Member Reviews

As with the two other books in this series I was hooked right away and had to follow along Tessa on another dangerous case!

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S. A. Dunphy is one of my favourite Irish noir writer as he always delivers novels I read in one sitting as I cannot stop turning pages and going on reading till I discover the who/why/what and I’m surprised by the final twist.
This is the third book in Tessa Burns series and it didn’t disapppoint: there’s something that could be paranormal or not, there’s a young girl who needs help, and a lot of surprising twists. It’s a story full of suspence and you’re on the edge all the time till the you read the end (maybe even after you read the last sentence).
I loved this technothriller, loved the characters, and was happy to catch up with Tessa, David, Maggie, and Pavlov (I love Pavlov).
I would be even more happy if someone promises me that there will be a new novel soon as I want more and don’t want to wait for a long time.
This novel can be read as a stand-alone as there’s a lot of backstory but I would recommend to read the series in order as all the installments are very enjoyable.
Have fun, read this book and travel to Cork: I strongly recommend it.
Many thanks to Bookouture for this digital copy, all opinions are mine.

Ps: I'm loving this series but I think that a story featuring Tessa and Jessie Boyle would be exceptional (and answer to some questions that were left)

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S.A. Dunphy returns following Only the Children and Little Witness with his third installment in his popular Detective Tessa Burns Irish crime series, HER LONELY SOUL.

In this gripping narrative, Tess and her team encounter an intelligent young girl with the unique ability to see murders before they occur. This sets the stage for a twisty mystery, suspense, cop procedural action-packed crime thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat to the final conclusion.


Set in Cork, Ireland, we pick up from the last book with Detective Tessa Burns and her unstoppable team, Danny, Maggie, and the dynamic dog, Pavlov!

Ellie O'Farrell, a young, highly intelligent girl, walks into the local police station with her parents, stating she has psychic abilities and has foreseen a murder. As expected, she is not taken seriously.

However, the next night, a beloved local grandfather is found dead, with lethal knife wounds showing a struggle precisely as she'd described. How did she know what was going to occur?

She is called back in and Tessa and her team are called to head the investigation.

When Tessa gets a frantic call from Ellie only days later to say she's had a terrifying second dream, the race is on to prevent another murder. Then Tessa is shocked when she receives a deadly warning from someone in her own dark past to leave the case alone, or she and Ellie will be next.

Tessa will risk everything to unmask the cunning, ruthless, twisted killer and save Ellie, the team, and herself before it is too late.

My thoughts...

HER LONELY SOUL is not just a crime thriller—it's a fascinating rollercoaster of a read! The storyline, the series, the characters, and the richly atmospheric setting of Cork, Ireland, are all stunning. But what truly adds depth to the narrative is the author's background and expertise, making you feel more connected to the story from the first page to the last.

Each book in the series is a unique and fascinating case that explores highly emotional topics. In this case, a young girl is caught up in something dangerous and unaware of the situation's depth.

Atmospheric, compelling, and action-packed, with topics of crypto-mining, organized criminals, and the faceless man, the author keeps you turning the pages to figure out the mystery mixed with some humor. I always enjoy the author's notes, takeaways, and attention to detail.

Expertly plotted, Tessa, Danny, Maggie, and Pav are perfect partners in crime who go to the mat for the kids who need protection.

I highly recommend the author and the series. He brilliantly combines his literary work, child protection nonfiction books, and crime fiction novels for a thought-provoking and engaging reading experience.


HER LONELY SOUL is for fans of the author and those who enjoy smartly written Irish crime thrillers that feature child protection with a stellar cast of characters.

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Check out my blog on August 19 for my Blog Tour Stop with the author and Bookouture Books on Tour!

Thanks to Bookouture for a gifted digital ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest opinion.

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@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
Pub Date: Aug 19, 2024
My Rating: 5 Stars
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Gripping, thrilling, tense, suspenseful, and full of twists, Her Lonely Soul kept me fully engaged and turning the pages at warp speed! I was so happy to see that S.A. Dunphy had another book in the riveting DI Tessa Burns series coming out! Woohoo! That means, Pavlov, the scene stealing, sweet yet feisty dog is back as well!

In Her Lonely Soul, Ellie O’Farrell, a young girl walked in a rural Irish police station to report a murder which has not happened yet. But later that night, a man is found dead in the way she described. How did she know?

Detective Tessa Burns along with DS Danny Murphy and Maggie Doolan are called to investigate. Readers of the first two books in this series will be familiar with Tessa and Maggie. Maggie is wheelchair bound but do not discount her or her abilities. She, along with her dog, Pavlov, has proven to be helpful, tough, and key players helping to solve cases. They are not the only ones who are back - the faceless men are back and as menacing as ever!

When Ellie has another dream about a murder, the team kicks into high gear to try and prevent a murder and get to the bottom of what is happening!

I enjoyed the mystery in this book. Along with the team, I did my best super sleuthing to try and figure out what was happening. As questions swirled through my mind, my fingers were turning the pages wanting more, more, more! I always love tension in books and was not disappointed while reading, Her Lonely Soul. In addition to tension, this book had suspense, mounting danger, action, dread, scary situations, and twists and turns to keep the action moving at a quick pace.

S.A. Dunphy always delivers! I can't wait to read what he writes next.

While this book would work as a stand-alone, I do recommend reading the first two books in this series to get the backstories of the main characters.

Well written, well thought out, exciting, riveting and thrilling!

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Her Lonely Soul is about Tessa, Danny, Maggie and my favourite little dog Pav as they take on the case of a young girl called Ellie who has reported a murder but the catch is that the murder hasn't happened yet. So how does Ellie know about it? The plot went in so many different directions which kept me on my toes and I felt like I had run a marathon. It's skillfully written enticing the reader to keep reading too get to the outcome! I loved the relationship that seemed to form between Tessa and Ellie and I believe it's because Ellie is a lot like Tessa in the sense that they are both smart, caring, honest and will fight for what they believe is right. My favourite little guy Pav stole the show for me once again and yes I am so happy that a dog was included in this series! This book was incredible with how much it had going on but it all centres around the same case. Brilliant!!

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this awesome book

could the girl really be psychic.....

the young girl had come into the police station with her parents to report a that hadnt happened yet, the officer at the front desk took her details and wrote up a report from the girls visit and then thought nothing of it till a few days later

by then a murder had occurred....

when tessa and her unit arrived at the police station in hopes that they could take over this girls case and investigate they were met with a lot of resistance and in one of units case an attempted murder on one of them....

it became obviously very quickly that the girl was being kept away from the all...and with the lack of help coming from the police station tessa and her team have a lot of work to do hindered by the lack of help coming their way...

who could they trust...only themselves not realising that their every step was being watched and that they were all being followed....

a tense thriler that capitvated me right from the first page....couldnt put this book down at all..

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This is a great series, and a fantastic 3rd book
DI Tessa Burns and the team never do anything by halves. They are sent to another police station to investigate a crime that involves a child called Ellie. O Farrell. Three men have been murdered and and Ellie has claimed she saw their murders in visions before they happened. Physic??. There are lots of twists in this book, things I didnt see coming.. Tessa and the team continue to face the most ruthless of criminals, cand Tessa keep Ellie safe??. This is becoming one of my favourite series. Highley recommend and I hope there is a book 4?

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I enjoyed every word of this, the third edition in the Detective Tessa Burns series.
It’s clever, original and very engaging, with unusual, unlikely characters, which have become to feel like friends.
There’s a subplot rumbling along in the background and while this book works perfectly well as a standalone you’ll definitely get more from it if you’ve read the previous two. The main plot centres around Ellie who believes she can, through her dreams, see murders before they happen. The plot twists and turns and uncovers a raw underbelly of greed and corruption and some totally amoral villains. An excellent addition to this brilliant series.
‘The Burns unit’ are a motley crew and all the better for it, and I was delighted to be back in their company again.

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3.5 Stars
One Liner: Mixed feelings

A twelve-year-old Ellie O’Farrell walks into the police station to report a crime that is yet to occur. The police don’t take it seriously until the murder happens, and suddenly Ellie has become a suspect along with her parents.
Detective Tessa and her team are sent to Cork to take care of Ellie and solve the case but they face a block at every turn. Time is running out, and Ellie’s life is at risk. Even the team is at risk with someone from the past trying to hunt them down.
What will happen?
The story comes in the third-person POV of Tessa, Danny, Maggie, Ellie, and The Watcher.

My Thoughts:
I’ve wanted to try this series after a friend was impressed by the first book. I decided to grab book three since one and two were released together. This worked as a standalone though I’m not sure how much of character development I missed by not yet reading the previous books.
The premise is intriguing, and the concept of Ellie’s abilities has been handled well. The trope used for the reveal is too common but that’s okay.
Pavlov is a fab dog. Caring when necessary, alert at all times, and ferocious when he should be. Perfect! (I thought Pavlov was short for Pavlova at first)
The book starts slowly with different POVs but picks up pace after the first quarter. Then it goes steadily until the end.
I like Danny and Maggie (yay for the rep) a lot more than Tessa. There lies my biggest issue. The MC is smart and capable but I cannot help but wonder about certain decisions. Also, given her background, I’m surprised she didn’t connect the dots or at least get suspicious about the tattoo. It should have made her act (which would have changed the plot, so maybe she needed to be a little messy for the book to follow its plotline).
As with most police procedurals we have corruption in the department but I am impressed by Commissioner Dawson. She is the kind of superior one could report to.
There’s quite a bit of violence in this one. Not an issue as I can handle it. What surprised me was the misplaced sense of right and wrong in some decisions (Tessa again). Does she like to contradict herself? No idea! It will appeal to social media warriors of justice though!
I’m not sure about the plot progress either. Some of it is a bit too convenient. Not really a fan of criminals sharing the details so easily. Makes one wonder how they even got to that position with such stupidity. Sigh!
The author’s note is wonderful. I enjoyed it a lot more than some parts of the book.

To summarize, Her Lonely Soul has good thrills and is decently paced. The reading experience will depend on how much you like the main character (Tessa). I wasn’t a fan, so the result was average.
Thank you, NetGalley and Bookouture, for the eARC. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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Great suspense: protecting young Ellie👍

Her Lonely Soul was a good, suspenseful read with lots of action and an odd dilemma in the form of a young girl named Ellie O'Farrell who believes she has, through her dreams, predicted murders occurring around Cork, Ireland. And the local police neither believe her nor trust her worried parents.

Tessa Burns and her unit colleagues have a wild time trying to protect young Ellie and figure out if the murders she dreams about are connected. I really got excited about the unpredictability and the constant action. The subplot about local Garda officers who seem set on curbing Tessa's team was a great element that added to the suspense. I liked that Ellie was involved in quite a bit of the action and her POV was occasionally included.

I've read three books in the series and found each plot sufficiently unique yet united by Tessa and her small, compassionate team of officers who can't be stopped in their determination to safeguard the children in their cases. It's a series I plan to continue to follow.

Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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S.A. Dunphy has done it again with his third novel in the Detective Tessa Burns series. He has penned another exciting, complex mystery story with great characters. This time the action takes place in and around Cork, Ireland and involves a young girl (12) who has nightmares that predict murders. After she reports this to the local police (Gardai), with her parents, Tessa Burns is called in with her special team, which concentrates on crimes involving children. In addition to Tessa, there’s Danny Murphy, a giant of a man; Maggie Doolan, a family liaison officer who is mostly wheelchair-bound due to cerebral palsy (but do NOT underestimate her!), and her amazing dog Pavlov, who provides comfort to the children and is also fierce when need be.

As with the other two books in this series, there are some rather dark themes, including kidnapping, organized crime, gang violence, failures of the foster care system, and more. Ellie is a great character, showing not only her intelligence but her resilience under very difficult circumstances.

While this is the third book (and I highly recommend the first two, Little Witness and Only The Children), it is not absolutely necessary to read them to enjoy this one. The first book will provide more background on Tessa, Danny and Maggie, however.

I was a bit disappointed in how the author handled the budding love interest for Tessa that we saw in book two. I’m also still not sure who the title refers to: is Tessa the lonely soul or is it Ellie? Some of the plot was a bit over the top/unbelievable, but I will still gladly read the next book in this series, if there is one.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advance reader copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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In a Nutshell: The third book in the Tessa Burns series. Works as a standalone but preferably, read in series order. Decent premise, over the top developments, too smooth an ending. Not my favourite of the series, though it has its great moments.

Plot Preview:
Cork, Ireland. A young girl named Ellie has just walked into the local police station with her parents, claiming that she has psychic abilities and has foreseen a murder. As expected, she is politely turned away. But when her prediction comes true two days later, the gardai call the family back for questioning. Tessa and her team are despatched by Commissioner Wilson to help with Ellie’s investigation. But before they have a proper handle on things, an aggressive local officer and some bad guys come into the picture and Tessa’s team is left scrambling.
The story comes to us in the third person perspective of the core trio (Tessa, Danny and Maggie) and of some secondary characters, including Ellie.

I had enjoyed the first Tessa Burns book, but the second book had been a slightly mixed bag, with Tessa becoming annoyingly cocky and rash. The only reason I continued with the series was that the epilogue of the second book revealed a promising titbit – that a child claims she's psychic and foresaw a murder. The premise is handled well in this third novel, but certain factors stop it from being a memorable read.

Bookish Yays:
😍 The pre-prologue chapter is stunning! This author sure knows how to get my attention at the start.
😍 There’s only a brief intro of the key trio of Tessa, Danny, and Maggie. This is perfect for a continued series, though newcomers to this series will miss out on knowing the characters intimately.
😍 Pavlov is as amazing as he was in the first two books. Not a surprise. Dogs are awesome!
😍 The pacing is quick-paced at the start, then goes a bit more relaxed, but never slow and never dragged. The tempo is perfect for the plot.
😍 The Irish setting is put to good use in the content, whether through location or people or crime.
😍 Author Shane Dunphy (who writes narrative nonfiction under his full name and crime novels using his initials) has worked as a child protection worker for 15+ years. This background ensures that he writes his best when it comes to the realities and legalities of Ireland’s foster care system and of the children within. His knowledge of the system is impeccable.
😍 The author’s note is exceptional – don’t skip it.

Bookish Mixed Bags:
😐 There is too much foreshadowing at the end of the initial chapters. Thankfully, this reduces a bit later, but I am still not a big fan of this plot device.
😐 It was nice to see all the key characters return in this series. Danny and Maggie are still excellent, as are Commissioner Wilson and Pavlov. However, Tessa hogs much of the limelight this time around. I would have loved to see more of Danny and Maggie, especially in the second half.
😐 Tessa is better than she was in the second book, but she still seems to make impractical judgement calls, which is not expected from such an experienced officer. Her character development doesn’t seem to be in continuity with the earlier books.
😐 Of all the children in the series so far, Ellie’s track is the most atypical, and not just because of the supposedly psychic abilities. The trope used to explain her “predictions” isn’t my favourite, though it is seen so often in fiction. I’d rather read about an ordinary child caught in extraordinary circumstances. The novelty and relatability of the earlier two books is missing.
😐 The Faceless men are back with greater vehemence this time around, but there is still so much more to learn about them. (The author’s note reveals a little, but I wanted the story to be more about these strange and dangerous assassins.)
😐 There are multiple action scenes, which might thrill most action-thriller lovers. However, the violence is greater this time, as is the child abuse.
😐 The book was a solid 3.75 - 4 star until about the 70% mark. Once the reveals and the infodumps started, the logic started becoming questionable, and the result was patchy.

Bookish Nays:
😒 The blurb doesn’t match the actual plot in multiple ways! As I pick my reading choices mainly by the blurb, this is very disappointing as the blurb version sounded far more exciting.
😒 I had complained about Tessa getting a romantic track in book two. In this book, I’ll complain about the handling of the romantic track. It nullifies everything established in the second book.
😒 Yet again, there are too many conveniences and coincidences, and worst of all, infodumps by criminals. The plot also contains quite a few logical loopholes, including some made by Tessa herself. (I still can’t understand how she missed such a big clue in Chapter 39.)
😒 The title makes the book sound like a soppy romance. (Thankfully, it is not!)
😒 Sharmin and Nasrin are both female names among Muslims, not male ones. Though these were tertiary characters in the story, it is still annoying to see minority details portrayed inaccurately.

All in all, as long as you are ready to suspend your disbelief, you might enjoy this book as it offers plenty of high-octane action and an interesting investigation. A consistent feature across the three books has been that the plotline is great but the finish is too smooth.

This is the third book of the series, and while it does work as a standalone, I wouldn’t recommend beginning with this book, as the personalities of Tessa’s team members and the work they do are established in the first book.

I wonder if the series is coming to an end. There is no preview of the next story through any epilogue, and the final chapter seems to pulling the curtain down. But just in case there is a fourth book, I might still continue with the series, just in case there are more faceless men to come. I guess I’ll take a call once I see the blurb (and will hope that it is more accurate the next time around.)

Recommended to police procedural fans, as long as you are willing to keep those thinking caps aside and just go with the flow. It’s not a bad book, but I certainly expected more.

3 stars.

My thanks to Bookouture for providing the DRC of “Her Lonely Soul” via NetGalley. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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Her Lonely Soul is the third installment in S. A. Dunphy's Tessa Burns series, and though it can be read and understood as a standalone, I highly suggest reading the two previous books to fully appreciate the characters and story. The premise of the book - a young girl believes she can predict murders before they happen - is interesting, and one can't help but wonder how she is able to do this. Tessa and her team are dispatched immediately to assess the situation, but they are met with quite a bit of resistance from the local law enforcement.

Dunphy is a great storyteller, and this book is captivating and intriguing. I appreciate his inclusion of diverse characters that don't quite follow traditional stereotypes. To say Maggie (who has cerebral palsy) is a force would be an understatement! There is plenty of action and a fair bit of suspense. Though the ending resolution may be problematic for some (no spoilers!), I didn't find it that far-fetched that police might act as they did in this situation. I can only hope that we will meet up with Tessa and her team again soon.

Thank you to the author and his publication team for the advanced copy. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more from S. A. Dunphy!

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Book 3 of the Detective Tessa Burns series. It reads well as a stand-alone but if you like to follow the lives of the main characters, and you should, I would suggest reading the series from the start. They are all equally good reads. Tessa and her team of Danny and Maggie, and of course Pavlov, are responsible for investigating cases involving children.

Briefly, the team have been sent to Cork City to speak to 12 year old Ellie O’Farrell. She had gone with her parents into the Garda Station to report a murder which was going to happen. Not believing her the family were sent on their way and then the murder happened exactly as Ellie had described and the police take her from her parents and place her in a detention centre. Then Ellie phones Tessa to tell her she has ‘seen’ another murder! With the local police uncooperative, a solicitor with criminal gang connections, bitcoin fraud and the “faceless” men still chasing them the team are in danger but so is Ellie.

A good fast paced police procedural thriller and I’m really loving this team, particularly Maggie, she is one strong woman. The plot is tight and tense with some good twists and turns. There are some dark moments and some parts where you need to take things with a pinch of salt but all in all a very entertaining read.

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Absolutely loved this book! I could not put it down, because it was so good. I love the way it was written. The story moved constantly forward without going at an insane speed. It was well-plotted and well-written. Tessa and her team are the best, and naturally Pav is both adorable and fierce.

This book had so many layers in it that it blew my mind. Magnificent! I also find the plot to be original. The characters were just spot on, from the child genius to her parents, from the corrupt police officers to the criminal leaders. Highly enjoyable and I recommend everyone who enjoys detective stories to read it!

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I'm a fan of S.A. Dunphy's series, Boyle & Keneally in which criminal behaviourist Jessie Boyle and her team assist on complex and unusual crimes.
So, I was looking forward to catching up with his new series, Detective Tessa Burns. Her Lonely Soul is the third novel in the series and our trio of Tessa, Danny & Maggie - not forgetting of course, Pavlov the dog! - have settled into their roles within the team. They work well together and each have a distinct role to play. I love that Maggie is treated as one of the team and not as different, or less in any way as she has cerebral palsy. To be honest. Maggie's a badass!
Anyway, in this outing, a young girl, Ellie O’Farrell arrives in the local garda (police) station with her parents to report a series of odd dreams depicting the murder of locals - the garda are dubious at first but soon discover that Ellie's 'dreams' are surprisingly accurate after another death occurs. Tessa and co, are advised to assist the Cork garda, due to their expertise in dealing with young children. From here, the story moves at a rapid pace and doesn't let up for a moment. Very dark in parts but also absolutely gripping, if you haven't read the Tessa Burns series, then I urge you to start with Her Lonely Soul.

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I’d like to thank Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘Her Lonely Soul’, book 3 in the Detective Tessa Burns series written by S A Dunphy, in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Twelve-year-old Ellie O’Farrell tells Sergeant O’Mahoney at Anglesea Street Police Station that she can predict death before it happens and as he believes it to be nothing more than a vivid imagination he sends her away. But when the person Ellie described is found dead, and taking into account the two previous deaths Ellie reported, the ‘Burns Unit’ comprising DI Tessa Burn, DS Danny Murphy and newly promoted DI Maggie Doolan with assistance dog Pavlov are sent to Cork to help. But the case is greater than they’d anticipated and they find themselves facing dangerous situations head-on.

‘Her Lonely Soul’ is the third in this very gripping series with Irish detectives Tessa, Danny and Maggie who are close friends as well as colleagues. The ‘Burns Unit’ has been set up to investigate cases where children’s lives or well-being could be at risk and they inevitably find themselves in perilous situations. This thriller is packed with suspense, intrigue, mystery and twists and turns that have had me gripped from the first page to the last, unable to stop reading until I was sure Ellie was safe. This is a thoroughly enjoyable series with wonderfully described characters who I love reading about, and I’m very much hoping the author is busy writing book four as I can’t wait to find out what they get themselves involved with next.

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This is book 3 in the Detective Tessa Burns series. The O'Farrells bring in their 12 year old daughter, Ellie, to tell the police that Ellie has foreseen a death. Sergeant Willie O'Mahoney doesn't believe them and he sets about interrogating them. Detective Inspector Tessa Burns, along with Detective Sergeant Danny Murphy and Detective Maggie Doolan and her service dog, Pavlov ( the team is known as the Burns Unit) are brought in to investigate the mysterious deaths happening near Cork City. Tessa and the team come up against a group of criminals, who are intent in disrupting their investigation. In the end, all the sub plots are brought together with a dramatic conclusion. It is fast paced, engrossing and a roller-coaster of a read! There were a few nail biting moments of tension. I highly recommend this book.

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Whoop! Tessa, Danny, Maggie and Pavlov - The Burns Unit - are back! I absolutely love this series and this instalment is book three.

12 year old Ellie O’Farrell walks into a police station in Cork to report that she has foreseen a murder in a dream, or is she psychic? When the crime is committed just as Ellie predicted, the police Sergeant sends Ellie to a juvenile detention centre, believing she must have been involved in the killing.

Tessa and her child protection team are called in and as well as looking after Ellie’s welfare, they come up against resistance and corruption in the Cork police station, links in the case to other deaths and faceless men, a link to Tessa’s parent’s murder that is still unsolved.

I love the regular characters in this series, but Ellie is the true hero of this brilliant story.

Gripping and twisty, this is a fabulous read - the perfect blend of police procedural and character driven storytelling as we continue to spend time with this brilliant team 👏🏻

5 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, S. A. Dunphy and Bookouture, for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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Another great read. I love it. Look forward to the next instalment of the burns unit.

Thank you S.A. Dunphy, Bookoture and Netgalley for this ARC

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