Member Reviews

I didn't have that good of time with Street Fighter Masters Volume 1. I really wanted to enjoy it, but I never felt that there was a coherent story in this.

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I think this is a great book for Street Fighter fans and a good intro for those readers meeting all these characters for the first time. The book is comprised of a number of comics about the Street Fighter world. The artwork is colourful and the stories are engaging. Even people who aren’t fans can enjoy this.

Copy provided via Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Seems to be more of a promotion for Street Fighter merch than a real story. There are far better graphic novels and Manga out there.

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I grew up on the Street Fighters era. Playing that on the Playstation with my father and sisters. Reading this comic was fun because it made me nostalgic seeing some of the characters that I had forgotten about. But nice animations, nice backgrounds stories (since I only knew them from the game). I look forward to reading more.

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Thank you to Netgalley for a copy for an honest review.

I really enjoyed reading this and will be picking up a copy as soon it releases. 💕
It was well written and I really enjoyed my time reading it.

Rating 4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Street Fighter #100 features gorgeous artwork and an exciting storyline that brings all the characters together. Each tale is packed with action and adventure, from school rivalries to Blanka's silent origin story protecting his jungle. Even if you're not a Street Fighter fan, these stories are engaging and worth checking out.

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As an old Street Fighter video game player and a Ryu fan (he is on the cover, come on), I wanted to like this more than I did.
It started off alright, with Ryu as the MC in the first story. The story itself was okay, and characters were good.
I was engaged when it came to the no-text Blanka story.
Then…Chun Li cannot be reduced to her sexualised body as a character, but I did not expect to see the female characters objectified. As if they lacked character, And I lost interest in it.
Hope others will like it.

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I have been a long time fan of the street fighter games but never really delved into the comics/manga so after giving this a try I think going forward I will be sticking to the games. While I understand the point of this volume is to give short stories for different characters ultimately I found only one interesting and that was Blanka's story and surprisingly it had no words and no fan service shots.

I understand fully that Street Fighter has a large male fan base and that might be why I tend to not gravite to the written works because they are written with them in mind but I really could care less about any of the stories with the girls, it was just fan service shot after fan service shot but I guess I should have expected that when the entire book is written by men. I fully recognize that I am not the intended audience with this particular written work for Street Fighter.

The positives of this is that each story is drawn in a different style which gives you a nice variety of art to look at and I loved that they were all in color. The gallery of covers at the end was also a nice touch though ultimately felt unnecessary and used more as page filler to make a "full" book.

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I had a lot of fun reading this graphic novel. Each tale was done in a different art style, and showed new sides of some fan favorite characters. Some of these tales had the character make a rash decision or two, but in the end they learned an important lesson. Once this graphic novel came to a close, it was clear these adventures are far from over.

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This is an interesting story, based on the street fighter stories. The stories have action and adventure and alot of fighting. Definitely an interesting read even if you are not a street fighter fan.

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I absolutely love this series, as both a video game and as a comic! Happy they are making more installments in this comic series and can't wait to read more in the future!

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