Member Reviews

Thank you to Bible Tales Online, Mark Morgan and NetGalley for an early review copy of this novel. All the opinions shared in this review are my own.

Dan and his family (mom, dad, and sister) live in Melbourne, but when they get wind of another lockdown coming they pick up and leave the city and head west. They head out beyond the limits of where things are controlled. They end up at a camp and things get interesting.

I was unsure what to think about this book at first, but in the end I found it enjoyable. The story was definitely speculative fiction. It bordered on suspense, but without being too scary. The faith content was interesting. Two of the young folks were leading the way in the faith journey. I enjoyed reading a book set in Australia.

There were a couple of elements that were not my favorite. The story wrapped up in a perfect little bow, which is a bit cheesy I found that while the faith elements were strong, they came across a bit preachy.

I would recommend this book to someone learning about faith, and/or someone looking for clean speculative fiction. I would not recommend it to someone who avoids very prominent faith content.

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This book was just ok for me. I don't think the writing style was right for me personally, but others may find it more to their liking. The story explores a 'what if" scenario stemming at least in part from the experiences of COVID shutdowns. The author does a great job exploring the topic without hitting on some of the more sensitive points of COVID, which I think is a great thing since we all lived through it and it is still very fresh.

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An interesting futuristic book. Plot is not totally believable though. Main characters get into too many tricky situations with no consequences

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