Member Reviews

An old barge full of memories, beautiful and picturesque canals, and a great adventure on the horizon with friends – that’s how this story can be summed up.

Charming, full of hope, understanding, and warmth. It proves that true friends are sometimes the ones we least expect, and that beauty can be found everywhere if we truly want to see it.

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Enjoyable, easy read. I liked this instalment of Daisy's boating life the most (so far). Getting to know other characters introduced before adds more depth to the overall Wildflower Lock community. These books are pure escapism! Recommended read.

Thank you Netgalley

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Truly a delight. This story was engaging from beginning to end. The setting of this book was absolutely DARLING and I now want to live on a houseboat, preferably one with a coffee shop as well. Daisy's adventures on said houseboat as she travels were romantic, fun, funny, and engaging. Following Daisy on her adventures was the perfect addition to my summer & reading list. I loved all the characters. They were truly delightful and their loyalty really stuck with me. I loved when authors create characters that can truly be trusted by the reader.

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In the third in the series, most of the story takes place away from Wildflower Lock as Daisy sets out to surprise her boyfriend, Theo, who is working away. Daisy takes a leap in faith and undertakes the potentially hazardous sail with her friend, Yvonne, who has lots of experience in sailing canal boats. There are ups and downs on the trip and at times, Daisy regrets her impetuosity in setting off.

Meanwhile, Theo finds himself worrying that Daisy does not feel the same about him as he does her, as she dodges his phone calls and spins him a yarn- all to keep the surprise going. There is plenty of action in the story and Daisy meets some interesting characters. This is a lively fun read with humour and interesting characters. Some of them are familiar from the first two books. You can read this as a standalone.

In short: a lively read

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Another great book in this series. This one takes you out of Wildflower Lock and onto a different world of canals and locks. I enjoyed this one and am looking forward to the next one in this series. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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It was so lovely to be back at Wildflower Lock with Daisy and her coffeeshop. This beautiful and uplifting romance follows Daisy who after setting up a coffee shop on her canal boat, is trying to keep her long-distance relationship with Theo alive. Whilst talking to her canal friend Yvonne she decides to take the adventurous trip to see her boyfriend, as a surprise.
Soon, with Yvonne’s help they start their journey but with keeping secrets from Theo and mishaps along the way she must keep her nerve to keep on track with her adventure.

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In this fun and enjoyable modern romance novel, readers return to Lynn’s Wildflower Lock series and Daisy May’s life on her canal boat, the September Rose. As life continues and her romance with Theo continues to grow, Daisy takes control of her story and takes the September Rose (and her friend Yvonne) on a trip to surprise Theo. However, the world outside Wildflower Lock is a bit busier and more chaotic, and both Daisy and others are keeping secrets. No trip ever goes according to plan, and Daisy must be able to handle whatever obstacles life and travel throws in her way if she wants to spread her wings and visit Theo to nurture their romance. With a charming premise and beautiful location, Lynn continues to bring the isolated charm and whimsy of Wildflower Lock as a haven away from the bustle of the modern world to her readers while bringing new twists and challenges to the plot. Daisy, Yvonne, and Theo remain unique and complex characters, and their growth over the novel -- particularly in regards to Daisy’s storyline -- is rewarding, enjoyable, and immersive. An excellent continuation of the series, readers will enjoy traveling with Daisy on the September Rose in this fun and lighthearted novel.

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I wish I’d discovered this series before the third one. I loved Blue Skies Over Wildflower Lock so much. I disappeared onto the waterways of England from the moment I read the first page until I finally closed my Kindle.

Hannah has put so much research into this book and how you can navigate the waterways to get from one side of the country to the other. I honestly wished I was travelling with her and September Rose, enjoying the tranquillity of the canals and the mayhem of the Thames!

This is the first book I have read by Hannah Lynn, but I am definitely going back to read others and will look forward to the next book she writes.

Thank you to NetGalley, Boldwood Books and Rachel’s Random Resources for the opportunity to read and review Blue Skies Over Wildflower Lock.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a great book. It was very heartwarming. I enjoyed it a lot!

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Absolutely loved this book, this series gets better and better! Beautifully written with exciting eclectic characters, I am loving Daisies adventures and the trials of canal life. Yvonne was another brilliant character and it was interesting reading her story as the book progressed. . It is a standalone book though I would recommend reading the others first due to the various ongoing relationships.
Pure escapism with some challenges thrown in , and a beautiful stowaway !
The perfect summer read ,
Highly Recommended
Thank you to Netgalley, Boldwood Books and Hannah Lyn for letting me read this book in exchange for an honest review

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Review for 'Blue Skies Over Wildflower Lock' by Hannah Lynn.

This book has fantastic descriptions that set you straight in the scenes. The cover, title and synopsis suit the storyline perfectly.

OMG!!! I absolutely LOVE this gorgeous book in this absolutely stunning series!! I fell in love with the characters and just everything in the first book in the beautiful 'The Wildflower Lock' series which was called 'New Beginnings At Wildflower Lock' and was landed when this book came out! I must admit I was a bit dubious about how on Earth Hannah could make another book just as gorgeous as that one but she most definitely did. in fact, I would go as far as saying I loved this one just that but morel!!! Although this is the third book in 'The Wildflower Lock' series it can be read in order of the series or as a standalone. I have read the first book in this series but not had time to read the second book yet which is called 'Coffee And Cake At Wildflower Lock' but I had no problems at all reading this one without having read the second one previously. I can promise you, whether you start with this book or the first book in this absolutely gorgeous series you will not be disappointed!! Hannah is one of those books that can write book after book featuring the same characters and I will never get bored, especially as they have now come to feel like friends. The only negative thing I can say is that apart from them living on in my mind and the story coming to life when I read it is that these fantastic characters only actually live on paper as I am devastated every time I have to say Goodbye to them!! The storyline is stunning and is ram packed with friendship, romance, coffee, water, family, locks, cake, stunning scenery, fun and is an absolutely stunning escapism read!!! This is one of those books that are very easy to read and perfect for any reading situations whether you are laying on a beach or curled up in front of a fire. It is an absolutely ideal read for anyone who is looking for a gorgeous and relaxing read that will have you hooked from beginning to end. I absolutely LOVED the realism of this storyline which made it so easy to picture everything that was going on which had been helped by Hannah's fantastic evocative writing skills. I cannot wait to get hooked into more of Hannah's books so I hope she is busy writing her next one while I get stuck into the previous books in this stunning series!! This is definitely one of those books that will turn a frown upside down and make life seem a lot brighter. Grab your copy today and fall in love with 'The Wildflower Lock' series today!!!

Well done Hannah on yet another absolutely stunning and perfect addition to a gorgeous series!!!

Although this is the third book in the series I had absolutely no problems reading it without the others. Any details or events that have previously happened are mentioned in just the right amount of detail to let a new reader know what has happened and yet not too much to bore a previous reader.

The characters were all an eclectic mix and each one of them were realistic and strong. I was completely invested in them all. It also makes them more realistic, believable and made me feel even more for them than I normally would. I loved meeting them all again in this book after falling in love with them in book one in this series after they very quickly became to feel like friends. The fact that Hannah clearly cares about her characters is obvious in her evocative and emotive descriptions and in depth characterisation and personalisation of each and every single one of them. She really has managed to create an amazing selection of characters, each with their own personalities, strengths and weaknesses that I absolutely love meeting time and time again so a MASSIVE thank you Hannah for each and every one of your amazing characters in not only this series but also in your stunning 'The Holly Berry Sweet Shop' series too, which is another stunning series by this amazing author that I would also highly recommend! Each of the characters are memorable and unique in their own ways and they are a group that I wont ever be forgetting any time soon! I cannot wait to meet them all again and again!!!

Pick up this book and get lost in this absolutely gorgeous page turner!

Congratulations Hannah on an yet another absolutely stunning read that I just could not put down!!! I would absolutely love to see this series turned into movies!!! This is the exact reason you are on my favourite author list and here's to your next success 🥂

Overall an unputdownable, gorgeous, STUNNING page turning book filled with family romance, fun, laughter, friendship and so much more!! A perfectly relaxing and stunning unique read!!!!

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I absolutely adore this series and I couldn't wait to catch up with Daisy and her new venture aboard The September Rose.

Blue Skies is the third installment to the Wildflower Lock series. You could read it as a standalone, but you'll have no idea what you've missed out on.

I've always had the dream of living on a barge and Wildflower Lock sounds such an idyllic place to live. And just like all the best places, sadly it's not real.

With Daisy and Theo now in a relationship, love is in the air. So when they find themselves separated due to Theo's working away, Daisy decides it's time for the September Rose to go on a little trip.

It's fun, uplifting and the perfect summer escapism read.

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Picking up where we left off after "Coffee and Cake at Wildflower Lock", Daisy May's coffee shop is established and she and Theo are definitely an item, despite Theo's job taking him three hours away. While Daisy and Theo get together every couple of weeks, it's not the same, and on a whim, Daisy decides to surprise him by driving her narrowboat from Wildflower Lock across to the Costwolds where Theo is now based.

Accompanied and encouraged by her neighbour, Yvonne, who had done the journey multiple times, and a stray dog who befriends her, Daisy embarks on a journey that is both perilous and engaging. But when things turn pear-shaped, how can Daisy keep her journey a surprise from Theo ?

This book is a slow-paced, cosy journey across the English countryside as Daisy and Yvonne fall into a rhythm of sailing and sketching. The pace does increase in the latter part of the book, but for the most part this is a book of small, charming moments.

A delightful read. I hope there is a fourth book in the series to complete Daisy's journey.

~Many thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review~

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Hannah Lynn’s Wildflower Lock series is one of my favourite series (yes I’m aware I have many favourites, because I’m greedy and I can never pick one favourite of anything) of which Blue Skies Over Wildflower Lock is the third book.

This can’t really be read as a stand-alone like a lot of other series, because there’s ongoing stories, relationships that spread across each book, but you can go back read New beginnings at Wildflower Lock and Coffee and Cake at Wildflower Lock first and get to know these amazing characters and their stories, you really should because they’re fabulous!

On this journey we get to go on adventures with two of my favourite fictional friends , show me a person who wouldn’t want to go on an adventure in a houseboat which is also a coffee shop and I’ll point at someone who needs some adventure in their life. I loved how much more we got to learn about Daisy and her family, alongside her learning herself.

I love the miscommunication, well more misunderstanding as Daisy is being secretive, So poor Theo worries it’s all going wrong or Daisy doesn’t feel the same, I adore this series and as each book ends I can’t wait for the next to see where we go next, a thoroughly entertaining and heartwarming book and series.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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It was lovely to be back at Wildflower Lock with Daisy and her coffeeshop. She is missing Theo, who has relocated for a few months and they are having a long distance relationship.

When she discusses this with her elderly friend Yvonne, they decide to take the September Rose on an impromptu trip to surprise Theo.

Unfortunately, the journey is not all plain sailing and there are a few challenges and hair-raising moments to overcome. These brought about a range of emotions at times but there were humourous moments as well. The addition of the stowaway was perfect.

I enjoyed the escapism of the book and the descriptions of their journey along the way. A lovely summer read.

Thank you Rachel's Random Resources and Boldwood Books for my gifted ARC.

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Thanks netgalley and publishers for an advanced copy of this book. I absolutely loved this story describing life and adventures living on a canal boat. Likeable characters, a delightful story well worth reading.

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Another beautiful read from hannah Lynn. The story really transports you to the setting and makes you really fall in love with characters. And no great story is complete without the perfect pooch

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Daisy's life on the September Rose and the coffee shop is going well until her boyfriend Theo takes a job that means he has to move away for a few months. She decides to take her boat on a trip to meet and surprise him, aided by her neighbour Yvonne who had made a similar trip many years before.
I loved the previous books in the series and this follows in a similar vein, but with a lot more adventure. I'm not certain that I'd have the courage to take on a long boat trip as Daisy is doing, my time on boats, or more accurately ships, involve rather larger ones complete with restaurants and bars, although I have pottered around on the Norfolk Broads. Things don't always go well, although they do manage to make progress, they also manage to pick up an extra passenger along the way. I'd probable give it 4.5*, but as normal have rounded this up to 5* because it deserves it.
I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, however this did not influence my review of the book.

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Daisy May is back at Wildflower Lock. The story is a good summer read with travel and meeting new people along the way. Also throw in a dog and you have a read that is interesting. The relationships along the way are fantastic.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher and leaving a review by my own choice.

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Hannah Lynn is an author who never fails to disappoint. A lovely book with a fantastic setting, which made me feel as though I was looking through a window and part of the story.

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