Member Reviews

With such cute and stunning covers, I'm always drawn to this author's books. The characters are so relatable, you feel like they could be friends and you'd love to share in their happiness. The setting is so charming. I mean who wouldn't want to frequent a coffee shop on a boat? Daisy's home is a houseboat, and her coffee shop is there too. How lovely is that? Daisy is in a new relationship and really wants this to work out. Trouble is, it's a long-distance relationship. With Daisy putting in long hours in her coffee shop serving customers and baking goodies and her new man working his job them seeing each other frequently just isn't happening. This is when Daisy gets the brilliant idea to travel on her boat, September Rose to visit him. She has her trusty guide, an elderly woman who's navigated these waters many times and who was a friend of her mom to guide her. Full of love, laughter, romance, fun chats, this is my favorite book this Summer. The adventures these ladies went on with this houseboat traveling coffee shop were marvelous. The people they met, and the charming dog added so much fun to the story. Through this trip Daisy discovers so much about herself and her family she hadn't know. A true gem that I highly recommend you zip right to the top of your summer reading list.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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Blue Skies Over Wildflower Lock by Hannah Lynn

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


There may be trouble ahead…

Just when Daisy thought she had canal life understood, Theo, her primary go-to for all of her boating questions has left Wildflower Lock, not to mention the budding romance that has been steadily growing.

Not one to sit and wallow, Daisy takes matters into her own hands. Who said long-distance relationships can’t work?

With the help of trusted friend Yvonne, Daisy takes the September Rose on a round trip to surprise her new boyfriend. The best thing about a home on the water? You can go anywhere!

But perhaps leaving the serenity of Wildflower Lock wasn’t the best idea. Daisy hates keeping secrets from Theo, and she’s not the only one…

My Opinion

This is going to make for a lovely holiday read. Whilst Daisy's journey is anything but straight forward, this book was nice and relaxing. In a change of scene, the majority of this book takes place away from Wildflower Lock but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. For me, the ending felt a little bit rushed but I will be eagerly waiting for my next visit to the September Rose - I hope we get to see more of Johnny.

Rating 4/5

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Loved this one! Great and fun read. Highly recommend.
Many thanks to the publisher, Netgalley, and the author for my ARC.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I enjoyed reading this book.

Daisy and Theo’s relationship is going great, but as Theo is working further away, the time they get to spend together is dependant on his job and the time he gets off, but with him making the journey to see Daisy, it’s not much.

Whilst listening to her neighbour Yvonne talk of the times she’s travelled on her boat. Daisy decides to take her boat all the way to see Theo.

Yvonne is going with her and along the way, Daisy has someone else joining them on the journey, a dog she found.

The journey isn’t all smooth sailing, and they find out more about each other.

But, Theo is unaware of what Daisy is doing, he thinks that maybe she doesn’t feel the same way for him.

Will Daisy make her journey to Theo, or does something happen before she reaches him?

I highly recommend this book.

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The continuing story of Daisy and her barge based cafe. Set two months on from the second book in the series, Daisy is in a relationship with Theo. We start the book with Theo working away for five months. They are missing each other, with Theo travelling back for the odd night, whenever he can make it. As the cafe business is taking off, their time together is minimal. After speaking to Yvonne, an elderly reaident of Wildflower Lock. Together they hatch a plan to travel through the canal network to surprise Theo. After all, what could possibly go wrong?

Although the book is titled Blue Skies Over Wildflower Lock, very little of the action is set there. I enjoyed the story, the escapades of Daisy, Yvonne and their unexpected companion on the voyage. For me it fell down at the end. It felt like it needed a few more chapters as it felt quite an abrupt end to the tale. That said, I look forward to continuing the story in future episodes.

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I received an E-ARC with a request for my honest review.

This beautiful and uplifting romance follows Daisy who after setting up a coffee shop on her canal boat, is trying to keep her long-distance relationship with Theo alive.

Spontaneously, when talking to her canal friend Yvonne she decides to take the adventurous trip to see her boyfriend, as a surprise.

Soon, with Yvonne’s help they start their journey but with keeping secrets from Theo and mishaps along the way she must keep her nerve to keep on track with her adventure.

Will Daisy complete her journey? What mishaps will happen along the way?

This is the second book I have read in this series, although I think I came in at book 2. There is no need to have read the other books, as there is enough explanation to be able to read as a standalone; however, it has been lovely to see how the relationship between Daisy and Theo has developed.

There are plenty embarrassing mishaps that Daisy faces throughout, although they add an element to comedy to the storyline even if you know Daisy wouldn’t be laughing. There are many dangerous moments too, where I was holding my breath hoping they would be ok.

I loved having Yvonne along for the journey too, as she added even more humour, even with her heart-breaking story.

Overall, a beautiful and uplifting romance, where Daisy sets off on an adventurous trip to see Theo.

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This is a charming and uplifting novel that invites readers into the picturesque world of Wildflower Lodge. With her evocative prose, Lynn paints a vivid picture of the lodge and its stunning natural surroundings, making it a perfect escape for those seeking a heartwarming read.

This instalment allows us to find out more about Daisy and Theo and the other characters but we also get to hear a bit more about Yvonne’s story and I absolutely loved the way her friendship with Daisy became cemented during the course of this story and how the bond between these two women grew as well as Daisy’s relationship with her mum changing. The descriptions of the settings and the sights and sounds make the reader think they are actually on the narrow boat doing the journey themselves and as usual with these books they transport me back to happy memories of barge holidays from my youth. I would love to go back and do another one, one day . The characters are well-developed and relatable, each bringing their unique quirks and warmth to the story. The romantic subplot is sweet and satisfying, adding an extra layer of charm to the story.

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Great to be back on Wildflower Lock although it’s not long until Daisy and Yvonne secretly leave to visit Theo. This journey involves sea and river crossings, Johnny the dog and much mayhem and mishaps. Lots of humour but also some darker themes. Although part of a series I think this could be read as a standalone book. Lovely read which I recommend.

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This was another lovely book about life on a canal boat, Hannah makes it sound so peaceful, the characters we have met before so it was nice just to slip into their next adventure and what an adventure Daisy and Yvonne have, it didn't feel like the book was quite finished so I am wondering if there will be a fourth book

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A gentle read as part of a series but it can be read as a standalone. Set on a canal boat Daisy is carrying one with her life and with the aid of accomplice Yvonne sets off on a perilous journey with her canal boat. Cosy and pleasant with a little nod to treachery. The character to steal your heart may well be Johnny , the dog.
The story did come to an abrupt end or is that to leave room for the next book

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The next installment following Daisy and the September Rose and they are leaving Wildflower Lock for an adventure! I enjoyed it but felt the ending was quite rushed and it left me with questions!

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This is another book in the Wildflower lock series that had me smiling, laughing and crying throughout. Daisy’s life on the boat sounds amazing, and after all the hard times she’s had she deserves all the happiness in the world. I loved the storyline involving the dog. I wasn’t keen on Shaun, just because of what happened (which I won’t post because spoilers!) but the adventures that happen and learning more about canals is fascinating. I particularly love Daisy’s mum and although in previous books I didn’t like her actions, I do think she’s redeeming herself. I would highly recommend this series of books for anybody who likes a bit of fun, laughter, romance and some tears thrown in.

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What another great read in this book series. Daisy is really quite mad when she decides to take her boat on a journey to visit Theo. Daisy will have to navigate from the canal into rivers and the sea,travelling through London. She is accompanied by Yvonne one of her boating neighbours who has been sailing boats for many years.
There are lots of laughs in this book and sometimes I feared for Daisy's life. So many things go wrong,especially having to pretend to Theo that she's still back at Wildflower Lock.
I'm really enjoying this series and look forward to the next one.

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The newest instalment to the Wildflower Lock series is another cozy romance in a picturesque setting. I enjoy reading about Daisy's life on her narrowboat and this time she went on an adventure! I would have liked to see the completion of her journey but maybe that's coming in Wildflower #4. I'll definitely be reading to find out.

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3.5 stars.

I did enjoy this novel, a complete change to the other novels in this series however I do feel it dragged a little bit and then the ending isn’t what I expected, we didn’t get to see them arrive to meet Theo at all which was disappointing.

Having said that there was a lot happening throughout the book which kept it interesting. Maybe there will be another in this series and we get to finish the journey?

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Great to be back with the crew from Wildflower Lock. Daisy and Theo are having to resume their relationship long distance when Theo takes a job miles away. They are managing but his workload is chaotic and Daisy is missing him.
When trysted friend Yvonne suggests they take September Rose up for a visit Daisy isn’t sure but Yvonne has all the books with tide times and she’s done that journey so many times they set of on an adventure.
Their journey is fret with mishaps and fun but as Daisy is struggling with keeping the secret from Theo of where she is she’s not the only one.
Great read and great to catch up with the people of Wildflower can’t wait for more adventures.

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I've loved being back at the driving seat of The September Rose. I love everything about canal boat living so I knew I had to dive into this.

Daisy has a new companion in this in the form of Johnny the border collie and takes to the water to surprise Theo. Their journey is a definite adventure and there were some hairy moments along the way.

I can't wait to see what comes next for September Rose and its owners.

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Daisy and Theo’s relationship is going full steam ahead. They are struggling with the distance though and as daisy is pretty static due to her mooring and the cafe Theo is doing all the travelling .
Long distance love is taking its toll and Daisy decides to do something about it. Spurred on by Yvonne her mooring neighbour she decides to take her narrow boat on the long journey to visit Theo. Yvonne is her travelling partner and her newly found four legged friend too. They travel some fairy hair raising journeys and along the way get to know each other better.
Theo however has been kept in the dark and is getting the feeling that Daisy has cold feet. This looks like it will be causing problems. Fate steps in. Great book, I love the romance of a narrow boat. Thank you NetGalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Another instalment for the Wildflower Lock series; it was a really nice book. A quick read that allows you to revisit Daisy and her narrow boat life. I really like the description of the journey but was slightly disappointed by the ending, I wanted the journey to be completed. I can’t wait to read the next one to find out what happens.

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This is such a brilliantly entertaining opportunity for escapism. Such an absolute delight to while away a few hours spending time with the residents of Wildflower Lock. I love that Hannah Lynn has clearly researched what life afloat is like including the adventurous journey down the Thames on a narrow boat. I love the interactions between the characters and in this delightful story we learn a little more about Yvonne; a character who reminds me so much of my spirited Nana - who also loved adventures and exploring the canals of England. This is a joyous tale about living in the moment and finding joy in the simpler things in life. Looking forward to Book 4.

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