
I loved the story, it was easy to follow and had a great cast of characters. I kept rooting for them to have their happy ending. I will definitely be reading more by the author. I highly recommend it.
💓 Thank you to netgalley, the author and publisher for my arc ebook copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a solid book probably more like a 3.5* but for some reason its my least favorite in the series so far. I just don't think I ever really connected to the main character, she just felt too one dimensional for me. The other two books in this series deal with heavier themes as well but they managed to be funny and engaging where I found myself kind of wondering if there would be any humor or banter here as I think that is what shined the most in previous books. Overall it was a good romance and the 2 characters had chemistry but it just did not work as much for me this time. I would still recommend, the settings were also really well done and I felt like I was in a tropical island and Geneva. It works well for a summer time read so for that I definitely recommend it.

Thanks to Netgalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for granting me access to the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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