Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book, once I got into it. I enjoyed the twist at the end very much. I don't know why the story didn't grip me as much as I wanted it to, the writing is descriptive and easy to follow and the characters are lovable. I just had a hard time getting into it, hence the three and a half stars. I'd recommend this as a cute romance with a little magic in it.

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I would like to thank NetGalley, Sarah Ready and Swift & Lewis Publishing for an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

4⭐ - This was such a good book, I was hooked from the start. 🤩 Sure, there's a bit of a filler/dip in the middle of the story but the pace picked up towards the end.

I really loved the story of Becca and Aaron and was rooting for them towards the end, I wasn't familiar with the time travel type of romance but it did not disappoint.

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I loved this book! I loved the magical realism elements! And I loved the slight twist at the end, making it not as predictable as I thought. This is my favourite book in this series and I will definitely be picking up book 4!

5 stars
0 spice

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4⭐, 1.75 🌶️

I love this series by Sarah! Book one as just sooo amazingly different, that when I wasn’t super invested in book two, I was still interested enough to read this book! And thank goodness I did because WOW! The first 50% of the book was a tad boring to me, but once we got to the more romantic storyline and ALLL of the answers are answered in the end of the book, I was just blinking into the abyss because there was so much to process. Sarah’s inventive mind is just so impressive to me, and I’m just amazed with the rollercoaster we had for the last 15% of this book. I laughed, cried, and screamed at time.

❤️ Single Mom
💜 Opposites Attract
💙Magical Realism
❤️Marriage in Crisis? Dream World? Soulmates?

Thank you NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for an eARC & ALC of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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Life is incredibly messy. Sarah Ready write an adorable and quirky fairy take like romance that blends real life and dream life. She reminds us to dream big, but be careful because your dreams may come true.

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4.5 ⭐️ | 1🌶️

• Magical Realism
• Dream World
• Time Travel
• Opposites Attract
• Meant To Be
• Found Family
• Sobs & Swoon


‘Fated’ by Sarah Ready is an emotional rollercoaster. I’m grateful that I was approved for both the ARC and ALC because it made the reading experience so worthwhile.

This book had me laughing, crying, and screaming! It's a sweet romance with a deeper message about love, trust, and self-acceptance. The characters are beautifully crafted, even the ones you love to hate, making you feel a mix of emotions towards them.

The love story is unique and beautiful, with unexpected plot twists and a dreamy MMC- McCormick. The FMC-Fiona, is a strong, independent single mom who meets the man of her dreams in her dreams! I loved how she got to know herself better in both the real and dream worlds.

The plot is creatively unique, drawing you in and making you fall in love with the story. I've enjoyed the entire series so far, with each book featuring a unique type of magical realism. This one, however, hit me in the heart and made me feel like I was living the story—like I was Fiona!

I loved the appearances from Daniel, the main character from the first book, ‘Ghosted’, and I’m excited to see Max get his own story in ‘Wished’.

This book exceeded my expectations and left me wanting more. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to read a sweet and emotional romance!

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You did it again!!!!! Thank you so much for this ARC!

“I’m in love with a dream, with a man who isn’t real, and there is no coming back from it.”

Tell me you didn’t feel something from that? It doesn’t matter good or bad you felt something. That’s how I feel about Sarah’s writing! I love how she can take “the man of your dreams” and make him real. I have enjoyed this whole series and I really love Fiona and Aaron. The challenges that arise, oof and how they are handled, again oof. I highly recommend this book though!

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This book was SO good! I was hooked from the get go and immediately devoured the story. I needed to understand what happened. May have stayed up until 2am to finish and GASPED out loud in the last 20% . This was my first foray into a more paranormal/timetravel/sci-fi type romance novel and it definitely did not disappoint.

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I have loved the other books in this series and this one is no exception. Sarah Ready knows how to break my heart and put it back together. A family heirloom is gifted to Fiona Abry, a world-renowned watchmaker, it has a legend that it lets you dream the thing your heart wants most. Fiona's life is already full of work, her daughter, her friend Max, and her brother. What more could she want, other than love? I adored the difference between the island and Geneva. I could feel the sun burning my retinas and the thick humid sea air whenever Fiona returned. The roller coaster between Robert, Becca, and McCormick was almost tragic. The anticipation of Fiona's return trips always had me so hopeful. It's a great read, it kept me guessing and broke my heart a little, but it was also so full of hope and love, and of course an HEA that makes the journey worth it.

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Oh my goodness! I adored this book and story. How on earth do Sarah's books just keep getting better.

I love stories like this where we know it could never happen but you are left with a what if? feeling. Laugh out loud and also very touching

Highly recommend!

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Thankyou so much for giving me the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.
This book was such an amazing read.
I loved the concept of the plot. It really grabbed my attention when Fiona started travelling to another reality in her dreams. Not only that, but Aaron was a real person. It blew my mind how at the end of the book they found each other. I really thought throughout the book Fi and Max would have ended up together, this was before I found out that the island was real. The plot twist at the end before Fi and Aaron met had me on the edge of my seat.
I haven’t read a book with magical realism like this book. Now I want to read more books like this. I’ll definitely be recommending this book to others.
Rating: 5 stars

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This book in simple words is magical and breathtaking. This is my first Sarah Ready novel and my very first book that has magical realism as one of its main settting, and it is a masterpiece in this genre. The story is a unique combination of dream and real life that's left me with feelings like warmth, happiness and nostalgia.

Sarah Ready is an incredible writer, with her unique story-telling and incisive and profound narrative, she weaved a story of a woman learning to dream and then falling in love with the man of her dreams in her dream life. It's incredibly complex yet intriguing with every passing chapter, you will find yourself reading it without stopping because the story has a quiet hypnotic rhythm to it, with its tropical paradise setting in dreams, and cozy and comforting vibes of Geneva, Switzerland, you will get sucked right into the pages of this book. The side characters that are as nuanced and lovely as main characters and I especially loved Amy, Daniel and Max.

The plot twists in this book are perfectly executed with no plot hole galores, the anticipation of finding the truth behind those dreams Fiona is dreaming and to know what led her to dream about that tropical island and Aaron left me with thrilling excitement. The story stirred a spectrum of emotions inside me from nostalgia and adoration to agonising emotions. There is also drama and comedy involve brought in by nuanced side-characters, but also has all the summery and cozy atmospheric vibes that are brought to life by Sarah's vivid details in her books.

Fiona, heiress of a Swiss watchmaker. Fiona is an intelligent and confident woman, an incredible single mother. But she forgot what it truly felt like to dream, to trust and to fall in love. This is where a mysterious and magical watch enters, a classic and family heirloom that lets her live her greatest desires of real life in her dreams. But what happens when said dreams feels like reality, when Fiona starts irrevocably falling for the man of her dreams in her dreams, a man who is just a figment of her desires and need but feels real. Fiona has everything she wants in her dream life, kids and a husband, Aaron McCormick who loves her beyond everything, but will she ever stop dreaming about the people she came to love in her dreams?

Aaron McCormick is the man one can so easily fall in love with. He's got the gentleness, a charming persona, an easy-going nature, an incredible man, father and a husband. Aaron loves deeply and wholeheartedly. If he's in you cannot change his mind ever. I am enamored by his character and how he shows his vulnerability to Fiona, his thoughts on life, how he loves his people and how many hardships he had been through yet still he is most compassionate and down to earth man. To simply say, I am in love and you will be too if you just read this book once.

The romance was breathtaking. I fell in love with this beautiful and whimsical love story. Fiona and Aaron are soulmates in truest meaning, finding each other even in dreams because they are fated to be together. The way Fiona fell in love in her dreams, and how she started imagining her dream people in real life, how she cared for the people she met only at night in her own magical world, everything was perfect. The found family arc that is the heart of this story was constructed perfectly and with so much elegance and comfort. It was simply so beautiful, uplifting and endearing. I love Fiona and Aaron so freaking much.

The ending was perfect and you guys are in a roller coaster ride with how the last chapters were written. I tried my best to write this review without spoiling it for you because it's better if you experience the beauty of this novel by reading it and living it with these lovely characters.

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Book tilte-> Fated(#3 in Ghosted series)
Author-> Sarah ready
If i have to describe this book in one word, i would say it is magical.
Magical, not just because the book has elements like dreams, timetravelling and fighting against destiny for love but the book is magical because of the way it is written and how the emotions are portrayed in a perfect balance.
The story starts with Fiona Abry(FMC) who along with her brother runs her family's swiss watch company. Fiona is a single mother who is afraid of getting in to a relationship or fall in love even though love is what she craves for.
When she gets a chance to live in her dreams, she grabs it and try to live it to the fullest even though she knows it is a dream. She falls in love with a man in her dreams and she can't help it.
When it comes to a point where she feels like everything is gonna shatter again, she's got one more chance to change everything. Will she save her love or will she get heart broken. You should read the book to know what happens.
The story switches between Fiona's day life and her dreams in the night but the transition is shown in a very neat way. I am literally clueless about what I'm getting in to when i started reading the book but I loved the book so much and i finished reading the complete book in a day.
If you're looking for a love story with interesting elements, then you should give this book a try.
Dear author,
This book is amazing. The way you switched the story between her daily day life and dreams in the night is so magical. Thanks for the beautiful ending🧡
Many thanks to NetGalley for the copy
#fated #NetGalley

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Fated by Sarah Ready is book 3 in the Ghosted series and it is AMAZING. The premise of this story is so unique just as Ghosted and Switched.

Fated follows Fiona who is Daniels sister from Ghosted, they are the heirs to a Swiss watchmakers company. Fiona is given a an heirloom watch that shows you what your heart desires when you are dreaming, now Fiona is stuck between 2 worlds. Her real world she is a successful business woman, single mom to her daughter Mila, and her boyfriend Max who I would say they are not in love but have love for each other. Then, there is her dream world, when she is asleep she is married to Aaron McCormick and a mom to Amy and Sean in a small ocean town. Here is the catch Fiona comes in the form of Becca Aaron’s AWFUL wife.

Shakira Shute does an amazing job with her narration!!! Aaron broke my heart and healed my heart all in this book. I went through all of the emotions that Fiona went through. This story is so amazing I wish I could give it more than five stars. I went on an emotional roller coaster ride that had twists and turns, and brought tears to my eyes. As mentioned before the premise of this story was so unique having a watch that can bring to life what your heart desires when you are dreaming. Sarah did such a great job of making you feel like you were living both worlds with Fiona and making you feel like you had a connection with all of the characters. I could go on and but I won’t. What I will say is you should either read or listen to this book as soon as you can because you will not want to put it down. A VERY BIG thank you to NetGalley, Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC, and Sarah ready for letting me listen to the ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts and opinions!!!

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Fiona loves running her family watch business. After a bad time with romance she has decided to focus on her career. But sometimes magic has a different plan!

I am going to be very careful with this review because the author did a great job leaving the reader guessing. Fiona has a bet with her brother about finding romance. She decides to give her best friend, Daniel, a chance to romance her. But at night, she dreams of a man who feels so real that she has trouble believing he isn’t real. I love how the author switches from Fiona’s day to day and her dreams at night. I kept thinking I figured out what was happening but then I changed my mind. Even near the end I wasn’t sure how the author would bring it together! I love the way this story unfolds. There is a bad guy who does a bad thing but it is so essential for the story that I agree with what was done. Jeez, it’s hard to not give away details.

I had no idea where this story was going! This is a contemporary romance that takes place in Switzerland and on a tropical island. Fiona is a busy single mom. There are excellent side characters that help push the story forward. You do not have to read the prior books in this series. I will definitely read more from this author in the future.

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Rating: 4.75 🩵💙🩵

I absolutely loved this book. This book was definitely something different compared to other books I've read. I wasn't able to predict the ending so easily, which is a good thing. You will cry and laugh at the same time when reading this. This was my first book by her and now I find myself going on Amazon to buy her physical copy of the book ( I read this as an ebook). I definitely recommend adding this book to your TBR. Thank you Sarah for writing such a beautiful book, it definitely won't be the last book I read from you.

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Parts of this are lyrical and beautiful and parts seemed chaotic. Reading this, I can understand why some people gave it a much loved five stars as well as those giving it two stars. I'm somewhere in the middle. The dream reality versus the awake reality were too confusing for me. I understand the Fiona in Geneva better and thought that it her story was more engat. I'm rounding up from 3 and a half ⭐.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for providing the ARC.

I think it's no secret that I absolutely love Sarah Ready and her books. With this installment in her Ghosted series, we get a deeper dive into Daniel's older sister, Fiona, and we see the bet placed that Daniel discussed in the first book that landed him a giant shirtless ad on a billboard in Times Square.

Fiona is the epitome of someone who loves so fiercely they have to put up a barrier or be consumed by how much they love. Told in story that involves some magic and some timey wimey stuff, Fiona meets the love of her life in Aaron on a beach in the middle of nowhere. Except that he's not real. He's just a dream. But dreams don't feel as real as they do when she's with him. And slowly, you see her facade crumble as she becomes open and receptive to love through Aaron.

As with all of Ready's books, you will laugh and you will cry before the end. Her books are like a cocoon of warmth, tenderness, sadness, and hope all wrapped up into one small 300-something page package. This book is not any different, and I can't wait until the next one.

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✨ Single Mother
✨ sci-Fi-ish feeling
✨full of emotions

✨ story was mainly focus on the single mother fiona or in this story. Aaron and Fiona has a strong connection in this involving the family, the book can be read standalone but I think it’s best to read the first book to enjoy and understand better.

✨ the ending is my favourite, unpredictable or I would say more real instead of direct hea’s. However, I got to be honest that I’m not vibing the story of the dreams.

✨ fionas family gave her a gift- family heirloom. She started to have this vivid dreams which is very different from what she have now. Don’t get me wrong I now that the plot was involve magic and all that but the first few chapters are more real rather than just plain magic.💁‍♀️

✨ at the end, I lost the spark. But it was a good summer read.

✨ Thankyou for the opportunity to read this book for a honest review.


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Such an intricate story, but I expect nothing less from Sarah Ready. I have loved every story in this series, but this one might be my favorite. It absolutely destroyed my heart and then pieced it back together. Aaron and Fi are so lovable- I could not stop reading this book. I had to know their fate!

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